"IF" the Vaccines were working--------------people wouldn't be catching the virus right guys?


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2020
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
Likkmee education. Get some
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

No one has covered anything up. That's why from the start the Pfizer and Moderna came with the whole 95% effective statement. It's not a 100% guarantee you won't get the virus.
But you seemed to have brushed past the most important part of the article..which was in bold block black letters. :)

"but the ones with Pfizer and Moderna shots didn't get very sick".​

So the vaccine may not be 100% in protecting from the vaccine, but the ones who got the shot, didn't get very sick.
Compare that to almost 99.901% of current deaths from the variant coming from people who weren't vaccinated?

I gotta ask if you don't want to get the vaccine after reading this...are you dumb?..or just stupid? :)
The idea of the vaccine is that it reduces the mortality rate further and stops folk from getting hospitalised not prevent folk from getting Covid.

The data in the UK at least supports this.

More people are actually catching the virus as restrictions ease and new variants pop up, but the death toll has went from something like 5000 deaths in every 250,000 cases to about 50 deaths every 500,000 since the roll out.

The vaccines are working.

A debate on the restrictions and the need for masks, distancing and all that is a different matter though. I think if the elites and the elected folk decide to finally return us to normal people would care less about vaccine and the misinformation/conspiracies around it.
No one ever told you that the vaccine keeps you from getting Covid.
What? You mean the influenza and measels vaccines aren't 100% effictive. I call Bullshit! LOL
I get a flu vaccine every year and I've still had the flu some of the years.

A quick Google search there and the info I seen says the flu jag lessens the risk by approx 50%

That's in line with the premise of the Covid shot
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Who said the vaccines were 100% effective?
6 VACCINATED people out of 92 at an OPEN AIR event caught the virus. Many of these people in attendance would have been young thusly unlikely to catch the virus while others would have already had the virus and also unlikely to catch it-----------------the vaccines are about as effective as not having any vaccines or worse up the chances of catching the virus.

And don't get me started on the 2 vaccinated Kung Flu Marys who were supposedly fully vaccinated before coming to america------did their "vaccines" infect them or did their vaccines infect them. I say this as 3 just fully vaccinated employees of my husband this morning have come down with the virus---------
Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

Vaccine efficacy 85%

efficacy being reduced to approx 65% for Pfizer because of delta variant spread by unvaccinated trolls.

95% of those hospitalized are unvaccinated.

My husband works in a crossover field that covers people in two large fields---------his company requires vaccinations at this point-----so we are seeing the results of hundreds of "vaccinated" people. Effective? Ummm...try more like makes the vaccinated infected and thus carriers for the virus......3 more of the recently fully vaccinated have come down sick---with the Kung Flu---------Since they have symptoms, they are more than capable of spreading the disease so they and their teams are all now down for the next several days at a minimum. 2 deaths in the last 2 months have also occurred among those getting vaccinated.
Has Covaxin been approved in the US?

Covaxin is an inactivated whole virus vaccine, containing SARS-CoV-2 particles that have been chemically deactivated. That means they can no longer infect cells, but still stimulate a protective immune response.

Media and Fauci have been covering up the facts..........the vaccinated are still catching the virus in huge numbers. Fauci is out today trying to blame Republicans and blowing smoke trying to cover his butt----by saying that Republicans are rooting for the virus and people to be unvaccinated.

People are always runnin amok here, and runnin amok there, with all this info flurpin about in the interwebs dark hallways.... *insert creepy Vincent Price evil chuckle*...

Anyways- I'm pleased to present my fact that Dr. Fauci's a fucker and shouldn't be listened to. If that's my fact, it's a short scamper to "my truth", isn't it?

It's "my truth" people! A bunch of liars coined that phrase when it became clear their idiot cronies on the left were unable to come up with a single truth. Instead of doing the simple thing, the thing that makes sense, the right thing, they just looked about themselves like storm drenched chickens and proclaimed all those lies their truth!

It's their truth, people.

Not the truth


Sorry Turtledove. I had ta squeek

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