Idaho wants MyPillow CEO to pay for costs to refute his false election fraud claim


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2020
After MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely claimed election fraud occurred in Idaho, Secretary of State officials audited three counties to disprove that claim. Now, the state plans to send Lindell a bill.

Idaho Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck confirmed to the Idaho Statesman that the office plans to bill the CEO for the costs associated with auditing the three counties, a total estimated at about $6,500. Houck announced the bill on CNN on Thursday.

In Idaho, former President Donald Trump handily won in the 2020 presidential election with 63.8% of the votes. But Lindell, in a widely circulated document titled “The Big Lie,” alleged that presidential election results in all 44 Idaho counties were electronically manipulated to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden.

After MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely claimed election fraud occurred in Idaho, Secretary of State officials audited three counties to disprove that claim. Now, the state plans to send Lindell a bill.

Idaho Chief Deputy Secretary of State Chad Houck confirmed to the Idaho Statesman that the office plans to bill the CEO for the costs associated with auditing the three counties, a total estimated at about $6,500. Houck announced the bill on CNN on Thursday.

In Idaho, former President Donald Trump handily won in the 2020 presidential election with 63.8% of the votes. But Lindell, in a widely circulated document titled “The Big Lie,” alleged that presidential election results in all 44 Idaho counties were electronically manipulated to switch votes from Trump to Joe Biden.

If he didn't order the audit, I don't see that they have a leg to stand on.
After Dominion gets through with the My Pillow Guy, $6500 should about wipe him out
Has anyone got a link to the video or documentation where Lindell made those statements about Idaho? I've followed most of his videos and publications, and a lot of it is definitely far fetched. Even so, I don't recall seeing anything in his stuff about Idaho specifically, unless it was one of his ad-hock gif charts with arrows pointing in and out of the us (representing network traffic). Was it made up fake news, published by someone else?
So what about freedom of speech, dimbo’s claim that all the time? Somehow contrary statements to their political narrative is not tolerated and perpetrators punished. Love it!
Has anyone got a link to the video or documentation where Lindell made those statements about Idaho? I've followed most of his videos and publications, and a lot of it is definitely far fetched. Even so, I don't recall seeing anything in his stuff about Idaho specifically, unless it was one of his ad-hock gif charts with arrows pointing in and out of the us (representing network traffic). Was it made up fake news, published by someone else?

So what about freedom of speech, dimbo’s claim that all the time? Somehow contrary statements to their political narrative is not tolerated and perpetrators punished. Love it!
LOL, You Trumptards make tall claims and when people ignore you or laugh at you, you claim DEEP STATE.

If people take you seriously and launch an audit and it fails to validate your tall claim FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!

Just like your orange douche bag. Do you retards ever take responsibility for your actions?
Lying is not covered by freedom of speech

What you say still has consequences
Hell them Dimbo’s lie every day, so what? You buy their nonsense without question. Are they held accountable? hell no! Who are you trying to BS?
LOL, You Trumptards make tall claims and when people ignore you or laugh at you, you claim DEEP STATE.

If people take you seriously and launch an audit and it fails to validate your tall claim FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!

Just like your orange douche bag. Do you retards ever take responsibility for your actions?
Some people question, actually read. A little advice here my friend he as you have the right to question and demand validation. Please explain how Cabbage Patch received more votes than your messiah the community organizer? Talk to your bud lock box founder of the internet guru Gore.
You can bet your asses that Lindell pays his taxes, because it would be all over the news all day every day if he did not.

The corporate media and their idiot sheep never discuss any of the specifics Lindell discusses.

Recounting illegal votes is not proving the election was fair.

You know the lefties are lying…because if you change the names Biden and Trump….then they say the election was stolen, like in 2016.

Lefties lie for the short term gain. It is easy to use your speech this way.

The short term consequences of telling the truth may be negative, but is generally positive in the long run.

Lefties just stack up lie after lie.

Like we were going to have another ice age by 2000. The lefties loved this lie in the 1970s.
Lying is not covered by freedom of speech

What you say still has consequences
Lying is covered by free speech, 100%. The average human lies like 19 times a day. Now if you lie about someone publicly, and they can prove it caused damage to them in front of a CIVIL court, they can sue. That’s worlds different...these are the people that want to run the country with an iron fist, and talk about America being founded on white supremacy folks. This is like 4th grad civics stuff.
Some people question, actually read. A little advice here my friend he as you have the right to question and demand validation. Please explain how Cabbage Patch received more votes than your messiah the community organizer? Talk to your bud lock box founder of the internet guru Gore.
Since we are exchanging advice... learn to accept responsibility.

Lindell is a nobody but he had the backing of your orange douche bag and hence his voice was heard. When he made a stink about the "fraudulent" elections and demanded recounts...people had to take him up on it.

But when they found bupkiss...they are demanding he pays for the audit. Only fair, right? Or, would you rather the taxpayers should be liable for Lindell's boneheaded statements? So, first advice...learn to accept responsibility.

Second...Next time, take your own advice and learn to read. Everything I have stated above, you could have found it yourself...if you had, you know, actually learned to read.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
Since we are exchanging advice... learn to accept responsibility.

Lindell is a nobody but he had the backing of your orange douche bag and hence his voice was heard. When he made a stink about the "fraudulent" elections and demanded recounts...people had to take him up on it.

But when they found bupkiss...they are demanding he pays for the audit. Only fair, right? Or, would you rather the taxpayers should be liable for Lindell's boneheaded statements? So, first advice...learn to accept responsibility.

Second...Next time, take your own advice and learn to read. Everything I have stated above, you could have found it yourself...if you had, you know, actually learned to read.

Let me know if you are still confused. :itsok:
Magnus when can Americans expect to be reimbursed for the Russian and Ukrainian hoax?
You are aware audits are multi phased right? It’s not about just the number of votes cast its about validation of the legitimacy of each vote cast right or wrong?
Staidhup, when Americans are reimbursed for the Jan 6 riots.
About the same time BLM and ANTIFA reimburse the cities, states, and Federal Government for their “approved” riots, not to mention businesses and minority owned businesses that were vandalized and torched as well? I guess the year plus of ANTIFA riots are exempt for justified political reasons? Love you guys, so witty and hypocritical.

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