‘I Was Just Joking’: Media Apoplectic as Khizr Khan Attack on Donald Trump Goes Down in Flames

The truth is the truth, the guys is paid from Clinton who takes money from countries that throw gays off of buildings as their national pastime. Not surprising that you support her

You were the guys who nominated a malignant narcissist, and then complain when people pick the alternative.

Look in the dictionary under "Malignant Narcissist"

The truth is the truth, the guys is paid from Clinton who takes money from countries that throw gays off of buildings as their national pastime. Not surprising that you support her

You were the guys who nominated a malignant narcissist, and then complain when people pick the alternative.
The alternative is a criminal and a liar, not to mention a douche bag socialist.
Just another instance of Hillary being chums with a radical.

Khan has nothing but high praise for a Pakistani minister who touts sharia law as being the only constitution for the world. Brohi believes in brutal punishments for any offense against sharia. He believes that men should retain the right to beat their wives when they don't behave the way they want. Khan supports this man and admires him a great deal. It is no different than a person admiring Hitler. Brohi is all about a world ruled by Islam and the fact that Khan is one of his biggest fans certainly reveals his own mindset.

He is a strange choice for Dems to invite to their convention considering his loyalty to a man who would impose severe penalties or death to women, gays and people who commit the most minor crimes. Either they approve of the man's radical views or they just chose the first Muslim gold parents they could find. Either way, it demonstrates an attempt to sway voters by dishonest means. It's all about appearance instead of substance. It's not unlike Hillary's fake story of a young girl in a wheelchair. I guess she counts on the fact that her supporters will accept anything the Dems put out there as gospel and won't ever question anything the left does. And when those who actually care about the truth do some fact checking, she will just attack them with the help of the liberal media.

"As Pakistani minister of law and religious affairs, Brohi helped create hundreds of jihadi incubators called madrassas and restored Sharia punishments, such as amputations for theft and demands that rape victims produce four male witnesses or face adultery charges. He also made insulting the Muslim prophet Muhammad a crime punishable by death. To speed the Islamization of Pakistan, he and Zia issued a law that required judges to consult mullahs on every judicial decision for Sharia compliance.

Khan, who says he immigrated to the U.S. in 1980 to escape Pakistan’s "military rule," nonetheless spoke admiringly of Brohi in his review of his speech. He praised his remarks even though Brohi advocated for the enforcement of the medieval Sharia punishments, known as "hudood" (singular "hadd"), that were later adopted and carried out with brutal efficiency by the Taliban in neighboring Afghanistan.

"Divinely ordained punishments have to be inflicted," Brohi asserted, "and there is very little option for the judge called upon to impose Hadd, if facts and circumstances are established that the Hadd in question has been transgressed, to refuse to impose the punishment."

Of course, such cruel and unusual Sharia punishments, ranging from stonings and floggings to beheadings, would be a flagrant violation of the Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Western society is built on individualism and secularism, concepts enshrined in the Constitution. But Brohi scoffs at them, arguing, "The individual has to be sacrificed. Collectivity has a special sanctity attached to it in Islam."

Brohi goes on to argue that human rights bestowed by Islam include the right of men to "beat" their wives.

"The best statement of the human rights is also to be found in the address delivered by the prophet [Muhammad] so often described as his last address," Brohi said, quoting: " ‘You have rights over your wives and they have rights over you. You have the right that they should not defile your bed and that they should not behave with open unseemliness. If they do, God allows you to put them in separate rooms and to beat them but not with severity.’ "

In his book review, Khan takes no issue with Brohi’s shocking interpretation of human rights. In fact, he claims Brohi "successfully" explains them and argues his points "convincingly." (The review, which lists Khan as "director" of an Islamic center in Houston, was published in the Texas International Law Journal.)

"The keynote speech of Dr. A.K. Brohi, former Pakistani minister of legal and religious affairs, is a hallmark in this book," Khan writes. "It successfully explains the Islamic concepts of ‘right’ and ‘just’ in comparison to their Christian and Judaic counterparts."

Adds Khan: "Brohi argues convincingly for the establishment of a moral value system before guarantees can be given for any kind of rights. To illustrate the point he notes, ‘There is no such thing as human right in the abstract.’"

In other words, Khan concurs that human rights can only be guaranteed through the establishment of Sharia’s moral and legal code.

Khan provides his own advocacy for Sharia law in a separate academic paper titled "Juristic Classification of Islamic Law," which he also wrote in 1983, while studying in Saudi Arabia.

"The invariable and basic rules of Islamic law are only those prescribed in the Shari’ah," Khan writes. "All other juridical works… must always be subordinated to the Shari’ah."

He explains that Sharia is derived from the Quran and Sunnah, and that the Quran "is the absolute authority from which springs the very conception of legality and every legal obligation."

Khan then notes that Quranic law includes "constitutional law.""

Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the Sharia’

Khizr Khan Believes Sharia Trumps the Constitution
Before the internet the Dims would have gotten away with their attempt to smear Trump, but now the major networks can't stifle embarrassing facts. This episode may just further cement Hillary's reputation for being sleazy and dishonest.

....Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter. They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military—and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.

Before the internet, Trump would have never been nominated. It takes mass communication where every fruitcake can make any claim that pops into their silly head to stir up that many crazies. Trump knows that, and it's the only way he got nominated.

Without Obama being black and Hillary having a vagina, neither one would have been nominated.
Without Obama being black and Hillary having a vagina, neither one would have been nominated.

So true. At the heart of both campaigns is a sentiment that you must vote for them to prove something. Not voting for Obama meant you are a racist. Not voting for Hillary makes you part of the war on women.

Meanwhile, both support the radicals who truly carry on a war on women and freedom.
Before the internet the Dims would have gotten away with their attempt to smear Trump, but now the major networks can't stifle embarrassing facts. This episode may just further cement Hillary's reputation for being sleazy and dishonest.

....Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter. They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military—and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.
Sounds pretty unraveling to me.
in what possible way?

you realize the damage done to trump was not done by what the khans have said, right?

They sure as hell tried to damage Trump, douche bag. Only the gullible are buying the notion that Khan is an innocent victim.

So, if you have deep connections to Hillary Clinton, you can not be a victim to Trump attacks?

I hate to say this but I knew Khan was connected to the Clinton's before he spoke! Everyone that took the stage in DNC convention had some connection to the Clinton's!!

What is Breitbart trying to say? That since he does Clinton taxes, it sdoes not matter if his son died in the Iraq and in fact we should not respect that family for their ties with the Clinton's!?

Does that really fly in your head? Think about it, their obvious ties to the Clinton does not matter! Trump attacked a dead war veterans family!

It was a trap that could have backfired with political tact!! But Trump ran straight into that buzzsaw!!
Before the internet the Dims would have gotten away with their attempt to smear Trump, but now the major networks can't stifle embarrassing facts. This episode may just further cement Hillary's reputation for being sleazy and dishonest.

....Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter. They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military—and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.
Sounds pretty unraveling to me.
in what possible way?

you realize the damage done to trump was not done by what the khans have said, right?

They sure as hell tried to damage Trump, douche bag. Only the gullible are buying the notion that Khan is an innocent victim.

So, if you have deep connections to Hillary Clinton, you can not be a victim to Trump attacks?

I hate to say this but I knew Khan was connected to the Clinton's before he spoke! Everyone that took the stage in DNC convention had some connection to the Clinton's!!

What is Breitbart trying to say? That since he does Clinton taxes, it sdoes not matter if his son died in the Iraq and in fact we should not respect that family for their ties with the Clinton's!?

Does that really fly in your head? Think about it, their obvious ties to the Clinton does not matter! Trump attacked a dead war veterans family!

It was a trap that could have backfired with political tact!! But Trump ran straight into that buzzsaw!!

If you have deep convictions to Hillary, you're a douche bag, by definition.
Before the internet the Dims would have gotten away with their attempt to smear Trump, but now the major networks can't stifle embarrassing facts. This episode may just further cement Hillary's reputation for being sleazy and dishonest.

....Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter. They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military—and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.
Sounds pretty unraveling to me.
in what possible way?

you realize the damage done to trump was not done by what the khans have said, right?

They sure as hell tried to damage Trump, douche bag. Only the gullible are buying the notion that Khan is an innocent victim.

So, if you have deep connections to Hillary Clinton, you can not be a victim to Trump attacks?

I hate to say this but I knew Khan was connected to the Clinton's before he spoke! Everyone that took the stage in DNC convention had some connection to the Clinton's!!

What is Breitbart trying to say? That since he does Clinton taxes, it sdoes not matter if his son died in the Iraq and in fact we should not respect that family for their ties with the Clinton's!?

Does that really fly in your head? Think about it, their obvious ties to the Clinton does not matter! Trump attacked a dead war veterans family!

It was a trap that could have backfired with political tact!! But Trump ran straight into that buzzsaw!!

If you have deep convictions to Hillary, you're a douche bag, by definition.

Are you too partisan too realize that Trump insulted a dead veterans family?

Or you do realizes it but it should not count since everyone connected to the Clinton's are douche bags by your definition?

If it is the second, then dude there is no hope for you!
By the way

There is another reason Khans connection to the Clinton's does not matter.

Trump has connections to the Clinton's! This argument you are pushing makes Trump a douchebag!
Seriously, when your own son is murdered by radical Muslims and you still can't speak out against them, that's pretty bad. He is one who wants to import more Muslims, knowing full well that the radicals are among them. I guess the dream of a sharia-controlled world is more important than anything else. His obedient wife stands with him, as if she has a choice. I pity the women born into Muslim families who are forced to cover their bodies in shame their whole lives. They will never know freedom and if the radicals have their way, future women in every country will never know freedom.


Are you arguing that since he did not denounce the Islamic terrorists that he secretly supports their ideology in some way?

I hate to break the truth about it but since the father did not state clearly how he felt about Islamic terrorism(besides the fact they killed his son) we can not truly say what he really believes in!

You are supposing an argument that may not be true.

And to be honest, from a political perspective, you are doing exactly what the Clinton campaign wants you to do!! Paint all Muslims that disagrees with Trump as terrorists supporters!!

More mines in that field than I thought..........
Before the internet the Dims would have gotten away with their attempt to smear Trump, but now the major networks can't stifle embarrassing facts. This episode may just further cement Hillary's reputation for being sleazy and dishonest.

....Over the weekend and for the past few days since Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan about their son, U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in Iraq in 2004, media-wide reporters, editors, producers, and anchors have tried to lay criticism on Trump over the matter. They thought they had a good one, a specific line of attack that pitted Trump against the military—and supposedly showed him as a big meanie racist in the process.

But, as Breitbart News showed on Monday midday, that clearly was not the case. Khizr Khan has all sorts of financial, legal, and political connections to the Clintons through his old law firm, the mega-D.C. firm Hogan Lovells LLP. That firm did Hillary Clinton’s taxes for years, starting when Khan still worked there involved in, according to his own website, matters “firm wide”—back in 2004. It also has represented, for years, the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States. Saudi Arabia, of course, is a Clinton Foundation donor which—along with the mega-bundlers of thousands upon thousands in political donations to both of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in 2008 and 2016—plays right into the “Clinton Cash” narrative.

Before the internet, Trump would have never been nominated. It takes mass communication where every fruitcake can make any claim that pops into their silly head to stir up that many crazies. Trump knows that, and it's the only way he got nominated.

Without Obama being black and Hillary having a vagina, neither one would have been nominated.

Nope. I know some right wingers think that, but the problem with that is they were too misogynistic and racist to believe a black man or a woman could have anything to offer, so they focused on the main attribute that scared them. Pathetic little right wing minds can't deal with anything more complex.
The attack seems to have been pretty effective to me. Hillary is back up in the polls with some pretty decent leads
Although I find myself wondering whether the Trump Camp can make hay out of these late-breaking revelations about Khan and his connections to the Clintons...

Odd... each and every time that the Dems have believed they had Trump's back against the wall, he outmaneuvers them, intentionally or by chance...

Does Khan's history and connections provide such an escape hatch, once again?

Stay tuned, next week... same Bat-Time... same Bat-Channel...
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The attack seems to have been pretty effective to me. Hillary is back up in the polls with some pretty decent leads
Although I find myself wondering whether the Trump Camp can make hay out of these late-breaking revelations about Khan and his connections to the Clintons...

Revelations? You gotta be kidding me. So the man is a Democrat, Big deal. How many spoke at the republican convention that weren't republicans? You are trying to make something of nothing. I guess that's all it takes to stir up the crazies.
The attack seems to have been pretty effective to me. Hillary is back up in the polls with some pretty decent leads
Although I find myself wondering whether the Trump Camp can make hay out of these late-breaking revelations about Khan and his connections to the Clintons...

Revelations? You gotta be kidding me. So the man is a Democrat, Big deal. How many spoke at the republican convention that weren't republicans? You are trying to make something of nothing. I guess that's all it takes to stir up the crazies.
It's a little more than just being a Democrat, isn't it?
The attack seems to have been pretty effective to me. Hillary is back up in the polls with some pretty decent leads
Although I find myself wondering whether the Trump Camp can make hay out of these late-breaking revelations about Khan and his connections to the Clintons...

Revelations? You gotta be kidding me. So the man is a Democrat, Big deal. How many spoke at the republican convention that weren't republicans? You are trying to make something of nothing. I guess that's all it takes to stir up the crazies.
It's a little more than just being a Democrat, isn't it?

The first day of the republican convention, they had lots of people speaking who pointed to their military service. They all have yuuuuuge ties to the republican party. Is that any different? If so how?
The attack seems to have been pretty effective to me. Hillary is back up in the polls with some pretty decent leads
Although I find myself wondering whether the Trump Camp can make hay out of these late-breaking revelations about Khan and his connections to the Clintons...

Revelations? You gotta be kidding me. So the man is a Democrat, Big deal. How many spoke at the republican convention that weren't republicans? You are trying to make something of nothing. I guess that's all it takes to stir up the crazies.
It's a little more than just being a Democrat, isn't it?

Tell me about Pat Smith's political outlook. Other than a different party, how is she any different than Kahn?

Are you arguing that since he did not denounce the Islamic terrorists that he secretly supports their ideology in some way?

I hate to break the truth about it but since the father did not state clearly how he felt about Islamic terrorism(besides the fact they killed his son) we can not truly say what he really believes in!

You are supposing an argument that may not be true.

And to be honest, from a political perspective, you are doing exactly what the Clinton campaign wants you to do!! Paint all Muslims that disagrees with Trump as terrorists supporters!!

More mines in that field than I thought..........

When you look at the whole picture, you get a better idea of how radical this guy really is. He has given high praise to a Muslim minister who preaches that sharia should trump all other laws. The guy believes in keeping women in their place and never allowing them rights. He believes in the harshest punishments for breaking sharia law, including cutting off the hands of thieves and death to those who insult Islam. They believe gays should die. Very radical stuff.

While Khan's son deserves to be honored, Khan neglects to mention his support for the kind of people who killed his son and many others. For him to be more critical of Trump for wanting to put a hold on Muslim immigration until people can be properly vetted than he is of those who would hide among the refugees with intent to harm us, it tells us what kind of person he is. I do not have sympathy for a man who puts the interests of radical Muslims over the lives of American citizens, including his own son.
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The attack seems to have been pretty effective to me. Hillary is back up in the polls with some pretty decent leads
Although I find myself wondering whether the Trump Camp can make hay out of these late-breaking revelations about Khan and his connections to the Clintons...

Revelations? You gotta be kidding me. So the man is a Democrat, Big deal. How many spoke at the republican convention that weren't republicans? You are trying to make something of nothing. I guess that's all it takes to stir up the crazies.
It's a little more than just being a Democrat, isn't it?

The first day of the republican convention, they had lots of people speaking who pointed to their military service. They all have yuuuuuge ties to the republican party. Is that any different? If so how?
Oh, I dunno... none of them pimped-out their fallen child's memory nor their family grief on national television merely to advance a partisan agenda or to honor their padrone?

Are you arguing that since he did not denounce the Islamic terrorists that he secretly supports their ideology in some way?

I hate to break the truth about it but since the father did not state clearly how he felt about Islamic terrorism(besides the fact they killed his son) we can not truly say what he really believes in!

You are supposing an argument that may not be true.

And to be honest, from a political perspective, you are doing exactly what the Clinton campaign wants you to do!! Paint all Muslims that disagrees with Trump as terrorists supporters!!

More mines in that field than I thought..........

When you look at the whole picture, you get a better idea of how radical this guy really is. He has given high praise to a Muslim minister who preaches that sharia should trump all other laws. The guy believes in keeping women in their place and never allowing them rights. He believes in the harshest punishments for breaking sharia law, including cutting off the hands of thieves and death to those who insult Islam. They believe gays should die. Very radical stuff.

While Khan's son deserves to be honored, Khan neglects to mention his support for the kind of people who killed his son and many others. For him to be more critical of Trump for wanting to put a hold on Muslim immigration until people can be properly vetted than he is of those who would hide among the refugees with intent to harm us, it tells us what kind of person he is. I do not have sympathy for a man who puts the interests of radical Muslims over the lives of American citizens.

Go back and watch Pat Smith's little speech at the repub convention, and then shut up.

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