Idaho wants MyPillow CEO to pay for costs to refute his false election fraud claim

They were going to hang Pence! It’s True! I saw a real gallows with a noose and everything on the interwebs!
Well, we are talking about Nazi right-wingers. They are capable of doing anything. Pence should know. The guy was terrified of the right-wing mob.
Official audits are not to be trusted. GA. and AZ. have proven that. Next.
You morons agitated for it and paid for it. Now, you tell us that it should not be trusted? Trumptards are so cute. Morons, of course, but cute!
The cheating election rigging Dems will be destroyed! What did you morons think was going to happen that we'd just roll over and let you steal the election without consequence? Fine, we hate your guts it's on. One of us will emerge from this cage match, it wont' be you snowflakes.
The cheating election rigging Dems will be destroyed! What did you morons think was going to happen that we'd just roll over and let you steal the election without consequence? Fine, we hate your guts it's on. One of us will emerge from this cage match, it wont' be you snowflakes.
Do you have any idea how unhinged you sound?
So it only applies to the rich and powerful?

You keep on proving that you're just a sleazy lying piece of shit.
No, it applies to people who can actually cause damage to others with their lies. Sadly, you're too big of a fucking moron to understand that.

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