Idiot Biden signs bill to study salt lakes in drought-hit US West

Scientists will get $25 million to study salt lake ecosystems in the drought-stricken U.S. West, as President Joe Biden signed legislation Tuesday allocating the funds in the face of unprecedented existential threats caused by the lack of water.

Let's piss away another few million on another worthless study. And people cannot even pay for their heating.:TH_WAY~113: :laughing0301::ahole-1:
Drought in the desert. Who would have thunk it?

Probably that was one of the filthy ass pork things included to get RINOs like this shithead Romney to sign the bloated spending bill. I wonder who is really going to wind up with most of the money?
Drought in the desert. Who would have thunk it?

Probably that was one of the filthy ass pork things included to get RINOs like this shithead Romney to sign the bloated spending bill. I wonder who is really going to wind up with most of the money?
Drought conditions & extremely dry conditions exist accross vast swaths of the entire Country even parts of the Northeast, fool. Is the Northeast a desert, Bozo?
Drought conditions & extremely dry conditions exist accross vast swaths of the entire Country even parts of the Northeast, fool. Is the Northeast a desert, Bozo?
Then why are they just studying droughts out West?
Then why are they just studying droughts out West?
Because Great Salt Lake & others such as Powell & Mead are drying up. Maybe because the water supplies of millions of people including farmer's & industries are at risk. Duh.
Because Great Salt Lake & others such as Powell & Mead are drying up. Maybe because the water supplies of millions of people including farmer's & industries are at risk. Duh.
Oh, so people in the NE don’t matter.

Git it.
Why is Veggie Joe ignoring people in the NE suffering from drought?
i said CLOWN that the NE is experiencing dry conditions. So you want Biden to address the NE & not the West, SW & Midwest?

Trump is rubbing off on you.
And what is the effect on the Salt Lake ecosystem. Less rain means increased salinity. What will be the impact on local wildlife?

The lakes often serve as critical habitats for migratory birds. Dust exposed by receding water levels can be blown into the air and have dangerous health effects on surrounding communities. And further depletion threatens the canals and infrastructure that a multi-million dollar mining industry needs to extract salts from the lakes.
Less rain. LOL
YOu guys are 136% of normal already
i said CLOWN that the NE is experiencing dry conditions. So you want Biden to address the NE & not the West, SW & Midwest?

Trump is rubbing off on you.
Answer the question. Stop being a pussy and dodging.
Drought conditions & extremely dry conditions exist accross vast swaths of the entire Country even parts of the Northeast, fool. Is the Northeast a desert, Bozo?
You Environmental Wacko dumbasses don't know any more about Climate Science than you know about Economics, History, Biology, Ethics or the Constitution.

The West has traditionally been drier than has been in recent times. It is not unusually dry, it was unusually wet for several decades and now it is returning to normal.

You little dumbasses have no idea what you are talking about most of the times. My gas guzzling Tundra did not cause a drought in the West.

By the way, we are about 15 inches over average with rainfall where I live here in Florida in 2022.

We are in a post glacial warming period. In the meantime weather will fluctuate.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats that believe this silly ass AGW scam are a joke. You are all dumber than doorknobs.

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