IDF Soldier Kicks Palestinian Boy.

It's very easy for ppl on this Board, most of whom have never served in the military, to judge the soldiers of the IDF. I taught 4th grade for one year, and I remember how hard it was to deal with disrespectful children. Those poor soldiers of the IDF have to deal with this daily. Sometimes they might lose it, but I'm sure they're disciplined by their superiors.

i was in the military and i am not questioning really the actions of the soldier. i even went so far as to cast some doubt as to the source of the complaint, although that source was mild compared to some of propaganda being

but i see very little if any evidence that the IDF and their MPCID invetigates and disciplines their soldiers with anything more than a slap on the wrist., be they justified in this particular case or not.

why are you sure they are disciplined by their superiors? what makes you sure?

bad soldiers cast a bad reflection on all soldiers.
Did you look for evidence before you made such a ridiculous statement? Naaaaah. Obviously not. Why would you. Your job is to scour the Internet looking for anything and everything that makes Jews look bad. However, The truth is that the Israeli military is one of the best and most compassionate in the world, and you cannot be one of the best militaries in the world if your soldiers are doing as they please, without any consequences.

But again, this is not about the poor Palestinian boy that got kicked, and its not about the poor Palestinians that are "suffering" at the hands of the Israelis. We all know that. If you're concerned about human rights abuses, then the worst of them occur right there by the Palestinian leadership on their own people. What this is about is a rabid Jew hater with too much time on his hands looking for ways to demonize and bait Jews.

i scoured the internet looking for statistics but found none. the IDF doesn't make such information readily available as far as i could tell.

i didn't post it because of "screaming meanies" like you, who say that anything negative about israel is anti-semitic propaganda.

"Of the 240 complaints by Palestinians to the Military Police Criminal Investigations Divisions (MPCID), only 103 investigations were opened during 2012.

The only indictment in 2012 concerned an investigation opened that year in which an IDF soldier was accused of violence against a Palestinian detainee in 2010. Yesh Din has not received a copy of the ruling from the IDF. Other investigations concern the killing of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, looting, violence, injuries and vandalism."

How Israeli soldiers are protected from criminal investigations

i have no reason to doubt their findings.

i will look for more.

i certainly welcome your unemotional and objective input on this issue.
i was in the military and i am not questioning really the actions of the soldier. i even went so far as to cast some doubt as to the source of the complaint, although that source was mild compared to some of propaganda being

but i see very little if any evidence that the IDF and their MPCID invetigates and disciplines their soldiers with anything more than a slap on the wrist., be they justified in this particular case or not.

why are you sure they are disciplined by their superiors? what makes you sure?

bad soldiers cast a bad reflection on all soldiers.
Did you look for evidence before you made such a ridiculous statement? Naaaaah. Obviously not. Why would you. Your job is to scour the Internet looking for anything and everything that makes Jews look bad. However, The truth is that the Israeli military is one of the best and most compassionate in the world, and you cannot be one of the best militaries in the world if your soldiers are doing as they please, without any consequences.

But again, this is not about the poor Palestinian boy that got kicked, and its not about the poor Palestinians that are "suffering" at the hands of the Israelis. We all know that. If you're concerned about human rights abuses, then the worst of them occur right there by the Palestinian leadership on their own people. What this is about is a rabid Jew hater with too much time on his hands looking for ways to demonize and bait Jews.

i scoured the internet looking for statistics but found none. the IDF doesn't make such information readily available as far as i could tell.

i didn't post it because of "screaming meanies" like you, who say that anything negative about israel is anti-semitic propaganda.

"Of the 240 complaints by Palestinians to the Military Police Criminal Investigations Divisions (MPCID), only 103 investigations were opened during 2012.

The only indictment in 2012 concerned an investigation opened that year in which an IDF soldier was accused of violence against a Palestinian detainee in 2010. Yesh Din has not received a copy of the ruling from the IDF. Other investigations concern the killing of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, looting, violence, injuries and vandalism."

How Israeli soldiers are protected from criminal investigations

i have no reason to doubt their findings.

i will look for more.

i certainly welcome your unemotional and objective input on this issue.
Well of course the bigot pathological liar neo Nazi's search results yeild "nothing". Ha ha ha.

Meanwhile, back in the real world:

MK proposes punishing IDF soldiers photographed humiliating Palestinians - Israel News | Haaretz

MK proposes punishing IDF soldiers photographed humiliating Palestinians
Proposal follows string of pictures and videos that have surfaced on the Internet in recent months; Hanegbi defends bill as method of deterring soldiers from behavior that damages the army and the country.

Soldiers disciplined for mistreating Palestinian detainees - Israel News, Ynetnews

IDF soldiers arrested over alleged mistreatment of Palestinian detainees - Israel News | Haaretz
Did you look for evidence before you made such a ridiculous statement? Naaaaah. Obviously not. Why would you. Your job is to scour the Internet looking for anything and everything that makes Jews look bad. However, The truth is that the Israeli military is one of the best and most compassionate in the world, and you cannot be one of the best militaries in the world if your soldiers are doing as they please, without any consequences.

But again, this is not about the poor Palestinian boy that got kicked, and its not about the poor Palestinians that are "suffering" at the hands of the Israelis. We all know that. If you're concerned about human rights abuses, then the worst of them occur right there by the Palestinian leadership on their own people. What this is about is a rabid Jew hater with too much time on his hands looking for ways to demonize and bait Jews.

i scoured the internet looking for statistics but found none. the IDF doesn't make such information readily available as far as i could tell.

i didn't post it because of "screaming meanies" like you, who say that anything negative about israel is anti-semitic propaganda.

"Of the 240 complaints by Palestinians to the Military Police Criminal Investigations Divisions (MPCID), only 103 investigations were opened during 2012.

The only indictment in 2012 concerned an investigation opened that year in which an IDF soldier was accused of violence against a Palestinian detainee in 2010. Yesh Din has not received a copy of the ruling from the IDF. Other investigations concern the killing of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, looting, violence, injuries and vandalism."

How Israeli soldiers are protected from criminal investigations

i have no reason to doubt their findings.

i will look for more.

i certainly welcome your unemotional and objective input on this issue.
Well of course the bigot pathological liar neo Nazi's search results yeild "nothing". Ha ha ha.

Meanwhile, back in the real world:

MK proposes punishing IDF soldiers photographed humiliating Palestinians - Israel News | Haaretz

MK proposes punishing IDF soldiers photographed humiliating Palestinians
Proposal follows string of pictures and videos that have surfaced on the Internet in recent months; Hanegbi defends bill as method of deterring soldiers from behavior that damages the army and the country.

Soldiers disciplined for mistreating Palestinian detainees - Israel News, Ynetnews

IDF soldiers arrested over alleged mistreatment of Palestinian detainees - Israel News | Haaretz

Boy, you would make a lousy lawyer. Seal doesnt have to say another word as your exhibits prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt. None of your links show the IDF soilders being punished to any great extent. and even the one about the bill proposed by the MK gives a statue of limitations of 5 years. You really ought to read the articles that you use to justify things because if you link to something people will check !!!

Also I would like to point out that photographing prisoners is a war crime according to the 4th Geneva Convention:

Parading prisoners 'broke international law'
By Joshua Rozenberg, Legal Editor
12:01AM BST 30 Mar 2007
The Iranian handling of the prisoners could have broken international humanitarian law.

This requires that the British military personnel be treated humanely and protected against insults or public curiosity.

The Fourth Geneva Convention, signed in 1949, protects civilians in time of war. But its application is much broader, covering people who, "in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in the case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a party to the conflict or occupying power of which they are not nationals".

It applies not only to "cases of declared war" but also "any other armed conflict". This seems to cover the situation of foreign troops captured at gunpoint.

Article 27 says that people protected by the Fourth Convention "are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons" and be protected from violence, threats, insults and public curiosity.

Parading prisoners 'broke international law' - Telegraph

But at this point I don't think Israel cares about such legalities.
Well of course the bigot pathological liar neo Nazi's search results yeild "nothing". Ha ha ha.

Meanwhile, back in the real world:

MK proposes punishing IDF soldiers photographed humiliating Palestinians - Israel News | Haaretz

MK proposes punishing IDF soldiers photographed humiliating Palestinians
Proposal follows string of pictures and videos that have surfaced on the Internet in recent months; Hanegbi defends bill as method of deterring soldiers from behavior that damages the army and the country.

Soldiers disciplined for mistreating Palestinian detainees - Israel News, Ynetnews

IDF soldiers arrested over alleged mistreatment of Palestinian detainees - Israel News | Haaretz

Boy, you would make a lousy lawyer. Seal doesnt have to say another word as your exhibits prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt. None of your links show the IDF soilders being punished to any great extent. and even the one about the bill proposed by the MK gives a statue of limitations of 5 years. You really ought to read the articles that you use to justify things because if you link to something people will check !!!

Also I would like to point out that photographing prisoners is a war crime according to the 4th Geneva Convention:

Parading prisoners 'broke international law'
By Joshua Rozenberg, Legal Editor
12:01AM BST 30 Mar 2007
The Iranian handling of the prisoners could have broken international humanitarian law.

This requires that the British military personnel be treated humanely and protected against insults or public curiosity.

The Fourth Geneva Convention, signed in 1949, protects civilians in time of war. But its application is much broader, covering people who, "in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in the case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a party to the conflict or occupying power of which they are not nationals".

It applies not only to "cases of declared war" but also "any other armed conflict". This seems to cover the situation of foreign troops captured at gunpoint.

Article 27 says that people protected by the Fourth Convention "are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons" and be protected from violence, threats, insults and public curiosity.

Parading prisoners 'broke international law' - Telegraph

But at this point I don't think Israel cares about such legalities.

i didn't even want to respond, it was pretty ridiculous.

i mean, the issue kind of centered around how the IDF investigates misconduct towards the civilian population in her own ranks and roudy gives us a case of soldiers abusing recruits and a 17 day penalty for a woman found guilty of offenses similair to abu ghraib, albeit of a lesser magnitude. seventeen days is a slap on the wrist.

but my fave was the MK introducing a bill in front of the knesset (odd really that things are so bad they need a law passed to cover the IDF's short comings) and the MK is essentially saying what i had contended, that the IDF is inadeqquate to unvestigate themselves and too many cases are slipping through the cracks.

roudy, i asked for statistics on the matter first of all, but yes, i also did ask for investigations that soldiers received penalties ampunting to more than a slap on the wrist, if you need some reference point (and it was marg who brought up abu ghraib), just look at the penalties meted out to those cconvicted of misconduct there. no wrist slappin' in those proceedings.
So the Israelis agree there's a problem and they are working on ways to correct it - and that makes the Israelis terrible, according to PatCat and Seal?

Seal, who in his zeal for supporting BDS 'completely', has stated he doesn't mind that the BDS folks have made up ay number of 'successes' and stooped to attempting to disrupt fellow Americans at religious services - violating fellow Americans' Constitutional rights to show their support for a foreign 'government'.
So the Israelis agree there's a problem and they are working on ways to correct it - and that makes the Israelis terrible, according to PatCat and Seal?

Seal, who in his zeal for supporting BDS 'completely', has stated he doesn't mind that the BDS folks have made up ay number of 'successes' and stooped to attempting to disrupt fellow Americans at religious services - violating fellow Americans' Constitutional rights to show their support for a foreign 'government'.

i don't believe i said all that you allege i said but i am sure you will provide the appropriate links.

i am not really sure what BDS has to do with anything on this thread.

what i said was that was that the IDF has seemed to display a woeful inadequacy when it comes to investigating itself, and particularly in cases involving palestinians and civilians and i later asked for someone to present a few cases where the abuses generated anything more than a wrist slap to those involved in them.
Well of course the bigot pathological liar neo Nazi's search results yeild "nothing". Ha ha ha.

Meanwhile, back in the real world:

MK proposes punishing IDF soldiers photographed humiliating Palestinians - Israel News | Haaretz

MK proposes punishing IDF soldiers photographed humiliating Palestinians
Proposal follows string of pictures and videos that have surfaced on the Internet in recent months; Hanegbi defends bill as method of deterring soldiers from behavior that damages the army and the country.

Soldiers disciplined for mistreating Palestinian detainees - Israel News, Ynetnews

IDF soldiers arrested over alleged mistreatment of Palestinian detainees - Israel News | Haaretz

Boy, you would make a lousy lawyer. Seal doesnt have to say another word as your exhibits prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt. None of your links show the IDF soilders being punished to any great extent. and even the one about the bill proposed by the MK gives a statue of limitations of 5 years. You really ought to read the articles that you use to justify things because if you link to something people will check !!!

Also I would like to point out that photographing prisoners is a war crime according to the 4th Geneva Convention:

Parading prisoners 'broke international law'
By Joshua Rozenberg, Legal Editor
12:01AM BST 30 Mar 2007
The Iranian handling of the prisoners could have broken international humanitarian law.

This requires that the British military personnel be treated humanely and protected against insults or public curiosity.

The Fourth Geneva Convention, signed in 1949, protects civilians in time of war. But its application is much broader, covering people who, "in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in the case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a party to the conflict or occupying power of which they are not nationals".

It applies not only to "cases of declared war" but also "any other armed conflict". This seems to cover the situation of foreign troops captured at gunpoint.

Article 27 says that people protected by the Fourth Convention "are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons" and be protected from violence, threats, insults and public curiosity.

Parading prisoners 'broke international law' - Telegraph

But at this point I don't think Israel cares about such legalities.
Not my fault that your hate has caused you blindness and reading comprehension problems. They're not going to hang soldiers for taking humilating photos, dufus. The punishment has to fit the crime. It appears that the offenses are mostly minor and non criminal in nature. Somehow "humiliating photos" does not compares to murdering innocent people in cold blood, as your beloved Palestinians like to do.

4 Border Guards convicted of abusing helpless Palestinian - Israel News, Ynetnews
Four Border Guard officers were convicted Thursday on charges of aggravated assault and abuse of a helpless person for their involvement in a 2009 incident in which they abused a Palestinian near a Givat Ze'ev checkpoint.

Boy, you would make a lousy lawyer. Seal doesnt have to say another word as your exhibits prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt. None of your links show the IDF soilders being punished to any great extent. and even the one about the bill proposed by the MK gives a statue of limitations of 5 years. You really ought to read the articles that you use to justify things because if you link to something people will check !!!

Also I would like to point out that photographing prisoners is a war crime according to the 4th Geneva Convention:

Parading prisoners 'broke international law'
By Joshua Rozenberg, Legal Editor
12:01AM BST 30 Mar 2007
The Iranian handling of the prisoners could have broken international humanitarian law.

This requires that the British military personnel be treated humanely and protected against insults or public curiosity.

The Fourth Geneva Convention, signed in 1949, protects civilians in time of war. But its application is much broader, covering people who, "in any manner whatsoever, find themselves, in the case of a conflict or occupation, in the hands of a party to the conflict or occupying power of which they are not nationals".

It applies not only to "cases of declared war" but also "any other armed conflict". This seems to cover the situation of foreign troops captured at gunpoint.

Article 27 says that people protected by the Fourth Convention "are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons" and be protected from violence, threats, insults and public curiosity.

Parading prisoners 'broke international law' - Telegraph

But at this point I don't think Israel cares about such legalities.

i didn't even want to respond, it was pretty ridiculous.

i mean, the issue kind of centered around how the IDF investigates misconduct towards the civilian population in her own ranks and roudy gives us a case of soldiers abusing recruits and a 17 day penalty for a woman found guilty of offenses similair to abu ghraib, albeit of a lesser magnitude. seventeen days is a slap on the wrist.

but my fave was the MK introducing a bill in front of the knesset (odd really that things are so bad they need a law passed to cover the IDF's short comings) and the MK is essentially saying what i had contended, that the IDF is inadeqquate to unvestigate themselves and too many cases are slipping through the cracks.

roudy, i asked for statistics on the matter first of all, but yes, i also did ask for investigations that soldiers received penalties ampunting to more than a slap on the wrist, if you need some reference point (and it was marg who brought up abu ghraib), just look at the penalties meted out to those cconvicted of misconduct there. no wrist slappin' in those proceedings.
Oh boy, a bill so the soldiers stop taking humiliating photos. The horror, the horror. Most Western nations should wish that their main problem is that their servicemen are "taking humiliating photos". Now you juxtapose that with what Palestinians and Muslims are doing: Torturing, public executions, throwing people off tall buildings, beheadings etc. (of which ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IS BEING DONE) and the Israelis come out smelling real good, that they make such a big deal about a minor offences. Shows that they truly are a compassionate army and people that have set very high standards for their conduct. :clap:
IDF soldier filmed kicking Palestinian boy

Video distributed by International Solidarity Movement shows soldier cursing, shoving and kicking 12 year old in Hebron; IDF says will investigate

Itamar Fleishman Published: 08.04.13, 19:50 / Israel News

An IDF soldier serving in the Kfir Brigade was filmed beating a 12-year-old Palestinian boy near Hebron's Tel Rumeida neighborhood.

In the video, which was uploaded to the Internet and distributed by the International Solidarity Movement, the soldier is seen shoving and kicking boy.

The incident took place on Saturday during a heated exchange of words between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian boys. At a certain point one of the soldiers calls a Palestinian boy "dummy" and "son of a bitch" and then grabs his head and kicks him. The video does not shed light on the circumstances behind the incident.

IDF soldier filmed kicking Palestinian boy - Israel News, Ynetnews

"IDF says it will investigate."

LOL...well, that certainly puts my mind at ease.

ya know, normally i wouldn't think of ISM as a legitimate source but for this forum and the news as posted by zionists,, they would receive a pulitzer for honest reporting.

watched the video, I didn't see anything happen.

video is a bit crappy though, at least on my end
MK proposes punishing IDF soldiers photographed humiliating Palestinians
Proposal follows string of pictures and videos that have surfaced on the Internet in recent months;

Hanegbi defends bill as method of deterring soldiers from behavior that damages the army and the country.

Not for child cruelty or assaults by heavily armed soldiers on unarmed civilians; just to stop the IDF bastards from showing what the IDF and Israeli government really are.

Yep - That's Israeli politics.
watched the video, I didn't see anything happen.

video is a bit crappy though, at least on my end

Try this one then.
You'll note the unarmed girl had got down and was walking away so there was no danger at all to the armed IDF bastards.

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Or you could try these brave, fully armed IDF cowards:

punching an unarmed lady
two of them kicking the shit out of a crying child
A whole bunch of them to slap a young woman around

If they'll do that with overt press camera crews around; what do they do when no one can see them

Frankly, it's a pity it was cameras pointed at the evil bastards when it should have been guns.
The IDF are a violent invading force so, in my opinion, valid military targets for freedom fighters.
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And how extremist Jews treat Americans

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Or extreme Jewish attitudes to Christians

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How extremist Jews treat women (and little girls)

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Israel is ONLY for Jews. No Christian Americans welcome.

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Pro Israeli extremists trying to remove your elected president.
Regardless of your thoughts on Obama, is it Israel's right to remove your president.

Is this what you want your tax dollars to fund?

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