Idiot Biden signs bill to study salt lakes in drought-hit US West

Ummmm hey dumbass Biden... the drought will be over after next week with this atmospheric river hitting the west and the snow pack....
this is what happens when you govern by the moment for political advantageousness... and dems do that all the time....
You Environmental Wacko dumbasses don't know any more about Climate Science than you know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

The West has traditionally been drier than has been in recent times. It is not unusually dry, it was unusually wet for several decades and now it is returning to normal.

You little dumbasses have no idea what you are talking about most of the times. My gas guzzling Tundra did not cause a drought in the West.

By the way, we are about 15 inches over average with rainfall where I live here in Florida in 2022.

We are in a post glacial warming period. In the meantime weather will fluctuate.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats that believe this silly ass AGW scam are a joke. You are all dumber than doorknobs.
Florida has a tropical climate dumbass. The west does not. Lakes Mead & Powell are at their lowest point in history.
Ok guys here's your answers
1. when I grew up in Salt lake county the population was about 250k. Today it's about 1 million
so that water isn't making it's way to the lake. I hunted rabbits out in herriman now that's all homes. I drove a d9 cat out in kearns on a wheat field and wouldn't have to turn around for 45 mins. Now that's all homes and businesses
2l Agriculture. The growth of the county has destroyed agriculture. especially since I215 was built. Water going down the North and South Jordan canals
doesn't have the demand.
A lot of agricultural areas have switched from flood to sprinkler irrigation
3 As a general rule not a hard one. Salt Lake goes in 20 year water cycles back and forth from wet to dry.
Utah is going to have one of it's wettest years yet the lake will continue to drop. Basically b/c the water gets scarfed up before it can get there.

When you get democrat funding you have to justify the money ya get . Therefore this 25 million will come back with some sorta climate change agenda because they have no choice
but play the game to get the dollars. And it will all be a lie.
I grew up on a dairy farm out on redwood road
My dad was on the salt lake dam commission
So far on this thread no one has really shown they know what they're talking about
There is nothing wrong. The plan was to drain the Salt Lake. That's what Utah Governor Bangerter started in the 1980s.
Because Great Salt Lake & others such as Powell & Mead are drying up. Maybe because the water supplies of millions of people including farmer's & industries are at risk. Duh.
Just let the farmers out west have the water they need.
My panties are on my wife and doing just fine.

I appreciate you admit you are an undereducated, juvenile who like using made-up words because you are fucking lazy!
Link to me admitting any such thing, innerweb butthurt Troll?

And why is your wife wearing your panties?

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