If Israel declares war....

Have we obligated ourselves to join them? Do you think we should stand with Israel no matter what or leave them to fight their own battle?

If we had a president who knew what the fuck he was doing, it wouldn't come to a war.

Btw, I've watched a lot of Scooby Doo, and I don't remember Velma looking like that!

I've been reading more and more about Israel lately. Many people feel their PM is attempting to make the US look undependable in an attempt to convince his people the best course is to strike first.

As to Velma- perhaps you didn't look close enough :D
I've been reading more and more about Israel lately. Many people feel their PM is attempting to make the US look undependable in an attempt to convince his people the best course is to strike first.

Isreal air assets don't have the legs to go it alone.
If (when?) Israel strikes Iran, whether we like or not, we'll be drawn in. You think we got problems at our embassies now? Wait 'till Israel's taking out targets in Iran. Shit's going to light up real quick. My bet is that it will quickly become a major, regional conflagration.

But then again, Syria is busy annihilating its own population. So who knows?

:eusa_shhh: maybe if they bomb very quietly, no one will notice :eusa_shhh:
Have we obligated ourselves to join them? Do you think we should stand with Israel no matter what or leave them to fight their own battle?

If we had a president who knew what the fuck he was doing, it wouldn't come to a war.

Btw, I've watched a lot of Scooby Doo, and I don't remember Velma looking like that!

I've been reading more and more about Israel lately. Many people feel their PM is attempting to make the US look undependable in an attempt to convince his people the best course is to strike first.

As to Velma- perhaps you didn't look close enough :D

dunno about velma.......but here is a link to the letters section of the jerusalem post, just because you said you were interested. This page is a favorite of mine.
I've been reading more and more about Israel lately. Many people feel their PM is attempting to make the US look undependable in an attempt to convince his people the best course is to strike first.

Isreal air assets don't have the legs to go it alone.

I agree. They need us, and I worry that they know they have us and will act on that assurance.
We should offer any necessary support in DEFENSE of their country. Iran is not just Israels problem but a problem for all free nations that don't want nuclear materials or worse smuggled into their country for nefarious reasons.
what they are talking abvout is taking out the nuke program. the isrealis may be able to accomplish that much as they did in 1981....for awhile.
I believe the ensuing escalation would draw in many if not most world countries.

do not believe its my choice, its just what i think would happen
Israel is not the only country in the Middle East that does not want a nuclear weaponized Iran. It is just that Israel is the only one with the balls to do something about it. The governments of the surrounding nations will publicly pretend to be shocked, shocked Israel bombed Iran, but inwardly will be greatly relieved.

We should offer any necessary support in DEFENSE of their country. Iran is not just Israels problem but a problem for all free nations that don't want nuclear materials or worse smuggled into their country for nefarious reasons.

I'm not so sure we'll have to offer anything. I think Iran, to the best of its capabilities, will be attempting to defend itself while attacking any Israeli and American targets it can--and we have a lot of assets within Iran's reach. We have a lot of assets already in harm's way fighting other battles within Iran's reach, as well as the reach of other players in the region with reason to hate us.

I don't we'll have much of a choice but to fight.

But, I'm always the pessimist.

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