Growth Of Palestine


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Golly gee. How come those Zionists just don't get it?

As has been said many times, if Israel was trying to achieve genocide as some of their detractors absurdly suggest, they really suck at it.
The upside of the ongoing carnage is that Netanyahu has now advanced the liberation of Palestine that he had thwarted via his support for Hamas, and we can finally expect two, mutually-recognized states, with Hamas and Netanyahu relegated to the dustbin of history.

The upside of the ongoing carnage is that Netanyahu has now advanced the liberation of Palestine that he had thwarted via his support for Hamas, and we can finally expect two, mutually-recognized states, with Hamas and Netanyahu relegated to the dustbin of history.

I beloeve that a.two state solution is inevitable. You can it another way though also, now Israel.definitely must elliminate every Hamas member because they can't be allowed to rule this new location that is recognized by some.
I beloeve that a.two state solution is inevitable. You can it another way though also, now Israel.definitely must elliminate every Hamas member because they can't be allowed to rule this new location that is recognized by some.
As a practical matter, Israel can no more eliminate every Hamas member than Palestine can eliminate every Israeli that opposes its existence.

The reality that both will continue to exist demands that neither be allowed to dictate to the peace-loving majority ever again.
The upside of the ongoing carnage is that Netanyahu has now advanced the liberation of Palestine that he had thwarted via his support for Hamas, and we can finally expect two, mutually-recognized states, with Hamas and Netanyahu relegated to the dustbin of history.

I hope you're right. Although, when Israel was ready for peace, the Pales were not. I don't see any indication either "tribe" is ready now. I don't see why the hell we have a dog in this fight.
I hope you're right. Although, when Israel was ready for peace, the Pales were not. I don't see any indication either "tribe" is ready now. I don't see why the hell we have a dog in this fight.
Hope springs eternal.

The devil will be in the details - borders, illegal settlements, etc. - but sustained international pressure must be applied to both sides, and neither must demand or expect a "perfect' solution.
Hope springs eternal.

The devil will be in the details - borders, illegal settlements, etc. - but sustained international pressure must be applied to both sides, and neither must demand or expect a "perfect' solution.
I just don't see any way to stop militant Pales from bombing their own state if it's state wants a peaceful coexistance. Even if Egypt, the Saudis and other oil states, Jordan and every other maj muslim country besides Iran, supported a non-militarized Pale state .... Iran would fund terrorists.

Conversely, Israel could probably stop the territorial expansion by it's religious nutters without causing a civil war, but the last time it did so, the religious nutters killed their own prime minister, and then the Israelis let the mfer get married and have a kid.

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