I'd like your opinion of the 911 operator on this call


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
A few months ago, there was a murder suicide in a neighboring town. A local doctor, who was married, was having an affair with a young woman almost half his age. She broke it off with him and found a new boyfriend. One night the doctor followed her to her boyfriend's house and they started fighting. The boyfriend witnessed the events that took place and he called 911 because he feared his girlfriend was in danger. Listen to the call. I think the 911 operator should be suspended. I thought she was a total bitch and even though she could not have changed the outcome, I felt that she was uncaring and rude to an obviously frightened young man. It's about a 4 minute audio, so please listen and comment. The woman's boss defended her and said she had been at the job for a long time and was a professional. I beg to differ.

UPDATE: 911 recording from murder-suicide in Jesup released
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I think the dispatcher did what she was supposed to do, but her attitude sucked. She's worried about a scared guy yelling (and not yelling at her, yet she bitched about it) while he is witnessing the last seconds of his girlfriend's life?


The dispatcher has serious issues, IMO. It's not about her whenever a scared guy is calling her to ask for help to stop a fatal shooting.

I think the dispatcher did what she was supposed to do, but her attitude sucked. She's worried about a scared guy yelling (and not yelling at her, yet she bitched about it) while he is witnessing the last seconds of his girlfriend's life?


The dispatcher has serious issues, IMO. It's not about her whenever a scared guy is calling her to ask for help to stop a fatal shooting.


My thoughts exactly. She could have reassured the guy that help was coming and been understanding considering the horrible circumstances he found himself in. She didn't need to reprimand him and get all defensive. He said, "Hurry, please!" and she took that as yelling at her. Bitch. I don't think she has any people skills.
She was doing her job. She was kind of flat and didn't sound like she really gave a shit about what was happening, but she was doing her job. So what, she didn't get excited. The police arrived within four minutes of the call and the ambulance was on its way. There wasn't anything she could have done to prevent what happened.

He wasn't "yelling" at her and her comment didn't make sense, but I don't see that she did anything wrong.


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