If ALL victims are supposed to be believed....

Anyway...she had a story to tell. Nobody believed her.
Juanita Broaddrick had a story to tell too. And is still telling it. Nobody believes her either.

Yet...dems/celebs/etc are all yammering that ALL accusers should be believed. Unless its against one of their own.
WAKE UP PEOPLE: This is a crazed "movement" that is now empowering a hysteria that looks like mob rule. Like the Nazis, like the witch trials yet in reverse. I am a woman. I had to live in a dv shelter. I am an open minded person in some areas. I know what I see today in the streets today. I see demented hysteria. There is no predicting how Kavanaugh will make judicial decisions. These sicko "activists" are not able to speak up honestly so they sent in one of their sisters as a trojan horse to put on that California dreamy show. A show and a lie so foul that it is demeaning to the status of women. Disgusting.

DO NOT BELIEVE these freaks!

Women's March‏Verified account @womensmarch
This is the power of women when we march. Believe us. Believe survivors.
i've never heard dems say all accusers must be believed....?

who the heck has said that...?

Each person should be evaluated individually... About 2% to 10% of accusers coming forward are not telling the truth... is the statistic on it...
WAKE UP PEOPLE: This is a crazed "movement" that is now empowering a hysteria that looks like mob rule. Like the Nazis, like the witch trials yet in reverse. I am a woman. I had to live in a dv shelter. I am an open minded person in some areas. I know what I see today in the streets today. I see demented hysteria. There is no predicting how Kavanaugh will make judicial decisions. These sicko "activists" are not able to speak up honestly so they sent in one of their sisters as a trojan horse to put on that California dreamy show. A show and a lie so foul that it is demeaning to the status of women. Disgusting.

DO NOT BELIEVE these freaks!

Women's March‏Verified account @womensmarch
This is the power of women when we march. Believe us. Believe survivors.

That's one damn big Burka!!!


i've never heard dems say all accusers must be believed....?

who the heck has said that...?

Each person should be evaluated individually... About 2% to 10% of accusers coming forward are not telling the truth... is the statistic on it...
I've never seen so many believe with so little evidence. Her witnesses even discounted what she was saying.
Yet, there it is, on the national...., no, the world stage. A man and his good reputation, and his family being destroyed before our eyes.
IMO and with my common sense backing it up.....because of political expediency. Take in account how it all played out the past three months
by the opposing party to the nomination. It is just too unsettling, if you could take the politics out of the equation. No politics, and Dr. Ford would
never have gotten to first base. Put politics into it and she rounded third and was sliding home.
Who says that all victims have to be believed?

Apparently the Democrats......well, believed if they are accusing Republicans.
Names...give me names!!!

Uhhhh, just a stab in the dark, but how about Christine Ford?
That's your argument?
An alleged victim makes a complaint and you extrapolate from that that Democrats think all victims should be believed?
Well...that evidence is as strong as any you've ever presented I suppose.
respect female existence or expect their resistance!


Not one person on earth has corroborated Fords story.

Settle down Whoopi.

True, in fact, all her “witnesses” refuted her story.

This woman is either delusional or dishonest. She can't remember the year Kavanaugh allegedly assaulted her; she doesn't even remember the house in which the event occurred (although she does remember the county!); she doesn't remember how she got there, why she was there to begin with and how she got home. Yet in spite of forgetting all these significant critical details she does remember that on the day she was assaulted she only had one beer! Anyone who believes this nonsense is a fool.

Her credibility is completely destroyed by the testimony of her own “witnesses” including a woman who was her best friend at the time who stated the event never happened. There is simply no basis for believing this creature.

To top it off she lied about her fear of flying. I remember when Ford's attorney asked for a week's delay in appearing before the Committee because Ford was afraid of flying and had to arrange for alternate transportation to Washington, DC. Well, it turned out that was one big lie. Ford had absolutely no fear of flying whatsoever. This was established by Rachel Mitchell, the Arizona sex-crimes prosecutor retained by the Committee to question Ford and Kavanaugh. This is how one source reported it:

“May I ask, Dr. Ford, how did you get to Washington?,” Mitchell asked.

“By airplane,” Ford responded.

Mitchell went on to establish that Ford flies frequently as part of her work for an Australian consulting firm, to visit family on the East coast, and to pursue her interests in Hawaiian culture, oceanography, and surfing.

“In fact, you fly fairly frequently for your hobbies and you’ve had to fly for your work, is that true?” Mitchell asked.

“Correct, unfortunately,” Ford answered.

Christine Blasey Ford: Brett Kavanaugh Accuser Admits She Flies Often after Citing Fear of Flying to Delay Hearing | National Review

Remember, Ford said her fear of flying was caused by fear of enclosed spaces due to Kavanaugh's assault. Since she has no fear of flying, it is obvious she was lying to make her baseless claim seem more credible. This is more than a little fib, ladies and gentlemen; it is a blatant, calculated and preposterous lie that goes to the very heart of her supposed credibility. Her obvious lie proves that nothing she says can be believed. She got caught. Good job Rachel Mitchell.

CONCLUSION: What we have here is the flimsiest allegation of sexual misconduct I have ever heard of and I'm 78 years old with a doctorate in law (JD); an allegation made by a woman who is a proven liar and whose testimony has been refuted by every one of her “witnesses”, including the obviously unbiased testimony of her best friend. The evidence proves beyond the possibility of reasonable doubt that Christine Ford is either seriously mentally ill or dishonest to the core. The evidence proves the event didn't happen. Period.
Who says that all victims have to be believed?

Apparently the Democrats......well, believed if they are accusing Republicans.
Names...give me names!!!

Uhhhh, just a stab in the dark, but how about Christine Ford?
That's your argument?
An alleged victim makes a complaint and you extrapolate from that that Democrats think all victims should be believed?
Well...that evidence is as strong as any you've ever presented I suppose.

Do the Democrats want to have Kavanaugh removed simply by her claim, yes or no?

Did she provide any evidence to support her claim, yes or no?

Did the Republicans accommodate Ford's demands from time of hearing, Kavanaugh not be in the room, an extensive FBI background check, yes or no?

After all accommodations were met, are they continuing to insist Kavanaugh be voted down, yes or no?
Then why wasn't the Bill Clinton accusers?

What about that chick Cathy O'brien?

Actually, I never heard of the O'brien story until I saw someone on Twitter mention it. I googled. Nothing. So I duckduckgo'd it. LOTS popped up.
Most are credible.
I think all victims ought to be heard. But it's tough to believe a victim if they have no corroborating evidence. A witness, a stain on your dress, something.

The timing was suspect, her lack of evidence, times, places, people was suspect, her fear of flying, small spaces, extra door on her house .. all suspect, also suspect is she scrubbed all her social media previously.... suspect... then She was a professor and a Democratic donor, went to rallies ... Suspect. Motives due to the fact this is over a SC nominee... Suspect!

And we are all supposed to believe her simply because she is a woman and Cav is a man... people going crazy over this are completely nuts
Ford is a liar... plain and simple.

im afraid it looks that way with each passing day. Statutes of limitations have not expired where this all supposedly happened so she could take this real court if she wanted to. She's not going to do that though cause its all fake

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