I would vote for Rep. Ilhan Omar (D)

and you FELL for this lie of this zionist Israel supporter? oh the gullible
New England Patriots will win the next Super Bowl !!! ... :thup:

yeah and you cheer them on even though they are a criminal organization AND the fact that their owner who you have said in your own words MANY TIMES,is the greatest owner in sports even though HE is a zionist himself who is a big supporter of Israel giving money to them recently.

that proves it right there that you are a hypocrite who is the same as alex jones,part of the controlled opposistion,pretending to be against zionism and Israel when the FACTS prove you are as much a zionist and a supporter of Israel same as posters like I LOVE ISRAEL are, you are really on THEIR side the fact you LOVE a man who gives money to Israel fucking hypocrite shill you have been exposed.

you are no different whatsoever than that shill I love Israel. two peas in a pod.

i agree it is funny that i have exposed you for the hypocrite zionist supporter of Israel that you REALLY are mr Israel supporter and war monger:asshole:

cant be a fan of the pats, a criminal organization that has an OWNER who is a zionist supporter of Israel AND be against zionism and against Israel at the same time,does not work that way,you either hate BOTH criminal establishments,or you love them both,cant hate one and be a fan of the other,does not work that way idiot.:rolleyes:

clever shill for Israel you are thats for sure. part of the controlled opposition for them.just like alex jones.

oh and nice game of dodgeball you played evading the evidence of your hypocrisy.:abgg2q.jpg::2up::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::lmao::laughing0301:

only a sick fuck would call Robert Kraft a great classy owner as you have.
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I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:
Israel a "terror state"? Hilarious!

hilarious that you and the OP both DONT think it is a terrorist state,yes that IS hilarious indeed.LOL
I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:
The only vote she would get from Me is the one in which we vote her off the island.
lol You've been criticizing Jews for the past few hours so how protected can they be?

Anonymously, on an obscure little message board that nobody really cares about. Meanwhile over at the NYT:
View attachment 253303
What does any of this have to do with your false claim you are not allowed to criticize Jews?

Well just look at the firestorm that Rep. Omar's statements ignited. If she had said about Jews what the media constantly says about white people, she'd be utterly destroyed.
No she wouldn't. She is protected by the Congressional Black Caucus because she is black. That's why Pelosi couldn't get a resolution censuring her for anti semitic rants. Anti semitism is a protected value in today's Democratic Party. You should get together with all you black brothers and sisters who share your values.

If Americans were even half as outraged about the supposed antisemitism in the democrat party as they are about their BLATANT anti-white male racism and sexism then we might make some progress in this society.

Indeed. sad but true.
Let’s work through the scenario....Sunni Man and Omar Chick meet in a quiet restaurant ...both with passionate desires....at some point during the evening clothes are discarded....and then Sunni Man is found screaming in terror and running naked through the streets of a calm suburban enclave...
I've been a stanch Republican since I voted for Reagan in 1980.

But if I lived in Rep. Omar's district she would get my vote because of her stance on the terrorist state of Israel and the racist AIPAC lobby and its stranglehold on the American political system. ... :cool:

O really how is one little tiny nation of jews a terriost state when its been attacked by up to 5 or wwas it 6 muslim nations at one time and won. They have been attacked many times just receenty by hamas lobbing mortors and rockets in thier nation from Palestinian land and citys.
My feeling wipe Palestine off the map
I could be wrong, but I've always thought they've been propped up by the U.S. to the tune of $4 billion per year. Mainly so they can buy military weapons. Israel is not one tiny nation. It's one tiny nation plus the United States.

Do you know how Israelis treat Palestinian Christians in the West Bank & Gaza? Just like they treat the Palestinian Muslims. Like dogs.
and you FELL for this lie of this zionist Israel supporter? oh the gullible
New England Patriots will win the next Super Bowl !!! ... :thup:

yeah and you cheer them on even though they are a criminal organization AND the fact that their owner who you have said in your own words MANY TIMES,is the greatest owner in sports even though HE is a zionist himself who is a big supporter of Israel giving money to them recently.

that proves it right there that you are a hypocrite who is the same as alex jones,part of the controlled opposistion,pretending to be against zionism and Israel when the FACTS prove you are as much a zionist and a supporter of Israel same as posters like I LOVE ISRAEL are, you are really on THEIR side the fact you LOVE a man who gives money to Israel fucking hypocrite shill you have been exposed.

you are no different whatsoever than that shill I love Israel. two peas in a pod.

i agree it is funny that i have exposed you for the hypocrite zionist supporter of Israel that you REALLY are mr Israel supporter and war monger:asshole:

cant be a fan of the pats, a criminal organization that has an OWNER who is a zionist supporter of Israel AND be against zionism and against Israel at the same time,does not work that way,you either hate BOTH criminal establishments,or you love them both,cant hate one and be a fan of the other,does not work that way idiot.:rolleyes:

clever shill for Israel you are thats for sure. part of the controlled opposition for them.just like alex jones.

oh and nice game of dodgeball you played evading the evidence of your hypocrisy.:abgg2q.jpg::2up::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::lmao::laughing0301:

only a sick fuck would call Robert Kraft a great classy owner as you have.

in FACT here is you when your hypocrisy is exposed with your lies that you are not a supporter of Israel. this is what you do EVERYTIME like the coward you are,go into evade mode just as you did with this post evading the evidence,this here is you-:scared1: mr pro Israel.

you never try and address your hypocrisy as you did not with that post cause you know your hypocrisy and lies have been exposed.
in FACT here is you when your hypocrisy is exposed with your lies that you are not a supporter of Israel. this is what you do EVERYTIME like the coward you are,go into evade mode just as you did with this post evading the evidence,this here is you mr pro Israel. you never try and address your hypocrisy as you did not with that post cause you know your hypocrisy and lies have been exposed.
Nurse Ratched is calling for you to come take your meds. ... :lol: :lol:

I'm pretty sure she won't be elected to any higher office.

But at least she got a national conversation started concerning our supposed ally Israel. .. :cool:
You mean the country that takes US technology and improves it at least 100%.
I don’t blame you for being jealous.

You are aware that Maimonide took most of his stuff from Aristotle and 3 Muslims, aren't you.
Maimonides was an overt admire of Aristotle and overt hater of Islam.
Now what did he take from the Muslims?
Perhaps their approach to mathematics, science, etc...

I am fascinated, Unlike our dear penny, I actually did read some of the
writings of Maimonides. Penny dear-----just what did Maimonides "take" from
whoevah are the three muslims you cite? No doubt he was into Aristotle----
but jews have been into greek philosophy for more than 2500 years. Can you cite
the Baathist shit that screwed your mind? Please justify the term "MOST OF HIS STUFF" do you have any idea what any of his "stuff" is?
I'm pretty sure she won't be elected to any higher office.

But at least she got a national conversation started concerning our supposed ally Israel. .. :cool:
You mean the country that takes US technology and improves it at least 100%.
I don’t blame you for being jealous.

You are aware that Maimonide took most of his stuff from Aristotle and 3 Muslims, aren't you.
Maimonides was an overt admire of Aristotle and overt hater of Islam.
Now what did he take from the Muslims?
Perhaps their approach to mathematics, science, etc...

I am fascinated, Unlike our dear penny, I actually did read some of the
writings of Maimonides. Penny dear-----just what did Maimonides "take" from
whoevah are the three muslims you cite? No doubt he was into Aristotle----
but jews have been into greek philosophy for more than 2500 years. Can you cite
the Baathist shit that screwed your mind? Please justify the term "MOST OF HIS STUFF" do you have any idea what any of his "stuff" is?

There wasn't a big difference between Judaism and Islam back then.
Al-Farabi,Avicenna, and Averroes.
I'm pretty sure she won't be elected to any higher office.

But at least she got a national conversation started concerning our supposed ally Israel. .. :cool:
You mean the country that takes US technology and improves it at least 100%.
I don’t blame you for being jealous.

You are aware that Maimonide took most of his stuff from Aristotle and 3 Muslims, aren't you.
Maimonides was an overt admire of Aristotle and overt hater of Islam.
Now what did he take from the Muslims?
Perhaps their approach to mathematics, science, etc...

I am fascinated, Unlike our dear penny, I actually did read some of the
writings of Maimonides. Penny dear-----just what did Maimonides "take" from
whoevah are the three muslims you cite? No doubt he was into Aristotle----
but jews have been into greek philosophy for more than 2500 years. Can you cite
the Baathist shit that screwed your mind? Please justify the term "MOST OF HIS STUFF" do you have any idea what any of his "stuff" is?

There wasn't a big difference between Judaism and Islam back then.

oh-----Maimonides wrote that? ----please provide your citation. Did he write it
in Arabic or Spanish or Hebrew or Aramaic?. As far a I recall----he did not do
Greek. I am not even sure that he did Ladino. He did do Hebrew, Aramaic and
Arabic without doubt "Back then"? what are we calling "back then"?
I'm pretty sure she won't be elected to any higher office.

But at least she got a national conversation started concerning our supposed ally Israel. .. :cool:
You mean the country that takes US technology and improves it at least 100%.
I don’t blame you for being jealous.

You are aware that Maimonide took most of his stuff from Aristotle and 3 Muslims, aren't you.
Maimonides was an overt admire of Aristotle and overt hater of Islam.
Now what did he take from the Muslims?
Perhaps their approach to mathematics, science, etc...

I am fascinated, Unlike our dear penny, I actually did read some of the
writings of Maimonides. Penny dear-----just what did Maimonides "take" from
whoevah are the three muslims you cite? No doubt he was into Aristotle----
but jews have been into greek philosophy for more than 2500 years. Can you cite
the Baathist shit that screwed your mind? Please justify the term "MOST OF HIS STUFF" do you have any idea what any of his "stuff" is?

There wasn't a big difference between Judaism and Islam back then.
Al-Farabi,Avicenna, and Averroes.
Jews were slaughtering people who wouldn’t convert to Judaism?
You mean the country that takes US technology and improves it at least 100%.
I don’t blame you for being jealous.

You are aware that Maimonide took most of his stuff from Aristotle and 3 Muslims, aren't you.
Maimonides was an overt admire of Aristotle and overt hater of Islam.
Now what did he take from the Muslims?
Perhaps their approach to mathematics, science, etc...

I am fascinated, Unlike our dear penny, I actually did read some of the
writings of Maimonides. Penny dear-----just what did Maimonides "take" from
whoevah are the three muslims you cite? No doubt he was into Aristotle----
but jews have been into greek philosophy for more than 2500 years. Can you cite
the Baathist shit that screwed your mind? Please justify the term "MOST OF HIS STUFF" do you have any idea what any of his "stuff" is?

There wasn't a big difference between Judaism and Islam back then.
Al-Farabi,Avicenna, and Averroes.
Jews were slaughtering people who wouldn’t convert to Judaism?

Oh them----Al-farabi, Avicenna and Averroes. thanks penny----just what did
Maimonides "take" from them?. For that matter----just what was there to
"take" which they had not themselves TAKEN? While we are "taking" lets
take the example of AVICENNA------with what did he come up that GALEN had
not done so already. One of my all time fave comments made by Maimonides
appears in his "guide for the perplexed" (paraphrase) 'the medical science of today is very primitive' now---just how was islam THE SAME as was Judaism----according to Maimonides?

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