I wanna challenge everyone to read the entire Bible this year

It's impossible to understand. People post ramblings and then I ask what it means and I could have read it 100 times I wouldn't get the meaning. You need a translator.

I think it's written this way on purpose
It was.

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

Everything that contradicts reality or reason in scripture was intentionally written that way to be like a big X on a treasure map marking a place where something of great value is buried and hidden.

If you don't look and look and keep on looking you will never find it.
Yawn. If 9 out of 10 people read it and don't know what it means, and then if you ask 10 people who claim they know what it means but they all say it means something different, it is a book designed to confuse and brainwash IMO.
You know with so many so called fake christians in this country, I tend to believe you.
IF you guys knew how to listen, you'd save a lot of time and effort reading.
1) I told you the cliff notes to the OT is in the name of the holy city.
2)I told you the cliff notes to the NT is found at the very end of the book where all punch lines and answers are found.

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
and like all self exams the answer sits at the end of the book upside down.
The punch line to the Roman Joke:
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)

This is why us Jews were not fooled by the fallen false prophet, because we were warned. It's in the cliff notes name of the city YeruShalem, and we read right to left. So reading first the end of your book, right away we spotted the adversary of Shalem (Evening Star) problem.
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This is why us Jews were not fooled by the fallen false prophet, because we were warned. It's in the cliff notes name of the city YeruShalem, and we read right to left. So reading first the end of your book, right away we spotted the adversary of Shalem (Evening Star) problem.

When Jesus said that he would be lifted up like the bronze serpent was lifted up by Moses in the wilderness he was showing that he had foreknowledge that worship involving his name would degenerate into idolatry, as it has.

When Hezekiah destroyed the bronze serpent that Moses made it says he did what was right in Gods eyes. If it was right to destroy the bronze statue then it was never right for the people to turn to it for healing. From the beginning, it was a test.

From the beginning Jesus warned his disciples many times to pray to be spared the test. Jesus also prayed to God for some mysterious cup to pass him by. ( Jeremiah 25:15) This shows that the Jesus that actually existed, not the counterfeit fourth century mangod, did not want to curse the nations but deferred to the will of God.....
So you just said Jesus would be like the HaShevet (the staff of Moses)?
Well yeah the imposter inposters the
"son of man", they say so in Rev 1:13
"Like Unto" (emulating-impostering)son of man in the last book....Be a Jew and read the end before the beginning (right to left), because the beginning is actually at the end (per Isaiah's secret). :)

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This is why us Jews were not fooled by the fallen false prophet, because we were warned. It's in the cliff notes name of the city YeruShalem, and we read right to left. So reading first the end of your book, right away we spotted the adversary of Shalem (Evening Star) problem.

When Jesus said that he would be lifted up like the bronze serpent was lifted up by Moses in the wilderness he was showing that he had foreknowledge that worship involving his name would degenerate into idolatry, as it has.

When Hezekiah destroyed the bronze serpent that Moses made it says he did what was right in Gods eyes. If it was right to destroy the bronze statue then it was never right for the people to turn to it for healing. From the beginning, it was a test.

From the beginning Jesus warned his disciples many times to pray to be spared the test. Jesus also prayed to God for some mysterious cup to pass him by. ( Jeremiah 25:15) This shows that the Jesus that actually existed, not the counterfeit fourth century mangod, did not want to curse the nations but deferred to the will of God.....
From the beginning Jesus warned his disciples many times to pray to be spared the test. Jesus also prayed to God for some mysterious cup to pass him by. ( Jeremiah 25:15) This shows that the Jesus that actually existed, not the counterfeit fourth century mangod, did not want to curse the nations but deferred to the will of God.....

there is greatness in the 1st century held hostage within the corrupted 4th century bible and it is those very people today that prevent the corrections from being made to repent the awfulness that has occurred from that time to the present day and be placed again on the path to the Everlasting.

and that includes the jews, HaShev that from their time to the present have the same history of disobedience to the religion given by the Almighty - The Triumph of Good vs Evil.
I just finished Genesis. And have read 3 chapters in Matthew.
Take your time and read for meaning.
I will check back occasionally to monitor your progress;)

I've done it. Over and over. Wait till you hit the begats. Holy toledo. You gotta have faith. :] Just keeeeeeeeeeding. There is a reason for it though.
I came to the Lord by the Old Testament. Not by the New.
The Word is amazing. It is unreal.
I've read it cover to cover twice but the second time I skipped the "begats." lol
I just finished Genesis. And have read 3 chapters in Matthew.
Take your time and read for meaning.
I will check back occasionally to monitor your progress;)

I've done it. Over and over. Wait till you hit the begats. Holy toledo. You gotta have faith. :] Just keeeeeeeeeeding. There is a reason for it though.
I came to the Lord by the Old Testament. Not by the New.
The Word is amazing. It is unreal.
I've read it cover to cover twice but the second time I skipped the "begats." lol
Everybody does.
o you just said Jesus would be like the HaShevet (the staff of Moses)?
No I said that Jesus compared himself to the bronze serpent that Moses made for the people to turn to for healing during the time of testing in the wilderness.

Pay attention.
Oh please, John 3:14 is a bastardization of Numbers 21:8 and the Tanakh says copper your NT says Bronze, so seeing you switching meanings when you switch metals is a no brainer.
And I've compared him to the serpent of the swallowing up the Egyptian serpent story. The HaShevet swallows and defeats the Egyptian serpent (false prophet).

Your use of Jesus is still problematic because it shows Moses PROPHETICALLY REVEALING the people of relying on metal idols of the serpent(false prophet) to heal from being bitten (caught up in) false prophets (snakes).

REMEMBER THIS OP IS ABOUT FULL READING CONTEXT OF THE BIBLE, that includes knowledge that they already understand idols are forbidden and have no power to heal.

Leviticus 19:4
"`Do not turn to idols or make gods of cast metal for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.

Isaiah 44:10
Who hath formed a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for nothing?

In Isaiah44;9 It states they that make a graven image are all of them vanity and their delectable things shall not profit; and they are their own witnesses;(christians) they see not; nor know; that they may be ashamed. Still confused well here is some more.
Isaiah44;13 The carpenter(Who is that was Jesus not considered a carpenter) strecheth out his rule(over the world)he marketh it out with a line;he fitteth it with planes and he marketh it out with a compass, and maketh it after the fiqure of a man(JESUS);according to the beauty of a man;that it mat remain in the house(Maybe over your bed?) One more passage Isaiah44;17 And the residue thereof he maketh a god(JESUS)Even his graven image(AGAIN JESUS);He falleth down unto it and worshippeth it. and prayeth unto it and saith Deliver me; for this art my GOD(JESUS)

Now you yourself admit Jesus is an image made of this Egyptian influenced underworld sun worship false prophet, thus symboled defeated by the HaShevet in the other Moses story.
It is problematic for a number of reasons that Hobelim brought this up It was the Ophites who taught that Christ did not exist in the flesh( something we have been saying all along) It was these Ophites that extolled the serpent and preferred it to Christ making it their idol which they held up high just like Christians do with their Jesus..We can see how it is pushed in the New Testament where Jesus says to lift him up like the serpent in the wilderness but the problem is there is no mention of this Jesus character with regards to the Ophites because of course the name was given at a much later date and if one cares to google this up there are depictions of Jesus on one side of a tree or cross and a serpent on the other... Which shows the similarities of Jesus and his forked tounged alter ego ..The worship of snakes were held in high regard in many cultures... The Egyptians to name one held the sons of Seth In high regard and in some religious ceremonies bread and wine and other assorted foods were placed on a table and could not be consumed until a snake had moved through and over it..I wonder if the Vaticanussssssssssss or Vatican borrowed that from there as they always liked to take a mish mash of everything and mix it all together. It is really interesting for those that care to look these things up.. As for the switching of the metals I find that interesting as copper as an alloy is pure and soft and easy to work with while Bronze is not pure and made up of other alloys besides copper... One could say that fits in again as the Vaticanusssssssss placed the pure with the unpure to come up with their serpentine doctrine...
Please tell us about that word you found for snake that can be confused for Nazarene.

Like I said a few times about the ancient age describing things as they best can for that period using emulations to describe their appearances. On the case of the staff turning into a snake one could be describing an archaic age Egyptian battery by placing two different metals like copper & iron in acid creating a serpantine charge aka a snake out of an electrified rod swallowing a serpent. Also electrifying the ark can explain descriptions of people burning (electrocuted) to death through touching it. Remember the Polarity possible by the
2 Cherubs but also thatvthe Ark carried the HaShevet (they placed back the staff in the ark)-Numbers /Korach 17:25 "Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe HASHEV"

So the copper serpent to protect from snake bites could be an archaic age zapper or heat reflective application DEHYDRATING THE SNAKES historically OR making those bitten sweat out toxins? Then 2nd later to come prophecy aka repeat history being the use of tasers or laser weapons or symbol of medicine cures depending if you see it removing snakes or healing from bites?
And 3rd layer of prophecy- the emulated spiritual as being described in my commentary on the missguided use of the false prophet on a tree.
Be open to many possibilities and you won't be caught flat footed when the answer appears.
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I challenge you instead to think logically and reject things that aren't proven.

nobody had ever SUCESSFULLY explained to me why tiny little electrons---running
around in copper wires-----------are important
PS ---copper is an element----pure copper is not an alloy (disclaimer------as far as I know-----chances are that my copper pot is far from pure copper)
OK I think I figured this out.
It's not Serpents that bit them, it's firey serpents perhaps describing Lightening?
God sent firey snakes (Lightening) to punish them it says.
Moshes created a lightening rod to protect them from getting bit (struck by the firey snakes).
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OK I think I figured this out.
It's not Serpents that bit them, it's firey serpents perhaps describing Lightening?
God sent firey snakes (Lightening) to punish them it says.
Moshes created a lightening rod to protect them from getting bit (struck by the firey snakes).

gee------I nevah thunk of the metal serpent as a LIGHTENING ROD-------kinda makes sense It would not be likely to be something effective against snake
venom-------probably the ROMULAN ET people gave it to Moses-----maybe the
VULCANS-----like Spock
Well in all seriousness they call it a test of faith, if so then telling people to rely on the Canaanite snake on a stick idol is like showing them how that idol will not protect them and thus for them to self learn from experience to stop going back to their idols like Baal and the snake that do nothing, and trust in Their God of Abraham. It's then that the teachings were reassured and reapplied and developed more complete after.

But, I like to look at all possibilities including describing things unfamiliar to them in ways that are familiar. Example: If I didn't understand what a cloud was I would describe it as a cotton ball.
If they didn't know what the moon was they described it as swiss cheese.
If you don't know what lightening is you call it? Fire breathing dragon or firey serpent?
Well in all seriousness they call it a test of faith, if so then telling people to rely on the Canaanite snake on a stick idol is like showing them how that idol will not protect them and thus for them to self learn from experience to stop going back to their idols like Baal and the snake that do nothing, and trust in Their God of Abraham. It's then that the teachings were reassured and reapplied and developed more complete after.

But, I like to look at all possibilities including describing things unfamiliar to them in ways that are familiar. Example: If I didn't understand what a cloud was I would describe it as a cotton ball.
If they didn't know what the moon was they described it as swiss cheese.
If you don't know what lightening is you call it? Fire breathing dragon or firey serpent?

The voice of the Lord makes the wilderness writhe in travail; the Lord makes the wilderness writhe.
OK I think I figured this out.
It's not Serpents that bit them, it's firey serpents perhaps describing Lightening?
God sent firey snakes (Lightening) to punish them it says.
Moshes created a lightening rod to protect them from getting bit (struck by the firey snakes).

lol... you are like a used car salesman who doesn't even have a jalopy for sale..

A fiery serpent is a metaphor for a false prophet who spreads lies in the name of the Lord, not unlike the plague of fiery TV preachers and wanna be messiahs, like you, that have been infecting people with poisonous thought viruses that kill the intellect for the past 50 years.........

Now you know.
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OK I think I figured this out.
It's not Serpents that bit them, it's firey serpents perhaps describing Lightening?
God sent firey snakes (Lightening) to punish them it says.
Moshes created a lightening rod to protect them from getting bit (struck by the firey snakes).

lol... you are like a used car salesman who doesn't even have a jalopy for sale..

A fiery serpent is a metaphor for a false prophet who spreads lies in the name of the Lord, not unlike the plague of fiery TV preachers and wanna be messiahs, like you, that have been infecting people with poisonous thought viruses that kill the intellect for the past 50 years.........

Now you know.

I do not know-------metaphors are not DIVINE------they are a matter of usage
OK I think I figured this out.
It's not Serpents that bit them, it's firey serpents perhaps describing Lightening?
God sent firey snakes (Lightening) to punish them it says.
Moshes created a lightening rod to protect them from getting bit (struck by the firey snakes).

lol... you are like a used car salesman who doesn't even have a jalopy for sale..

A fiery serpent is a metaphor for a false prophet who spreads lies in the name of the Lord, not unlike the plague of fiery TV preachers and wanna be messiahs, like you, that have been infecting people with poisonous thought viruses that kill the intellect for the past 50 years.........

Now you know.

I do not know-------metaphors are not DIVINE------they are a matter of usage

C'mon Rosie, smarten up. I thought you were from Brooklyn...

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