If Israel declares war....

Have we obligated ourselves to join them? Do you think we should stand with Israel no matter what or leave them to fight their own battle?

If we had a president who knew what the fuck he was doing, it wouldn't come to a war.

Btw, I've watched a lot of Scooby Doo, and I don't remember Velma looking like that!

You know what happens when one of those librarian types lets her hair down.
Wouldn't surprise me... no matter who's president or which party controls Congress, our government seems to have a real itch for jumping into military conflicts. We'll even set it up so that we look like the victim/defender rather than the aggressor, because the U.S can never be the bad guy, right?

I hope that in the event of an unprovoked attack by Isreal on Iran, the U.S will be smart enough to sit on the sideline. This has already been the most lopsided alliance in the history of the world (what does Isreal do for us that makes up for even half the financial/military aid we throw at them?); the idea of starting a war with Iran because the world superpower has your back is like nerd at school provoking a bully because he's hired a beefed-up bodyguard.
Have we obligated ourselves to join them? Do you think we should stand with Israel no matter what or leave them to fight their own battle?

As one of the other posters stated, it is all situational, it will always be that way.
I believe the ensuing escalation would draw in many if not most world countries.

Most of the world's countries (who are broke by the way) are going to war over Iran ?

I think it would depend on who backs Iran.
I think most that publicly defend Iran do so out of necessity for public consumption by their own populations. When push comes to shove I don't see them all having the resolve to follow through in the end
Israel won't declare War, it will be a unilateral air strike.

Iranian Military is a paper tiger.

The Patriot Missiles will be tested rigorously.....Iran will never attack directly other than missile strikes...but their Proxies will attack and hide behind innocents again like they always do.
Israel won't declare War, it will be a unilateral air strike.

Iranian Military is a paper tiger.

The Patriot Missiles will be tested rigorously.....Iran will never attack directly other than missile strikes...but their Proxies will attack and hide behind innocents again like they always do.

It will be a ground based uprising campaign as a response, expect hezbollah to start shelling.

Our job would be to make other countries "understand" that it would be in thier best interests to let Iran and israel duke it out, and to make Iran "understand" the second a WMD is used by them we will basically give the Israelis the green light to nuke Tehran.
Most of the world's countries (who are broke by the way) are going to war over Iran ?

I think it would depend on who backs Iran.
I think most that publicly defend Iran do so out of necessity for public consumption by their own populations. When push comes to shove I don't see them all having the resolve to follow through in the end

Looks that way doesn't it? At least on the official russian and chinese govt stance, but both governments also have all those muslims, and their views may not be accurately represented by the government.
I am just saying.
If it is an offensive strike.. I do not see us necessarily joining in with our military forces...

If there is a strike against Israel, I would fully expect our participation in helping them defend their homeland

There will be no shortage of retaliation if Israel launches a first strike.

So why don't we just save ourselves all the time and energy discussing this and just resign to the foregone conclusion that we will be getting involved.
Israel won't declare War, it will be a unilateral air strike.

Iranian Military is a paper tiger.

The Patriot Missiles will be tested rigorously.....Iran will never attack directly other than missile strikes...but their Proxies will attack and hide behind innocents again like they always do.

It will be a ground based uprising campaign as a response, expect hezbollah to start shelling.

Our job would be to make other countries "understand" that it would be in thier best interests to let Iran and israel duke it out, and to make Iran "understand" the second a WMD is used by them we will basically give the Israelis the green light to nuke Tehran.

I believe this is as accurate assumption of events. I again say I don't advocate this, just think its a possible outcome.
I don't think nearly enough of you consider the consequences of getting involved. It's no secret that Russia and China are not fond of the idea of us taking any kind of action against Iran or Syria.

Do you people really want another fucking world war that could involve multiple nuclear launches??
I don't think nearly enough of you consider the consequences of getting involved. It's no secret that Russia and China are not fond of the idea of us taking any kind of action against Iran or Syria.

Do you people really want another fucking world war that could involve multiple nuclear launches??

It won't take much to remove choice as an option.
I don't think nearly enough of you consider the consequences of getting involved. It's no secret that Russia and China are not fond of the idea of us taking any kind of action against Iran or Syria.

Do you people really want another fucking world war that could involve multiple nuclear launches??

Russia and China to me like to make us squirm in the UN. I dont think they would go to war over Iran. Russia might get frisky if we were to try to invade, but I dont think we would be that dumb.

The other factor is you cannot discount the chance of some Iran back group going after us directly. At that point we would have a causus belli to wipe the floor with them.
Have we obligated ourselves to join them? Do you think we should stand with Israel no matter what or leave them to fight their own battle?

Unlike so many of America's other strategic allies, Israel has never asked US soldiers to bleed and die on their behalf and it is not doing so today.

To date, Obama has taken no effective actions to even slow down Iran's nuclear weapons program, and despite his protests that all options remain on the table, it is clear that he has no intention of taking effective action to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons in the future.

Netanyahu has already determined that Israel must take unilateral action to protect itself against an Iranian bomb and he is not asking the US to join in on the attack, but too many Israelis still believe the US is reliable ally against Iran to support an Israeli attack without a US green light, and by calling on Obama to set red lines for the use of military force he hopes Obama's vague and waffling responses will persuade Israelis that they must not wait for him.
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If (when?) Israel strikes Iran, whether we like or not, we'll be drawn in. You think we got problems at our embassies now? Wait 'till Israel's taking out targets in Iran. Shit's going to light up real quick. My bet is that it will quickly become a major, regional conflagration.

But then again, Syria is busy annihilating its own population. So who knows?

:eusa_shhh: maybe if they bomb very quietly, no one will notice :eusa_shhh:

I totally agree but I think it will be like a bunch of dominoes falling--- Iran and then why not Syria while we are at it and of course, Lebanon and Jordon are on the brink also and will Russia jump in to help them and then there is China and Japan ready to blow each other out of the water plus Japan's teritorial conflicts with both South Korea and Russia....I see nothing but disaster heading our way......hope I'm wrong......Obama has been trying to head Israel off, but they will only wait so long........and I can't blame them.......so, here we go again........

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