If Trump Can Pull This Off, Saving Millions Of Americans, He Should Shoot Up To A 55% Approval, The Biden Drops To About 38%.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
I don't know how many millions of Americans are in dire straights being they probably haven't seen much income in the last 10 days/two weeks. But with this executive order to send them all lots of money, wouldn't you think that it should at least up his status another 5 points? Where is he now? 50%,,51%? This could be like that song "Here I Come To Save The Day" !!!
And where has Biden been these last two weeks while millions were going broke? He didnt even speak about it, Biden didn't even tell Pelosi to sign the Republican end of the bill just to keep millions from being thrown out of their homes/rentals !!!
I don't know how many millions of Americans are in dire straights being they probably haven't seen much income in the last 10 days/two weeks. But with this executive order to send them all lots of money, wouldn't you think that it should at least up his status another 5 points? Where is he now? 50%,,51%? This could be like that song "Here I Come To Save The Day" !!!
And where has Biden been these last two weeks while millions were going broke? He didnt even speak about it, Biden didn't even tell Pelosi to sign the Republican end of the bill just to keep millions from being thrown out of their homes/rentals !!!
Once again you lie. Americans had been getting 600/wk for unemployment. trumps cutting it down to 400 if states can pick up part of the tab. Biden has spoken on this, but Biden can't make the senate republicans vote on the bill that's been sitting on McConnell's desk for the last 3 months.
What if pelosi sues & ties it all up in court for 6 months & Americans get nothing?

Democrats will become extinct!
The liberal Democrats control the polls. They will start every polling situation telling the person being polled that Trump botched the Coronavirus response. We will never get accurate polling.
when CNN always says that they have Trump at about 39/40%....I figure,,,hey great! that means Trump is actually at 55%
What if pelosi sues & ties it all up in court for 6 months & Americans get nothing?

Democrats will become extinct!
i mentioned this before,,,i hope that all those millions of people who have suffered these last two weeks are well aware that its Pelosi thats holding the purse and refusing to help them,,,,meanwhile,,how much is she worth?
i mentioned this before,,,i hope that all those millions of people who have suffered these last two weeks are well aware that its Pelosi thats holding the purse and refusing to help them,,,,meanwhile,,how much is she worth?
Surely an ambulance chaser will file a lawsuit to invalidate Trump's executive order. Ambulance chasers love Democrats like Pelosi.
I don't know how many millions of Americans are in dire straights being they probably haven't seen much income in the last 10 days/two weeks. But with this executive order to send them all lots of money, wouldn't you think that it should at least up his status another 5 points? Where is he now? 50%,,51%? This could be like that song "Here I Come To Save The Day" !!!
And where has Biden been these last two weeks while millions were going broke? He didnt even speak about it, Biden didn't even tell Pelosi to sign the Republican end of the bill just to keep millions from being thrown out of their homes/rentals !!!
Once again you lie. Americans had been getting 600/wk for unemployment. trumps cutting it down to 400 if states can pick up part of the tab. Biden has spoken on this, but Biden can't make the senate republicans vote on the bill that's been sitting on McConnell's desk for the last 3 months.
$400 above their calculated payment....it will still come out to what a persons salary was when working at the job they had.....people will be happy with that and it will keep the economy stimulated....way to go Trump....Pelosi had a turd pie hit her in her ugly mug.....she can't argue against what Trump did with his executive orders or she will look heartless....Trump has some damn smart advisers this time around....
i mentioned this before,,,i hope that all those millions of people who have suffered these last two weeks are well aware that its Pelosi thats holding the purse and refusing to help them,,,,meanwhile,,how much is she worth?
Surely an ambulance chaser will file a lawsuit to invalidate Trump's executive order. Ambulance chasers love Democrats like Pelosi.
Happens every time the republicans try to make the government work in ways it was never intended. Damned lawyers and their constitution!
The liberal Democrats control the polls. They will start every polling situation telling the person being polled that Trump botched the Coronavirus response. We will never get accurate polling.
when CNN always says that they have Trump at about 39/40%....I figure,,,hey great! that means Trump is actually at 55%
Yep you are right....Biden would have to poll 20 points ahead of Trump to actually be ahead of him.....Trumps internals show him leading in every swing state.....sure libs on the two coasts will vote for Biden...but just like in 2016...it won't be enough....and if the dems and the courts steal the election we will know it.....and there will be hell to pay.....
What if pelosi sues & ties it all up in court for 6 months & Americans get nothing?
Its a very smart tactical move by trump

pelosi was planning to make trump the villain but he turned the tables on her
I don't know how many millions of Americans are in dire straights being they probably haven't seen much income in the last 10 days/two weeks. But with this executive order to send them all lots of money, wouldn't you think that it should at least up his status another 5 points? Where is he now? 50%,,51%? This could be like that song "Here I Come To Save The Day" !!!
And where has Biden been these last two weeks while millions were going broke? He didnt even speak about it, Biden didn't even tell Pelosi to sign the Republican end of the bill just to keep millions from being thrown out of their homes/rentals !!!

It proves what a idiot you are. This will not help Trump and is another indictment of his leadership. He cannot forgive taxes so it is very unlikely that employees will see any money as employers would have to make it up when it is due. The EO on evictions directs the government to study means of stopping them. It is not a moratorium. Trump cannot redirect federal funds and even if he could, it would take months for the state to incorporate the changes. Cqash strapped states would have to pay $100. Even Ben Sasse says this is unconstitutional.
The liberal Democrats control the polls. They will start every polling situation telling the person being polled that Trump botched the Coronavirus response. We will never get accurate polling.
when CNN always says that they have Trump at about 39/40%....I figure,,,hey great! that means Trump is actually at 55%
What if pelosi sues & ties it all up in court for 6 months & Americans get nothing?

Democrats will become extinct!
i mentioned this before,,,i hope that all those millions of people who have suffered these last two weeks are well aware that its Pelosi thats holding the purse and refusing to help them,,,,meanwhile,,how much is she worth?

It is Donald Trump and the Republicans refusing to help. Donald Trump is worthless.

Sorry even the IDB/TIPP poll shows Trump's numbers are bad. They are one of the better polls.
I don't know how many millions of Americans are in dire straights being they probably haven't seen much income in the last 10 days/two weeks. But with this executive order to send them all lots of money, wouldn't you think that it should at least up his status another 5 points? Where is he now? 50%,,51%? This could be like that song "Here I Come To Save The Day" !!!
And where has Biden been these last two weeks while millions were going broke? He didnt even speak about it, Biden didn't even tell Pelosi to sign the Republican end of the bill just to keep millions from being thrown out of their homes/rentals !!!
It looks good on paper but in reality it is nothing but false hope
The liberal Democrats control the polls. They will start every polling situation telling the person being polled that Trump botched the Coronavirus response. We will never get accurate polling.
when CNN always says that they have Trump at about 39/40%....I figure,,,hey great! that means Trump is actually at 55%
Yep you are right....Biden would have to poll 20 points ahead of Trump to actually be ahead of him.....Trumps internals show him leading in every swing state.....sure libs on the two coasts will vote for Biden...but just like in 2016...it won't be enough....and if the dems and the courts steal the election we will know it.....and there will be hell to pay.....
the libs must believe that Trump is 20 points ahead, thats why they are burning down Portland and trying to blame Trump

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