‘I work for the people of Pueblo, not the people of Paris,’ - cruz not the only one confused

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

This is pretty basic stuff. I mean the Geneva Convention does not just apply to the good people of Geneva. The diplomats give these treaties names depending on where they were signed.

So the Treaty of Versailles is not just beneficial to the residents of a Paris suburb. Hardly anyone lives there so it would be absurd.

Perhaps they just struggle to express themselves in an adult context.
It does not have to make sense as long as it will fit on a bumper sticker.
But you can see why these idiots are against International co-operation. If they believe the treaty only benefits the natives of the place it was signed then why should America take part ? Maybe treaties should be numbered rather than named to make them less provocative. Certainly more palatable to the residents of Pueblo.
It does not have to make sense as long as it will fit on a bumper sticker.
But you can see why these idiots are against International co-operation. If they believe the treaty only benefits the natives of the place it was signed then why should America take part ? Maybe treaties should be numbered rather than named to make them less provocative. Certainly more palatable to the residents of Pueblo.

This is pretty basic stuff. I mean the Geneva Convention does not just apply to the good people of Geneva. The diplomats give these treaties names depending on where they were signed.

So the Treaty of Versailles is not just beneficial to the residents of a Paris suburb. Hardly anyone lives there so it would be absurd.

Perhaps they just struggle to express themselves in an adult context.

Lauren is just trying to do damage control as are the other 11 that also supported this nonsense. Welcome to the world of QAnon.

This is pretty basic stuff. I mean the Geneva Convention does not just apply to the good people of Geneva. The diplomats give these treaties names depending on where they were signed.

So the Treaty of Versailles is not just beneficial to the residents of a Paris suburb. Hardly anyone lives there so it would be absurd.

Perhaps they just struggle to express themselves in an adult context.
Are we only interested in climate in cities that begin with 'P' now? Let's hear it for Peoria! Pasadena!

This is pretty basic stuff. I mean the Geneva Convention does not just apply to the good people of Geneva. The diplomats give these treaties names depending on where they were signed.

So the Treaty of Versailles is not just beneficial to the residents of a Paris suburb. Hardly anyone lives there so it would be absurd.

Perhaps they just struggle to express themselves in an adult context.
Are we only interested in climate in cities that begin with 'P' now? Let's hear it for Peoria! Pasadena!
Well there is no doubt that there is a globalist conspiracy at play here. That much is fact.
Stupid Conservatives think climate change can be handled as a local issue

Wah! Pueblo doesn’t want to protect the environment

This is pretty basic stuff. I mean the Geneva Convention does not just apply to the good people of Geneva. The diplomats give these treaties names depending on where they were signed.

So the Treaty of Versailles is not just beneficial to the residents of a Paris suburb. Hardly anyone lives there so it would be absurd.

Perhaps they just struggle to express themselves in an adult context.
Are we only interested in climate in cities that begin with 'P' now? Let's hear it for Peoria! Pasadena!
Climate change if there is any, has very little relationship with humans. There is however.. pollution and 8 billion people with most living within a hundred miles or so from water.. Most pollution can be separated from global climate change. And frankly, overseas nations need to put the scrubbers on their manufacturing and power plants.

This is pretty basic stuff. I mean the Geneva Convention does not just apply to the good people of Geneva. The diplomats give these treaties names depending on where they were signed.

So the Treaty of Versailles is not just beneficial to the residents of a Paris suburb. Hardly anyone lives there so it would be absurd.

Perhaps they just struggle to express themselves in an adult context.
Are we only interested in climate in cities that begin with 'P' now? Let's hear it for Peoria! Pasadena!
Climate change if there is any, has very little relationship with humans. There is however.. pollution and 8 billion people with most living within a hundred miles or so from water.. Most pollution can be separated from global climate change. And frankly, overseas nations need to put the scrubbers on their manufacturing and power plants.
Climate Change has a natural element and a human element.

Why wouldn’t we want to reduce what we have control of?

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