If there were no such thing as opinion talk shows....

Opinion shows are fine as long as people take them for what they are opinion and not news. If you watch Hannnity on FOX, Maddow on MSNBC or Cumo on CNN you are getting partisan opinion not news the problem is far to many take these people as journalist and what they put out as news.
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...

I don't know about that. To some extent I think you have a point.

But really, there is in fact a group of people... just for the sake of simplicity we will call the DNCers....

Their ideology is that America is evil and racist. That's their whole ideology.

So part of me agrees with the concept that having people in the media whose entire career is built on whipping people up, is likely not helpful.

However... the idea that without them we'd all be holding hands, eating smores around the campfire, when one group's entire ideological bent is standing around screaming that I'm a racists bigot any time I disagree with anything they say.....

Yeah.... just thinking about that..... um..... no. How about 'no'.

Not so much. The entire left-wing needs to commit mass suicide, and go back to the DNC of JFK saying "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".

Then we'll have more of a decent respectful dialogue between different views. But as long as "if you disagree, you are a racist bigot", no, we won't be friends no matter if the media exists or not.
If there were no such thing as opinion talk shows....
What would the right wingers watch on TV or listen to on the radio?

Where would they get their "news"?
I'd vote for reruns of married with children. That's good classic tv right there ☺
And at least as informative as Faux Newz.
Or any of the left wing shows as well...they are all guilty...in fact, if you look at most talk shows, most of the hate is actually spewed from the left. You need only to listen to Sirius xm progress to see that, from both the hosts, as well as the callers that call the shows.

But, this thread was not meant to be about that, it was meant to be about the effect that opinion shows have on how "news" is received and how our opinions are being molded by them.
What left wing shows?

There really aren't any. There is no left wing equivalent to rush limbaugh or faux news.
Well, aside from cnn, msnbc, HLN, there are two channels devoted to liberal ideology on Sirius xm, 3 if you count NPR.

I guess I get a lot of my views on liberal talk radio from people like signorile and obiedalah. Also from others like thom Hartman, but signorile has to be the worst. I'm surprised he hasnt been removed from sirius xm yet.

Let's put it like this, listen to beck, hannity, wilkow, Marlow, then listen to madison, hunter, signorile and obiedalah, and you'll see the very stark difference.

The right wing talk hosts almost always attack on the political issues and standings of those in the left, and rarely do you ever hear those guys using personal attacks on the people themselves. I'm not saying it doesnt happen, yes, from time to time, it does, but overwhelmingly, their message is about freedom, the law, and the constitution.

The left wing folks almost exclusively resort to ridicule and personal attacks.

The right almost never uses vulgar language, the left. Their shows are filled with f bombs and other various vile language.

Both the hosts and the callers to the left wing shows will routinely display anger and a propensity towards violent action, not so on the right.

As an example, aside from those left wing talkers constantly making blanket statements that all whites are racist, if you support trump you are racists, if you are republica , you are evil and racist....basically that is the crux of their show every single day for 3 hours straight.

Signorile, however, has the most vile of the shows. I dont care if they want to discuss left wing politics and criticize the right, that's fine, but the things he says tend to often go too overboard and he routinely berates and attacks any Republican caller who doesnt agree with what he says. Literally f bombing his callers.

One of his most egregious routines,however, is a segment he does where he asks for people to call in who might be living with a trump supporter, to discuss how that situation has made it hard on the relationship. He routinely says things like "if you are living with someone, or have a family member who is a trump supporter, and it has caused a rift in your relationship, or has caused you to end a relationship with your spouse or other family member, we want to hear from you".

While hes not directly coming out and saying it, he is condoning people breaking relations with, and even people getting divorced over political issues. And hes fueling it by asking people to call and discuss it. And even worse, those people who call in are most likely people who have been listening to him for a long time, and he has gotten inside of their heads with his hate and rhetoric.

Basically, if anyone on the right said anything that this guy says, they'd be removed from the air immediately.

Is it possible that there are right wing talk shows that display similar levels of hate? It's possible , I've not seen one yet, and they certainly do not exist in prominent places like a nation wide broadcast on Sirius xm.
Last edited:
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...

"Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division."""

^^^^^ This is all because of Reagan pulling the plug on the Fairness Doctrine in 1987. I have a friend who is retired from television news and he still rails about this. The Fairness Doctrine required equal time for political opponents. Reagan killed it. He was a bigger bastard than Trump.

Reagan’s Veto Kills Fairness Doctrine Bill

""" President Reagan, intensifying the debate over whether the nation’s broadcasters must present opposing views of controversial issues, has vetoed legislation to turn into law the 38-year-old “fairness doctrine,” the White House announced Saturday.

The doctrine, instituted by the Federal Communications Commission as public policy in 1949, requires the nation’s radio and television stations to “afford reasonable opportunity for the discussion of conflicting views on issues of public importance.”"""
There is nothing wrong with both sides being discussed, in a format like youd see on cspan is great. That is an actual discussion. What we have now is just straight up indoctrination. People fall so far on their ideology and they find a hook to feed them daily and that causes a swelling of hatred and resentment for any opinion that runs against their beliefs.

Its just my opinion that people have become to reliant on being fed a steady diet of biased information, and not enough factual reporting of truth to allow people to make up their own minds.
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...
Another "I HATE the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution" thread .......

If only Free Citizens could only say and hear what Leftist wanted them to .... you know ....

Like China, Venezuela, North Korea, Cuba, etc ....

We would all then live in such a wonderful Communist utopia!!

Fvckin' Leftist ......

There is no place for these Useful Idiots in a Free Nation.
Feel free to read ANY of my other posts or threads, you'll see that I am not a leftists, nor am i suggesting that anything be banned or removed, in merely pointing out that so much of the hate that you see levied by members of this very message board, I think, stems from all the hyper opinionated hyper partisan political talking heads you see and hear on the radio.

I'm merely suggesting that if everyone took a month break from all this "programming", people would feel a LOT better.
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...


I haven’t watched one of those panel shows or nighttime cable news shows in years.

Trump just sucks.
Ok, so, how do you know trump sucks? If you are getting your information from the tv or radio, its heavily edited and agenda driven. How do you know what you know about trump is even accurate? Even if it is accurate, how do you know it's not been twisted or context edited to favor a particular narrative?

My point being, people dont know what they think they know, because there are no unbiased news sources left in the world.

Kids in cages as a deterrent.

Forcing people returning from over seas to stand for hours shoulder to shoulder while his CDC was recommending social distancing

Praising multiple organizations/people then disavowing them, firing them, etc...

Making fun of the handicapped.

calling Mexicans rapists

not knowing people died from the flu

hiding from Mueller instead of sitting for a deposition

Just for starters. Now you’re going to tell me NONE of that happened, right!
Of course I am, and the reason is because, everything you just posted is something you were programmed to believe by some opinion talk show.

The whole kids in cages thing started back in the obama administration, and it wasnt to punish those kid, it's because the processing facilities were, and are just too overrun to hold the influx of people. So, they put them in holding cells that happen to be made of a fencing type material. It's a temporary means due to overflow of immigration cases.

Trump never called all mexicans rapists, if you listen to the entirety of that segment of his speech, he is talking about the gang members that end up coming across the border along with the other Mexican citizens.

Now, your going to tell me that I'm full of it right? That im a hannity/limbaugh lemming, part of the trump cult...etc.. right? Well, now you see exactly my point, likely neither of us are right, and neither of us know the truth. How do you know your left wing version of the story is correct over my right wing version of the story? It's because we have been fed a steady diet of indoctrination for many years now, to the point that you will defend your left wing ideology with vigor and anger, and most people on the right will do the same, likely all based on lies, or at least at the very least, a twisting of the truth.

On those two issues I picked out, there are two versions of that story, but only one truth....how do you KNOW you're right? How does someone on the right KNOW their right? It's because it's what we choose to believe based on preferential information we digest on a daily basis.
I thought about the failure of the several attempts that were made at left-wing talk shows but it didn't take long to find the reason they failed.

It's because true liberals are not allowed to think. Only to parrot the party line. True, it changes according to the talking point-du-jour as dictated by the elite. But typically only once a day. So.....one call and you know what's coming. Over and over and over.

It's not as even as original as the Muslim call prayer day after day. At least in that there is the opportunity for varied inflection...well slightly......but in the liberal "call to prayer" no deviation is allowed. No mater how slight.

The failure of left wing shows is due to the left wing having standards. Right wing losers will believe anything and are easily amused.

I’ll demonstrate. The other day Fascist Barbie said that the President was still being audited and that he would release his tax returns when it is over. This is the same excuse we’ve gotten since 2015.

Blobbers believe that BS.
I thought about the failure of the several attempts that were made at left-wing talk shows but it didn't take long to find the reason they failed.

It's because true liberals are not allowed to think. Only to parrot the party line. True, it changes according to the talking point-du-jour as dictated by the elite. But typically only once a day. So.....one call and you know what's coming. Over and over and over.

It's not as even as original as the Muslim call prayer day after day. At least in that there is the opportunity for varied inflection...well slightly......but in the liberal "call to prayer" no deviation is allowed. No mater how slight.
I'm sorry, but the right cant claim a victory on this. I see and hear just as many right wingers regurgitating talking points as I do the left.
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...

I don't know about that. To some extent I think you have a point.

But really, there is in fact a group of people... just for the sake of simplicity we will call the DNCers....

Their ideology is that America is evil and racist. That's their whole ideology.

So part of me agrees with the concept that having people in the media whose entire career is built on whipping people up, is likely not helpful.

However... the idea that without them we'd all be holding hands, eating smores around the campfire, when one group's entire ideological bent is standing around screaming that I'm a racists bigot any time I disagree with anything they say.....

Yeah.... just thinking about that..... um..... no. How about 'no'.

Not so much. The entire left-wing needs to commit mass suicide, and go back to the DNC of JFK saying "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".

Then we'll have more of a decent respectful dialogue between different views. But as long as "if you disagree, you are a racist bigot", no, we won't be friends no matter if the media exists or not.
I'm not suggesting we'd all be best friends, but things would certainly be more civil. Opinion media, especially with the internet, has become a conduit for people to have information on demand 24/7. If you feed yourself enough of a certain brand of information often enough, it's going to start having an effect on the way you think.
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...

I don't know about that. To some extent I think you have a point.

But really, there is in fact a group of people... just for the sake of simplicity we will call the DNCers....

Their ideology is that America is evil and racist. That's their whole ideology.

So part of me agrees with the concept that having people in the media whose entire career is built on whipping people up, is likely not helpful.

However... the idea that without them we'd all be holding hands, eating smores around the campfire, when one group's entire ideological bent is standing around screaming that I'm a racists bigot any time I disagree with anything they say.....

Yeah.... just thinking about that..... um..... no. How about 'no'.

Not so much. The entire left-wing needs to commit mass suicide, and go back to the DNC of JFK saying "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".

Then we'll have more of a decent respectful dialogue between different views. But as long as "if you disagree, you are a racist bigot", no, we won't be friends no matter if the media exists or not.
I'm not suggesting we'd all be best friends, but things would certainly be more civil. Opinion media, especially with the internet, has become a conduit for people to have information on demand 24/7. If you feed yourself enough of a certain brand of information often enough, it's going to start having an effect on the way you think.

Would it be more civil? Absolutely everyone I know who dared to disagree with anything Obama said, was called racists.

That is the very fundamental core of the left-wing.

Would it more civil? We have professors in public universities saying that police and military people are the absolute dumbest people on the planet.

You think that came from the media, or a ideological belief?

I don't know... I just don't know about that. I don't know that anything about left-wing ideology is civil. Left-wing ideology is uncivil by it's very nature.
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...


I haven’t watched one of those panel shows or nighttime cable news shows in years.

Trump just sucks.
Ok, so, how do you know trump sucks? If you are getting your information from the tv or radio, its heavily edited and agenda driven. How do you know what you know about trump is even accurate? Even if it is accurate, how do you know it's not been twisted or context edited to favor a particular narrative?

My point being, people dont know what they think they know, because there are no unbiased news sources left in the world.

Kids in cages as a deterrent.

Forcing people returning from over seas to stand for hours shoulder to shoulder while his CDC was recommending social distancing

Praising multiple organizations/people then disavowing them, firing them, etc...

Making fun of the handicapped.

calling Mexicans rapists

not knowing people died from the flu

hiding from Mueller instead of sitting for a deposition

Just for starters. Now you’re going to tell me NONE of that happened, right!
Of course I am, and the reason is because, everything you just posted is something you were programmed to believe by some opinion talk show.


The whole kids in cages thing started back in the obama administration, and it wasnt to punish those kid, it's because the processing facilities were, and are just too overrun to hold the influx of people. So, they put them in holding cells that happen to be made of a fencing type material. It's a temporary means due to overflow of immigration cases.
Correct. It was temporary under Obama.

It is now being done as a deterrent under the blob.

That’s why he sucks.

Trump never called all mexicans rapists, if you listen to the entirety of that segment of his speech, he is talking about the gang members that end up coming across the border along with the other Mexican citizens.
you seem to have missed the whole part about Mexico sending them here. Or are you going to tell me he was stating Mexico was not “sending” Mexicans?

Now, your going to tell me that I'm full of it right? That im a hannity/limbaugh lemming, part of the trump cult...etc.. right? Well, now you see exactly my point, likely neither of us are right, and neither of us know the truth. How do you know your left wing version of the story is correct over my right wing version of the story?
Because I’m referencing direct quotes from the blob and his administration.

It's because we have been fed a steady diet of indoctrination for many years now, to the point that you will defend your left wing ideology with vigor and anger, and most people on the right will do the same, likely all based on lies, or at least at the very least, a twisting of the truth.

On those two issues I picked out, there are two versions of that story, but only one truth....how do you KNOW you're right? How does someone on the right KNOW their right? It's because it's what we choose to believe based on preferential information we digest on a daily basis.
Look at his quotes. It’s all one has to do to know Trump sucks.
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...

I don't know about that. To some extent I think you have a point.

But really, there is in fact a group of people... just for the sake of simplicity we will call the DNCers....

Their ideology is that America is evil and racist. That's their whole ideology.

So part of me agrees with the concept that having people in the media whose entire career is built on whipping people up, is likely not helpful.

However... the idea that without them we'd all be holding hands, eating smores around the campfire, when one group's entire ideological bent is standing around screaming that I'm a racists bigot any time I disagree with anything they say.....

Yeah.... just thinking about that..... um..... no. How about 'no'.

Not so much. The entire left-wing needs to commit mass suicide, and go back to the DNC of JFK saying "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".

Then we'll have more of a decent respectful dialogue between different views. But as long as "if you disagree, you are a racist bigot", no, we won't be friends no matter if the media exists or not.
I'm not suggesting we'd all be best friends, but things would certainly be more civil. Opinion media, especially with the internet, has become a conduit for people to have information on demand 24/7. If you feed yourself enough of a certain brand of information often enough, it's going to start having an effect on the way you think.

Would it be more civil? Absolutely everyone I know who dared to disagree with anything Obama said, was called racists.

That is the very fundamental core of the left-wing.

Would it more civil? We have professors in public universities saying that police and military people are the absolute dumbest people on the planet.

You think that came from the media, or a ideological belief?

I don't know... I just don't know about that. I don't know that anything about left-wing ideology is civil. Left-wing ideology is uncivil by it's very nature.
I think much of those situations are being fueled by a biased media system, often intentionally, designed to create division.

I've said it before, ALL information given to the public comes from one news or media organization or another, and ALL media is biased and has an agenda. To me this means ALL information has spin and context manipulation built into it.

All these organizations we have now...antifa, BLM, proud boys, boogaloo boys or whatever, if they were not started by a heavy backer like soros or koch, were likely grown from people who got tired of the way they see the world moving, almost exclusively based on news garnered from whatever media outlet they follow.

I dont know, perhaps I've got it all wrong. Again, I'm one of those who has the time and ability to listen to talk radio from both sides of the political landscape, and when you do this long enough, you begin to see that things are not as they appear. I find it nearly impossible to believe that you can take 1 news story, and that story will be told in 2 completely different ways depending on which talk show you're listening to. We as a people need an unbiased news outlet, but I'm afraid even that, now days, might just be impossible....
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...

If you think there are any non-opinion shows left, I need some of what you're smoking.

...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...


I haven’t watched one of those panel shows or nighttime cable news shows in years.

Trump just sucks.
Ok, so, how do you know trump sucks? If you are getting your information from the tv or radio, its heavily edited and agenda driven. How do you know what you know about trump is even accurate? Even if it is accurate, how do you know it's not been twisted or context edited to favor a particular narrative?

My point being, people dont know what they think they know, because there are no unbiased news sources left in the world.

Kids in cages as a deterrent.

Forcing people returning from over seas to stand for hours shoulder to shoulder while his CDC was recommending social distancing

Praising multiple organizations/people then disavowing them, firing them, etc...

Making fun of the handicapped.

calling Mexicans rapists

not knowing people died from the flu

hiding from Mueller instead of sitting for a deposition

Just for starters. Now you’re going to tell me NONE of that happened, right!
Of course I am, and the reason is because, everything you just posted is something you were programmed to believe by some opinion talk show.

The whole kids in cages thing started back in the obama administration, and it wasnt to punish those kid, it's because the processing facilities were, and are just too overrun to hold the influx of people. So, they put them in holding cells that happen to be made of a fencing type material. It's a temporary means due to overflow of immigration cases.

Trump never called all mexicans rapists, if you listen to the entirety of that segment of his speech, he is talking about the gang members that end up coming across the border along with the other Mexican citizens.
Here is the quote from the blob when he announced his candidacy;

“Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

what part of “they’re rapists “ is ambiguous?

As for the “gangs” coming across, that doesn’t seem to be in the quote. He even says that Mexico is “sending“ the criminals.

This isn’t spin. It’s quoting the blob.
Opinions are fine ewhen you are aware that they are opinions. The problem is when so-called news programs are really (mostly left wing) opinion shows.
This is true, Hannity for example specifically points out he is not a journalist, while jabbering retards like that Madcow thing insist that they are. Then you have the "journalists" Like Brian Willaims who are documented liars still allowed to "report the news".

The fact is, and I've said it before, EVERYTHING published or otherwise broadcast as media is intended to manipulate opinion.


That would include "entertainment" shows.

I thought about the failure of the several attempts that were made at left-wing talk shows but it didn't take long to find the reason they failed.

It's because true liberals are not allowed to think. Only to parrot the party line. True, it changes according to the talking point-du-jour as dictated by the elite. But typically only once a day. So.....one call and you know what's coming. Over and over and over.

It's not as even as original as the Muslim call prayer day after day. At least in that there is the opportunity for varied inflection...well slightly......but in the liberal "call to prayer" no deviation is allowed. No mater how slight.

The failure of left wing shows is due to the left wing having standards. Right wing losers will believe anything and are easily amused.

I’ll demonstrate. The other day Fascist Barbie said that the President was still being audited and that he would release his tax returns when it is over. This is the same excuse we’ve gotten since 2015.

Blobbers believe that BS.

Wow, great opinion, any evidence to support it?

...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...


I haven’t watched one of those panel shows or nighttime cable news shows in years.

Trump just sucks.
Ok, so, how do you know trump sucks? If you are getting your information from the tv or radio, its heavily edited and agenda driven. How do you know what you know about trump is even accurate? Even if it is accurate, how do you know it's not been twisted or context edited to favor a particular narrative?

My point being, people dont know what they think they know, because there are no unbiased news sources left in the world.

Kids in cages as a deterrent.

Forcing people returning from over seas to stand for hours shoulder to shoulder while his CDC was recommending social distancing

Praising multiple organizations/people then disavowing them, firing them, etc...

Making fun of the handicapped.

calling Mexicans rapists

not knowing people died from the flu

hiding from Mueller instead of sitting for a deposition

Just for starters. Now you’re going to tell me NONE of that happened, right!
Of course I am, and the reason is because, everything you just posted is something you were programmed to believe by some opinion talk show.


The whole kids in cages thing started back in the obama administration, and it wasnt to punish those kid, it's because the processing facilities were, and are just too overrun to hold the influx of people. So, they put them in holding cells that happen to be made of a fencing type material. It's a temporary means due to overflow of immigration cases.
Correct. It was temporary under Obama.

It is now being done as a deterrent under the blob.

That’s why he sucks.

Trump never called all mexicans rapists, if you listen to the entirety of that segment of his speech, he is talking about the gang members that end up coming across the border along with the other Mexican citizens.
you seem to have missed the whole part about Mexico sending them here. Or are you going to tell me he was stating Mexico was not “sending” Mexicans?

Now, your going to tell me that I'm full of it right? That im a hannity/limbaugh lemming, part of the trump cult...etc.. right? Well, now you see exactly my point, likely neither of us are right, and neither of us know the truth. How do you know your left wing version of the story is correct over my right wing version of the story?
Because I’m referencing direct quotes from the blob and his administration.

It's because we have been fed a steady diet of indoctrination for many years now, to the point that you will defend your left wing ideology with vigor and anger, and most people on the right will do the same, likely all based on lies, or at least at the very least, a twisting of the truth.

On those two issues I picked out, there are two versions of that story, but only one truth....how do you KNOW you're right? How does someone on the right KNOW their right? It's because it's what we choose to believe based on preferential information we digest on a daily basis.
Look at his quotes. It’s all one has to do to know Trump sucks.
Again, he said she said. You said I was wrong, you didnt get your information from some talk show? If not, then where? For you to come to those conclusions, you had to have gained that information from somewhere. Even if it was just a raw news reporting agency like the AP, you likely had cnn or msnbc feeding you a spun story. The reason I say that is because the rebuttals you are using are the exact verbatim rebuttals that those ultra left wing opinion talk shows use.

I've read your posts and replies for awhile now and I'm pretty sure you essentially repeat left wing talking points from all of those opinion shows, and I'm not calling you out on it, right wingers do it too.

However, if you say you get all of your news from completely unbiased sources, and you are not influenced by any media in any way, then congratulations, you are the unicorn, the needle in the haystack.
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...


I haven’t watched one of those panel shows or nighttime cable news shows in years.

Trump just sucks.
Ok, so, how do you know trump sucks? If you are getting your information from the tv or radio, its heavily edited and agenda driven. How do you know what you know about trump is even accurate? Even if it is accurate, how do you know it's not been twisted or context edited to favor a particular narrative?

My point being, people dont know what they think they know, because there are no unbiased news sources left in the world.

Kids in cages as a deterrent.

Forcing people returning from over seas to stand for hours shoulder to shoulder while his CDC was recommending social distancing

Praising multiple organizations/people then disavowing them, firing them, etc...

Making fun of the handicapped.

calling Mexicans rapists

not knowing people died from the flu

hiding from Mueller instead of sitting for a deposition

Just for starters. Now you’re going to tell me NONE of that happened, right!
Of course I am, and the reason is because, everything you just posted is something you were programmed to believe by some opinion talk show.


The whole kids in cages thing started back in the obama administration, and it wasnt to punish those kid, it's because the processing facilities were, and are just too overrun to hold the influx of people. So, they put them in holding cells that happen to be made of a fencing type material. It's a temporary means due to overflow of immigration cases.
Correct. It was temporary under Obama.

It is now being done as a deterrent under the blob.

That’s why he sucks.

Trump never called all mexicans rapists, if you listen to the entirety of that segment of his speech, he is talking about the gang members that end up coming across the border along with the other Mexican citizens.
you seem to have missed the whole part about Mexico sending them here. Or are you going to tell me he was stating Mexico was not “sending” Mexicans?

Now, your going to tell me that I'm full of it right? That im a hannity/limbaugh lemming, part of the trump cult...etc.. right? Well, now you see exactly my point, likely neither of us are right, and neither of us know the truth. How do you know your left wing version of the story is correct over my right wing version of the story?
Because I’m referencing direct quotes from the blob and his administration.

It's because we have been fed a steady diet of indoctrination for many years now, to the point that you will defend your left wing ideology with vigor and anger, and most people on the right will do the same, likely all based on lies, or at least at the very least, a twisting of the truth.

On those two issues I picked out, there are two versions of that story, but only one truth....how do you KNOW you're right? How does someone on the right KNOW their right? It's because it's what we choose to believe based on preferential information we digest on a daily basis.
Look at his quotes. It’s all one has to do to know Trump sucks.
Again, he said she said. You said I was wrong, you didnt get your information from some talk show? If not, then where? For you to come to those conclusions, you had to have gained that information from somewhere. Even if it was just a raw news reporting agency like the AP, you likely had cnn or msnbc feeding you a spun story. The reason I say that is because the rebuttals you are using are the exact verbatim rebuttals that those ultra left wing opinion talk shows use.

I've read your posts and replies for awhile now and I'm pretty sure you essentially repeat left wing talking points from all of those opinion shows, and I'm not calling you out on it, right wingers do it too.

However, if you say you get all of your news from completely unbiased sources, and you are not influenced by any media in any way, then congratulations, you are the unicorn, the needle in the haystack.

I showed you the source; Time magazine. It was a direct quote from the blob.

As for my posts...did the left wing talking point include support for voter ID laws and the electoral college?

I started threads on both recently.
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...

If you think there are any non-opinion shows left, I need some of what you're smoking.

No, I dont believe there are any, I believe the opposite. They are all biased and opinionated.
...would we be as divided as we are? My guess is no, we wouldnt. When trump said the media was the enemy of the people, I'm thinking he wasnt wrong.

Talk radio, prime time talk shows on tv...all of it, are the most polarizing shows on tv and radio. Each of them designed to indoctrinate their listeners and to mold their thoughts into a designed form, to create division.

Think about it, if stories were simply just told to you without any commentary or spin, we, there wouldnt be as much hate. It may not be flashy and dramatic, but we would all be forced to come to our own conclusions.

If people were honest, they'd have to admit that their views are heavily influenced by what they hear from day to day by their favorite talk shows. Most people dont know what is actually going on in the world, just what their echo chamber box tells them.

I dont think, when the constitution was talking about freedom of the press, that it was meant for opinion talk shows, since those are not actually "news" and many of then are not journalists. I think it was meant for actual news papers and the like.

Oh how awesome it would be if EVERYONE unplugged for a few months...heck, even a few weeks. I think we would see a major shift in attitudes and how we treat each other...


I haven’t watched one of those panel shows or nighttime cable news shows in years.

Trump just sucks.
Ok, so, how do you know trump sucks? If you are getting your information from the tv or radio, its heavily edited and agenda driven. How do you know what you know about trump is even accurate? Even if it is accurate, how do you know it's not been twisted or context edited to favor a particular narrative?

My point being, people dont know what they think they know, because there are no unbiased news sources left in the world.

Kids in cages as a deterrent.

Forcing people returning from over seas to stand for hours shoulder to shoulder while his CDC was recommending social distancing

Praising multiple organizations/people then disavowing them, firing them, etc...

Making fun of the handicapped.

calling Mexicans rapists

not knowing people died from the flu

hiding from Mueller instead of sitting for a deposition

Just for starters. Now you’re going to tell me NONE of that happened, right!
Of course I am, and the reason is because, everything you just posted is something you were programmed to believe by some opinion talk show.


The whole kids in cages thing started back in the obama administration, and it wasnt to punish those kid, it's because the processing facilities were, and are just too overrun to hold the influx of people. So, they put them in holding cells that happen to be made of a fencing type material. It's a temporary means due to overflow of immigration cases.
Correct. It was temporary under Obama.

It is now being done as a deterrent under the blob.

That’s why he sucks.

Trump never called all mexicans rapists, if you listen to the entirety of that segment of his speech, he is talking about the gang members that end up coming across the border along with the other Mexican citizens.
you seem to have missed the whole part about Mexico sending them here. Or are you going to tell me he was stating Mexico was not “sending” Mexicans?

Now, your going to tell me that I'm full of it right? That im a hannity/limbaugh lemming, part of the trump cult...etc.. right? Well, now you see exactly my point, likely neither of us are right, and neither of us know the truth. How do you know your left wing version of the story is correct over my right wing version of the story?
Because I’m referencing direct quotes from the blob and his administration.

It's because we have been fed a steady diet of indoctrination for many years now, to the point that you will defend your left wing ideology with vigor and anger, and most people on the right will do the same, likely all based on lies, or at least at the very least, a twisting of the truth.

On those two issues I picked out, there are two versions of that story, but only one truth....how do you KNOW you're right? How does someone on the right KNOW their right? It's because it's what we choose to believe based on preferential information we digest on a daily basis.
Look at his quotes. It’s all one has to do to know Trump sucks.
Again, he said she said. You said I was wrong, you didnt get your information from some talk show? If not, then where? For you to come to those conclusions, you had to have gained that information from somewhere. Even if it was just a raw news reporting agency like the AP, you likely had cnn or msnbc feeding you a spun story. The reason I say that is because the rebuttals you are using are the exact verbatim rebuttals that those ultra left wing opinion talk shows use.

I've read your posts and replies for awhile now and I'm pretty sure you essentially repeat left wing talking points from all of those opinion shows, and I'm not calling you out on it, right wingers do it too.

However, if you say you get all of your news from completely unbiased sources, and you are not influenced by any media in any way, then congratulations, you are the unicorn, the needle in the haystack.

My sources are almost always AP and NPR for day to day news.

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