I Want a Pet Owl

I want one of these:


Sad he's dying.
But yeah I'd love to have one. The Boxers would shit themselves!!!
Keeping wolves as pets is one of the most horrible things that people do to canines.

Breeding them with dogs is another of the most horrible things.

They are miserable in capitvity..they are dangerous and they are destructive.

They're Canines and will happily accept man as their pack if raised that way from puppy hood.
Same with the Fox.
I want one of these:


Just happened across this -

Florida Sanctuary Rescues Giant Wolf 'Yuki' From Kill Shelter

From the article -

"Founded in 2001, the Shy Wolf Sanctuary takes in 60 captive-bred or rescued animals every year."

Those who think they want a wolf cross might want to donate $ cuz they're very expensive to keep.

For those who have one, get yourself some good insurance because bite cases involving this wolf mix are a sure win for the victim. Also be aware that you may not bee able to vaccinate which could lead to more liability for the owner. Helpful is to alter but you still need a very high fence as well as being buried in the ground.
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I want one of these:


Sad he's dying.
But yeah I'd love to have one. The Boxers would shit themselves!!!
Keeping wolves as pets is one of the most horrible things that people do to canines.

Breeding them with dogs is another of the most horrible things.

They are miserable in capitvity..they are dangerous and they are destructive.

They're Canines and will happily accept man as their pack if raised that way from puppy hood.
Same with the Fox.

Not true. Many are just fine until they sexual maturity. That's why these sanctuaries are full.

DEFINITELY not true of foxes either. I just rehabbed two kits. Obviously, as a rehabber, my job is the opposite of taming them but I've worked quite a few and they are simply not hard wired to be what humans want them to be.

There's a series of videos on You Tube by a guy who kept a for as a pet. Very educational and really shows what its like to live with a fox.

When I was a kid and bringing home every wild animal I came across, my father told me that whatever an animal does in the wild, he will continue to do in your home.

This is one of the kits I rehabbed and released.


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I want one of these:


Sad he's dying.
But yeah I'd love to have one. The Boxers would shit themselves!!!
Keeping wolves as pets is one of the most horrible things that people do to canines.

Breeding them with dogs is another of the most horrible things.

They are miserable in capitvity..they are dangerous and they are destructive.

They're Canines and will happily accept man as their pack if raised that way from puppy hood.
Same with the Fox.

Not true. Many are just fine until they sexual maturity. That's why these sanctuaries are full.

DEFINITELY not true of foxes either. I just rehabbed two kits. Obviously, as a rehabber, my job is the opposite of taming them but I've worked quite a few and they are simply not hard wired to be what humans want them to be.

There's a series of videos on You Tube by a guy who kept a for as a pet. Very educational and really shows what its like to live with a fox.

When I was a kid and bringing home every wild animal I came across, my father told me that whatever an animal does in the wild, he will continue to do in your home.

This is one of the kits I rehabbed and released.

Neutering helps with aggression.
Yeah I've seen the fox vids.
Oh yeah?
Wolf dogs killed owner, autopsy determines

“Sandra L. Piovesan bled to death after being mauled by a pack of nine wolf dogs that she had raised as pets and was so devoted to that she once told a neighbor they "give me unqualified love."

I'm sure you can find accounts of most large breeds killing someone.
Yeah. I have a standing rule. Never allow an animal into your home that you can’t kill in single combat...
Oh yeah?
Wolf dogs killed owner, autopsy determines

“Sandra L. Piovesan bled to death after being mauled by a pack of nine wolf dogs that she had raised as pets and was so devoted to that she once told a neighbor they "give me unqualified love."

I'm sure you can find accounts of most large breeds killing someone.
Yeah. I have a standing rule. Never allow an animal into your home that you can’t kill in single combat...

My Boxers aren't even a year old and I'd hate to tangle with em.
I want one of these:


Sad he's dying.
But yeah I'd love to have one. The Boxers would shit themselves!!!
Keeping wolves as pets is one of the most horrible things that people do to canines.

Breeding them with dogs is another of the most horrible things.

They are miserable in capitvity..they are dangerous and they are destructive.

They're Canines and will happily accept man as their pack if raised that way from puppy hood.
Same with the Fox.

yeah wolves kill pack members ALL THE TIME.
I want one of these:


Sad he's dying.
But yeah I'd love to have one. The Boxers would shit themselves!!!
Keeping wolves as pets is one of the most horrible things that people do to canines.

Breeding them with dogs is another of the most horrible things.

They are miserable in capitvity..they are dangerous and they are destructive.

They're Canines and will happily accept man as their pack if raised that way from puppy hood.
Same with the Fox.

yeah wolves kill pack members ALL THE TIME.

That's a learned behavior.
I want one of these:


Sad he's dying.
But yeah I'd love to have one. The Boxers would shit themselves!!!
Keeping wolves as pets is one of the most horrible things that people do to canines.

Breeding them with dogs is another of the most horrible things.

They are miserable in capitvity..they are dangerous and they are destructive.

They're Canines and will happily accept man as their pack if raised that way from puppy hood.
Same with the Fox.

yeah wolves kill pack members ALL THE TIME.

The wolf mixes have a rep for killing dogs that live in the same household. They're also dangerous to have around small kids. Just about every dog and/or dog/woolf mixes that attack children have owners say almost the exact same thing - 'I don't know. He was always fine before'. Other owners then say almost the exact same thing - 'I trust my well trained dog/wolf mix with my kids'.

Little kids make prey moves and prey sounds that can 'turn on' the predator response and next thing the owner knows is that the kid is dead.

I've had Harris' hawks kill each other. That's remarkable because they're the only raptor that is know to live and hunt in cooperative groups.

Recently, one tiger killed another when put together for breeding.
I want one of these:


Sad he's dying.
But yeah I'd love to have one. The Boxers would shit themselves!!!
Keeping wolves as pets is one of the most horrible things that people do to canines.

Breeding them with dogs is another of the most horrible things.

They are miserable in capitvity..they are dangerous and they are destructive.

They're Canines and will happily accept man as their pack if raised that way from puppy hood.
Same with the Fox.

yeah wolves kill pack members ALL THE TIME.

That's a learned behavior.

Its the opposite of a learned behavior and I wouldn't want to bet on being able to train it out of them.
I want one of these:


Just happened across this -

Florida Sanctuary Rescues Giant Wolf 'Yuki' From Kill Shelter

From the article -

"Founded in 2001, the Shy Wolf Sanctuary takes in 60 captive-bred or rescued animals every year."

Those who think they want a wolf cross might want to donate $ cuz they're very expensive to keep.

For those who have one, get yourself some good insurance because bite cases involving this wolf mix are a sure win for the victim. Also be aware that you may not bee able to vaccinate which could lead to more liability for the owner. Helpful is to alter but you still need a very high fence as well as being buried in the ground.

I've been around a couple in my life, beautiful, sweet animals. But strong and still had a wild streak. They are definitely a hands on animal, and I'm not sure I'd have one around small children... say younger than 17...
The forest surrounding my home, is thick with them. I hear them sounding off every night...
I've never seen one. Only recently have I seen eagles.
Ironic the nat'l symbol is a dump buzzard

Eagles are the most regal of the birds.

and yet they eat carrion.

Owls don't..at least, they don't eat carrion that they didn't kill.[/QUOTE

Not true.

There are two families of owl - the barn owl - Tytonidae- and everybody else - Strigidae, aka typical owls. In those two families there are more than 200 species. All are true carnivores and prefer to kill their food.

Except for vultures, birds can't smell and they hunt by sight and hearing. That means they cannot find carrion. But, I've seen owls eating dead deer. And yes, eagles eat carrion.

The bird I've worked the most and the one I legally own is a great horned owl. They're called the tiger of the sky and may be the only owl that takes skunks. I've gotten then into rehab drenched in skunk and miserable to work with.

I love raptors and learn something new every day.
I found a wounded barn owl out here a few years ago. I marked his location on my gps and called game and fish. they took him somewhere set up to rehabiltate him, prescott, az i think. anyway, he wasnt easy for them to get ahold of but they did. he had been shot in the wing.
Owls are assholes. But they are cool to look at.

By eating rodents that would otherwise foul our grain stores, owls save us money at the grocery store.

Whether you eat meat or are vegetarian, grain has a huge 'role' in producing what you eat.
I found a wounded barn owl out here a few years ago. I marked his location on my gps and called game and fish. they took him somewhere set up to rehabiltate him, prescott, az i think. anyway, he wasnt easy for them to get ahold of but they did. he had been shot in the wing.

Illegal to shoot them but people do. Glad you got him to a rehabber.

We seldom see raptors with leg/foot injuries because they can still fly. It often means they starve to death because they can't catch and hold prey. Common cause of foot and leg injuries is electrocution. One of the most heart breaking I've seen was a huge female red tail with legs that looked like sharpened pencils. Needless to say, I took her to the vet to be put down immediately.
The forest surrounding my home, is thick with them. I hear them sounding off every night...
I've never seen one. Only recently have I seen eagles.
I have a tall dead pine along the bank behind my house. Every night a great big Owl perches atop it hooting out, riling up the others secreted away in the tree line. I never realized just how huge she really was; till she spread her wings, and silently swooped down to pluck an unsuspecting mouse from the meadow. A truly incredible animal...
Owls are super cool, but I don't think to have one as a pet is a good idea unless you have taken a few falconry classes or some kind of class on how to handle predator birds.
I found a wounded barn owl out here a few years ago. I marked his location on my gps and called game and fish. they took him somewhere set up to rehabiltate him, prescott, az i think. anyway, he wasnt easy for them to get ahold of but they did. he had been shot in the wing.

Illegal to shoot them but people do. Glad you got him to a rehabber.

We seldom see raptors with leg/foot injuries because they can still fly. It often means they starve to death because they can't catch and hold prey. Common cause of foot and leg injuries is electrocution. One of the most heart breaking I've seen was a huge female red tail with legs that looked like sharpened pencils. Needless to say, I took her to the vet to be put down immediately.

i see red tail hawks, bald eagles and of course ravens daily. once in awhile i spot a golden eagle or owl.
the saddest thing i continue to see is dead ravens from people putting out rat poison, and the ravens will eat the body.
when i first saw this happen, 3 ravens looked like they just say down on the ground and died. also called game and fish then.

i wish people wouldnt use poison like that. There are better ways, that dont killl birds

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