If Trump Were A Democrat

Maybe we need to get rid of the two party system.

How about a no-party system. The Founders warned about political factions.

They also warned about a Central bank ( Federal Reserve), and the Federal Government taking power from the States via direct income tax (16th amendment) and state government representation (17th Amendment). That is how the US government has grown so large and created all the entitlement programs creating the enormous debt.
Would you have voted for him? Considering his platform was the same? I would have. Trump is NOT a traditional Republican he just aligned with that party because today, it more represents his views which is supporting America.

I think the parties are in for big changes because, as far as I can see, neither party's platforms represent their representatives. We The People, with the election of Trump, signaled big changes in our political system.

I would NEVER, EVER, vote for ANY member of the Democratic Party.
Would you have voted for him? Considering his platform was the same? I would have. Trump is NOT a traditional Republican he just aligned with that party because today, it more represents his views which is supporting America.

I think the parties are in for big changes because, as far as I can see, neither party's platforms represent their representatives. We The People, with the election of Trump, signaled big changes in our political system.
Simply no the guy is a fucking idiot. HAs no buisness being in any leadership position. Hell he is not even allowed to be on a non profit board. Difference between Democrat and republican. When a Democrat gets in trouble with the law we send them to jail. When a repug gets introuble with the law you all sheild him and say well other people did it. We also do not say stupid shit like do not worry about people not getting paid in the shut down, they were Democratrs any way! First off he lied there are republican families that there mothers fathers sisters and brother now not collecting a pay check. They are hrting too. Both Dems and repugs are americans. The truth is Trump cares about neither, all he cares about is attention. No our current president shouyld not have even been elected dog catcher.

Gospel of Mark 3:25

Leaders knew this info thousands of years ago but poor fucking Trump does not know shit!
Who the fuck you trying to fool. Democrats don't get punished for their criminal activities. They redefine the word IS to scape perjury charges, they pretend to be stupid and not know what classified means or how stupid it is to have a private email server for government business. They pass the buck like pretending a Video tape cause a Terrorist uprising. Remember Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Chappaquiddick, etc. The media covers up for the Democrats then nitpicks the republicans.
Go fuck your self liar!
Would you have voted for him? Considering his platform was the same? I would have. Trump is NOT a traditional Republican he just aligned with that party because today, it more represents his views which is supporting America.

I think the parties are in for big changes because, as far as I can see, neither party's platforms represent their representatives. We The People, with the election of Trump, signaled big changes in our political system.
As it happens I agree with most of Trump's campaign promises, but more important his opponent was Hillary Clinton. I would've voted for any viable opponent to her.


Per Ben Franklin's famous warning, we may lose this republic anyway, but it will be a little farther down the road than it would've been, for Trump's amazing upset.
Would you have voted for him? Considering his platform was the same? I would have. Trump is NOT a traditional Republican he just aligned with that party because today, it more represents his views which is supporting America.

I think the parties are in for big changes because, as far as I can see, neither party's platforms represent their representatives. We The People, with the election of Trump, signaled big changes in our political system.
We all know exactly how the pseudocons would react if Trump were a Democrat and did and said the things he has said and done.

We know exactly.

They would have fucking lynched him. And they would still be creating topics about him two years after his loss, just to remind themselves how much they hated him.


I moved on her like a bitch. And she was married!


I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy.
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Would you have voted for him? Considering his platform was the same? I would have. Trump is NOT a traditional Republican he just aligned with that party because today, it more represents his views which is supporting America.

I think the parties are in for big changes because, as far as I can see, neither party's platforms represent their representatives. We The People, with the election of Trump, signaled big changes in our political system.

Trump is an ass. It was obvious from day one. Anyone who would have voted for him would be a complete fool.

But he’s a killer though. Putin’s a killer.


There are a lot of killers. We’ve got a lot of killers. What do you think — our country’s so innocent. You think our country’s so innocent?

John McCain is war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, OK?

I think I’d get along very well with Vladimir Putin. I just think so. People say, ‘What do you mean?’ I think I would get along well with him.

I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.

I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.

Who are my foreign policy consultants? I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things.

Ted Cruz's father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being—you know, shot. I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous.
So...yeah. If Trump was a Democrat, there isn't one single pseudocon who would have voted for him.

I feel like a supermodel except, like, times 10, OK? It’s true. I’m a supermodel.

Would you have voted for him? Considering his platform was the same? I would have. Trump is NOT a traditional Republican he just aligned with that party because today, it more represents his views which is supporting America.

I think the parties are in for big changes because, as far as I can see, neither party's platforms represent their representatives. We The People, with the election of Trump, signaled big changes in our political system.
Interesting question considering Trump is a Democrat lol
Trump is not a Democrat or a Republican.

Trump is Trump, and that's why he has the support he does.

Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the tax returns that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.
Would you have voted for him? Considering his platform was the same? I would have. Trump is NOT a traditional Republican he just aligned with that party because today, it more represents his views which is supporting America.

I think the parties are in for big changes because, as far as I can see, neither party's platforms represent their representatives. We The People, with the election of Trump, signaled big changes in our political system.

The democrats have already made their change, they are an openly Marxist party now. The GOP establishment is still in power. Unless the Trump base is able to defeat them, I don't see a big change in the Republicans.

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