I would vote for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D)

I'm not jealous of Israel in the least. If they can improve some aspects of our technology, then more power to them.

Again, I am opposed to their powerful influence and manipulation of our politicians and the political system. ... :cool:
What you are saying is that you are opposed to democracy, since the only reason politicians support good relations with Israel is that the polls show the overwhelming majority of of American voters support Israel. Saying that it is because of Jewish money, is a racist lie.

Americans support Israel and they don't even know why. Is it something in the water?
I suggest you use this thing called the Internet to understand why Americans support Israel.

Its called brainwashing
In other words you are just a proud bigot, so there is really nothing to talk about.

What did I say that was "bigoted"? I'm allowed to not "support" (whatever that is supposed to mean) a foreign nation, arent I? Besides, I never even said I don't support it, thats just you reading into things because you're a hyper sensitive little baby.
Did she really refer to our closest ally in the Middle East as a "terrorist state"? That should be grounds for impeachment if not charges of treason. At any rate she has proved she is unfit for political office on the grounds of bigotry.
What's your definition of terrorism?

Killing children for sport?
What you are saying is that you are opposed to democracy, since the only reason politicians support good relations with Israel is that the polls show the overwhelming majority of of American voters support Israel. Saying that it is because of Jewish money, is a racist lie.

Americans support Israel and they don't even know why. Is it something in the water?
I suggest you use this thing called the Internet to understand why Americans support Israel.

Its called brainwashing
In other words you are just a proud bigot, so there is really nothing to talk about.

What did I say that was "bigoted"? I'm allowed to not "support" (whatever that is supposed to mean) a foreign nation, arent I? Besides, I never even said I don't support it, thats just you reading into things because you're a hyper sensitive little baby.
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.
Americans support Israel and they don't even know why. Is it something in the water?
I suggest you use this thing called the Internet to understand why Americans support Israel.

Its called brainwashing
In other words you are just a proud bigot, so there is really nothing to talk about.

What did I say that was "bigoted"? I'm allowed to not "support" (whatever that is supposed to mean) a foreign nation, arent I? Besides, I never even said I don't support it, thats just you reading into things because you're a hyper sensitive little baby.
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.

I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
I'm pretty sure she won't be elected to any higher office.

But at least she got a national conversation started concerning our supposed ally Israel. .. :cool:

she did start conversation -------and the same mosque filth that I read in sleazy propaganda pamphlets WAY back circa 1960 is POPPING UP out of the mouths of the ever present islamo Nazis
---------anyone here know what "DUAL CITIZENSHIP"
means and who invented that term? (hint-----it does not
refer to the many many Irish catholics americans who have citizenship in Ireland-------it is sorta like the modern term
"Palestinians"-------and the really current idiocy
"person of color")
I suggest you use this thing called the Internet to understand why Americans support Israel.

Its called brainwashing
In other words you are just a proud bigot, so there is really nothing to talk about.

What did I say that was "bigoted"? I'm allowed to not "support" (whatever that is supposed to mean) a foreign nation, arent I? Besides, I never even said I don't support it, thats just you reading into things because you're a hyper sensitive little baby.
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.

I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
Exactly when did any non-Israeli ever die in battle for Israel?
In other words, just like so many others in this country, You'll be all too happy to toss your so-called principles on their head for right right superficial motivation. In this case, to back a fellow Muslim.
That she is a muslim is beside the point.

As long as she exposes Israel collusion, I'd vote for her even if she a was a Hindi, Christian, Buddhist, or whatever. .... :cool:
I like it that she is shining a light on Israel's immense influence on the U.S. governments foreign policy and our country's political system.

Before Rep. Omar no elected politician would dare risk their political career by criticizing Israel about anything. ... :cool:
One can legitimately criticize Israel, but doing it because of antiJewish stereotypes is not what our country stands for. Jews and Judaism have been fairly well respected in this country from its founding. Many if not most of the Founding Fathers thought of America as the modern version of Israel, the Promised Land and loyal to Israel's God.

But now thats all screwed up I guess we can hate Jews now too.

I suggest you use this thing called the Internet to understand why Americans support Israel.

Its called brainwashing
In other words you are just a proud bigot, so there is really nothing to talk about.

What did I say that was "bigoted"? I'm allowed to not "support" (whatever that is supposed to mean) a foreign nation, arent I? Besides, I never even said I don't support it, thats just you reading into things because you're a hyper sensitive little baby.
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.

I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
Another example of your ignorant bigotry. No American white boys or black boys or yellow boys or brown boys have ever had to fight for Israel but 500,000 Americans boys have died fighting for the white people in Europe so why aren't you opposed to our alliances with Britain or France or Germany etc. There is no law against hating Jews, so why don't you just man up to it?
You mean the country that takes US technology and improves it at least 100%. I don’t blame you for being jealous.
I'm not jealous of Israel in the least. If they can improve some aspects of our technology, then more power to them.

Again, I am opposed to their powerful influence and manipulation of our politicians and the political system. ... :cool:
What you are saying is that you are opposed to democracy, since the only reason politicians support good relations with Israel is that the polls show the overwhelming majority of of American voters support Israel. Saying that it is because of Jewish money, is a racist lie.

Omar (the 'congresswoman') has accused the ENTIRE
from AIPAC -------it should be noted that the bitch did not
offer a shred of evidence to support her filthy libel
In other words, just like so many others in this country, You'll be all too happy to toss your so-called principles on their head for right right superficial motivation. In this case, to back a fellow Muslim.
That she is a muslim is beside the point.

As long as she exposes Israel collusion, I'd vote for her even if she a was a Hindi, Christian, Buddhist, or whatever. .... :cool:

My mistake. To clarify....to back someone who endorses your own Islam inspired racism, regardless of their personal religious beliefs.
Its called brainwashing
In other words you are just a proud bigot, so there is really nothing to talk about.

What did I say that was "bigoted"? I'm allowed to not "support" (whatever that is supposed to mean) a foreign nation, arent I? Besides, I never even said I don't support it, thats just you reading into things because you're a hyper sensitive little baby.
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.

I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
Exactly when did any non-Israeli ever die in battle for Israel?

I guess it's just a coincidence that the warmongering Israel-first neoconservative movement was founded by Jewish intellectuals. The movement that traded in social conservatism for globalization and aggressive foreign policy. It's just a coincidence that the iraq war was planned and disseminated by neoconservatives.

There's a lot of funny little coincidences when it comes to Jewish influence in political theories. It always turns out bad for whitey.
Its called brainwashing
In other words you are just a proud bigot, so there is really nothing to talk about.

What did I say that was "bigoted"? I'm allowed to not "support" (whatever that is supposed to mean) a foreign nation, arent I? Besides, I never even said I don't support it, thats just you reading into things because you're a hyper sensitive little baby.
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.

I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
Another example of your ignorant bigotry. No American white boys or black boys or yellow boys or brown boys have ever had to fight for Israel but 500,000 Americans boys have died fighting for the white people in Europe so why aren't you opposed to our alliances with Britain or France or Germany etc. There is no law against hating Jews, so why don't you just man up to it?

an interesting factoid re world war I ----there were CRIES
of "ANGLOPHIL" against americans of british descent
and sentiment AGAINST JOINING THAT WAR. ----the moral is----when you need to hate-----you can always find something
In other words you are just a proud bigot, so there is really nothing to talk about.

What did I say that was "bigoted"? I'm allowed to not "support" (whatever that is supposed to mean) a foreign nation, arent I? Besides, I never even said I don't support it, thats just you reading into things because you're a hyper sensitive little baby.
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.

I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
Exactly when did any non-Israeli ever die in battle for Israel?

I guess it's just a coincidence that the warmongering Israel-first neoconservative movement was founded by Jewish intellectuals. The movement that traded in social conservatism for globalization and aggressive foreign policy. It's just a coincidence that the iraq war was planned and disseminated by neoconservatives.

There's a lot of funny little coincidences when it comes to Jewish influence in political theories. It always turns out bad for whitey.
The desire for the rich to profit off of sending little people to war has been exercised since the world began.
Do you think the Popes of the 1st millennium or Mohammad gave a shit who died for them?
Do you think the Protestants who entered WWI and WWII way too late didn’t make money off the schmucks they sent to war?
Please explain how making a derogatory statement about a foreign country is considered treason?
Her comments go beyond mere criticism of Israel to material support and aid for terrorist entities in the Middle East.
Is that treason? During the Cold War a United States member of Congress would not dare to call for the down fall of capitalist Germany knowing the Soviets were actively trying to tip that nation over to the red side.
In other words you are just a proud bigot, so there is really nothing to talk about.

What did I say that was "bigoted"? I'm allowed to not "support" (whatever that is supposed to mean) a foreign nation, arent I? Besides, I never even said I don't support it, thats just you reading into things because you're a hyper sensitive little baby.
You are, of course, allowed to support almost anything you want but when you try to explain away facts that don't suit you by saying people have been brainwashed who don't agree with you, you reveal you have no idea why yo believe as you do. Holding strong opinions that are not based on facts is a definition of bigotry.

I strongly do not give a fuck about Israel. I strongly resent that american white boys fight and die to "support" them and are called Nazis for asking why.
Exactly when did any non-Israeli ever die in battle for Israel?

I guess it's just a coincidence that the warmongering Israel-first neoconservative movement was founded by Jewish intellectuals. The movement that traded in social conservatism for globalization and aggressive foreign policy. It's just a coincidence that the iraq war was planned and disseminated by neoconservatives.

There's a lot of funny little coincidences when it comes to Jewish influence in political theories. It always turns out bad for whitey.
Of course none of that is true. It is just another example of your bigotry that you proclaim such nonsense without any facts to support it.

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