‘I Was Just Joking’: Media Apoplectic as Khizr Khan Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames

The attack seems to have been pretty effective to me. Hillary is back up in the polls with some pretty decent leads
Although I find myself wondering whether the Trump Camp can make hay out of these late-breaking revelations about Khan and his connections to the Clintons...

Revelations? You gotta be kidding me. So the man is a Democrat, Big deal. How many spoke at the republican convention that weren't republicans? You are trying to make something of nothing. I guess that's all it takes to stir up the crazies.
Puhleeze, the firm he works for did Hillary's taxes. He's more than just a Dim. He's an Hillary operative.

How many spoke at the republican convention that weren't tightly bound to the GOP?

Patricia Smith wasn't political in any sense of the word. I don't even know if she's a Republican. I just know she thinks Hillary killed her son.

Bullshit. How many times has she been on fox and right wing radio? She puts out a right wing produced public statement every few days. She is as much a part of the right wing as any politician or pundit you might name.
By the way

There is another reason Khans connection to the Clinton's does not matter.

Trump has connections to the Clinton's! This argument you are pushing makes Trump a douchebag!

Trump isn't sucking Hillary's asshole like Khan is.

The way Trump is running his campaign, maybe he is?

The speech by Khan was easy to turn around.

There is nothing in the constitution that says we have to take in immigrants!

Also, who wish to wrisk the lives of their sons and daughters due to a policy that let ISIS sneak into this county with the other Syrian war refugees?

I just gave a clean outline on how to turn Khan's speech into Trumps weapon!

Now you may claim "therenis no theory" about who you can attack and as pertaining to the first amendment you are right.

But it does reflect you character and temperment to the the general public, which is the political issue at hand. Trump appears to be indifferent to veterans families. How will he treat vets and their families while in office is a question on most peoples minds. Especially in terms of how the VA has treated wounded vets recently.

You're mistaken if you believe irrefutable logic would stop the Dims and the media from attacking Trump. They would interpret anything Trump said in response as an attack. This was a Khan job. There's nothing honest or straightforward about it. Khan is a douche bag, as are the people who put him up to it. Honorable behavior simply isn't in their game plan.

Yes, you are right about the Dems trying to turn whatever Trump says into an attack!

But Trump should not help them with his statements! He need to learn how to invalidate or turn their claims around in his favor.

I seen him in the primaries. He knows how to do this intuitively.
He is a petulant Rich Boy with no filters.
By the way

There is another reason Khans connection to the Clinton's does not matter.

Trump has connections to the Clinton's! This argument you are pushing makes Trump a douchebag!

Trump isn't sucking Hillary's asshole like Khan is.

The way Trump is running his campaign, maybe he is?

The speech by Khan was easy to turn around.

There is nothing in the constitution that says we have to take in immigrants!

Also, who wish to wrisk the lives of their sons and daughters due to a policy that let ISIS sneak into this county with the other Syrian war refugees?

I just gave a clean outline on how to turn Khan's speech into Trumps weapon!

Now you may claim "therenis no theory" about who you can attack and as pertaining to the first amendment you are right.

But it does reflect you character and temperment to the the general public, which is the political issue at hand. Trump appears to be indifferent to veterans families. How will he treat vets and their families while in office is a question on most peoples minds. Especially in terms of how the VA has treated wounded vets recently.

You're mistaken if you believe irrefutable logic would stop the Dims and the media from attacking Trump. They would interpret anything Trump said in response as an attack. This was a Khan job. There's nothing honest or straightforward about it. Khan is a douche bag, as are the people who put him up to it. Honorable behavior simply isn't in their game plan.

Yes, you are right about the Dems trying to turn whatever Trump says into an attack!

But Trump should not help them with his statements! He need to learn how to invalidate or turn their claims around in his favor.

I seen him in the primaries. He knows how to do this intuitively.

What Trump should do is let his surrogates attack Khan. That's how the Dims do it. Obama remains above the fray while his media surrogates sharpen their knives for the kill.
By the way

There is another reason Khans connection to the Clinton's does not matter.

Trump has connections to the Clinton's! This argument you are pushing makes Trump a douchebag!

Trump isn't sucking Hillary's asshole like Khan is.

The way Trump is running his campaign, maybe he is?

The speech by Khan was easy to turn around.

There is nothing in the constitution that says we have to take in immigrants!

Also, who wish to wrisk the lives of their sons and daughters due to a policy that let ISIS sneak into this county with the other Syrian war refugees?

I just gave a clean outline on how to turn Khan's speech into Trumps weapon!

Now you may claim "therenis no theory" about who you can attack and as pertaining to the first amendment you are right.

But it does reflect you character and temperment to the the general public, which is the political issue at hand. Trump appears to be indifferent to veterans families. How will he treat vets and their families while in office is a question on most peoples minds. Especially in terms of how the VA has treated wounded vets recently.

You're mistaken if you believe irrefutable logic would stop the Dims and the media from attacking Trump. They would interpret anything Trump said in response as an attack. This was a Khan job. There's nothing honest or straightforward about it. Khan is a douche bag, as are the people who put him up to it. Honorable behavior simply isn't in their game plan.

Yes, you are right about the Dems trying to turn whatever Trump says into an attack!

But Trump should not help them with his statements! He need to learn how to invalidate or turn their claims around in his favor.

I seen him in the primaries. He knows how to do this intuitively.

Another tactic might be for him to just quit doing and saying stupid shit. I don't think he's capable of that though.
Although I find myself wondering whether the Trump Camp can make hay out of these late-breaking revelations about Khan and his connections to the Clintons...

Revelations? You gotta be kidding me. So the man is a Democrat, Big deal. How many spoke at the republican convention that weren't republicans? You are trying to make something of nothing. I guess that's all it takes to stir up the crazies.
Puhleeze, the firm he works for did Hillary's taxes. He's more than just a Dim. He's an Hillary operative.

How many spoke at the republican convention that weren't tightly bound to the GOP?

Patricia Smith wasn't political in any sense of the word. I don't even know if she's a Republican. I just know she thinks Hillary killed her son.

Bullshit. How many times has she been on fox and right wing radio? She puts out a right wing produced public statement every few days. She is as much a part of the right wing as any politician or pundit you might name.

Did you imagine CNN or ABC was going to have her on every few days? She goes where she is welcome.
By the way

There is another reason Khans connection to the Clinton's does not matter.

Trump has connections to the Clinton's! This argument you are pushing makes Trump a douchebag!

Trump isn't sucking Hillary's asshole like Khan is.

The way Trump is running his campaign, maybe he is?

The speech by Khan was easy to turn around.

There is nothing in the constitution that says we have to take in immigrants!

Also, who wish to wrisk the lives of their sons and daughters due to a policy that let ISIS sneak into this county with the other Syrian war refugees?

I just gave a clean outline on how to turn Khan's speech into Trumps weapon!

Now you may claim "therenis no theory" about who you can attack and as pertaining to the first amendment you are right.

But it does reflect you character and temperment to the the general public, which is the political issue at hand. Trump appears to be indifferent to veterans families. How will he treat vets and their families while in office is a question on most peoples minds. Especially in terms of how the VA has treated wounded vets recently.

You're mistaken if you believe irrefutable logic would stop the Dims and the media from attacking Trump. They would interpret anything Trump said in response as an attack. This was a Khan job. There's nothing honest or straightforward about it. Khan is a douche bag, as are the people who put him up to it. Honorable behavior simply isn't in their game plan.

Yes, you are right about the Dems trying to turn whatever Trump says into an attack!

But Trump should not help them with his statements! He need to learn how to invalidate or turn their claims around in his favor.

I seen him in the primaries. He knows how to do this intuitively.

Another tactic might be for him to just quit doing and saying stupid shit. I don't think he's capable of that though.
Apparently you aren't either.
Tell me about Pat Smith's political outlook. Other than a different party, how is she any different than Kahn?
Oh, I dunno...

Hillary was directly responsible for the death, and/or the top of the chain-of-command in the department that lost Smith's son?

Smith was a grieving mother accusing the person responsible for her son's death.


Trump was not directly responsible for the death, nor at the top of the chain-of-command in the department that lost Khan's son?

Khan was a grieving father pimping-out his son's memory in order to make political fodder.


Just a wee difference.

Hillary was not directly responsible for her son's death. That has been proven in countless investigations. I'm sorry if a grieving mother can't accept that. She has to deal with her grief in her own way. The fact that the right wing plays on her emotions to use her for a political weapon is disgusting.

She's responsible by definition. She was their boss, and she was responsible for their safety. When push came to shove, she let them down.
So by that reasoning Reagan was responsible for the safety of those 141 marines he lost in Lebanon.
The POTUS is not 'hands on' with the Department of Defense.

The SecState IS 'hands on' with the State Department.

DoD staff have a high expectation of combat death.

State staff do not have a high expectation of combat death.

Next slide, please.
I think the diplomatic corps realize their risk of danger at times.
Oh, I dunno...

Hillary was directly responsible for the death, and/or the top of the chain-of-command in the department that lost Smith's son?

Smith was a grieving mother accusing the person responsible for her son's death.


Trump was not directly responsible for the death, nor at the top of the chain-of-command in the department that lost Khan's son?

Khan was a grieving father pimping-out his son's memory in order to make political fodder.


Just a wee difference.

Hillary was not directly responsible for her son's death. That has been proven in countless investigations. I'm sorry if a grieving mother can't accept that. She has to deal with her grief in her own way. The fact that the right wing plays on her emotions to use her for a political weapon is disgusting.

She's responsible by definition. She was their boss, and she was responsible for their safety. When push came to shove, she let them down.
So by that reasoning Reagan was responsible for the safety of those 141 marines he lost in Lebanon.
The POTUS is not 'hands on' with the Department of Defense.

The SecState IS 'hands on' with the State Department.

DoD staff have a high expectation of combat death.

State staff do not have a high expectation of combat death.

Next slide, please.
I think the diplomatic corps realize their risk of danger at times.

Especially when HIllary is in charge.
Revelations? You gotta be kidding me. So the man is a Democrat, Big deal. How many spoke at the republican convention that weren't republicans? You are trying to make something of nothing. I guess that's all it takes to stir up the crazies.
Puhleeze, the firm he works for did Hillary's taxes. He's more than just a Dim. He's an Hillary operative.

How many spoke at the republican convention that weren't tightly bound to the GOP?

Patricia Smith wasn't political in any sense of the word. I don't even know if she's a Republican. I just know she thinks Hillary killed her son.

Bullshit. How many times has she been on fox and right wing radio? She puts out a right wing produced public statement every few days. She is as much a part of the right wing as any politician or pundit you might name.

Did you imagine CNN or ABC was going to have her on every few days? She goes where she is welcome.

I suppose it' important for a political operative like Mrs. Smith to get in the media as often she can
The attack seems to have been pretty effective to me. Hillary is back up in the polls with some pretty decent leads
The full impact of the news cycle on Khan will need a at least a full couple of weeks to see how it shakes out.

To see the final impact it has you have to give the 'reference' people that others personally know and trust enough time to dig into it. This word of mouth network carries more weight regarding known quantities than advertising does.
Diana West: DNC 'Put a Sharia Supremacist on Convention Center Stage' - Breitbart

Don’t you people vet your speakers? Do you even realize now that by inviting Khizr Khan to speak you that put a sharia supremacist on centerstage at the 2016 Democratic National Committee Convention to endorse a candidate for president of the United States? Hello? Is that the message you want to send America — that the Democratic Party is also the Sharia Party?

I do not exaggerate. Young Capt. Khan’s ultimate sacrifice for this country is something all Americans respect and mourn. But his father’s sharia supremacism is something all Americans who defend the Constitution that Khizr Khan was waving around like a prop must learn is the ideological foe of that Constitution, just as much as Communism ever was
Diana West: DNC 'Put a Sharia Supremacist on Convention Center Stage' - Breitbart

Don’t you people vet your speakers? Do you even realize now that by inviting Khizr Khan to speak you that put a sharia supremacist on centerstage at the 2016 Democratic National Committee Convention to endorse a candidate for president of the United States? Hello? Is that the message you want to send America — that the Democratic Party is also the Sharia Party?

I do not exaggerate. Young Capt. Khan’s ultimate sacrifice for this country is something all Americans respect and mourn. But his father’s sharia supremacism is something all Americans who defend the Constitution that Khizr Khan was waving around like a prop must learn is the ideological foe of that Constitution, just as much as Communism ever was
Ogibilium, we all know how you libtards think Sharia law is funny.

When the hangman comes for you it wont be.
Before the internet the Dims would have gotten away with their attempt to smear Trump, but now the major networks can't stifle embarrassing facts. This episode may just further cement Hillary's reputation for being sleazy and dishonest.

....Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter. They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military—and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.

Khizr Khan does not realize that his usefulness as a Democrat pawn is over.
Apparently Khan's little talk had quite an impact on the nation. While Kahn's work is done we can rely on Trump to add to it.

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