If McChrystal needs to be fired, then..

So, kids...this interview happened over a month ago. How is it that McCristal didn't resign after he gave it...or had he had so much to drink that he forgot about it?

i'll take this as a "no, i can't find one."

nice cheap shot, though.

Cheap shot del? The WHAT do you call what McChrystal did? A man with courage and honor would confront his superior face to face, and air his comments or complaints. A coward wouldn't...

as you've so ably demonstrated.

nice work

Did someone say something about cheap shots del?
So, kids...this interview happened over a month ago. How is it that McCristal didn't resign after he gave it...or had he had so much to drink that he forgot about it?


well his judgment in allowing this to happen notwithstanding, I guess, thats guess he thought everything would be peachy, until the shoe dropped and it went to print. he may think he was just slackjawing with the 'boys', and didn't give it another thought, but, well, here we are....
So, kids...this interview happened over a month ago. How is it that McCristal didn't resign after he gave it...or had he had so much to drink that he forgot about it?


well his judgment in allowing this to happen notwithstanding, I guess, thats guess he thought everything would be peachy, until the shoe dropped and it went to print. he may think he was just slackjawing with the 'boys', and didn't give it another thought, but, well, here we are....
:lol: Well...luckily the "boys" weren't AQ operatives I guess.
So, kids...this interview happened over a month ago. How is it that McCristal didn't resign after he gave it...or had he had so much to drink that he forgot about it?


well his judgment in allowing this to happen notwithstanding, I guess, thats guess he thought everything would be peachy, until the shoe dropped and it went to print. he may think he was just slackjawing with the 'boys', and didn't give it another thought, but, well, here we are....
:lol: Well...luckily the "boys" weren't AQ operatives I guess.

No, the General meets with them tomorrow.
obama needs to grow a set of balls and get over it. i saw nothing in the RS article that was derogatory towards obama, unless mocking some of his choices for high office (biden, eikenberry) is implicitly derogatory of obama.

i didn't vote for him, and i don't think he's doing a good job, but i never thought he was this much of a wuss.

go figure

Go figure is right. You and your pals are so stupid.

As upset as certain military officers have been with the Obama White House—as much as they like McChrystal's can-do spirit—this was a seriously can't-do moment. No one can quite believe that McChyrstal would be so stupid as to give this interview, which McChrystal himself this morning conceded in a statement was "bad judgment.

The reason McChrystal must go is that this isn't his first time in trouble for talking out of school in a way that can fairly be described as insubordinate.

Ever hear of insubordination???
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McChrystal has recognized the impossibility of the 0bama war strategy. Better to be fired and proven correct in the long run, than have your name attached to this failure. A case of someone stating the Emperor wears no clothes early on. Open your eyes people.
Increase troop strength in Afganistan: months to come to a 'decision'
Clean up mess in gulf: 2 months and counting
Nashville flood: not even on radar
Arkansas flood: not worth a mention
Economy: steal money from taxpayers to pay off voters
Cop doing his job in New England: response in hours (offending every lawman in the process)
Respond to article vaguely disagreeing with policy: hours

The pres looks like he is incapable of managing anything but his own image....and that is becoming....transparent.

The general is doing a good job, will this be another example of the pres's intolerance for anyone that doesn't tow the 'yes' man mentallity to work for him? If he does fire the general, will the general run for president in 2012, as a 'leader'? This is not good for the pres or the military or the country. The pres needs to get over things and pay attention to the people he REPRESENTS (not the people he wishes he represented).
McCrystal just guaranteed that Obama's a One-termer. Well played, Sir!

Obama, Biden and the rest of the ass clowns gave us: "Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force," and proposed medals (or ribbons -- they need to ask Kerry which fly better over the White House walls in protest) for "courageous restraint", that is, you get a medal for not breaking stuff and killing bad guys.

And they had the guy in charge of Joint Special Operations Command, "the elite forces that carry out the government's darkest ops" give those orders. It's like telling Michelangelo he has to break up his statue of David and use the marble to tile the floor in the Obama out house.

How can you fight a war like this? "You better be out there hitting four or five targets tonight," McChrystal will tell a Navy Seal he sees in the hallway at headquarters. Then he'll add, "I'm going to have to scold you in the morning for it, though." It's only because McCrystal works for a CinC who does not want to win and cannot even mention the words "win" or "Victory" when he talks about the US military.

Obama has all but guaranteed Islamists come out with large real estate holdings in the ME and McCrystal just made certain Obama pays the price.

Obama Admin is so thoroughly fucked that the only person in the whole Administration that looks like she supports and understand the military is HRC!
The UCMJ is not nebulous. It's black and white. He should probably resign, but he did nothing illegal. Stating that he did or might have is stupid and shows a complete lack of understanding of the UCMJ.

Uh huh, nothing is black and white, please.....what I said simply demonstrates an understanding of how the military works, polices itself ,the politics inside it, and whats more, how guarded the status of civilian command is, secdef, army navy etc. is protected. As I said no they are not commissioned officers BUT they are afforded and due respect equal to if not greater than those with which they serve.
I am willing to wager if he is asked to resign it will not come from obama but the Chief of staff.

Oh, ever served? Military life IS black and white.

I served, and I never once considered uttering disrespectful words about my commander in chief. I would have considered anyone under my command who did so to be violating the UCMJ.

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