If Kari Doesn't Get Her Stolen Election Back, Americans Won't Have a Country Anymore.

The party did not question the integrity of the election tally. Hillary conceded. It was absolutely different than Trump’s reaction to 2020. By a long shot.
Hillary said the election was stolen from her. I guess you missed that one, huh.
Your party sure didn't accept it. It's not about you.
Al Gore, the Democratic Candidate, accepted defeat, and respectfully conceded!

Even though the citizens of Florida chose Gore over Bush, by a couple of thousand votes at minimum, with the Palm Beach County Butterfly ballot mishap.... But their suit failed for a revote with a proper ballot, so they were as the saying goes, Shit out of luck! The court ruled. Ya gotta accept it when the final gavel comes down.

Al Gore, the Democratic Candidate, accepted defeat, and respectfully conceded!

Even though the citizens of Florida chose Gore over Bush, by a couple of thousand votes at minimum, with the Palm Beach County Butterfly ballot mishap.... But their suit failed for a revote with a proper ballot, so they were as the saying goes, Shit out of luck! The court ruled. Ya gotta accept it when the final gavel comes down.

Gore lost his home state of Tennessee and couldn't recover. If he wins Tennessee, he didn’t need Florida.
Hillary said the election was stolen from her. I guess you missed that one, huh.
I don’t give a shit what she said. Of course I doubt she said those actual words. Regardless of what she said she officially conceded. She didn’t whine like a toddler over and over in the media that she election was illegitimate. She didn’t launch lawsuits because of it. She didn’t have democrat leaders claim she actually won.
She didn't want to debate an idiot? That's a good one. You really believe that shit?
Kari Klan Queen IS an idiot.
Hobbs was right on in not debating another lunatic conspiracy theorist flame-thrower.
Hobbs knew that she could win without giving the Klan Queen a forum to spout her idiocies.
And she DID!

Now Kari Klan Queen is going to attempt to sue Maricopa County for a re-vote as soon as certification happens on the 5th and Katie Hobbs legally and officially becomes the new Governor.

She doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning though because the whole "Republican voters were disenfranchised" argument is pure bullshit.
They weren't "prevented" from voting at all.
They had the same multiple options for casting their ballots as all other voters. They just chose not to utilize them and vote in person.
Then when they showed up on election day and saw the long lines....they just drove off.
They CHOSE not to be inconvenienced by voting.
And in those instances where the tabulators glitched they CHOSE not to place their ballots in the secure boxes for later tabulation once the machines were fixed.
Basically it's just a bunch of whining.

I'll tell you what REAL election "fraud" is.
It's CHOOSING to avoid the parking issues and long lines and all the other inconveniences of voting in person....and just driving away.....and then expecting some court to give you another chance to vote....thereby ACTUALLY disenfranchising all the milluons of other voters who actually stuck around to see it through.

No, Klan Queen Kari doesn't get to whine herself into office now.

She is eligible for a participation trophy now though.
Your posts are ALL filled with bullshit. You make assertions about cheating and fraud that you could NEVER prove.

You simply parrot trump's lies and whines. That asshole has tried everything in the last two years and has been laughed out of every court he lied to.

If you're willing to listen to stupid-asses like trump, that's your choice. But you can't blame sane people for laughing at your stupid conclusions. Your thinking is flawed, and you'll obviously believe anything the Trump nitwits want you to believe.

Any exchange with you is a fucking waste of time. You're stuck on stupid.
Channeled by Their Masters Into Arguing About Something That Is Irrelevant Even If True

The Democrats have been cheating in every election since 1960. So why did they win only one state in 1972 and 1984?

With just as much cheating, Beto O'Rourke only got 43.8% of the votes. Other Republicans have no excuse in not swamping their Demwit opponents by the same margin. Failure to take responsibility for failure is not what made America great.

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