No concern of ours


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
That is Joe Manchin behind Schumer's left shoulder burying his face in his hands. Even he knows what a disaster this has become.

The Senate passed a "stopgap" spending bill after 11 so-called Republicans voted to end the filibuster.

Don't vote for Democrats or Republicans. None of them (save a scant few) care about you. None of them will fulfill their campaign promises. And they never will.

They are convincingly unconcerned with the fiscal consequences of unlimited spending.

(Image: @burgessev)

Citizens need to rise up and petition and demand that ALL wages, bonuses, perks, kickbacks, and all other monetarily gained "gifts" must STOP immediately for ALL politicians in the White House, Senate, and Congress.........until they reverse the spending, start paying off debts instead of creating them, and end all moneys sent to other countries until CITIZENS needs are met, debts are paid off, and there is a positive cash flow into Social Security and other social organizations that exist for the assistance of the people.

And THEY won't get paid until it gets done. Not ONE freeking penny!!
Only way to do that is an actual uprising. will be called terrorism and those doing it will wind up in the same lockup as the Jan6 group. Gotta face it...we are doomed. Too many in the Cabal, too much power already alloted. It will take a miracle and I'm pretty sure that will NOT happen.
When they pass that multi-trillion dollar throat cut of the United States, its war, the real thing, its opposed by 75% of the nation, they do not have any such mandate and if they push it through, they will have no safe harbor anywhere within the United States, we don't care about their fucking Marxist toe sucking DOJ/FBI, or the Marxist pentagon brass, they do not have lawful right to kill the United States, they do not have any rights at all, and just as with their naked treason along southern border, it'll be endgame time, they have 75% of the nation more than willing to bear arms against them and their billionaires!
Citizens need to rise up and petition and demand that ALL wages, bonuses, perks, kickbacks, and all other monetarily gained "gifts" must STOP immediately for ALL politicians in the White House, Senate, and Congress.........until they reverse the spending, start paying off debts instead of creating them, and end all moneys sent to other countries until CITIZENS needs are met, debts are paid off, and there is a positive cash flow into Social Security and other social organizations that exist for the assistance of the people.

And THEY won't get paid until it gets done. Not ONE freeking penny!!

Petitions are meaningless.

The only way they will listen is if you vote, with your brain. Educate yourself, educate others.

Time for some 'brute force' tactics.
Only way to do that is an actual uprising. will be called terrorism and those doing it will wind up in the same lockup as the Jan6 group. Gotta face it...we are doomed. Too many in the Cabal, too much power already alloted. It will take a miracle and I'm pretty sure that will NOT happen.
Pretty much how I see things at this point.
Where is yours now?
I'm not outraged. You are. Or at least you're pretending to be.
Do I have to express myself on this board each time I am outraged about something?
Hypocrite much? If it is so important would have been important to you when your cult leader did it twice. But we both know why you didn't say anything then.... you were not outraged then...and you're not outraged now.
Hypocrite much? If it is so important would have been important to you when your cult leader did it twice. But we both know why you didn't say anything then.... you were not outraged then...and you're not outraged now.

Funny thing is, you Nostradamus wannabe, is that you're assuming I am never outraged by/at the Republicans.

But, this is a political forum, not a manners contest; and I get to selectively post shit on here just like you always do.
Funny thing is, you Nostradamus wannabe, is that you're assuming I am never outraged by/at the Republicans.

But, this is a political forum, not a manners contest; and I get to selectively post shit on here just like you always do.
Yeah; never before has your hypocrisy been more evident. Unlike you, I do admit when President Biden--yes YOUR PRESIDENT BIDEN--screws up as I did with the withdraw from Afghanistan.
Yeah; never before has your hypocrisy been more evident. Unlike you, I do admit when President Biden--yes YOUR PRESIDENT BIDEN--screws up as I did with the withdraw from Afghanistan.

Ha. That was a screwup so massive, it would have been political suicide to suggest otherwise. Yet, he did, and you went right along with it. You can admit what you want, that doesn't mean the admission is true.

You are silent almost all the time when it comes to Biden's mistakes.

(But the best you can do is click the funny button, simply because you have no plausible argument for or against Biden's actions as YOUR (not my) president.)
That is Joe Manchin behind Schumer's left shoulder burying his face in his hands. Even he knows what a disaster this has become.

The Senate passed a "stopgap" spending bill after 11 so-called Republicans voted to end the filibuster.

Don't vote for Democrats or Republicans. None of them (save a scant few) care about you. None of them will fulfill their campaign promises. And they never will.

They are convincingly unconcerned with the fiscal consequences of unlimited spending.

(Image: @burgessev)

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Manchin knows they just turned up the heat on he and Sinema by about 1000 degrees.

This country is done for in about a thousand ways. I mean that. Done.

Pick your poison. The debt, inflation, the illegals pouring over our borders. The fact that we're neurotic over Covid, that we love to have idiot "public health officers" rule us to the point we wear surgical masks over our faces for TWO FREAKING YEARS. **Surgical masks**. As if they do a damn thing.

Or, ask teachers what we're seeing in classrooms, and then wait 10 years.

We're done.

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