"If there was a jihadi attack on US, and Biden called for War against the Middle East...would you support him?"


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
So, just got done arguing with my relatives who are upset we're leaving the US.

I told them the rhetoric concerning "New War on Domestic Terrorism..." is the writing on the wall.

I said: "Imagine if jihadis launched another attack on the US, and Biden/Mitch/Cheney/Clinton and the MSM started up the war drums to invade the Middle East AGAIN, and conservatives like us, real conservatives, who stood up to obstruct and protest such a war were labelled as "jihadist sympathizers," and thrown in to concentration camps/gitmo, would you support the establishment in going to war to throwing your country men into camps for protesting/obstructing such a war?"

"I will do and go along with whatever MY PRESIDENT SAYS," is how she responded.

And I said..."That's exactly why I am bringing my family and business to Brazil. And btw, your husband (my brother) will now how to pay his own car leases (two leases that I've been paying for a several years). Good luck to you Catherine...by the way, did they ever find those weapons of mass destruction?" Then I hung up the phone.
Hahaha, what a load of crap. Hillary, Kerry, Biden, they all voted for the war. And these are the people you vote for. So save us the “courage” bullshit.
Sure, they too, lacked courage, but who pushed for that vote?

Who pushed those detrimental policies?
So, just got done arguing with my relatives who are upset we're leaving the US.

I told them the rhetoric concerning "New War on Domestic Terrorism..." is the writing on the wall.

I said: "Imagine if jihadis launched another attack on the US, and Biden/Mitch/Cheney/Clinton and the MSM started up the war drums to invade the Middle East AGAIN, and conservatives like us, real conservatives, who stood up to obstruct and protest such a war were labelled as "jihadist sympathizers," and thrown in to concentration camps/gitmo, would you support the establishment in going to war to throwing your country men into camps for protesting/obstructing such a war?"

"I will do and go along with whatever MY PRESIDENT SAYS," is how she responded.

And I said..."That's exactly why I am bringing my family and business to Brazil. And btw, your husband (my brother) will now how to pay his own car leases (two leases that I've been paying for a several years). Good luck to you Catherine...by the way, did they ever find those weapons of mass destruction?" Then I hung up the phone.

Paranoid and completely lacking in reason or common sense. Sounds like a conservative to me. What's hysterically funny is you're moving to Brazil for your safety!!!! Even in the best of times, it's one notch above a banana republic.
Hahaha, what a load of crap. Hillary, Kerry, Biden, they all voted for the war. And these are the people you vote for. So save us the “courage” bullshit.
Sure, they too, lacked courage, but who pushed for that vote?

Who pushed those detrimental policies?
The Deep State.

You actually believe George Bush came up with the idea himself? Do you think Obama came up with the idea to overthrow Assad on his own?

Do you honestly think any of these Presidents do anything on their own? Well, we had one, President Trump, who refused to play their game. And they crucified him for it.
Paranoid and completely lacking in reason or common sense. Sounds like a conservative to me. What's hysterically funny is you're moving to Brazil for your safety!!!! Even in the best of times, it's one notch above a banana republic.
That's what's so funny about what the fool has been posting, he doesn't seem to know this.

I've been cracking up the whole time, b/c he won't know what he's walking into until he's already there and it's too late to turn back.

But, he THINKS he's doing something good.

The vote was over 6mos before W invaded, and after El Baradi and Blix said they could not find womd. W admitted the womd were the only excuse his admin could find to legally invade and regime change.
So, just got done arguing with my relatives who are upset we're leaving the US.

I told them the rhetoric concerning "New War on Domestic Terrorism..." is the writing on the wall.

I said: "Imagine if jihadis launched another attack on the US, and Biden/Mitch/Cheney/Clinton and the MSM started up the war drums to invade the Middle East AGAIN, and conservatives like us, real conservatives, who stood up to obstruct and protest such a war were labelled as "jihadist sympathizers," and thrown in to concentration camps/gitmo, would you support the establishment in going to war to throwing your country men into camps for protesting/obstructing such a war?"

"I will do and go along with whatever MY PRESIDENT SAYS," is how she responded.

And I said..."That's exactly why I am bringing my family and business to Brazil. And btw, your husband (my brother) will now how to pay his own car leases (two leases that I've been paying for a several years). Good luck to you Catherine...by the way, did they ever find those weapons of mass destruction?" Then I hung up the phone.
In Brazil, all firearms are required to be registered with the minimum age for gun ownership being 25. It is generally illegal to carry a gun outside a residence, and a special permit granting the right to do so is granted to certain groups, such as law enforcement officers.

So, just got done arguing with my relatives who are upset we're leaving the US.

I told them the rhetoric concerning "New War on Domestic Terrorism..." is the writing on the wall.

I said: "Imagine if jihadis launched another attack on the US, and Biden/Mitch/Cheney/Clinton and the MSM started up the war drums to invade the Middle East AGAIN, and conservatives like us, real conservatives, who stood up to obstruct and protest such a war were labelled as "jihadist sympathizers," and thrown in to concentration camps/gitmo, would you support the establishment in going to war to throwing your country men into camps for protesting/obstructing such a war?"

"I will do and go along with whatever MY PRESIDENT SAYS," is how she responded.

And I said..."That's exactly why I am bringing my family and business to Brazil. And btw, your husband (my brother) will now how to pay his own car leases (two leases that I've been paying for a several years). Good luck to you Catherine...by the way, did they ever find those weapons of mass destruction?" Then I hung up the phone.
Brazil’s 1988 Constitution declared: “Health is a right for all and the government’s duty to provide.” Building upon this ethos, Brazil created the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), a single-payer health system exclusively funded through tax collection at federal, state and municipal levels. Governed by the principles of providing a national, fair and full range of healthcare, the SUS supports more than 200 million Brazilians, giving them free access to public health services, offering a wide range of medical treatment and assistance, depending upon their needs.

So, just got done arguing with my relatives who are upset we're leaving the US.

I told them the rhetoric concerning "New War on Domestic Terrorism..." is the writing on the wall.

I said: "Imagine if jihadis launched another attack on the US, and Biden/Mitch/Cheney/Clinton and the MSM started up the war drums to invade the Middle East AGAIN, and conservatives like us, real conservatives, who stood up to obstruct and protest such a war were labelled as "jihadist sympathizers," and thrown in to concentration camps/gitmo, would you support the establishment in going to war to throwing your country men into camps for protesting/obstructing such a war?"

"I will do and go along with whatever MY PRESIDENT SAYS," is how she responded.

And I said..."That's exactly why I am bringing my family and business to Brazil. And btw, your husband (my brother) will now how to pay his own car leases (two leases that I've been paying for a several years). Good luck to you Catherine...by the way, did they ever find those weapons of mass destruction?" Then I hung up the phone.

Likely any attack would be fake---------done to give an excuse to go after ASSAUD who the dems want out because they have been paid to take him out. Much like when 9/11 occurred and then we took out Iraq who had nothing to do with OBL.
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So, just got done arguing with my relatives who are upset we're leaving the US.

I told them the rhetoric concerning "New War on Domestic Terrorism..." is the writing on the wall.

I said: "Imagine if jihadis launched another attack on the US, and Biden/Mitch/Cheney/Clinton and the MSM started up the war drums to invade the Middle East AGAIN, and conservatives like us, real conservatives, who stood up to obstruct and protest such a war were labelled as "jihadist sympathizers," and thrown in to concentration camps/gitmo, would you support the establishment in going to war to throwing your country men into camps for protesting/obstructing such a war?"

"I will do and go along with whatever MY PRESIDENT SAYS," is how she responded.

And I said..."That's exactly why I am bringing my family and business to Brazil. And btw, your husband (my brother) will now how to pay his own car leases (two leases that I've been paying for a several years). Good luck to you Catherine...by the way, did they ever find those weapons of mass destruction?" Then I hung up the phone.
Since Biden and the Democrats think every conservative is a domestic terrorist, I would sit it out and let the people that Biden feels he can count on (the Democrats) volunteer to fight for their hero....

Although I might consider contributing a case of dildos for them to throw at the enemy!!!!!
So, just got done arguing with my relatives who are upset we're leaving the US.

I told them the rhetoric concerning "New War on Domestic Terrorism..." is the writing on the wall.

I said: "Imagine if jihadis launched another attack on the US, and Biden/Mitch/Cheney/Clinton and the MSM started up the war drums to invade the Middle East AGAIN, and conservatives like us, real conservatives, who stood up to obstruct and protest such a war were labelled as "jihadist sympathizers," and thrown in to concentration camps/gitmo, would you support the establishment in going to war to throwing your country men into camps for protesting/obstructing such a war?"

"I will do and go along with whatever MY PRESIDENT SAYS," is how she responded.

And I said..."That's exactly why I am bringing my family and business to Brazil. And btw, your husband (my brother) will now how to pay his own car leases (two leases that I've been paying for a several years). Good luck to you Catherine...by the way, did they ever find those weapons of mass destruction?" Then I hung up the phone.

Awful wide goal posts. It would depend on alot of details that are missing in your scenario.
Hahaha, what a load of crap. Hillary, Kerry, Biden, they all voted for the war. And these are the people you vote for. So save us the “courage” bullshit.
Sure, they too, lacked courage, but who pushed for that vote?

Who pushed those detrimental policies?
The Deep State.

You actually believe George Bush came up with the idea himself? Do you think Obama came up with the idea to overthrow Assad on his own?

Do you honestly think any of these Presidents do anything on their own? Well, we had one, President Trump, who refused to play their game. And they crucified him for it.
Crucify? GD how'd I miss THAT?

seriously, I think limiting our foreign involvement was one of his strong points. He was not suited to formulate some new policy for the use of force. But he may have moved the discussion forward.

Although, I think our qWagmire's in Iraq and Afghan weren't so much a failure of the Weinberger Doctrine as they were failures by our leaders (W and Obama) to follow it.

And it's just lazy thinking to say voting to authorize force in Oct 02 is the same as supporting the invasion 6 mos later, after inspections. But yeah there were very few pols with the guts to oppose Bush's then popular war. One was Obama btw
The Right pushed for the war in Iraq, and all the way up to 2016 they insisted there were WMDs in Iraq.

Only after Dear Leader said there weren't did they suddenly shut up about it. "We've always been at war with eastasia."

The Right has been pushing for war with Iran since the Bush regime. "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran."
Let's say a group of people controlling a country instigated a jihadi attack on America which took down some buildings and killed a few thousand Americans.

Would you support going to war against that country, 2ndAmendment?
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