I watch Piers Morgan Live...

...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......

I would never send my child to a school where the teachers were armed. Turning the US into a massive Dodge City is backward reasoning. To stop the school and other mass shootings, do what other countries have done: enact strict gun laws. Do that instead of just arming more people and spreading the gun obsessed culture even further. Morgan comes from a country and culture with strict gun laws and he knows that they prevent the kind of bloodshed and mass shootings that go on in the US.

"After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn't Had a Similar Massacre Since." Gun control: After Connecticut shooting, could Australia's laws provide a lesson?

The Associated Press
One thing is guaranteed by the enactment of more strict gun laws in the USA: Criminals will not abide by them and will have increased assurance that their victims will likely NOT be armed.

Australia is not the USA. Australia did not fight a war to become a free nation. Australia has not had its own internal war. Australia's population is roughly 24 million....the USA, about 315 million. Australia has more strict immigration policies (they did not admit fat people :lol:).

Comparing Australia to the USA is not a valid test.

In Piers' not so great Britain, criminals are reverting to knives to rob and kill innocent victims. UK is a titular MONARCHY where the people seem to enjoy being subjects of the Royal Family. (What a ridiculous arrangement!)

In little ole Kennesaw, Georgia, where each household is required by law to have a working firearm, the crime rate is lower than most other places in the USA.

The argument that stricter gun control would make us safer is pure emotion and poppycock. Guns are NOT going to disappear from the hands of criminals. The most effective defense against an armed criminal is an armed citizen.

Asa as much as I love you man,Australia is a world leader in many things,your dismissal of our gun-law policy is way out of line.

We decided many years ago that the general public were not permitted guns(apart from farmers and shooting clubs etc,.who are strictly controlled),Only the Military and the Police are allowed to carry guns,people professionally trained to use a firearm.

Well common sense and a fluid mentality should and does here in Paradise make the reality of NO GUNS a safer place to live..........your comparison of the difference in population ratio's is a complete furfy(nonsence)........Your comparision of Australians not having to have a war of independence is futile and irrelevant.....by the way America since independence have been continually at war with someone.......I like many others think a lot of Americans have deep seated introverted siege mentality......hiding behind some amendment your forebears put into law....these very outstanding men were right at the time but if they were alive today with all the mass shootings and murders ad-nausium sic would most definitely repeal such a law.These were educated men.

After the Port Arthur massacre and the Gun Buy Back.......we had the US National R.A here spewing their discredited Bullshit.....The Australian Government rightly thew them out of the country.....this discredited organization have such political power (they pay off Congressmen in the most blatant fashion to persue their agenda)Ghastly that it is.

No your summation like so many is totally flawed.

Americans who have been Welcomed to these shores,find it amazing that we have such a Gun policy but love the safety and way of life here.

We have a special bond with the US and when your Navy are here for R+R,families open their doors to them litrally,you can ask any Military person from the US and they will confirm this.

America could and should learn from us,our outstanding Health Care,Aged Care,Unemployment and Safety Net system.....Our policy of plain cigarette packaging,which has reduced folk smoking which the US tabacco industry try to kill.

No we always fight above our weight...AND WIN.

SAY NO TO GUNS........there is NO SAFETY IN YOUR GUN LAWS,infact quite the contrary.

Asa,don't take this personally,but how on earth do Americans think that by carrying a Gun or High Powered Weapon can be safer!!!!!!!!!!!!.steve

ps excuse and Grammar or Spelling errors today
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I would never send my child to a school where the teachers were armed. Turning the US into a massive Dodge City is backward reasoning. To stop the school and other mass shootings, do what other countries have done: enact strict gun laws. Do that instead of just arming more people and spreading the gun obsessed culture even further. Morgan comes from a country and culture with strict gun laws and he knows that they prevent the kind of bloodshed and mass shootings that go on in the US.

"After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn't Had a Similar Massacre Since." Gun control: After Connecticut shooting, could Australia's laws provide a lesson?

The Associated Press
One thing is guaranteed by the enactment of more strict gun laws in the USA: Criminals will not abide by them and will have increased assurance that their victims will likely NOT be armed.

Australia is not the USA. Australia did not fight a war to become a free nation. Australia has not had its own internal war. Australia's population is roughly 24 million....the USA, about 315 million. Australia has more strict immigration policies (they did not admit fat people :lol:).

Comparing Australia to the USA is not a valid test.

In Piers' not so great Britain, criminals are reverting to knives to rob and kill innocent victims. UK is a titular MONARCHY where the people seem to enjoy being subjects of the Royal Family. (What a ridiculous arrangement!)

In little ole Kennesaw, Georgia, where each household is required by law to have a working firearm, the crime rate is lower than most other places in the USA.

The argument that stricter gun control would make us safer is pure emotion and poppycock. Guns are NOT going to disappear from the hands of criminals. The most effective defense against an armed criminal is an armed citizen.

Asa as much as I love you man,Australia is a world leader in many things,your dismissal of our gun-law policy is way out of line.

We decided many years ago that the general public were not permitted guns(apart from farmers and shooting clubs etc,.who are strictly controlled),Only the Military and the Police are allowed to carry guns,people professionally trained to use a firearm.

Well common sense and a fluid mentality should and does here in Paradise make the reality of NO GUNS a safer place to live..........your comparison of the difference in population ratio's is a complete furfy(nonsence)........Your comparision of Australians not having to have a war of independence is futile and irrelevant.....by the way America since independence have been continually at war with someone.......I like many others think a lot of Americans have deep seated introverted siege mentality......hiding behind some amendment your forebears put into law....these very outstanding men were right at the time but if they were alive today with all the mass shootings and murders ad-nausium sic would most definitely repeal such a law.These were educated men.

After the Port Arthur massacre and the Gun Buy Back.......we had the US National R.A here spewing their discredited Bullshit.....The Australian Government rightly thew them out of the country.....this discredited organization have such political power (they pay off Congressmen in the most blatant fashion to persue their agenda)Ghastly that it is.

No your summation like so many is totally flawed.

Americans who have been Welcomed to these shores,find it amazing that we have such a Gun policy but love the safety and way of life here.

We have a special bond with the US and when your Navy are here for R+R,families open their doors to them litrally,you can ask any Military person from the US and they will confirm this.

America could and should learn from us,our outstanding Health Care,Aged Care,Unemployment and Safety Net system.....Our policy of plain cigarette packaging,which has reduced folk smoking which the US tabacco industry try to kill.

No we always fight above our weight...AND WIN.

SAY NO TO GUNS........there is NO SAFETY IN YOUR GUN LAWS,infact quite the contrary.

Asa,don't take this personally,but how on earth do Americans think that by carrying a Gun or High Powered Weapon can be safer!!!!!!!!!!!!.steve

ps excuse and Grammar or Spelling errors today

No spelling or grammar police on duty today so no worries.

And I am happy that you are proud of your country and believe it is the best there is. Everybody should be able to feel that way about their country.

But America was founded upon the principle that the people would govern themselves and instruct the government what it could and could not do. Australia is structured on the principle that the government can tell the people what rights they will have from wages to education to housing to healthcare. For many of us in America, to have the kind of security you report, the price is too high. Too limited in the opportunities and hopes and dreams that we hold as our sacred right.

Anybody can be safe when placed in a confined place and guarded by something more powerful than what would hurt us. But however benevolent that powerful thing is, we are still at its mercy, whatever it deems that to be.

The price for such safety and security is too high.

Piers Morgan and those who admire him see it as many of you in Australia see it. But the price is too high for me.
I doubt Piers Morgan has ever been in the Murdoch stable.

It is true that Australia has a highly homogenous population 2/3rds the size of California while it is one of the world's largest nations so that the population density is one of the lowest in the world. That is why it is silly to use Australia for a comparison of what the USA should be.

To try to compare Australia to the USA in order to make policy would be like trying to use what works for Amarillo TX as the blueprint for New York City or the operations of the local Mom and Pop Dollar Store as the blueprint for Wal-mart.

The fact is, states in which concealed carry is politically correct have NOT seen an escalation in crime, especially violent or gun crime, and most have seen a decrease.

The fact is, in a country in which the Constitution intended for the people to be free to choose what sort of society they wished to have, if you don't want guns in the schools, you shouldn't have to have them. And those of us who would like for the teachers and administration to be able to protect themselves and the children from crazed madmen should also be allowed to have that.

Edit: I take back my first line. In fact Morgan did work for Murdoch on "News of the World" sixteen years ago. It was where he got his real start. In recent years though, he has been Murdoch's most outspoken critic.

Foxy you have answered my question in one succinct line "From a Crazed Madman" but it goes much deeper than that,which a :eusa_angel: like you would know full well.

Well I may have been a bit over the top to other posters(that's a fair call)but I/we detest guns and the moronic(our thinking)industry behind it,steve,sorry to disagree but I did expect a fight on this one.....and my apologies to Texans.steve
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One thing is guaranteed by the enactment of more strict gun laws in the USA: Criminals will not abide by them and will have increased assurance that their victims will likely NOT be armed.

Australia is not the USA. Australia did not fight a war to become a free nation. Australia has not had its own internal war. Australia's population is roughly 24 million....the USA, about 315 million. Australia has more strict immigration policies (they did not admit fat people :lol:).

Comparing Australia to the USA is not a valid test.

In Piers' not so great Britain, criminals are reverting to knives to rob and kill innocent victims. UK is a titular MONARCHY where the people seem to enjoy being subjects of the Royal Family. (What a ridiculous arrangement!)

In little ole Kennesaw, Georgia, where each household is required by law to have a working firearm, the crime rate is lower than most other places in the USA.

The argument that stricter gun control would make us safer is pure emotion and poppycock. Guns are NOT going to disappear from the hands of criminals. The most effective defense against an armed criminal is an armed citizen.

Asa as much as I love you man,Australia is a world leader in many things,your dismissal of our gun-law policy is way out of line.

We decided many years ago that the general public were not permitted guns(apart from farmers and shooting clubs etc,.who are strictly controlled),Only the Military and the Police are allowed to carry guns,people professionally trained to use a firearm.

Well common sense and a fluid mentality should and does here in Paradise make the reality of NO GUNS a safer place to live..........your comparison of the difference in population ratio's is a complete furfy(nonsence)........Your comparision of Australians not having to have a war of independence is futile and irrelevant.....by the way America since independence have been continually at war with someone.......I like many others think a lot of Americans have deep seated introverted siege mentality......hiding behind some amendment your forebears put into law....these very outstanding men were right at the time but if they were alive today with all the mass shootings and murders ad-nausium sic would most definitely repeal such a law.These were educated men.

After the Port Arthur massacre and the Gun Buy Back.......we had the US National R.A here spewing their discredited Bullshit.....The Australian Government rightly thew them out of the country.....this discredited organization have such political power (they pay off Congressmen in the most blatant fashion to persue their agenda)Ghastly that it is.

No your summation like so many is totally flawed.

Americans who have been Welcomed to these shores,find it amazing that we have such a Gun policy but love the safety and way of life here.

We have a special bond with the US and when your Navy are here for R+R,families open their doors to them litrally,you can ask any Military person from the US and they will confirm this.

America could and should learn from us,our outstanding Health Care,Aged Care,Unemployment and Safety Net system.....Our policy of plain cigarette packaging,which has reduced folk smoking which the US tabacco industry try to kill.

No we always fight above our weight...AND WIN.

SAY NO TO GUNS........there is NO SAFETY IN YOUR GUN LAWS,infact quite the contrary.

Asa,don't take this personally,but how on earth do Americans think that by carrying a Gun or High Powered Weapon can be safer!!!!!!!!!!!!.steve

ps excuse and Grammar or Spelling errors today

No spelling or grammar police on duty today so no worries.

And I am happy that you are proud of your country and believe it is the best there is. Everybody should be able to feel that way about their country.

But America was founded upon the principle that the people would govern themselves and instruct the government what it could and could not do. Australia is structured on the principle that the government can tell the people what rights they will have from wages to education to housing to healthcare. For many of us in America, to have the kind of security you report, the price is too high. Too limited in the opportunities and hopes and dreams that we hold as our sacred right.

Anybody can be safe when placed in a confined place and guarded by something more powerful than what would hurt us. But however benevolent that powerful thing is, we are still at its mercy, whatever it deems that to be.

The price for such safety and security is too high.

Piers Morgan and those who admire him see it as many of you in Australia see it. But the price is too high for me.

Well Foxy,I always find it amazing how America's feel that they should govern themselves,yet when there are problems they blame the Government for their own ineptitude and expect to be bailed out all the time...the bail out for the Financial sector for example is a classic case.

What you assume is Australian Government control is silly,everywhere folk are controlled fron Iran to the USA......but here we have a brilliant Health Care,Social Security System,Education etc.' all Free...yeah we pay at lot of tax,unlike you Guys how still demand Tax cuts even when you are trillions of dollars in debt..........time to tighten your belts methinks.steve
Every problem you mention is because our government is trying to act more like yours....be big daddy, Santa Claus, and grand protector. That doesn't work here. It wouldn't work there either if you had the broad diversity, different lifestyles, and indiependent spirit there. If the government would get out of the way and let we the people do it, we would again be the envy of the world and most of the problems you cite would again go away. Evenso, I think probably more people dream of coiming to the USA as the land of opportunity than they dream of going to Australia. :)
Every problem you mention is because our government is trying to act more like yours....be big daddy, Santa Claus, and grand protector. That doesn't work here. It wouldn't work there either if you had the broad diversity, different lifestyles, and indiependent spirit there. If the government would get out of the way and let we the people do it, we would again be the envy of the world and most of the problems you cite would again go away. Evenso, I think probably more people dream of coiming to the USA as the land of opportunity than they dream of going to Australia. :)

Well firstly Foxy you know full well what respect I have for you,but I come from a different place.......Diversity in Australia is a big thing here as you should know,this country is built on immigrants....but there is one major difference,when folk migrate here....they are all Australians.

There is no reference to American Australians,African Australians,Cuban Australians,English or Irish Australians etc.,....unlike America.........just Australians.

Foxy and all you Guys in America,always remember....YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT MY/OUR TABLE.steve:cool:

Capitals are for emphasis only.............steve
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...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......

I would never send my child to a school where the teachers were armed. Turning the US into a massive Dodge City is backward reasoning. To stop the school and other mass shootings, do what other countries have done: enact strict gun laws. Do that instead of just arming more people and spreading the gun obsessed culture even further. Morgan comes from a country and culture with strict gun laws and he knows that they prevent the kind of bloodshed and mass shootings that go on in the US.

"After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn't Had a Similar Massacre Since." Gun control: After Connecticut shooting, could Australia's laws provide a lesson?

The Associated Press
One thing is guaranteed by the enactment of more strict gun laws in the USA: Criminals will not abide by them and will have increased assurance that their victims will likely NOT be armed.

Australia is not the USA. Australia did not fight a war to become a free nation. Australia has not had its own internal war. Australia's population is roughly 24 million....the USA, about 315 million. Australia has more strict immigration policies (they did not admit fat people :lol:).

Comparing Australia to the USA is not a valid test.

In Piers' not so great Britain, criminals are reverting to knives to rob and kill innocent victims. UK is a titular MONARCHY where the people seem to enjoy being subjects of the Royal Family. (What a ridiculous arrangement!)

In little ole Kennesaw, Georgia, where each household is required by law to have a working firearm, the crime rate is lower than most other places in the USA.

The argument that stricter gun control would make us safer is pure emotion and poppycock. Guns are NOT going to disappear from the hands of criminals. The most effective defense against an armed criminal is an armed citizen.
Hey and these big naval guns worked for us also, but they want to take all this and cover it up in America now to.

This is what the libs want to destroy (OUR HISTORY), and they want to destroy how we became the nation that we became as a result of, and they want to lie to our children about how the world found peace as a result of, because in their minds the world was abused by us all because of, and they want to remove the words God in everything these days, and they don't want it to continue through out the generations upon telling how God had a huge part of it all as a result of...

You know I tire of the libs and their ideologies in which they push these days, as they have taken advantage of the destroyed family unit in the nation, and they see opportunity in every crisis they can find these days, so America beware of these destroyers, and also of any destroyers who are amongst us now, whether they be a politician of any stripe or persuasion in which we encounter that is bad for us these days (or) anyone in power that is using that power wrongfully these days. Time to out the destroyers of America in every way that one can, and to free Americans once again from those who want to destroy Americans and America today.

Enjoy our History!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTSOV0XfhO4]Mighty Mo: The Grand Lady Comes Home - YouTube[/ame]
I would never send my child to a school where the teachers were armed. Turning the US into a massive Dodge City is backward reasoning. To stop the school and other mass shootings, do what other countries have done: enact strict gun laws. Do that instead of just arming more people and spreading the gun obsessed culture even further. Morgan comes from a country and culture with strict gun laws and he knows that they prevent the kind of bloodshed and mass shootings that go on in the US.

"After a 1996 Mass Shooting, Australia Enacted Strict Gun Laws. It Hasn't Had a Similar Massacre Since." Gun control: After Connecticut shooting, could Australia's laws provide a lesson?

The Associated Press
One thing is guaranteed by the enactment of more strict gun laws in the USA: Criminals will not abide by them and will have increased assurance that their victims will likely NOT be armed.

Australia is not the USA. Australia did not fight a war to become a free nation. Australia has not had its own internal war. Australia's population is roughly 24 million....the USA, about 315 million. Australia has more strict immigration policies (they did not admit fat people :lol:).

Comparing Australia to the USA is not a valid test.

In Piers' not so great Britain, criminals are reverting to knives to rob and kill innocent victims. UK is a titular MONARCHY where the people seem to enjoy being subjects of the Royal Family. (What a ridiculous arrangement!)

In little ole Kennesaw, Georgia, where each household is required by law to have a working firearm, the crime rate is lower than most other places in the USA.

The argument that stricter gun control would make us safer is pure emotion and poppycock. Guns are NOT going to disappear from the hands of criminals. The most effective defense against an armed criminal is an armed citizen.
Hey and these big naval guns worked for us also, but they want to take all this and cover it up in America now to.

This is what the libs want to destroy (OUR HISTORY), and they want to destroy how we became the nation that we became as a result of, and they want to lie to our children about how the world found peace as a result of, because in their minds the world was abused by us all because of, and they want to remove the words God in everything these days, and they don't want it to continue through out the generations upon telling how God had a huge part of it all as a result of...

You know I tire of the libs and their ideologies in which they push these days, as they have taken advantage of the destroyed family unit in the nation, and they see opportunity in every crisis they can find these days, so America beware of these destroyers, and also of any destroyers who are amongst us now, whether they be a politician of any stripe or persuasion in which we encounter that is bad for us these days (or) anyone in power that is using that power wrongfully these days. Time to out the destroyers of America in every way that one can, and to free Americans once again from those who want to destroy Americans and America today.

Enjoy our History!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTSOV0XfhO4]Mighty Mo: The Grand Lady Comes Home - YouTube[/ame]

Well I think it a bit rich considering your history regarding World Peace,and another thing STOP all this Bullshit about everyone HATING Americans and wanting to DESTROY America,you may be deluded and motivated to think that way but it isn't the truth or reality........yeah a small minority may Hate America but it's a drop in the ocean.

Get Up,Stand Up,Stand Up for Your Rights....Mortlock....but not with Bullshit.or Bullets..Thanks steve.
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Forget about Kenya. I'm beginning to think Obama was born in Australia.
Some people prefer safety over freedom. Some people prefer freedom over safety. Never the twain shall meet. As for me, I would rather be a morlock than an eloi.

What a really stupid one liner,We have freedom,We have safety......Guns don't give you either.

Mr Obama and his family like most Americans,will always be welcome.........No where in the World would people demonize their President,Democratically elected,the FILTHY way the Obama's have been treated by some Americans.

Your out of order BOY.....go stand in the naughty corner.....for your safety,real or imagined.

ps I am neither Lib or Con......just theliq:cool: but SAD to say to many of YOU,You'r Minds are ENSLAVED,and that is the saddest enslavement of all.
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Forget about Kenya. I'm beginning to think Obama was born in Australia.
Some people prefer safety over freedom. Some people prefer freedom over safety. Never the twain shall meet. As for me, I would rather be a morlock than an eloi.

What a really stupid one liner,We have freedom,We have safety......Guns don't give you either.

Mr Obama and his family like most Americans,will always be welcome.........No where in the World would people demonize their President,Democratically elected,the FILTHY way the Obama's have been treated by some Americans.

Your out of order BOY.....go stand in the naughty corner.....for your safety,real or imagined.

ps I am neither Lib or Con......just theliq:cool: but SAD to say to many of YOU,You'r Minds are ENSLAVED,and that is the saddest enslavement of all.

We demonize every democratically president over here. Obama has not been treated any worse than Clinton or Bush or Reagan or Carter or for that matter, Abraham Lincoln. That guy was dragged through the coals.
For future reference, freedom and safety are diametrically opposing concepts which explains much of the rancor here in the states. Of course, I have no doubt our views on freedom are vastly different. Thus is life.
Ah well, as the government tells you what you can or can't have for your own good I guess the rest of us will be ENSLAVED by our own principles. Oh the horror!
I do agree with you though that I should go stand in the naughty corner... I'm a bad boy...:(
...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete fucking idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......

A parent would probably not want some person they know walking around their child's school armed.

Why? What guarantees do you have that those people won't go postal and you'd end up with another school massacre?

Besides.............places where you're locked in that are patrolled by armed guards are prisons.

Not schools........................

As usual, you're wrong. I am a parent and I am working with my daughters school to implement just such a program. We care about our kids and want the best possible security for them, and this is in a private school. I doubt a public school in my area would dare to enact such a program.
Forget about Kenya. I'm beginning to think Obama was born in Australia.
Some people prefer safety over freedom. Some people prefer freedom over safety. Never the twain shall meet. As for me, I would rather be a morlock than an eloi.

What a really stupid one liner,We have freedom,We have safety......Guns don't give you either.

Mr Obama and his family like most Americans,will always be welcome.........No where in the World would people demonize their President,Democratically elected,the FILTHY way the Obama's have been treated by some Americans.

Your out of order BOY.....go stand in the naughty corner.....for your safety,real or imagined.

ps I am neither Lib or Con......just theliq:cool: but SAD to say to many of YOU,You'r Minds are ENSLAVED,and that is the saddest enslavement of all.

We demonize every democratically president over here. Obama has not been treated any worse than Clinton or Bush or Reagan or Carter or for that matter, Abraham Lincoln. That guy was dragged through the coals.
For future reference, freedom and safety are diametrically opposing concepts which explains much of the rancor here in the states. Of course, I have no doubt our views on freedom are vastly different. Thus is life.
Ah well, as the government tells you what you can or can't have for your own good I guess the rest of us will be ENSLAVED by our own principles. Oh the horror!
I do agree with you though that I should go stand in the naughty corner... I'm a bad boy...:(

Well not that Bad,John.....I will just add to this discussion that the Obama's have been treated very badly....Go for Barack but to insult his wife and children is just not on......which you must agree has at times been relentless and banal to say the least.

I maybe wrong but I think you are a Republican,I have no quarrel about that but watching the contestants for the Republican nomination,all these contestants were all Slagging each other off in the most verminous, aggressive and nasty way. Yet they were on the same side!!!!!!!!!but it was all idiocy to me.

Bush in my opinion got away with murder.

What a really stupid one liner,We have freedom,We have safety......Guns don't give you either.

Mr Obama and his family like most Americans,will always be welcome.........No where in the World would people demonize their President,Democratically elected,the FILTHY way the Obama's have been treated by some Americans.

Your out of order BOY.....go stand in the naughty corner.....for your safety,real or imagined.

ps I am neither Lib or Con......just theliq:cool: but SAD to say to many of YOU,You'r Minds are ENSLAVED,and that is the saddest enslavement of all.

We demonize every democratically president over here. Obama has not been treated any worse than Clinton or Bush or Reagan or Carter or for that matter, Abraham Lincoln. That guy was dragged through the coals.
For future reference, freedom and safety are diametrically opposing concepts which explains much of the rancor here in the states. Of course, I have no doubt our views on freedom are vastly different. Thus is life.
Ah well, as the government tells you what you can or can't have for your own good I guess the rest of us will be ENSLAVED by our own principles. Oh the horror!
I do agree with you though that I should go stand in the naughty corner... I'm a bad boy...:(

Well not that Bad,John.....I will just add to this discussion that the Obama's have been treated very badly....Go for Barack but to insult his wife and children is just not on......which you must agree has at times been relentless and banal to say the least.

I maybe wrong but I think you are a Republican,I have no quarrel about that but watching the contestants for the Republican nomination,all these contestants were all Slagging each other off in the most verminous, aggressive and nasty way. Yet they were on the same side!!!!!!!!!but it was all idiocy to me.

Bush in my opinion got away with murder.


I certainly agree that Obama's children should be off limits. I felt the same way about Bush's children when they were being ridiculed. I put Obama's wife in a different category since she has made political pronouncements that people have every right to disagree with.
I will also hasten to add that although you are right about republicans slagging each other in a most verminous and aggressive nasty way, you would also be correct about the left doing the same thing. I personally thought that Obama's campaign accusing Bill Clinton of racism as a way to lessen the approval rating of Hillary Clinton during the nomination process was pathetic. I dislike Bill Clinton immensely for a myriad of reasons but he never showed the slightest hint of being racist.
My only point is neither party has a monopoly on virtue or nastiness.
I am a conservative who tends to either vote republican or hit my head against the wall in despair.
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...now and then just to reaffirm my long held conviction that he is a bona fide, complete fucking idiot. His guests tonight included Mary Catheryn Wicker, a numbnut teacher's union rep that abhors the idea of arming teachers and a spokesman for common sense, whose name I did not catch before they switched to the railroading of Bradley Manning.

The topic revolved around the State of Arkansas deciding to offer teachers that are able and willing to undergo the proper training WITHIN THEIR OWN SCHOOL BUILDING to carry firearms and to react forcefully to shooters invading and taking target practice on the innocent students and teachers therein. Simple common sense tells any lucid person that this approach is infinitely better than maintaining a totally gun free zone in which heavily armed shooters (they do not have to abide by the rules) are enabled to kill as many as they please until heavily armed police or swat teams arrive...which may me several minutes....simply because no guns are allowed.

The shooters must surely be encouraged by the knowledge that they are entering a GUN FREE ZONE. Arkansas may become the Jim Nabors state...SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You're a dead mofo, MOFO!

I cannot understand any parent not wanting their children to have the protection offered by such a program.

Your thoughts......

A parent would probably not want some person they know walking around their child's school armed.

Why? What guarantees do you have that those people won't go postal and you'd end up with another school massacre?

Besides.............places where you're locked in that are patrolled by armed guards are prisons.

Not schools........................

As usual, you're wrong. I am a parent and I am working with my daughters school to implement just such a program. We care about our kids and want the best possible security for them, and this is in a private school. I doubt a public school in my area would dare to enact such a program.

Hopefully, your school will have a screening program that they will implement and follow up with more screenings every year to make sure your school doesn't become another Sandy Hook massacre.

I wish you luck on your program, but I still think you're wrong to support such a thing. If your child lives through their education, bully for you, but I'd be willing to bet that you can't catch every psychopath.

Like I said...........................good luck.....................but I don't think it's a good idea.
We demonize every democratically president over here. Obama has not been treated any worse than Clinton or Bush or Reagan or Carter or for that matter, Abraham Lincoln. That guy was dragged through the coals.
For future reference, freedom and safety are diametrically opposing concepts which explains much of the rancor here in the states. Of course, I have no doubt our views on freedom are vastly different. Thus is life.
Ah well, as the government tells you what you can or can't have for your own good I guess the rest of us will be ENSLAVED by our own principles. Oh the horror!
I do agree with you though that I should go stand in the naughty corner... I'm a bad boy...:(

Well not that Bad,John.....I will just add to this discussion that the Obama's have been treated very badly....Go for Barack but to insult his wife and children is just not on......which you must agree has at times been relentless and banal to say the least.

I maybe wrong but I think you are a Republican,I have no quarrel about that but watching the contestants for the Republican nomination,all these contestants were all Slagging each other off in the most verminous, aggressive and nasty way. Yet they were on the same side!!!!!!!!!but it was all idiocy to me.

Bush in my opinion got away with murder.


I certainly agree that Obama's children should be off limits. I felt the same way about Bush's children when they were being ridiculed. I put Obama's wife in a different category since she has made political pronouncements that people have every right to disagree with.
I will also hasten to add that although you are right about republicans slagging each other in a most verminous and aggressive nasty way, you would also be correct about the left doing the same thing. I personally thought that Obama's campaign accusing Bill Clinton of racism as a way to lessen the approval rating of Hillary Clinton during the nomination process was pathetic. I dislike Bill Clinton immensely for a myriad of reasons but he never showed the slightest hint of being racist.
My only point is neither party has a monopoly on virtue or nastiness.
I am a conservative who tends to either vote republican or hit my head against the wall in despair.

Fair enough,But you should dislike Bush and his Possee more.....He blatantly lied to the American people and took some of your rights away.One thing Aussies are good at is, We can spot a Bullshit Artist from 100 miles away. steve
Well not that Bad,John.....I will just add to this discussion that the Obama's have been treated very badly....Go for Barack but to insult his wife and children is just not on......which you must agree has at times been relentless and banal to say the least.

I maybe wrong but I think you are a Republican,I have no quarrel about that but watching the contestants for the Republican nomination,all these contestants were all Slagging each other off in the most verminous, aggressive and nasty way. Yet they were on the same side!!!!!!!!!but it was all idiocy to me.

Bush in my opinion got away with murder.


I certainly agree that Obama's children should be off limits. I felt the same way about Bush's children when they were being ridiculed. I put Obama's wife in a different category since she has made political pronouncements that people have every right to disagree with.
I will also hasten to add that although you are right about republicans slagging each other in a most verminous and aggressive nasty way, you would also be correct about the left doing the same thing. I personally thought that Obama's campaign accusing Bill Clinton of racism as a way to lessen the approval rating of Hillary Clinton during the nomination process was pathetic. I dislike Bill Clinton immensely for a myriad of reasons but he never showed the slightest hint of being racist.
My only point is neither party has a monopoly on virtue or nastiness.
I am a conservative who tends to either vote republican or hit my head against the wall in despair.

Fair enough,But you should dislike Bush and his Possee more.....He blatantly lied to the American people and took some of your rights away.One thing Aussies are good at is, We can spot a Bullshit Artist from 100 miles away. steve

I'm not the worlds biggest Bush fan for several reasons. I'm not going to call him a murderer though.
What a really stupid one liner,We have freedom,We have safety......Guns don't give you either.

Mr Obama and his family like most Americans,will always be welcome.........No where in the World would people demonize their President,Democratically elected,the FILTHY way the Obama's have been treated by some Americans.

Your out of order BOY.....go stand in the naughty corner.....for your safety,real or imagined.

ps I am neither Lib or Con......just theliq:cool: but SAD to say to many of YOU,You'r Minds are ENSLAVED,and that is the saddest enslavement of all.

We demonize every democratically president over here. Obama has not been treated any worse than Clinton or Bush or Reagan or Carter or for that matter, Abraham Lincoln. That guy was dragged through the coals.
For future reference, freedom and safety are diametrically opposing concepts which explains much of the rancor here in the states. Of course, I have no doubt our views on freedom are vastly different. Thus is life.
Ah well, as the government tells you what you can or can't have for your own good I guess the rest of us will be ENSLAVED by our own principles. Oh the horror!
I do agree with you though that I should go stand in the naughty corner... I'm a bad boy...:(

Well not that Bad,John.....I will just add to this discussion that the Obama's have been treated very badly....Go for Barack but to insult his wife and children is just not on......which you must agree has at times been relentless and banal to say the least.

I maybe wrong but I think you are a Republican,I have no quarrel about that but watching the contestants for the Republican nomination,all these contestants were all Slagging each other off in the most verminous, aggressive and nasty way. Yet they were on the same side!!!!!!!!!but it was all idiocy to me.

Bush in my opinion got away with murder.


I hear very little about the kids, except election time when they are trotted out. Michelle puts herself out to be a target, so she is fair game.

I think Obamacare is fair game, as it is a huge joke that will hurt America.

Bush, took a lot of heat and was fair game.

The person who got it the worst and I really don't care for but Palin got absolutely vilified as did her family, and they still do. It to me is bizarre how the hate toward her is some how justified and excuses are made for going after her and her family.

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