Identity Politics is America’s Anti-Semitism


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The worst hasn't happened, it's coming.
Identity Politics is America’s Anti-Semitism

Identity Politics is America’s Anti-Semitism
When Robert Bowers walked through the door of the Tree of Life synagogue with murder on his mind, he was propelled by identity politics. As a white supremacist, his brand of identity politics is more politically incorrect than the ones that led Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour of the Women’s March to support Louis Farrakhan, but it’s no more violent, racist or evil.... Before the massacre, the most recent high profile anti-Semitic attack had been carried out by a Muslim who was caught on video beating a Jewish man while shouting about, “Allah” and his hatred for Jews.... Another hate crime, also caught on video, was a violent assault with a baseball bat by a black man.... Such assaults are less devastating than the mass murder of eleven people, but also much more commonplace. They repeat from month to month and year to year. They make up much of the toll of anti-Semitic hate crimes so that they top the list of hate crime statistics every single year.... The Tree of Life massacre has been greeted with editorials mourning a “loss of innocence” by American Jews. Such editorials come from a bubble of privilege that is cut off from the way many Jews live... In 1991, New York City’s first black mayor stood and watched while a violent mob whipped up, by among others, Al Sharpton, went on a violent anti-Semitic rampage in Crown Heights. The Crown Heights Pogrom, as it would become known, took three lives and terrorized a neighborhood.... Sharpton, the black supremacist linked to the anti-Semitic violence, went on to speak at the Democratic National Convention, host a show on MSNBC and become a regular visitor to the Obama White House.... The distance between Crown Heights and Squirrel Hill is more than mere geography, it’s social and cultural. Anti-Semitic violence by black supremacists and Muslim terrorists tends to happen in poorer, urban neighborhoods and is directed against a poorer and more religious class of Jews.

Marxist Socialists are equal opportunity thugs as shown by the history of the Soviets who killed anyone who disagreed with them regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, etc.... From the PR perspective it does not help that out of 7 original Soviet Politburo members, 4 were Jews who hid their Jewish family names : Zinowiew-Apfelbaum, Trotsky-Bronstein, Sokolnikov-Yankelevich, and Kamenev-Rozenfeld... In summary, if a Bolshevik Jew kills as conservative Jew is it anti-Semitic? This is not just anti-Semitic per se. The demarcation line is between the left vs right. At least, the left is consistent with regard to equal opportunity. Thus, a black, gay, poor, woman voting for Trump will get the same treatment as an conservative Jew doing the same.
There is also a form of willful blindness at work here. Many Jews, particularly those on the left, can see exactly what is happening in the country but don't seem willing or able to draw the conclusion that their so-called ideological allies are, in fact, at war with them. Like a form of Stockholm-syndrome, they adopt the position that those opposing the left are also their enemies, where common sense and experience would tell them that the opposite is true. The left has made it abundantly clear, to anyone who pays attention, that the "love" they have for the Jews extends only as far as those Jews who support and share their vision; it does not extend to those Jews who put God and Torah first.
When Robert Bowers walked through the door of the Tree of Life synagogue with murder on his mind, he was propelled by hate coming from POTUS Trump.

There; fixed it 4 U
This is actually a pretty good quick summary. I have researched antisemitism extensively, and it is based around a lot of truth. Discerning exactly which things are true, and which is calumny, is in fact an arduous task. What I have verified so far is that a few jewish families gained obscene wealth from the slave trade, a few from banking, and a few from opportunism in russia. These families are the oligarchs. They do have immense political and monetary power. They seem to be divided into two main groups, the socialists, and the zionists. These are facts as I have verified. And too there are a great many conspiracy theories which involve the jew. Yes, likely much of what is claimed by the neo-nazis is true, and it even seems more likely than not, that the holocaust did not happen as we are told it had. It seems likely, to me, that much of what the "antisemitic" people believe is indeed true. But some people are not intelligent enough to have information without using it to justify attacking other groups, groups which are often innocent. I sincerely doubt any observant jew is instigating a coup in ukraine to make billions of dollars, or stealing 8% of moldova's national GDP. Gee CNN, where were you on reporting that? So while I'm all for reading and learning, watch hellstorm for god's sake, listen to david duke while you're at it, luis farrakhan too maybe, but we need to stop dumb people from breeding if we want to stop this violence. Dumb people just don't know how to handle truths that change their paradigms.
It all depends on keeping racial self awareness confined to a few favored groups. But that will break down in the end and the elites will lose control of the anger they traffic in.
When Robert Bowers walked through the door of the Tree of Life synagogue with murder on his mind, he was propelled by hate coming from POTUS Trump.

There; fixed it 4 U


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