IDF: 9,500 rockets fired at Israel since Oct. 7, including 3,000 in 1st hours of onslaught


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is just since Oct 7th. Imagine if Canadian or Mexico citizens were raining rockets down on the U.S in these numbers?

The second link provides detailed numbers. Take note of this sentence:

"Attacks began in 2001. Since then (August 2014 data), almost 20,000 rockets have hit southern Israel,[35][36] all but a few thousand of them since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in August 2005."

This is why there is overwhelming support in Israel for the end of Hamas.

Noteworthy points:

(1) These rocket attacks are acts of war, and yet the international community has grown so accustomed to it that prior to 10/6 the sporadic rocket attacks were barely noticed or reported outside Israel and the U.S.

(2) Gaza is a "welfare state." That is to say, it produces nothing and relies almost totally on donated goods, services, and money from the outside, while Israel provides power and other utilities at no cost. Why?

(3) Hamas has taken the money and materials that have been given to Gaza - most intended for humanitarian purposes - and used them to make bombs and rockets, to buy weapons, to build tunnels - which have no peaceful purpose - and to equip itself for war with the IDF.

(4) There are no "innocent, peaceful civilians" in Gaza. If you ask any one of them, "Can you foresee a time when a Palestinian State lives peacefully side-by-side with the Jewish State?" The answer will be, "No!" one hundred percent of the time. Acordingly, the infamous, "Two State Solution" is folly and should be abandoned.

Surely, the international community should either cut off all aid to Hamas, or demand that it be administered by an outside agency that will ensure that it is used for the purposes intended.

Like him or not, Netanyahu is right.
This is just since Oct 7th. Imagine if Canadian or Mexico citizens were raining rockets down on the U.S in these numbers?

The second link provides detailed numbers. Take note of this sentence:

"Attacks began in 2001. Since then (August 2014 data), almost 20,000 rockets have hit southern Israel,[35][36] all but a few thousand of them since Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in August 2005."

This is why there is overwhelming support in Israel for the end of Hamas.

These rockets are home made, hand held, and unguided.
Over 99% of them hit unoccupied space.
No one even bothers going into shelter when they are launched.

But Israel deserves far more retribution for their ongoing crimes.
The 7 million Israelis now illegal occupy 85% of Palestine, and illegally blockade the 13 million Palestinians on just 15% of the land they legally own.
Noteworthy points:

(1) These rocket attacks are acts of war, and yet the international community has grown so accustomed to it that prior to 10/6 the sporadic rocket attacks were barely noticed or reported outside Israel and the U.S.

(2) Gaza is a "welfare state." That is to say, it produces nothing and relies almost totally on donated goods, services, and money from the outside, while Israel provides power and other utilities at no cost. Why?

(3) Hamas has taken the money and materials that have been given to Gaza - most intended for humanitarian purposes - and used them to make bombs and rockets, to buy weapons, to build tunnels - which have no peaceful purpose - and to equip itself for war with the IDF.

(4) There are no "innocent, peaceful civilians" in Gaza. If you ask any one of them, "Can you foresee a time when a Palestinian State lives peacefully side-by-side with the Jewish State?" The answer will be, "No!" one hundred percent of the time. Acordingly, the infamous, "Two State Solution" is folly and should be abandoned.

Surely, the international community should either cut off all aid to Hamas, or demand that it be administered by an outside agency that will ensure that it is used for the purposes intended.

Like him or not, Netanyahu is right.

Defensive retaliation like these little rockets, are more than legally justified.
And it is Israel that committed all the acts of war, like massive violations of immigration quotas, murdering the British peace-keepers by blowing up the King David Hotel, gunning down Folke Bernadotte the UN moderator, massacring hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin, etc.

It is fraud to call the Palestinians a welfare state when it is Israel that has illegally taken their means of survival by confiscating their farms and blockading all trade.

If you abandon the 2 state solution, then Israel disappears since there are 13 million natives and only 7 million settler Jews.

Netanyahu is a criminal who should be imprisoned.
Defensive retaliation like these little rockets, are more than legally justified.
And it is Israel that committed all the acts of war, like massive violations of immigration quotas, murdering the British peace-keepers by blowing up the King David Hotel, gunning down Folke Bernadotte the UN moderator, massacring hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin, etc.

It is fraud to call the Palestinians a welfare state when it is Israel that has illegally taken their means of survival by confiscating their farms and blockading all trade.

If you abandon the 2 state solution, then Israel disappears since there are 13 million natives and only 7 million settler Jews.

Netanyahu is a criminal who should be imprisoned.
Both sides have fools and extremists but Gaza was offered full nationhood and Arafat rejected it. Israel left in 2006 and Gaza elected a terrorist government that stole 10s of billions from their citizens. Palestine has never truly been a country, it was an annexed area of Egypt after they attacked Israel, again, without provocation. Israel then offered to give the land back but Egypt didn't want it as they viewed the population as problematic. Israel is here to stay even as they have to fight all the enemies that srround them. A two state solution will ultimately be realized whether in this generation or in the future but the radicalization must end along with the rockets.
What is the legal justification for attacking a sovereign State? Be specific.

Forced occupation in an outdoor prison, where they are constantly harassed and shot.

Were the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto unjustified in revolting?
Joe Biden released $billions$ to the Iranians.
Guess what they spent it on.

Forced occupation in an outdoor prison, where they are constantly harassed and shot.
You DO understand that the naval blockade of Gaza is intended to prevent the importation of weapons, yes? The way to END the blockade, then, is to stop attacking Israel. Attacking Israel is the CAUSE of Gaza's problems, not the solution.
These rockets are home made, hand held, and unguided.
Over 99% of them hit unoccupied space.
No one even bothers going into shelter when they are launched.

But Israel deserves far more retribution for their ongoing crimes.
The 7 million Israelis now illegal occupy 85% of Palestine, and illegally blockade the 13 million Palestinians on just 15% of the land they legally own.

These rockets are home made, hand held, and unguided

Firing unguided rockets at civilians is a war crime.
You DO understand that the naval blockade of Gaza is intended to prevent the importation of weapons, yes? The way to END the blockade, then, is to stop attacking Israel. Attacking Israel is the CAUSE of Gaza's problems, not the solution.
So you change the subject because you know I’m right. Thanks.
So you change the subject because you know I’m right. Thanks.
Oh please.

The only "prison" is the one of Gaza's own making. The only occupation is the pre-occupation with murdering Jews.
Oh please.

The only "prison" is the one of Gaza's own making. The only occupation is the pre-occupation with murdering Jews.
Proving once again, how little you know. Is it ignorance or racism?
Who fired guided rockets at civilians? Houthis?
I really hate supporters of genocide. So, you and I won’t ever get along.

The result is the pathetic sight of the US secretary of state and then president pleading with Israel, which receives untold billions in US money, diplomatic support and almost unlimited arms supplies, to stop the massacre and confect some sort of face-saving end to the current conflict. Israel’s ultra right-wing cabinet has so far refused to stop the bloodbath.

Now, America’s pro-Israel partisans are demanding more intense military action against the far-off Houthis. Their anger will next focus on South Africa, Mexico and Chile who have had the temerity to accuse Israel of genocide.

Of course it’s genocide. The goal of Israel’s far right settler’s movement and its extreme right wing Zionist allies is to depopulate, or at least thin out, the Palestinian population so that Jews will remain the permanent majority between the Jordan River and the sea. For Israel’s zealots each dead Palestinian means less to deal with in the future.
Watch Those Houthis – They Are Pretty Tough - LewRockwell
I really hate supporters of genocide. So, you and I won’t ever get along.

The result is the pathetic sight of the US secretary of state and then president pleading with Israel, which receives untold billions in US money, diplomatic support and almost unlimited arms supplies, to stop the massacre and confect some sort of face-saving end to the current conflict. Israel’s ultra right-wing cabinet has so far refused to stop the bloodbath.

Now, America’s pro-Israel partisans are demanding more intense military action against the far-off Houthis. Their anger will next focus on South Africa, Mexico and Chile who have had the temerity to accuse Israel of genocide.

Of course it’s genocide. The goal of Israel’s far right settler’s movement and its extreme right wing Zionist allies is to depopulate, or at least thin out, the Palestinian population so that Jews will remain the permanent majority between the Jordan River and the sea. For Israel’s zealots each dead Palestinian means less to deal with in the future.
Watch Those Houthis – They Are Pretty Tough - LewRockwell

I really hate supporters of genocide.

Yeah, Hamas and much of the muslim world is the worst!

Now, America’s pro-Israel partisans are demanding more intense military action against the far-off Houthis.
A lot of the civilized world wants to squash those barbarians.

Of course it’s genocide.

Of course it's not.
Proving once again, how little you know. Is it ignorance or racism?
Enough of your silly little pot shots. Do you want to discuss something? Let's discuss something. Let's go back to the original question, which was: Under what legal circumstances can one enter a sovereign country and rape, torture, murder, and abduct civilians? Or fire indiscriminate rockets at a civilian population?

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