I watch Piers Morgan Live...


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......
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...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete fucking idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......

I would never send my child to a school where the teachers were armed. Turning the US into a massive Dodge City is backward reasoning. To stop the school and other mass shootings, do what other countries have done: enact strict gun laws. Do that instead of just arming more people and spreading the gun obsessed culture even further. Morgan comes from a country and culture with strict gun laws and he knows that they prevent the kind of bloodshed and mass shootings that go on in the US.

"After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn't Had a Similar Massacre Since." http://www.slate.com/blogs/crime/20...hooting_could_australia_s_laws_provide_a.html

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...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete fucking idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......

A parent would probably not want some person they know walking around their child's school armed.

Why? What guarantees do you have that those people won't go postal and you'd end up with another school massacre?

Besides.............places where you're locked in that are patrolled by armed guards are prisons.

Not schools........................
...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......

I would never send my child to a school where the teachers were armed. Turning the US into a massive Dodge City is backward reasoning. To stop the school and other mass shootings, do what other countries have done: enact strict gun laws. Do that instead of just arming more people and spreading the gun obsessed culture even further. Morgan comes from a country and culture with strict gun laws and he knows that they prevent the kind of bloodshed and mass shootings that go on in the US.

"After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn't Had a Similar Massacre Since." Gun control: After Connecticut shooting, could Australia's laws provide a lesson?

The Associated Press
One thing is guaranteed by the enactment of more strict gun laws in the USA: Criminals will not abide by them and will have increased assurance that their victims will likely NOT be armed.

Australia is not the USA. Australia did not fight a war to become a free nation. Australia has not had its own internal war. Australia's population is roughly 24 million....the USA, about 315 million. Australia has more strict immigration policies (they did not admit fat people :lol:).

Comparing Australia to the USA is not a valid test.

In Piers' not so great Britain, criminals are reverting to knives to rob and kill innocent victims. UK is a titular MONARCHY where the people seem to enjoy being subjects of the Royal Family. (What a ridiculous arrangement!)

In little ole Kennesaw, Georgia, where each household is required by law to have a working firearm, the crime rate is lower than most other places in the USA.

The argument that stricter gun control would make us safer is pure emotion and poppycock. Guns are NOT going to disappear from the hands of criminals. The most effective defense against an armed criminal is an armed citizen.
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...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......

A parent would probably not want some person they know walking around their child's school armed.

Why? What guarantees do you have that those people won't go postal and you'd end up with another school massacre?

Besides.............places where you're locked in that are patrolled by armed guards are prisons.

Not schools........................

"What guarantees do you have that those people won't go postal ..."

Nothing. What is guaranteed is that a determined school shooter with his AK47 and lots of ammo has already gone postal. An armed teacher could stop the carnage with a single shot to the head...IF the teacher had a gun to shoot.

"Besides.............places where you're locked in that are patrolled by armed guards are prisons.

Not schools......"

The teachers would have concealed carry arms, not AK47s strapped in full view. There would be no reason even for the students to know which teachers are armed.

Colleges should allow concealed carry by responsible and trained professors AND students.
...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......

A parent would probably not want some person they know walking around their child's school armed.

Why? What guarantees do you have that those people won't go postal and you'd end up with another school massacre?

Besides.............places where you're locked in that are patrolled by armed guards are prisons.

Not schools........................

"What guarantees do you have that those people won't go postal ..."

Nothing. What is guaranteed is that a determined school shooter with his AK47 and lots of ammo has already gone postal. An armed teacher could stop the carnage with a single shot to the head...IF the teacher had a gun to shoot.

"Besides.............places where you're locked in that are patrolled by armed guards are prisons.

Not schools......"

The teachers would have concealed carry arms, not AK47s strapped in full view. There would be no reason even for the students to know which teachers are armed.

Colleges should allow concealed carry by responsible and trained professors AND students.

Yes but I have doubts that the anti-gun crowed will ever understand this basic reality.

It is worth pointing out that if the teacher goes postal, the legal barrier to carrying a weapon will be meaningless. That is the entire point; the crazy guy will always have a weapon if he so chooses. By arming those that are not the crazy guy, you allow the teachers to STOP an incident like sandy hook in the middle of it and ultimately saving lives.

Those that feel uncomfortable because a teacher might be armed are being irrational. That teacher can cause harm to those children with or without the legal barriers.
Why not let schools/parents decide whether they want some teachers to be armed? (I would suggest that the possibility of armed air marshalls on flights has virtually eliminated airline highjackings.)

Unfortunately, there are many who wish to impose their preferences on everyone else...
According to the CDC report on gun violence ordered by Obama there are 1.5 to 3 million citizens each year that use their gun to prevent or stop a crime in the USA.
Making guns harder to get is likely to turn those 1.5 to 3 million citizens into victims of crime like it has in England and Australia. Australia has had at least one mass shooting since their gun ban and the violent crime rate in both England and Australia has risen dynamically since then.

In England gun crime is on the rise again - even though guns have been completely banned from homes for a very long time. It seems clear that a lack of guns has made the violent crime rate rise at the same time that in the USA gun crime is falling and so is violent crime.
Why not let schools/parents decide whether they want some teachers to be armed? (I would suggest that the possibility of armed air marshalls on flights has virtually eliminated airline highjackings.)

Unfortunately, there are many who wish to impose their preferences on everyone else...

Slight bit of irony here. It is actually the majority of Americans who want more gun control. The pro-gun people are in the minority, so it is they who wish to impose their preferences on everyone else, not the other way around.
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According to the CDC report on gun violence ordered by Obama there are 1.5 to 3 million citizens each year that use their gun to prevent or stop a crime in the USA.
Making guns harder to get is likely to turn those 1.5 to 3 million citizens into victims of crime like it has in England and Australia. Australia has had at least one mass shooting since their gun ban and the violent crime rate in both England and Australia has risen dynamically since then.

In England gun crime is on the rise again - even though guns have been completely banned from homes for a very long time. It seems clear that a lack of guns has made the violent crime rate rise at the same time that in the USA gun crime is falling and so is violent crime.

Really? Can you provide a link to prove your claims?

Sorry, but when it comes to claims like that, in order for me to believe it, you're gonna have to provide credible links.

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Why not let schools/parents decide whether they want some teachers to be armed? (I would suggest that the possibility of armed air marshalls on flights has virtually eliminated airline highjackings.)

Unfortunately, there are many who wish to impose their preferences on everyone else...

Slight bit of irony here. It is actually the majority of Americans who want more gun control. The pro-gun people are in the minority, so it is they who wish to impose their preferences on everyone else, not the other way around.

False. The only measure that enjoys widespread support is better background checks (which still tend to fail as soon as you start asking about specifics). If stricter gun control is popular, you should be able to prove that.
Two ideas have come to dominate the minds of many Americans in the past say forty years. Corporations now control the message, congress and much of the law follow like lambs, and two, government has been demonized as the foe. Any attempt at balance and commonsense is met with derision. It does not serve business to control gun sales, and it does not serve the fiction of 'freedom' to ask government to control gun sales. Deaths do not matter when profit is on the line. Sense does not matter when fear is the motivator. Other nations are advancing, America is going backward, it could just be we are in a decline like Rome with fools in charge. No longer are emperors needed to destroy a nation, all that is needed is people who resemble emperors in their actions. Witness today the war on Obama and you see the same power struggles made modern. An armed society is an uncivilized society, afraid of each other, the problem though is agitprop has turned that around.

Psychopaths agree no gun control: http://www.usmessageboard.com/clean...s-doesn-t-make-sense-to-me-5.html#post7038526

Gun Control: Key Data Points from Pew Research | Pew Research Center

Previous post: The problem is that nothing is so simple as the assumption all things are either or. You are either responsible or not responsible. Are we creations of our self. Does possibility ever enter the picture. I am for the moment a mildly psychopathic teenager, I have access to various weapons, I go out into the street and I kill many people with my weapons. I am for the moment a mildly psychopathic teenager, I have no access to weapons I go out into street and I scream obscenities at the moon and other more animate objects who smile and wave. So then responsibility lies solely with the person regardless of the situation, or the background of the person, or the possibilities of violence? Why don't we arm small children and tell them be careful and if we did do we have any culpability in what happens? But little children don't know how to handle these weapons. Hm...but then we assume everyone else does. And thus everyone else can be armed because now we assume personal responsibility regardless of anything else at all. Society (law) grants to the person a responsibility they would not personally grant to the same known person. Thus the gun death rate in America.
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Why not let schools/parents decide whether they want some teachers to be armed? (I would suggest that the possibility of armed air marshalls on flights has virtually eliminated airline highjackings.)

Unfortunately, there are many who wish to impose their preferences on everyone else...

Slight bit of irony here. It is actually the majority of Americans who want more gun control. The pro-gun people are in the minority, so it is they who wish to impose their preferences on everyone else, not the other way around.


Here's one for you.

Gallup Poll: Americans Increasingly Pro-Gun

The Gallup survey of 1,005 adults Oct. 6-9 also found for the first time that more Americans are opposed to a ban on semiautomatic weapons or assault rifles than support it by a margin of 57 percent to 42 percent.
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...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......

Well you got Piers Morgan right,he's a total TOSSER,out of the Murdoch stable.....terrible interviewer and a crafty,nasty piece of work.steve
If you wish to debate me that's fine. But bear in mind this is a "clean debate zone" which means "The Clean Debate Zone is to be used for the clean debating of Government Policies, Candidates, Current News and Events ONLY. No personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc is allowed in this section".

Now where in the Gallup survey did it say it only surveyed Texans?
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I don't understand liberals and maybe a liberal could help, they asked for poll on gun attitudes and then when provided with one, they then start name calling and start belittling the pollster, it is the same pollster who said Obama would win the election and up until now, it was a source for liberals.
I doubt Piers Morgan has ever been in the Murdoch stable.

It is true that Australia has a highly homogenous population 2/3rds the size of California while it is one of the world's largest nations so that the population density is one of the lowest in the world. That is why it is silly to use Australia for a comparison of what the USA should be.

To try to compare Australia to the USA in order to make policy would be like trying to use what works for Amarillo TX as the blueprint for New York City or the operations of the local Mom and Pop Dollar Store as the blueprint for Wal-mart.

The fact is, states in which concealed carry is politically correct have NOT seen an escalation in crime, especially violent or gun crime, and most have seen a decrease.

The fact is, in a country in which the Constitution intended for the people to be free to choose what sort of society they wished to have, if you don't want guns in the schools, you shouldn't have to have them. And those of us who would like for the teachers and administration to be able to protect themselves and the children from crazed madmen should also be allowed to have that.

Edit: I take back my first line. In fact Morgan did work for Murdoch on "News of the World" sixteen years ago. It was where he got his real start. In recent years though, he has been Murdoch's most outspoken critic.
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considering just how rare these are.....

I'd still be ok with it, as long as the teachers volunteered only and passed a deep screening, and had lots of repetitive training.

No one bent on killing kids is going to rampage in a school with armed teachers.

and as far as a teacher going off the deep end, that's where the screening comes in.

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