Idiot Protestors Want Dictatorship And They Want Obama To Be That Dictator


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I think by now it's clear that these "Protestors" have a screw loose. If you ask them questions about why they're protesting their answers are a bit confusing to a rational person.

They want things. They want them now. They want it to be forced onto the rest of us.

In the words of the great Hollywood philosopher Ashton Kutcher....."WE NEED STUFF!!!"

Most protesters want peace, love, a better life. These folks just want to protest the economy but then they want Obama to just get rid of Democracy and just make it happen.

Is there any confusion now on the source of these protests?

Okay, they say money is bad, people are good. The 1 percenters are evil and the 99 percenters are good.

Folks, these are the same brain-dead college students that helped elect Obama in the first place which helped send us down the road we're on.

Obama Supporters "Occupy" DC - YouTube!

Paul Joseph Watson
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Despite their honest intentions, many of the Occupy Wall Street protesters are being suckered into a trap and calling for the very “solutions” that are part of the financial elite’s agenda to torpedo the American middle class – higher taxes and more big government.

The ignorance displayed in these interviews knows no bounds. The protesters just don’t get it. They are calling for the government to use force to impose their ideas, all in the name of bringing down corporations who they don’t realize have completely bought off government regulators. Corporations and government enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship – getting one to regulate the other is asinine and only hurts smaller businesses who are legitimately trying to compete in a free market economy that barely exists.

The zeal for totalitarian government amongst some of the “protesters” is shocking. One sign being carried around read, “A government is an entity which holds the monopolistic right to initiate force,” which seems a little ironic when protesters complain about being physically assaulted by police in the same breath.

One woman interviewed by Kokesh also announces her intention to help Obama to capture a second term. How can a self-proclaimed Occupy Wall Street protester simultaneously support the man whose 2008 campaign was bankrolled by Wall Street, whose 2012 campaign is reliant on Wall Street to an even greater extent, and whose cabinet was filled with Wall Street operatives?

Something is very wrong with this picture.

The usual suspects, mega-rich foundations and elitists, behind the young radicals have also started to emerge – George Soros, The Ruckus Society, the Tides Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

“The belated crusade against Wall Street is even more pathetic as it is coordinated by groups who wouldn’t exist without men like Soros, who made their money from deals that make the Street look sparkling clean. It’s class warfare as a cynical jab at the populist center, the people who mutter to themselves that the Street is full of crooks and so is Congress,” writes Daniel Greenfield. » Occupy Wall Street Protesters Call For Totalitarian Government, Re-Election Of Obama Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

These people are trying to act like the Tea Party but instead what they are is a warped Bizzaro version of it.

This is what you get when your ideals aren't grassroots. If all you want is disorder and anarchy then the result is predictable. A community troublemaker can only produce a nonsensical result.
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Yes, they have a lot of misdirected anger.

So do the Tea Partiers, for that matter. (Seriously "Taxed Enough Already" when most folks got tax breaks under Obama?)

People are angry, and they should be angry. What no one has really done is outline a way forward. Changing the Corporate-owned face in teh White House isn't going to fix much of anything.
Yes, they have a lot of misdirected anger.

So do the Tea Partiers, for that matter. (Seriously "Taxed Enough Already" when most folks got tax breaks under Obama?)

People are angry, and they should be angry. What no one has really done is outline a way forward. Changing the Corporate-owned face in teh White House isn't going to fix much of anything.

Small, yet significant detail, the 'Taxed Enough Already' thing.... that comes from the previous Administration, not the current one.
Yes, they have a lot of misdirected anger.

So do the Tea Partiers, for that matter. (Seriously "Taxed Enough Already" when most folks got tax breaks under Obama?)

People are angry, and they should be angry. What no one has really done is outline a way forward. Changing the Corporate-owned face in teh White House isn't going to fix much of anything.

The Tea Party protests abusive government. These idiots want even more abusive government.

The TP is protesting the government takeover of private companies, telling us when we've made enough money, spending us into a Depression, giving away any advantages we once had just to kiss our enemies asses, crony-capitalism, picking winners and losers.

The fear that taxes will go up is causing the economy to tank.

Don't focus on a bumpersticker slogan because it's not that simple.
This is starting to look like another Wisconsin.

Smelly idiot protesters protesting just for the sake of protesting.

Of course the usual suspects have shown up.

Susan Sarandon, Rosan Barr found time in her tour of Russia to call for beheadings of the rich, Michael Moore showed up to sweat and call for the end of Capitalism.....even though he owes his success to the very thing he wants to destroy.

President Obama and The Occupy Wall St. Protesters: Common Ground in Liberty Park?

Posted 12 days ago by Paaatriot101

It is actually amazing to me that no one is trying to bring these two together.

I cannot believe that President Obama has not made an effort himself to reach out to organizers, to the people participating in Occupy Wall st.. since he is showing such veracity lately going after these big corps in all of his speeches. Insert sarcasm if you want ... maybe he is saying what he thinks we want to hear, to mollify, but, over the past 3 days he has said a lot about corporations, and we should make him stick to it.

If we can ever break this media blackout .

The President is promoting and pushing for this current tax increase initiative, aimed at eliminating some of the loopholes and perks within the 10,000 page tax code, loopholes enjoyed by so many of these ultra uber rich mega corporations; loopholes used to avoid paying into the system... the same system that is so broke right now.

NO elected official member of our Congress should be allowed to : Have personal holdings or be CEO of or in a corporation that has any dealings AT ALL with the US Govt> (CAN WE SAY CHENEY/HALLBURTON?) incl research and pharmaceutical companies.

Elected officials should not be allowed to own and or trade stocks in the corporations they are SUPPOSED to be regulating IN THE BEST INTEREST of the people. (Talk about insider trading:)

That is and has been a BLATANT conflict of interest, and the root of many problems. Sure they know what stock to buy, they plan to approve the product next month>

Take away the trough and the pigs will disperse. DO THAT AND MANY THINGS WILL RIGHT THEMSELVES>

Obama was right in his speech when he mentions the 10,000 page tax code> There are Too many perks, and loopholes and too many corrupt greedy people that create and use them>

These corporations know how to work it, and contribute nothing back to the country they feed off of. We are consumers and nothing more to these companies.

Big Corps work the system and its time to put a stop to it.

At the same time President Obama presents this tax increase for corporations initiative, We the People are actively trying to be heard, gathering in New York for Occupy Wall St.. and one of the biggest concerns voiced is corporate monopolies.

Many have been speaking out more and more against these mega monopolistic giants. The inequality between the have and the have nots. The corruption The unsafe practices and products. These corporations have run roughshod over legislation, including all aspects of the Sherman Anti Trust act that should have protected the people from, and prevented the formation of, companies like AT&T and financial institutions and manufacturers that are called " Too big to fail". These are Companies who have one goal, one purpose and one mission> to make money...

The people are speaking out against these corporations, and here we have a President echoing some of these same sentiments, and we do not discuss? Are we missing a golden opportunity?

Yes there is definitely some common ground to be found between the energized Occupy Wall St. crowd and President Obama, namely; calling these Big Corporations out onto the carpet, and flushing all the rotten lobbyist out and purging the system while we are at it.

CORPORATIONS NEED TO PAY JUST LIKE THE COMMON CITIZEN DOES< AND THEY NEED TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE AND ACCOUNTABLE NOT ONLY FOR THEIR ACTIONS, but for the consequences of their actions as well. Am I the only one who feels that there is a great opportunity being missed here? Let's get active and interested and include President Obama and the White House in our online occupy Wall St. email and comments campaign. Let the President know that yes we are interested in seeing corporations pay up... get conversation begun, a foot in the door, and maybe we can broaden concerns to include many of the other issues we would like to address.

Inside the White House: Letters to the President | The White House

Contact the White House | The White House

President Obama and The Occupy Wall St. Protesters: Common Ground in Liberty Park? | Forum
Yes, they have a lot of misdirected anger.

So do the Tea Partiers, for that matter. (Seriously "Taxed Enough Already" when most folks got tax breaks under Obama?)

People are angry, and they should be angry. What no one has really done is outline a way forward. Changing the Corporate-owned face in teh White House isn't going to fix much of anything.

Small, yet significant detail, the 'Taxed Enough Already' thing.... that comes from the previous Administration, not the current one.

The previous administration that cut taxes, too?

Frankly, one thing that bothers me about the GOP is that they aren't against government, they are against paying for it.

I think taxes are probably too high, but Perry is on life support right now for merely pointing out that Social Security is unsustainable. Romney can tell lies that we can cut taxes on rich people (poor babies have nothing) and not cut spending at all, and the GOP establishment eats that up.
Yes, they have a lot of misdirected anger.

So do the Tea Partiers, for that matter. (Seriously "Taxed Enough Already" when most folks got tax breaks under Obama?)

People are angry, and they should be angry. What no one has really done is outline a way forward. Changing the Corporate-owned face in teh White House isn't going to fix much of anything.

The Tea Party protests abusive government. These idiots want even more abusive government.

The TP is protesting the government takeover of private companies, telling us when we've made enough money, spending us into a Depression, giving away any advantages we once had just to kiss our enemies asses, crony-capitalism, picking winners and losers.

The fear that taxes will go up is causing the economy to tank.

Don't focus on a bumpersticker slogan because it's not that simple.

They absolutely do not "protest abusive government".

The abuse happened in the last administration when President Bush spent like a drunken sailor and used the Constitution to wipe his butt with when they put up the Patriot act..and started spying on people like crazy.

Oh..and there's the small matter of the Iraq invasion.

They ain't protesting any of that.
Yes, they have a lot of misdirected anger.

So do the Tea Partiers, for that matter. (Seriously "Taxed Enough Already" when most folks got tax breaks under Obama?)

People are angry, and they should be angry. What no one has really done is outline a way forward. Changing the Corporate-owned face in teh White House isn't going to fix much of anything.

Small, yet significant detail, the 'Taxed Enough Already' thing.... that comes from the previous Administration, not the current one.

The previous administration that cut taxes, too?

Frankly, one thing that bothers me about the GOP is that they aren't against government, they are against paying for it.

I think taxes are probably too high, but Perry is on life support right now for merely pointing out that Social Security is unsustainable. Romney can tell lies that we can cut taxes on rich people (poor babies have nothing) and not cut spending at all, and the GOP establishment eats that up.

I don't disagree.... which one of the many reasons that I dislike the GOP almost as much as the DNC. Two sides of the same coin as far as I am concerned.
Yes, they have a lot of misdirected anger.

So do the Tea Partiers, for that matter. (Seriously "Taxed Enough Already" when most folks got tax breaks under Obama?)

People are angry, and they should be angry. What no one has really done is outline a way forward. Changing the Corporate-owned face in teh White House isn't going to fix much of anything.

The Tea Party protests abusive government. These idiots want even more abusive government.

The TP is protesting the government takeover of private companies, telling us when we've made enough money, spending us into a Depression, giving away any advantages we once had just to kiss our enemies asses, crony-capitalism, picking winners and losers.

The fear that taxes will go up is causing the economy to tank.

Don't focus on a bumpersticker slogan because it's not that simple.

Since the people who run the Tea Party are unwilling to address the underlying problems, I can't take them terribly seriously.

Do you know what the real problem is? Trade. Up until 1976, we had trade surpluses, and we could afford a huge military-industrial complex, a huge welfare state, and huge public works programs because we were essentially sucking money out of the rest of the world when we became a creditor nation after WWI. Our products and industry were the best, and everyone wanted them. (It also helped that two world wars blew the crap out of their industries.)

And to a degree, they complimented each other. Big public works made our industries more competitive, while a strong military created a relatively stable world situation that allowed our products to be shipped anywhere.

from 1776 to 1976, we ran up a total of half a trillion in debt, despite world wars, space programs,

After 1976, we started importing more than we sent out. Today we have an annual trade decificit of 500 BILLION. That's 500 billion bleeding out of the country every year. And not surprisingly, we have 14 Trillion in debt.

Both parties are to blame for this, IMO. The Republicans for putting the profits of big corporations above workers, and the Democrats for putting union thugs, snail darters and mythical global warming ahead of our need for strong industry.

Now, despite this rant, I don't have any easy answers. I understand why the Tea Partiers and the folks in NYC are angry. They see a country in decline, and leaders unwilling or unable to do all that much about it.
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Yes, they have a lot of misdirected anger.

So do the Tea Partiers, for that matter. (Seriously "Taxed Enough Already" when most folks got tax breaks under Obama?)

People are angry, and they should be angry. What no one has really done is outline a way forward. Changing the Corporate-owned face in teh White House isn't going to fix much of anything.

Small, yet significant detail, the 'Taxed Enough Already' thing.... that comes from the previous Administration, not the current one.

The previous administration that cut taxes, too?

Frankly, one thing that bothers me about the GOP is that they aren't against government, they are against paying for it.

I think taxes are probably too high, but Perry is on life support right now for merely pointing out that Social Security is unsustainable. Romney can tell lies that we can cut taxes on rich people (poor babies have nothing) and not cut spending at all, and the GOP establishment eats that up.

The Tea Party is not government. They would be the first to nail a Republican for being a RINO.

I don't trust the GOP any more then I trust the Democraps.
Small, yet significant detail, the 'Taxed Enough Already' thing.... that comes from the previous Administration, not the current one.

The previous administration that cut taxes, too?

Frankly, one thing that bothers me about the GOP is that they aren't against government, they are against paying for it.

I think taxes are probably too high, but Perry is on life support right now for merely pointing out that Social Security is unsustainable. Romney can tell lies that we can cut taxes on rich people (poor babies have nothing) and not cut spending at all, and the GOP establishment eats that up.

The Tea Party is not government. They would be the first to nail a Republican for being a RINO.

I don't trust the GOP any more then I trust the Democraps.

Nor do I, but that's the point.

At the end of the day, the Tea Party will get behind whoever the GOP nominates, and right now, that won't be a Tea Party person. It will either be Romney or Christie. Maybe Perry, but I'm doubting that. Perry seems to be fading.
Yes, they have a lot of misdirected anger.

So do the Tea Partiers, for that matter. (Seriously "Taxed Enough Already" when most folks got tax breaks under Obama?)

People are angry, and they should be angry. What no one has really done is outline a way forward. Changing the Corporate-owned face in teh White House isn't going to fix much of anything.

The Tea Party protests abusive government. These idiots want even more abusive government.

The TP is protesting the government takeover of private companies, telling us when we've made enough money, spending us into a Depression, giving away any advantages we once had just to kiss our enemies asses, crony-capitalism, picking winners and losers.

The fear that taxes will go up is causing the economy to tank.

Don't focus on a bumpersticker slogan because it's not that simple.

They absolutely do not "protest abusive government".

The abuse happened in the last administration when President Bush spent like a drunken sailor and used the Constitution to wipe his butt with when they put up the Patriot act..and started spying on people like crazy.

Oh..and there's the small matter of the Iraq invasion.

They ain't protesting any of that.

Interesting, Obama is spending FASTER then Bush ever did and yet you attack Bush?
Van Jones wants an American Autumn as violent as the Arab Spring. Rosie O'Donnel wants publlic beheadings of businesspeople. How can people NOT see where this is going?
Van Jones wants an American Autumn as violent as the Arab Spring. Rosie O'Donnel wants publlic beheadings of businesspeople. How can people NOT see where this is going?
You mean Rosanne Barr.

I think this country needs some serious housecleaning.

The lunatics are visible now.

Personally I think as long as media coverage remains sparse it goes nowhere.

I think the leaders are in our government and these protesters are just a bunch stupid kids out to escape reality. Their rhetoric sounds random at best.
Van Jones wants an American Autumn as violent as the Arab Spring. Rosie O'Donnel wants publlic beheadings of businesspeople. How can people NOT see where this is going?
You mean Rosanne Barr.

I think this country needs some serious housecleaning.

The lunatics are visible now.

Personally I think as long as media coverage remains sparse it goes nowhere.

I think the leaders are in our government and these protesters are just a bunch stupid kids out to escape reality. Their rhetoric sounds random at best.

You mean I got my fat Rosie's mixed up? My bad. Yes I meant Rosanne Barr.

The way it's going, we might well get that chance to do some serious housecleaning.
Joe B opines

Frankly, one thing that bothers me about the GOP is that they aren't against government, they are against paying for it.


Bingo Bullshit.. 50% of Americans pay ZERO federal income tax and I'll bet my husband's left nut they aren't Republicans..

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