If Hillary Had Won the Economy Would Be 7/24 News

Just stop it.

Obama increased the debt by $10 trillion.

That's $30,000 per living soul in Ameerica.


Moron, 2009 budget proposed by Bush (who is not Obama last I checked) contained 1.3 Trillion dollar defict, out of which 400 billion was short fall in revenues due to recession. How exactly did "Obama" do that, and how exactly could Obama give people a check on that debt??
You so mad.

Common Core has failed you.

Maybe when you get into the 6th grade, you will learn significant figures.
No it hasn’t. The problem is Republicans repeat the same lies over and over again until they believe it.

Like Kavanugh is a rapist?
is it a Good thing, women are not really into equality and equal rights...and insist on their right to look for their new dp guy.

According to EVERY Democrat, Kavanaugh raped Ford.

It's bizarre to me that it's just GONE now that he is confirmed.
WTF? Idiot, there was no mathetical error, I meant to type trillion but instead wrote "billion", the rest of my post clearly talks about the effects of government failing to pay it's obligations, not relatively insignificant 10 billion.

Result would be a default and yes if that happens we would be WAY worse off.

Just stop it.

Obama increased the debt by $10 trillion.

That's $30,000 per living soul in Ameerica.


Moron, 2009 budget proposed by Bush (who is not Obama last I checked) contained 1.3 Trillion dollar defict, out of which 400 billion was short fall in revenues due to recession. How exactly did "Obama" do that, and how exactly could Obama give people a check on that debt??
You so mad.

Common Core has failed you.

Maybe when you get into the 6th grade, you will learn significant figures.

...you just said exactly nothing.

How about a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up if you can't actually respond?

Commas represent "thousands" in Arabic numbers.

Here are some useful links for you.

Significant figures - Wikipedia

Significant Figures Calculator - Sig Fig - Omni

Commas in Numbers, Commas in Math

.....and????? How the fuck does that address anything at all?

We are talking about ten trillion dollars. You agree, I agree, so why the fuck are you still posting about that instead of actually addressing what would happen if United States defaulted on it’s obligations to write out 30k checks to everyone.
Just stop it.

Obama increased the debt by $10 trillion.

That's $30,000 per living soul in Ameerica.


Moron, 2009 budget proposed by Bush (who is not Obama last I checked) contained 1.3 Trillion dollar defict, out of which 400 billion was short fall in revenues due to recession. How exactly did "Obama" do that, and how exactly could Obama give people a check on that debt??
You so mad.

Common Core has failed you.

Maybe when you get into the 6th grade, you will learn significant figures.

...you just said exactly nothing.

How about a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up if you can't actually respond?

Commas represent "thousands" in Arabic numbers.

Here are some useful links for you.

Significant figures - Wikipedia

Significant Figures Calculator - Sig Fig - Omni

Commas in Numbers, Commas in Math

.....and????? How the fuck does that address anything at all?

We are talking about ten trillion dollars. You agree, I agree, so why the fuck are you still posting about that instead of actually addressing what would happen if United States defaulted on it’s obligations if it diverted payments to write out 30k checks to everyone.

Obama's economy was garbage.

SUCK IT UP AND RUN SOMEONE BETTER IN 2020, you left wing lunatic pussies.
Moron, 2009 budget proposed by Bush (who is not Obama last I checked) contained 1.3 Trillion dollar defict, out of which 400 billion was short fall in revenues due to recession. How exactly did "Obama" do that, and how exactly could Obama give people a check on that debt??
You so mad.

Common Core has failed you.

Maybe when you get into the 6th grade, you will learn significant figures.

...you just said exactly nothing.

How about a nice hot cup of shut the fuck up if you can't actually respond?

Commas represent "thousands" in Arabic numbers.

Here are some useful links for you.

Significant figures - Wikipedia

Significant Figures Calculator - Sig Fig - Omni

Commas in Numbers, Commas in Math

.....and????? How the fuck does that address anything at all?

We are talking about ten trillion dollars. You agree, I agree, so why the fuck are you still posting about that instead of actually addressing what would happen if United States defaulted on it’s obligations if it diverted payments to write out 30k checks to everyone.

Obama's economy was garbage.

SUCK IT UP AND RUN SOMEONE BETTER IN 2020, you left wing lunatic pussies.

What the fuck? Do you just say whatever random shit happens to pop into your mind?

I can write a bot which will post with more intelligence.
Moron, 2009 budget proposed by Bush (who is not Obama last I checked) contained 1.3 Trillion dollar defict, out of which 400 billion was short fall in revenues due to recession. How exactly did "Obama" do that, and how exactly could Obama give people a check on that debt??
You so mad.

Common Core has failed you.

Maybe when you get into the 6th grade, you will learn significant figures.
No it hasn’t. The problem is Republicans repeat the same lies over and over again until they believe it.

Like Kavanugh is a rapist?
is it a Good thing, women are not really into equality and equal rights...and insist on their right to look for their new dp guy.

According to EVERY Democrat, Kavanaugh raped Ford.

It's bizarre to me that it's just GONE now that he is confirmed.
why do we have This type of problem instead of a problem where women believe in equality and equal rights and insist on being more proactive with any men who may have some Bad intentions toward women; and fornicate them right out of us.

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