If We Weren't Headed For World War III Before, I Do Believe That We Are Headed There Now

Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
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And I've been feeling this way ever since Kamala Harris opened her mouth up about the US having an alliance with North Korea. I know they're saying that it was a gaffe, but I don't trust the democrats at all. Her having said that could cause nuclear war for two reasons. One,.. people who believe this could become enraged and overthrow the government and that would eventually start a war within a domino affect and two,.. call me crazy but I do believe that the democrats currently in charge of the government could very well be headed for ruling the world. In other words, as crazy as it sounds and even though I don't have a very high IQ, I don't put anything past them at this point.
And I've been feeling this way ever since Kamala Harris opened her mouth up about the US having an alliance with North Korea. I know they're saying that it was a gaffe, but I don't trust the democrats at all. Her having said that could cause nuclear war for two reasons. One,.. people who believe this could become enraged and overthrow the government and that would eventually start a war within a domino affect and two,.. call me crazy but I do believe that the democrats currently in charge of the government could very well be headed for ruling the world. In other words, as crazy as it sounds and even though I don't have a very high IQ, I don't put anything past them at this point.
You must be pretty sure that Russia isn't bluffing!

First off, you need to start talking about your country and not the Democratic party. You can only blame the D party if Trump doesn't make a quick bid for the presidency and then demands the proxy war be stopped.

It doesn't look like he's ready to try that yet. Too bad!
The US sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines is incredibly dangerous.
The only thing dangerous about it is in Europe not buying the suggestions that Russia did it themselves.

Is that within your pay grade to be able to understand?
Russia is the master of Bluffs. Bluff, bluff, bluff. That's all they can do. Putin knows that if he launches even a tactical nuke, all of NATO will pounce. No matter what he does, NATO will will pounce. He can't take on all of NATO and all of its nukes, and he knows it. Right now he's just blowing smoke out his ass.

I wonder what's going on in his generals heads. I wonder if they're thinking, "if we don't do something about this guy, he's going to get us all killed".
The ultimate climate change cure, WW3.
A nuclear winter and very few humans, a select few, probably just the oligarchs, like that movie Elysium.

This Ukraine standoff doesn't feel as dangerous as the Cuban Missile Crisis.

We'll see if NATO approves the Ukraine's new application....

I NATO does approve it, Putin is toast....and he knows it.
You must be pretty sure that Russia isn't bluffing!

First off, you need to start talking about your country and not the Democratic party. You can only blame the D party if Trump doesn't make a quick bid for the presidency and then demands the proxy war be stopped.

It doesn't look like he's ready to try that yet. Too bad!

The only thing dangerous about it is in Europe not buying the suggestions that Russia did it themselves.

Is that within your pay grade to be able to understand?

Honestly dude, I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.
This isn't about Russia guys, this is about North Korea.
N Korea will never strike first against the West, certainly not against America, that's just silly talk. Not even China would allow their satellite to do that.

However, who knows what Putin is thinking, there are a few theories/scenarios that I pulled out of my behind.

First, I have little doubt that he despises the West helping Ukraine. The longer the war dragged on, the worse it was for him at home, his troops morale and geopolitical pressures that harm Russia. His annexing of these four territories today is partially driven by these concerns.

This required he secure a "win" of sorts, by confiscating this land, sending troops there to defend it, and, overseeing Ukraine water shipments. I don't know the demographical makeup of these areas, but the locations appear strategically placed for a potential future broader invasion at a time of his choosing, or, to try and run out the clock.

There is also the potential that Russian intel is on the ground using spies that have infiltrated Ukraine, siphoning Western money, selling some weapons on the black market, and making a few oligarchs even wealthier, while celebrating increased pressure by Western citizens on their government when they are unhappy with their own inflation and wealth decline. There is already less interest by citizens in the war since there are so many issues at home (which really confuses me why some governments would follow poor policies at a time when happy citizens are needed in the West).

World War III could be upon us soon but only if Europe still has the will. I believe if Russia and China are going to expand, they want to do so while a Democrat Establishment is in place. They might prefer the progressives types to lead, such as the Squad etc. as they are legitimately low performing push overs, but they certainly don't want to deal with a GOP government, even if lead by the Independent Trump.
Again with Russia,.. I don't think that they're the only ones with nukes.
the proxy war be stopped.
Can't be stopped until your deadbeat PM, Turdeau steps in and pulls your troops out, duck. Why won't you answer these inquiries into the Canadian responsibility. Why do you keep running away? Could it be because you are at a lack of relevant responses that adequately support your communist/fascist narrative?
Can't be stopped until your deadbeat PM, Turdeau steps in and pulls your troops out, duck. Why won't you answer these inquiries into the Canadian responsibility. Why do you keep running away? Could it be because you are at a lack of relevant responses that adequately support your communist/fascist narrative?
You keep refusing to say, 'mother may I'.
Russia doing it isn't far fetched, just to make sure Europe freezes during the winter. But really, anyone could have done it.
I've stated right from the beginning that Russia did it.
It's in their interests and it's a hard one for the US to prove on Russia.

Anita Hill says that she knows by the smirk on Putin's face!
Can somebody please explain to me what this topic has to do with Russia? Unless they got involved and gave North Korea and the US government the nukes, but I'm pretty sure that a communist government like North Korea has them too.
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