If the National Anthem was so important......

I see you still have no idea what theyre protesting.
You HAVE to be a deplorable, amirite?

More importantly I don't CARE what they claim to be protesting. I don't think they're actually protesting anything; just throwing childish temper tantrums to get attention. False flag attention whores.
So you DONT know why they’re kneeling. Thanks for confirming.

Trump: I love my uneducated base.

Does that mean you think you do?
I don’t think I know. I do know. So does everyone else in the country. Thanks for confirming that you deplorables are the dumbest people on earth.
They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country. Police can shoot unarmed blacks in the back and get away with it.

The police can shoot any of us regardless of skin tint...just ask Lavoy Finicum. They can harass anyone that they want as well even if you understand admiralty law and how the police went from being "peace officers" to revenue raisers for the corporate entity that employs them.....you really have no clue.
So you don’t think the police have to follow the law.
Your record is still intact of being wrong 100% of the time.
Watch this idiot dale say,” It was probably fake noise pumped into the stadium by the fake media...”
It’s quite hilarious you pretend to not see the giant elephant in the room and of course that being Trump is crazier than a bed bug.

How many performers that have had to sing that song before a sporting event have lost their place even though they had rehearsed it a hundred times? Do a youtube search. President Trump has a tougher job and is under more stress than you could even fathom...... if he is what I believe him to be and thus far he hasn't disappointed me and I don't even participate in the elections of this joke of a country. If we have one shot to turn this country back into a republic instead of a socialist democracy ran by international bankers? President Trump was it....... because the Hildebeast or bashful Bernie "limpwristed" Sanders, the closet commie wasn't gonna do it.
So you’re really claiming Trump didn’t know the words because he’s under stress?
You really want to go with that laugher?
What stress? From overdosing on watching too much TV?

By the way the big fat orange idiot was booed when he arrived..

Trump Just Got BOOED As He Arrived At College Football National Championship Game In Atlanta

So? Atlanta has more than its' share of azzhos and idiots. Who didn't know that.

Trump got MAJOR cheers....the lamestream media is wrong as usual....
Is your hearing as atrophied as your brain ? Listen for yourself. Putin’s Puppet was BOOOOOOOOOOOOED.
Trump Just Got BOOED As He Arrived At College Football National Championship Game In Atlanta

You are a fucking nutcase...............seriously.
Why would dumbass football players feel justified in disrespecting the Nation that made them rich?
Why aren't they redistributing their wealth?
I see you still have no idea what theyre protesting.
You HAVE to be a deplorable, amirite?

More importantly I don't CARE what they claim to be protesting. I don't think they're actually protesting anything; just throwing childish temper tantrums to get attention. False flag attention whores.
So you DONT know why they’re kneeling. Thanks for confirming.

Trump: I love my uneducated base.

Does that mean you think you do?
I don’t think I know. I do know. So does everyone else in the country. Thanks for confirming that you deplorables are the dumbest people on earth.
They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country. Police can shoot unarmed blacks in the back and get away with it.

Thanks for confirming you are one of the gullible.

"They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country."

Only the incredibly ignorant and gullible believe such crap. Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?

I see you still have no idea what theyre protesting.
You HAVE to be a deplorable, amirite?

More importantly I don't CARE what they claim to be protesting. I don't think they're actually protesting anything; just throwing childish temper tantrums to get attention. False flag attention whores.
So you DONT know why they’re kneeling. Thanks for confirming.

Trump: I love my uneducated base.

Does that mean you think you do?
I don’t think I know. I do know. So does everyone else in the country. Thanks for confirming that you deplorables are the dumbest people on earth.
They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country. Police can shoot unarmed blacks in the back and get away with it.

Thanks for confirming you are one of the gullible.

"They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country."

Only the incredibly ignorant and gullible believe such crap. Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
So in your bizarre mind why do you think they’re kneeling?
This should be good.
Nice deflection from what I said, actually it’s a real poor deflection.
I think you are right about Trump's quirks. Problem is, you are so goddamn yay-our-team partisan and Her-Turn ass hurt that you can't see how both Obama AND Hillary have the same quirks.


Your user name/handle is the very definition of ironic.

He was booed ****when he arrived ****you disingenuous stupid mfer.

By a small group of antifa losers that congregated there knowing he was going to arrive????? WOW!!!!!!!....just WOW!!!!!!

They speak for America!!!!! Says only an idiot like yourself.

The fact you actually said that out loud in public and believe it shows you need the men in the white coats to come and take you away.

You are the one that claims that some antifa pussies booing President Trump is a worthy story, dumb ass......
More importantly I don't CARE what they claim to be protesting. I don't think they're actually protesting anything; just throwing childish temper tantrums to get attention. False flag attention whores.
So you DONT know why they’re kneeling. Thanks for confirming.

Trump: I love my uneducated base.

Does that mean you think you do?
I don’t think I know. I do know. So does everyone else in the country. Thanks for confirming that you deplorables are the dumbest people on earth.
They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country. Police can shoot unarmed blacks in the back and get away with it.

Thanks for confirming you are one of the gullible.

"They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country."

Only the incredibly ignorant and gullible believe such crap. Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
So in your bizarre mind why do you think they’re kneeling?
This should be good.

Already did in post #24. Do you need someone to read it to you?
So you DONT know why they’re kneeling. Thanks for confirming.

Trump: I love my uneducated base.

Does that mean you think you do?
I don’t think I know. I do know. So does everyone else in the country. Thanks for confirming that you deplorables are the dumbest people on earth.
They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country. Police can shoot unarmed blacks in the back and get away with it.

Thanks for confirming you are one of the gullible.

"They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country."

Only the incredibly ignorant and gullible believe such crap. Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
So in your bizarre mind why do you think they’re kneeling?
This should be good.

Already did in post #24. Do you need someone to read it to you?

The NFL players who have been kneeling during the national anthem as a way to protest police brutality aren’t winning any new fans, a HuffPost/YouGov poll finds. But they are, increasingly, making their point to the public.

The NFL Protesters Are Getting Their Message Across | HuffPost

Nice deflection from what I said, actually it’s a real poor deflection.
I think you are right about Trump's quirks. Problem is, you are so goddamn yay-our-team partisan and Her-Turn ass hurt that you can't see how both Obama AND Hillary have the same quirks.


Your user name/handle is the very definition of ironic.
Hilarious you think Obama and Hillary had the same “ quirks”
No one accused them of being mentally ill, well no sane person anyway...and no one in Obama’s White House said he was unfit to serve, an idiot, a child etc etc
So you DONT know why they’re kneeling. Thanks for confirming.

Trump: I love my uneducated base.

Does that mean you think you do?
I don’t think I know. I do know. So does everyone else in the country. Thanks for confirming that you deplorables are the dumbest people on earth.
They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country. Police can shoot unarmed blacks in the back and get away with it.

Thanks for confirming you are one of the gullible.

"They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country."

Only the incredibly ignorant and gullible believe such crap. Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
So in your bizarre mind why do you think they’re kneeling?
This should be good.

Already did in post #24. Do you need someone to read it to you?
This “doc “ should be sued for malpractice and buffoonery.
Watch this idiot dale say,” It was probably fake noise pumped into the stadium by the fake media...”

President Trump wasn't booed in the stadium, dumb ass.......
Hearing problems?

Nope.....but apparently you do........I am glad that you are "butthurt" and I am going to enjoy your angst for the next 7 years.
The crowd clearly booed when the serial sex offender walked into the stadium, I even provided the video so you can hear it yourself.
But your terminal insanity always kicks in and kicks your ass.
Booooooooooooooooo roared the crowd..
Poor sick dale probably thought Bruce Springsteen was in the crowd somewhere
Does that mean you think you do?
I don’t think I know. I do know. So does everyone else in the country. Thanks for confirming that you deplorables are the dumbest people on earth.
They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country. Police can shoot unarmed blacks in the back and get away with it.

Thanks for confirming you are one of the gullible.

"They’re protesting and trying to bring attention to police brutality against blacks..which is a major problem in this country."

Only the incredibly ignorant and gullible believe such crap. Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?
So in your bizarre mind why do you think they’re kneeling?
This should be good.

Already did in post #24. Do you need someone to read it to you?

The NFL players who have been kneeling during the national anthem as a way to protest police brutality aren’t winning any new fans, a HuffPost/YouGov poll finds. But they are, increasingly, making their point to the public.

The NFL Protesters Are Getting Their Message Across | HuffPost

Analysis | Aren’t more white people than black people killed by police? Yes, but no.

In 2015, The Washington Post launched a real-time database to track fatal police shootings, and the project continues this year. As of Sunday, 1,502 people have been shot and killed by on-duty police officers since Jan. 1, 2015. Of them, 732 were white, and 381 were black (and 382 were of another or unknown race).

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