IDF uses Palestinian children as human shields

Here you go for proof of the Palestinians use of human shields.

Human shield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


As usual, Phoney gets it wrong.

When Zionist Israeli soldiers force Palestinians at gunpoint to enter houses first so that the Israeli soldiers don't get shot at, that fits the literal definition of "human shield" that is found in international law.

On the other hand, when Hamas militants hide out in a hospital or school, they are not literally fitting that definition, although they can be justly criticised for putting civilians at risk. The only ones who consider them "human shields" at that point, are the Zionist IDF.

The ICRC, for example, uses the term only in cases, "where persons were actually taken to military objectives in order to shield those objectives from attack." and concludes that "the use of human shields requires an intentional collocation of military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of those military objectives." (Page 340 of Customary International Humanitarian Law, Volume 1 Rules).

The accusations made by the Zionist IDF therefore, don’t fit this definition by any stretch of the imagination. Civilians aren't being moved to targets, they aren't being forced.

If Hamas managed to bomb HaKirya or the Rabin IDF base there, hundreds of civilians in Tel Aviv would probably be killed. Certainly HaKirya and Rabin IDF bases are military targets, but would people criticise Israel for making the civilians who live and work in Tel Aviv into human shields? Unlikely.

Gaza is cramped and densely populated thanks to successive waves of ethnic cleansing by the Zionists and there is generally nowhere for refugees and civilians to go to avoid the conflict.

Looking at Phoney’s so called “proof”, the Telegraph article cited makes interesting reading,

"With the siege continuing overnight, local Palestinian radio called on women, both inside Beit Hanoun and outside, to march on the town centre to help the gunmen. This was code for acting as human shields to allow them to escape.

Around dawn yesterday several groups of women responded to the call. A group, including Mrs Hamed, ventured on to the streets only to be hit almost immediately by gunfire. Mrs Hamed was evacuated on a donkey cart.

Her sister-in-law Taghrid Hamad, 20, was hit in the leg and almost died from loss of blood. She was in intensive care last night in Shifa Hospital, the largest in Gaza. A much larger group of around 500 women, all veiled and unarmed, gathered from other towns in Gaza and tried to approach Beit Hanoun.

They are understood to have come under fire and two of them are believed to have been killed.

A local cameraman filming events was hit in the chest by a bullet and taken to hospital where his condition was described as critical.

The Israeli army said that as many as 3,000 women reached the mosque in a number of groups, allowing the gunmen to escape. By the time Israeli troops entered the building it was empty."

The sections of the article bolded infer that the IDF shot the women before they could even begin to act as any sort of “shield” or “distraction”. “Human shields” or not deliberately firing on unarmed women is still a war crime, committed by the Zionist IDF.

Phoney also omits this part of the article in Wikipedia,

"...However, in a report on the Gaza conflict, released July 2, 2009, Amnesty International wrote that Israel did use human shields in Gaza. Amnesty claimed to have found cases in which "Israeli troops forced Palestinians to stay in one room of their home while turning the rest of the house into a base and sniper position, effectively using the families, both adults and children, as human shields and putting them at risk.

The report also criticized Hamas for human rights violations, but "found no evidence Palestinian fighters directed civilians to shield military objectives from attacks, forced them to stay in buildings used by militants, or prevented them from leaving commandeered buildings".

Sound familiar? Oh yes, the unattributed Zionist version, “Members of a Gaza family whose farm was turned into a "fortress" by Hamas fighters have reported that they were helpless to stop Hamas from using them as human shields...”
Its mainline news, Roudy.
Apparently you would not recognize propaganda if it bit you on the ass.

AND I have evidence that LOTS of people click the clips. You should at least watch them so you know what you're talking about.

Yeah -- It's so mainline that the SOURCES and the NETWORK affiliations of "this journalism" have been removed from the clips.. Ever watch "Wag the Dog" ????

Furthermore, I don't ignore it even though it has NO "chain of evidence" behind it. I learn stuff. Like the fact that Israeli Supreme Ct. outlawed the practice
of using "neighbor knocks" in 2005... And that only 2 or 3 accusations of this practice have surfaced since.
Did you not catch that point in your own propaganda?
Oh wait a second, Amity, you said yourself (quoting you) "non-violent Symbolic act of protest" so what exactly are you trying to show us here? no hard can come to those Palestinians.

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Amity is a liar.
I'm dying to figure out whats going on in her(Lady, right?) head.

She mentioned if Israel was more precise on the assault she wouldn't have any problems, but .. wait, She never said anything about the accuracy and precision of the Hamas rockets(19,000) nor the suicide bombers,etc..What am I missing here?
She also never said anything about the wrong of Hamas human shield policy but only the Israelis which was never under real assault since all those are just symbolic acts of anger and protest and non-violent, so what IDF use human shields against?
About the murder of Shelly Daddon r.i.p she said 'individual' stabbed her 6 times, and the Palestinians shouldnt be hold accountable for that, but does the IDF which is like 60 years old unlike the 300 years of Palestinians and armies of the neighboring countries should be less advance? which means accidents or even 'individual' mistakes can happen, so why holding the Israeli nation accountable for that?
Complicated? I got more.
She claim she does it for the sake of the Palestinian - Pleaseeeeeeeee! that is so hilarious.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Its mainline news, Roudy.
Apparently you would not recognize propaganda if it bit you on the ass.

AND I have evidence that LOTS of people click the clips. You should at least watch them so you know what you're talking about.

Oh, really? And just what is that evidence? I'd like to see it.......... otherwise it's just another Hostility lie, like the one about your 'good intentions'.
Here you go for proof of the Palestinians use of human shields.

Human shield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


As usual, Phoney gets it wrong.

When Zionist Israeli soldiers force Palestinians at gunpoint to enter houses first so that the Israeli soldiers don't get shot at, that fits the literal definition of "human shield" that is found in international law.

On the other hand, when Hamas militants hide out in a hospital or school, they are not literally fitting that definition, although they can be justly criticised for putting civilians at risk. The only ones who consider them "human shields" at that point, are the Zionist IDF.

The ICRC, for example, uses the term only in cases, "where persons were actually taken to military objectives in order to shield those objectives from attack." and concludes that "the use of human shields requires an intentional collocation of military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of those military objectives." (Page 340 of Customary International Humanitarian Law, Volume 1 Rules).

The accusations made by the Zionist IDF therefore, don’t fit this definition by any stretch of the imagination. Civilians aren't being moved to targets, they aren't being forced.

If Hamas managed to bomb HaKirya or the Rabin IDF base there, hundreds of civilians in Tel Aviv would probably be killed. Certainly HaKirya and Rabin IDF bases are military targets, but would people criticise Israel for making the civilians who live and work in Tel Aviv into human shields? Unlikely.

Gaza is cramped and densely populated thanks to successive waves of ethnic cleansing by the Zionists and there is generally nowhere for refugees and civilians to go to avoid the conflict.

Looking at Phoney’s so called “proof”, the Telegraph article cited makes interesting reading,

"With the siege continuing overnight, local Palestinian radio called on women, both inside Beit Hanoun and outside, to march on the town centre to help the gunmen. This was code for acting as human shields to allow them to escape.

Around dawn yesterday several groups of women responded to the call. A group, including Mrs Hamed, ventured on to the streets only to be hit almost immediately by gunfire. Mrs Hamed was evacuated on a donkey cart.

Her sister-in-law Taghrid Hamad, 20, was hit in the leg and almost died from loss of blood. She was in intensive care last night in Shifa Hospital, the largest in Gaza. A much larger group of around 500 women, all veiled and unarmed, gathered from other towns in Gaza and tried to approach Beit Hanoun.

They are understood to have come under fire and two of them are believed to have been killed.

A local cameraman filming events was hit in the chest by a bullet and taken to hospital where his condition was described as critical.

The Israeli army said that as many as 3,000 women reached the mosque in a number of groups, allowing the gunmen to escape. By the time Israeli troops entered the building it was empty."

The sections of the article bolded infer that the IDF shot the women before they could even begin to act as any sort of “shield” or “distraction”. “Human shields” or not deliberately firing on unarmed women is still a war crime, committed by the Zionist IDF.

Phoney also omits this part of the article in Wikipedia,

"...However, in a report on the Gaza conflict, released July 2, 2009, Amnesty International wrote that Israel did use human shields in Gaza. Amnesty claimed to have found cases in which "Israeli troops forced Palestinians to stay in one room of their home while turning the rest of the house into a base and sniper position, effectively using the families, both adults and children, as human shields and putting them at risk.

The report also criticized Hamas for human rights violations, but "found no evidence Palestinian fighters directed civilians to shield military objectives from attacks, forced them to stay in buildings used by militants, or prevented them from leaving commandeered buildings".

Sound familiar? Oh yes, the unattributed Zionist version, “Members of a Gaza family whose farm was turned into a "fortress" by Hamas fighters have reported that they were helpless to stop Hamas from using them as human shields...”

Read my post 14 as I posted the same thing as him including the definition.
The examples that it gave involved Hamas. Phoenall did not make that up.
You don't have to call it human shield, but what Hamas has done and is doing , TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE, is absolutely disgusting. So stop trying to sugarcoat it.
Here you go for proof of the Palestinians use of human shields.

Human shield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


As usual, Phoney gets it wrong.

When Zionist Israeli soldiers force Palestinians at gunpoint to enter houses first so that the Israeli soldiers don't get shot at, that fits the literal definition of "human shield" that is found in international law.

On the other hand, when Hamas militants hide out in a hospital or school, they are not literally fitting that definition, although they can be justly criticised for putting civilians at risk. The only ones who consider them "human shields" at that point, are the Zionist IDF.

The ICRC, for example, uses the term only in cases, "where persons were actually taken to military objectives in order to shield those objectives from attack." and concludes that "the use of human shields requires an intentional collocation of military objectives and civilians or persons hors de combat with the specific intent of trying to prevent the targeting of those military objectives." (Page 340 of Customary International Humanitarian Law, Volume 1 Rules).

The accusations made by the Zionist IDF therefore, don’t fit this definition by any stretch of the imagination. Civilians aren't being moved to targets, they aren't being forced.

If Hamas managed to bomb HaKirya or the Rabin IDF base there, hundreds of civilians in Tel Aviv would probably be killed. Certainly HaKirya and Rabin IDF bases are military targets, but would people criticise Israel for making the civilians who live and work in Tel Aviv into human shields? Unlikely.

Gaza is cramped and densely populated thanks to successive waves of ethnic cleansing by the Zionists and there is generally nowhere for refugees and civilians to go to avoid the conflict.

Looking at Phoney’s so called “proof”, the Telegraph article cited makes interesting reading,

"With the siege continuing overnight, local Palestinian radio called on women, both inside Beit Hanoun and outside, to march on the town centre to help the gunmen. This was code for acting as human shields to allow them to escape.

Around dawn yesterday several groups of women responded to the call. A group, including Mrs Hamed, ventured on to the streets only to be hit almost immediately by gunfire. Mrs Hamed was evacuated on a donkey cart.

Her sister-in-law Taghrid Hamad, 20, was hit in the leg and almost died from loss of blood. She was in intensive care last night in Shifa Hospital, the largest in Gaza. A much larger group of around 500 women, all veiled and unarmed, gathered from other towns in Gaza and tried to approach Beit Hanoun.

They are understood to have come under fire and two of them are believed to have been killed.

A local cameraman filming events was hit in the chest by a bullet and taken to hospital where his condition was described as critical.

The Israeli army said that as many as 3,000 women reached the mosque in a number of groups, allowing the gunmen to escape. By the time Israeli troops entered the building it was empty."

The sections of the article bolded infer that the IDF shot the women before they could even begin to act as any sort of “shield” or “distraction”. “Human shields” or not deliberately firing on unarmed women is still a war crime, committed by the Zionist IDF.

Phoney also omits this part of the article in Wikipedia,

"...However, in a report on the Gaza conflict, released July 2, 2009, Amnesty International wrote that Israel did use human shields in Gaza. Amnesty claimed to have found cases in which "Israeli troops forced Palestinians to stay in one room of their home while turning the rest of the house into a base and sniper position, effectively using the families, both adults and children, as human shields and putting them at risk.

The report also criticized Hamas for human rights violations, but "found no evidence Palestinian fighters directed civilians to shield military objectives from attacks, forced them to stay in buildings used by militants, or prevented them from leaving commandeered buildings".

Sound familiar? Oh yes, the unattributed Zionist version, “Members of a Gaza family whose farm was turned into a "fortress" by Hamas fighters have reported that they were helpless to stop Hamas from using them as human shields...”

Read my post 14 as I posted the same thing as him including the definition.
The examples that it gave involved Hamas. Phoenall did not make that up.
You don't have to call it human shield, but what Hamas has done and is doing , TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE, is absolutely disgusting. So stop trying to sugarcoat it.

So pointing out that the IDF opened fire on unarmed women before they even had a chance to get to the area targeted by the IDF is sugar-coating? Okaaay.
When you have seen the same LIES repeated ad nauseum without any corroborative evidence you get used to ignoring it. Now about the Goldstone report that details the use of human shields by hamas during cast lead, and the video of the hamas leader stating that his people act as human shields. Are those valid enough arguments for you to try and disprove ?
That, in itself is a lie, because evidence has been provided.

And why do you keep referring to the Goldstone Report when I've already pointed out to you it doesn't support your claim? In fact, I directed you to the spot in the Report that say's the "opposite" of what you claim.
I keep hearing that Hamas uses children as human shields, and I am willing to get to the bottom of this! Feel free to post your evidence if you believe this to be true.

Meanwhile, what I AM finding is stories and videos of Israeli police and IDF using Palestinian children as human shields. Over and over and over in fact!
Please comment!!

This form of "proof" is not new------It has been a technique of islamo
Nazi propaganda at least since I have been "online"-----more than a decade.
I will not name the specific SN of your predecessor propagandaist---
or perhaps you are she----but as far back as more than 12 years ago---
other messageboards ----harbored a character who regularly announced
"NUMBER OF COMPUTER HITS" she got when she used search engines to
seek out "jew hate' stuff Her technique has taken hold of the depraved

yes Aenmity----there is LOTS OF ISLAMO NAZI PROPAGANDA out there in
cyberspace. Prior to the time that Al Gore invented the internet----
there was a huge amount of printed islamo Nazi propaganda.
The problem with you pro Palestinians is that you refuse to accept the truth.
Here is the definition of human shield:

Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the soldiers.

So the first definition in the above paragraph is what Hamas does without question! They put their rockets, rocket launchers and rocket storage in the midst of civilian population.
Also, from the same article:

During the Second Intifada (2000–2005) Palestinian gunmen used civilians and children as human shield, by surrounding themselves with children while shooting on IDF forces.[14]

In November 2006, Palestinian women volunteered as human shields to allow the escape of Hamas gunmen from Israeli forces in Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip. The armed Palestinians had barricaded themselves in a mosque, which was surrounded by Israeli troops and tanks. According to a Hamas spokesman, a crowd of women gathered outside the mosque in response to an appeal on the local radio station for women to protect the Hamas fighters. The Palestinian gunmen escaped by dressing in women's clothes and hiding in the large group.[15]

Also in the same month, the Israeli Air Force warned Mohammed Weil Baroud, a Palestinian leader said to be responsible for firing Qassam rockets at Israel, to evacuate his home in Beit Lahia in the Gaza Strip in advance of an airstrike. Instead, hundreds of Palestinians, including many women and children, gathered outside Baroud's house. Israel suspended the airstrike out of fear that the human shields would be killed or injured. In response to Israel's reaction, another Palestinian leader said: "We have won. From now on we will form human chains around every house that is threatened with demolition."[16] The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs says Hamas now regularly uses human shields to protect the homes of Hamas officials.[17]

Human shield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You need to take more time vetting your arguments before you upload, because your "argument", proved itself wrong.

You start off by giving the definition of a human shield.
Here is the definition of human shield:

Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets.
Which basically say's the "deliberate placement of non-combatants...around combat targets".

Then you go on to insert foot in mouth by saying...
So the first definition in the above paragraph is what Hamas does without question! They put their rockets, rocket launchers and rocket storage in the midst of civilian population.
...they put "rockets, rocket launchers and rocket storage in the midst of civilian population".

Do you not see the difference between these two statements?

The "definition" is putting "people" in combat areas; your following statement is putting "rockets" in civilian areas. People are not rockets.
I keep hearing that Hamas uses children as human shields, and I am willing to get to the bottom of this! Feel free to post your evidence if you believe this to be true.

Meanwhile, what I AM finding is stories and videos of Israeli police and IDF using Palestinian children as human shields. Over and over and over in fact!
Please comment!!

You know what invalidates your entire point? The fact you believe anyone will waste their time watching that propaganda. You and your sock need to get lost.
So what was stopping those two men from walking away from the vehicle,
The two IDF soldiers sitting in the Humvee behind them.

and don't you say that throwing rocks is not dangerous.
What does that have to do with what you just said?

You're all over the map!

How are they stopping them from just running away, I cant see any restraints

That was the reason given for the two men to be sat on the vehicle, to stop the Palestinians from throwing stones.

What a lame excuse for the video, and what a stupid thing to believe. The men could run hell for leather in two different directions and be in cover before the soldiers realised they had gone. Just like your 2 inch bullet that can stop and reverse direction.
The problem with you pro Palestinians is that you refuse to accept the truth.
Here is the definition of human shield:

Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets. It may also refer to the use of persons to literally shield combatants during attacks, by forcing them to march in front of the soldiers.

So the first definition in the above paragraph is what Hamas does without question! They put their rockets, rocket launchers and rocket storage in the midst of civilian population.
Also, from the same article:

During the Second Intifada (2000–2005) Palestinian gunmen used civilians and children as human shield, by surrounding themselves with children while shooting on IDF forces.[14]

In November 2006, Palestinian women volunteered as human shields to allow the escape of Hamas gunmen from Israeli forces in Beit Hanoun in the Gaza Strip. The armed Palestinians had barricaded themselves in a mosque, which was surrounded by Israeli troops and tanks. According to a Hamas spokesman, a crowd of women gathered outside the mosque in response to an appeal on the local radio station for women to protect the Hamas fighters. The Palestinian gunmen escaped by dressing in women's clothes and hiding in the large group.[15]

Also in the same month, the Israeli Air Force warned Mohammed Weil Baroud, a Palestinian leader said to be responsible for firing Qassam rockets at Israel, to evacuate his home in Beit Lahia in the Gaza Strip in advance of an airstrike. Instead, hundreds of Palestinians, including many women and children, gathered outside Baroud's house. Israel suspended the airstrike out of fear that the human shields would be killed or injured. In response to Israel's reaction, another Palestinian leader said: "We have won. From now on we will form human chains around every house that is threatened with demolition."[16] The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs says Hamas now regularly uses human shields to protect the homes of Hamas officials.[17]

Human shield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You need to take more time vetting your arguments before you upload, because your "argument", proved itself wrong.

You start off by giving the definition of a human shield.
Here is the definition of human shield:

Human shield is a military and political term describing the deliberate placement of non-combatants in or around combat targets to deter the enemy from attacking these targets.
Which basically say's the "deliberate placement of non-combatants...around combat targets".

Then you go on to insert foot in mouth by saying...
So the first definition in the above paragraph is what Hamas does without question! They put their rockets, rocket launchers and rocket storage in the midst of civilian population.
...they put "rockets, rocket launchers and rocket storage in the midst of civilian population".

Do you not see the difference between these two statements?

The "definition" is putting "people" in combat areas; your following statement is putting "rockets" in civilian areas. People are not rockets.

So you don't dispute that hamas is in breach of International law and the Geneva conventions in their entirety . That the deliberately use civilians to protect their rocket launch sites by placing them in civilian areas, in effect using the civilians as human shields.
Israeli military can monitor those rocket launches. They know where they were fired from in many cases. The launches leave a good size vapor trail right back to the launch site. Very probable that the US shares satellite intel with them PINPOINTING the launch sites. A cheap drone could do the exact same duty..
And they would not target a hospital without evidence.

American among volunteer human shields at Gaza hospital | Middle East | McClatchy DC

A Gaza hospital director says foreign activists, including a US citizen, are working as human shields to try to protect patients in the facility from Israeli strikes.

Israeli airstrikes hit El Wafa Medical Rehabilitation Hospital in Gaza City five times Friday, said executive director Basman Alashi. The hospital normally houses 30 patients in varying stages of occupational and physical therapy, Alashi said. During the current operation, he trained the families of 16 patients to help provide care at home. For those too incapacitated to move, he resorted to another tactic: asking foreign activists to act as a human shield.

Alashi said he held a press conference Friday evening at Gaza’s Shifa hospital and asked for help. Eight foreigners agreed to stay in shifts in the hospital, including American Joe Catron, a pro-Palestinian activist from Hopewell, Virginia. Catron, 33, said in a telephone interview he hoped the presence of activists from the US, England, Spain, Sweden and Venezuela could bring enough attention to the hospital to deter the Israeli army from striking it.

Read more here: American among volunteer human shields at Gaza hospital | Middle East | McClatchy DC

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Adam Shapiro, one of the founders of the International Solidarity Movement, has resurfaced after a long hiatus and has teamed up with Northern California ISM's Leader, Paul LaRudee, to create a program for ISM "activists" to act as human shields for Hezbollah in Lebanon. The ISM has acted as human shields for Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the PFLP in the West Bank and Gaza for the last four years, according to Shapiro's wife and ISM co-founder, Huwaida Arraf.

LaRudee was recently caught by Israeli intelligence due to articles here on Front Page Magazine and deported when he tried to enter Israel under the name Paul Wilder. After going through the Israeli court system in trying to avoid deportation, La Rudee made his way back to San Francsco where one of his first acts was to lie down and block traffic in the financial district of San Francisco in front of the Israeli embassy. LaRudee was arrested, but nobody seems to want to keep him jail for long. Now, he will pose a real danger to Israeli soldiers in Lebanon because he and his ISM acolytes intend to act as human shields to enable Katyusha and other missile attacks against civilians in Northern Israel by interfering with the IDF.
Your video number two clearly shows the Israeli soldier keeping the kid up against the pillar to protect him. Human shield? Not hardly. Yet another example of the propagandists inability to report truthfully on anything.
Video number two, clearly shows 2 Palestinian kids being forced to stand in front of an IDF Humvee as human shields.

So what was stopping those two men from walking away from the vehicle, and don't you say that throwing rocks is not dangerous.
Those two boys were being detained. The soldier in the vehicle confirmed that was the case.

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