If Iran had a second amendment


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
The control ratio between armed authority and unarmed citzenry
Is something like 80 to 1.....
in other words one soldier with a gun can completely control the activity of 80 civilians without a gun.
This is the kind of thing that gives Lefty an erection probably literally. it's also the kind of thing that demonstrates why it's a bad idea to have a totally unarmed citizenry. I give you Iran as a primary example of an oppressive regime that uses the control ratio in a negative way. I can guarantee you that if Iran had a second amendment you would not see the current rash of human Rights abuses taking place there at this moment in time. I can also guarantee you that the moment the left succeeds in destroying the second amendment but the United States will become a carbon copy of what you're seeing in Iran right now.

No other country in the world has guaranteed specified freedoms that Americans enjoy in the Bill of Rights aka the 1st ten Amendments to the Constitution. The guaranteed freedom to keep and bear arms was so important that the Founding Fathers addressed it right after Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion.
Those that will not learn from history...


“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
The control ratio between armed authority and unarmed citzenry
Is something like 80 to 1.....
in other words one soldier with a gun can completely control the activity of 80 civilians without a gun.
This is the kind of thing that gives Lefty an erection probably literally. it's also the kind of thing that demonstrates why it's a bad idea to have a totally unarmed citizenry. I give you Iran as a primary example of an oppressive regime that uses the control ratio in a negative way. I can guarantee you that if Iran had a second amendment you would not see the current rash of human Rights abuses taking place there at this moment in time. I can also guarantee you that the moment the left succeeds in destroying the second amendment but the United States will become a carbon copy of what you're seeing in Iran right now.

The military or police will obliterate your nerdy little militia if you ever rise up
No other country in the world has guaranteed specified freedoms that Americans enjoy in the Bill of Rights aka the 1st ten Amendments to the Constitution. The guaranteed freedom to keep and bear arms was so important that the Founding Fathers addressed it right after Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion.
Yeah we're the only free country bro. Good fucking grief.
The control ratio between armed authority and unarmed citzenry
Is something like 80 to 1.....
in other words one soldier with a gun can completely control the activity of 80 civilians without a gun.
This is the kind of thing that gives Lefty an erection probably literally. it's also the kind of thing that demonstrates why it's a bad idea to have a totally unarmed citizenry. I give you Iran as a primary example of an oppressive regime that uses the control ratio in a negative way. I can guarantee you that if Iran had a second amendment you would not see the current rash of human Rights abuses taking place there at this moment in time. I can also guarantee you that the moment the left succeeds in destroying the second amendment but the United States will become a carbon copy of what you're seeing in Iran right now.

The military or police will obliterate your nerdy little militia if you ever rise up

After WWII and the Cold War, some Generals asked the Russian Generals if they ever considered invading the US. The Russians said they had discussed it and said: "We knew we could have defeated your military but we also knew we couldn't defeat your armed civilians."
It's people like you who would disarm us and have Russia, China or Iran come in and enslave us. Liberal pukes are our biggest enemy.
The control ratio between armed authority and unarmed citzenry
Is something like 80 to 1.....
in other words one soldier with a gun can completely control the activity of 80 civilians without a gun.
This is the kind of thing that gives Lefty an erection probably literally. it's also the kind of thing that demonstrates why it's a bad idea to have a totally unarmed citizenry. I give you Iran as a primary example of an oppressive regime that uses the control ratio in a negative way. I can guarantee you that if Iran had a second amendment you would not see the current rash of human Rights abuses taking place there at this moment in time. I can also guarantee you that the moment the left succeeds in destroying the second amendment but the United States will become a carbon copy of what you're seeing in Iran right now.

The military or police will obliterate your nerdy little militia if you ever rise up

After WWII and the Cold War, some Generals asked the Russian Generals if they ever considered invading the US. The Russians said they had discussed it and said: "We knew we could have defeated your military but we also knew we couldn't defeat your armed civilians."
It's people like you who would disarm us and have Russia, China or Iran come in and enslave us. Liberal pukes are our biggest enemy.

Cool story, bro.
The control ratio between armed authority and unarmed citzenry
Is something like 80 to 1.....
in other words one soldier with a gun can completely control the activity of 80 civilians without a gun.
This is the kind of thing that gives Lefty an erection probably literally. it's also the kind of thing that demonstrates why it's a bad idea to have a totally unarmed citizenry. I give you Iran as a primary example of an oppressive regime that uses the control ratio in a negative way. I can guarantee you that if Iran had a second amendment you would not see the current rash of human Rights abuses taking place there at this moment in time. I can also guarantee you that the moment the left succeeds in destroying the second amendment but the United States will become a carbon copy of what you're seeing in Iran right now.

The military or police will obliterate your nerdy little militia if you ever rise up

Your pants are down and your totalitarian ass is showing.
Spoken like a true, vicious, bloodthirsty lefty.

Did it ever occur you Atilla.....that the police and military are also citizens?

Man I can smell the blood dripping from you're goddamed control freak fangs.... You actually do have an erection over Iran.

The control ratio between armed authority and unarmed citzenry
Is something like 80 to 1.....
in other words one soldier with a gun can completely control the activity of 80 civilians without a gun.
This is the kind of thing that gives Lefty an erection probably literally. it's also the kind of thing that demonstrates why it's a bad idea to have a totally unarmed citizenry. I give you Iran as a primary example of an oppressive regime that uses the control ratio in a negative way. I can guarantee you that if Iran had a second amendment you would not see the current rash of human Rights abuses taking place there at this moment in time. I can also guarantee you that the moment the left succeeds in destroying the second amendment but the United States will become a carbon copy of what you're seeing in Iran right now.

The military or police will obliterate your nerdy little militia if you ever rise up

After WWII and the Cold War, some Generals asked the Russian Generals if they ever considered invading the US. The Russians said they had discussed it and said: "We knew we could have defeated your military but we also knew we couldn't defeat your armed civilians."
It's people like you who would disarm us and have Russia, China or Iran come in and enslave us. Liberal pukes are our biggest enemy.

Cool story, bro.

Yes, some say the Russians said it and others say no, but I believe it. However, after Pearl Harbor, Hideki Tojo did say it when asked.
The control ratio between armed authority and unarmed citzenry
Is something like 80 to 1.....
in other words one soldier with a gun can completely control the activity of 80 civilians without a gun.
This is the kind of thing that gives Lefty an erection probably literally. it's also the kind of thing that demonstrates why it's a bad idea to have a totally unarmed citizenry. I give you Iran as a primary example of an oppressive regime that uses the control ratio in a negative way. I can guarantee you that if Iran had a second amendment you would not see the current rash of human Rights abuses taking place there at this moment in time. I can also guarantee you that the moment the left succeeds in destroying the second amendment but the United States will become a carbon copy of what you're seeing in Iran right now.

The military or police will obliterate your nerdy little militia if you ever rise up

After WWII and the Cold War, some Generals asked the Russian Generals if they ever considered invading the US. The Russians said they had discussed it and said: "We knew we could have defeated your military but we also knew we couldn't defeat your armed civilians."
It's people like you who would disarm us and have Russia, China or Iran come in and enslave us. Liberal pukes are our biggest enemy.

Cool story, bro.

Yes, some say the Russians said it and others say no, but I believe it. However, after Pearl Harbor, Hideki Tojo did say it when asked.

Doubt it.
..they would be like Somalia = shithole= with armed tribes stealing food from children..they don't have the same culture as the USA
We have a second amendment here in Killmerica - It hasn't stopped you or law enforcement for all the Killing that goes on in this country. What difference does it make. They kill without a second amendment. We have it and kill almost 20,000 people a year. Don't forget to add America's favorite thing to do - our endless school shootings and White domestic terrorism.
No other country in the world has guaranteed specified freedoms that Americans enjoy in the Bill of Rights aka the 1st ten Amendments to the Constitution. The guaranteed freedom to keep and bear arms was so important that the Founding Fathers addressed it right after Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion.
Yeah we're the only free country bro. Good fucking grief.
We`re free to shoot up schools and Walmarts and every other place where we want to kill a lot of people in a very short time. That`s what Freedom means to a gun pussy.
The control ratio between armed authority and unarmed citzenry
Is something like 80 to 1.....
in other words one soldier with a gun can completely control the activity of 80 civilians without a gun.
This is the kind of thing that gives Lefty an erection probably literally. it's also the kind of thing that demonstrates why it's a bad idea to have a totally unarmed citizenry. I give you Iran as a primary example of an oppressive regime that uses the control ratio in a negative way. I can guarantee you that if Iran had a second amendment you would not see the current rash of human Rights abuses taking place there at this moment in time. I can also guarantee you that the moment the left succeeds in destroying the second amendment but the United States will become a carbon copy of what you're seeing in Iran right now.

The military or police will obliterate your nerdy little militia if you ever rise up

We 'rose up' in 2016.

BTW...you should look up the meaning of 'militia'...and avoid using terms you don't understand.

a. “…well regulated militia…” Consider the sentence “Being a fisherman, Joe needs a boat.” Does this mean that Joe should only buy a boat if he fishes for a living? The reference to a militia is a reason why the people “When the words of the enacting clause are clear and positive, recourse must not be had to the preamble.” James Kent, Commentaries on American Law, 1858 (Legal scholar and law professor at Columbia College)

In the Constitution, Congress is given the power “to promote the Progress of Science and the useful Arts” by enacting copyright and patent laws (Article 1, Section 8). Would you argue that every copyright work or patented invention must promote scientific progress and useful arts?

1792 Militia Act of 1792, setting forth standards for the May 2 Act, (1792 Militia Act of 1792 was passed by the Second Congress, allowing the president to call out members of the states militias.) including a] each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of age 18 and under age 45… b] provide himself with a good musket,…bayonet and belt,… not less than twenty four cartridges.; c] exempting all elected officials and employees of the government.

George Mason, Father of the Bill of Rights: "I ask, Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers." (Jonathan Elliot, The Debates of the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution, [NY: Burt Franklin,1888] p.425-6)

The Constitution gave Congress the power to raise and support a national army, and to organize “the Militia.” This is because an army didn’t naturally exist, while “the Militia” only had to be organized: it always existed. (See enumerated powers in Article 1,Section 8.)

The Supreme Court, in US v. Miller, (1939) “…militia system…implied the general obligation of all adult male inhabitants to possess arms, and, with certain exceptions, to cooperate in the work of defence.” It concluded that the militia was primarily civilians.

Today, federal law defines “the militia of the United States” to include all able-bodied males from 17 to 45 and members of the National Guard up to age 64, but excluding those who have no intention of becoming citizens, and active military personnel. (US Code Title 10, sect. 311-313)
[10 U.S. Code § 311 - Exchange of defense personnel between United States and friendly foreign countries: authority]
The control ratio between armed authority and unarmed citzenry
Is something like 80 to 1.....
in other words one soldier with a gun can completely control the activity of 80 civilians without a gun.
This is the kind of thing that gives Lefty an erection probably literally. it's also the kind of thing that demonstrates why it's a bad idea to have a totally unarmed citizenry. I give you Iran as a primary example of an oppressive regime that uses the control ratio in a negative way. I can guarantee you that if Iran had a second amendment you would not see the current rash of human Rights abuses taking place there at this moment in time. I can also guarantee you that the moment the left succeeds in destroying the second amendment but the United States will become a carbon copy of what you're seeing in Iran right now.

Without the Second Amendment one has no real ability to secure any of their natural rights. That is why the tyrannical first focus on disarming the citizenry.

Iran Orders U.S. to Pay $130 Billion in Reparations. “Threatens to annihilate U.S., Britain, Israel, Saudi Arabia.”

Iran Roundup for December 5th: Khomeinist Regime Jailers Flog 80-year-old Woman, Mother of Deceased Political Prisoner

Salbi Marandi, an 80-year-old woman, and mother of a deceased political prisoner, was whipped 70 times on November 28th in the northwestern city of Khoi’s Prison, as part of her prison sentence. After the whipping, Marandi was unable to move her body.
Iranians, and others, worldwide were stunned by the video showing the graphic killing of 27-year old Pouya Bakhtiari by Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) soldiers, while standing with his mother and sister at a protest in Karaj on November 17th. Now, after regime leader Khamenei has authorized the payment of compensation funds to the families of “nonviolent offenders” killed during the protests, Bakhtiari’s family has refused to accept the money.


Young Man On Right Slaughtered By Regime​

“Every drop of my son’s blood was worth millions,” Bakhtiari’s mother, who works as a schoolteacher, stated. She also described her son Pouya as a “national hero, who sought freedom, justice and truth.” Pouya’s father, Manouchehr Bakhtiari, a decorated combat veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, went further, and posted a photo of Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, heir of the Iranian monarchy, on his Instagram, thanking Pahlavi for contacting his family and offering condolences.


Heir to the Shah's who ruled Iran for 2500 years.

Brian Hook Concurs: Khomeinist Regime Killed More Than 1,000 Protestors
At a State Department briefing today in Washington, D.C., Brian Hook, US special representative on Iranian affairs, said, “as the truth is trickling out of Iran, it appears the regime could have murdered over a thousand Iranian citizens since the protests began.” Hook added that among the dead were at least one dozen children. The regime has not publicly disclosed its own death toll, nor allowed outside observers to investigate, and thus any knowledge of the full amount of causalities from Tehran’s repression of the protests is speculative and not complete.

As a result, Hook noted that sanctions will be imposed on the Greater Tehran Central Penitentiary (aka Fashafuyeh Prison) and Qarchak Prison; two Iranian prisons are responsible for gross human-rights violations, arbitrary detention, torture, rape and so on.
I'll bet Iranians would actually do something....unlike Americans.

If we're totally honest, the Left has been incrementally infringing on the 2nd for a long time.
They've managed to just about outlaw guns in many states already.
In 26 states they can now TAKE your guns just because "someone" says you "might" be a threat.
And yet...the deniers keep right on sayin it'll never happen. Hilarious.


Just give them time....They'll either make it so expensive or difficult to own a gun or get ammo that many will give up and give in.
More than you think will cave in to mandatory buy backs etc.

It may take 10 more years, but eventually they will get your guns with little resistance.
Has there been ANY resistance so far? Nope. None. Nada.
Americans have all but begged to be disarmed.
The control ratio between armed authority and unarmed citzenry
Is something like 80 to 1.....
in other words one soldier with a gun can completely control the activity of 80 civilians without a gun.
This is the kind of thing that gives Lefty an erection probably literally. it's also the kind of thing that demonstrates why it's a bad idea to have a totally unarmed citizenry. I give you Iran as a primary example of an oppressive regime that uses the control ratio in a negative way. I can guarantee you that if Iran had a second amendment you would not see the current rash of human Rights abuses taking place there at this moment in time. I can also guarantee you that the moment the left succeeds in destroying the second amendment but the United States will become a carbon copy of what you're seeing in Iran right now.

The military or police will obliterate your nerdy little militia if you ever rise up

The police aren’t going to go house to house to take guns. Little militia. That is even funnier. The military won’t do it either. It will be stooges that the Democrats put together to try and do it. Your a typical libtard brainwashed by the Democratic scum.

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The control ratio between armed authority and unarmed citzenry
Is something like 80 to 1.....
in other words one soldier with a gun can completely control the activity of 80 civilians without a gun.
This is the kind of thing that gives Lefty an erection probably literally. it's also the kind of thing that demonstrates why it's a bad idea to have a totally unarmed citizenry. I give you Iran as a primary example of an oppressive regime that uses the control ratio in a negative way. I can guarantee you that if Iran had a second amendment you would not see the current rash of human Rights abuses taking place there at this moment in time. I can also guarantee you that the moment the left succeeds in destroying the second amendment but the United States will become a carbon copy of what you're seeing in Iran right now.

The military or police will obliterate your nerdy little militia if you ever rise up

After WWII and the Cold War, some Generals asked the Russian Generals if they ever considered invading the US. The Russians said they had discussed it and said: "We knew we could have defeated your military but we also knew we couldn't defeat your armed civilians."
It's people like you who would disarm us and have Russia, China or Iran come in and enslave us. Liberal pukes are our biggest enemy.

Cool story, bro.

Yes, some say the Russians said it and others say no, but I believe it. However, after Pearl Harbor, Hideki Tojo did say it when asked.

Doubt it.

Of course you do your a libtard.

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No other country in the world has guaranteed specified freedoms that Americans enjoy in the Bill of Rights aka the 1st ten Amendments to the Constitution. The guaranteed freedom to keep and bear arms was so important that the Founding Fathers addressed it right after Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion.
Yeah we're the only free country bro. Good fucking grief.
We`re free to shoot up schools and Walmarts and every other place where we want to kill a lot of people in a very short time. That`s what Freedom means to a gun pussy.

You have to be a libtard pussy. A stupid one as well. You no nothing about guns. Your just a sissy boy afraid of guns.

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