I tried...i honestly tried....


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Seattle at large...Ballard lately
I watched C-SPAN yesterday morning. Tea Bag ...tea bag. I watched the interviews and the opening statements from the podium. I turned on C-SPAN again at 6 PM and saw re-runs of the morning. OK... the Hippy looking fat guy with the black suit with the no tie dark sweater look seemed to make some sense. He is at least not ignornant of the issues and he tries to tone down the wingnuts. He stands alone in that movement against the storm of stupidity.

I had even worked up enough curiosity to see Sara. It was 7 PM and then it happened. This used car salesman stood up to get the crowd prepared for Palin and he took off into Big Lie after Big Lie ...0ne after the other ...."The Obama thug community organizer"..."The death panels" .... The organizers of this event did well to hide the escential character of you tea bagger pieces of shit but that guy brought it all back into the light of day. Piss on Sara Palin..I'm glad I didn't waste my time. Piss on you tae bag morons...you waste all of our time when you are mentioned in the media or anywhere. The only thing you are good for is to syphon off power from the fundis running the GOP. You assholes had better stay out of Seattle. I will do my best to help ruin any chance you have at an elected position here.
I know you have a certain point of view on things but there is a unique kind of revolution happening in this country that aims to restore a lot of principles that our country was founded on. The result will be something that neither the republican or democrat party expects or will even like but I believe most Americans will like.
I know you have a certain point of view on things but there is a unique kind of revolution happening in this country that aims to restore a lot of principles that our country was founded on. The result will be something that neither the republican or democrat party expects or will even like but I believe most Americans will like.

An inveterate anti-Semite like Huggy can only see things one way. And needless to say, it's the wrong way.
I know you have a certain point of view on things but there is a unique kind of revolution happening in this country that aims to restore a lot of principles that our country was founded on. The result will be something that neither the republican or democrat party expects or will even like but I believe most Americans will like.

An inveterate anti-Semite like Huggy can only see things one way. And needless to say, it's the wrong way.

Wutz the fact you are a scummy jew have to do with the OP?:cuckoo::lol::lol:
I tried...i honestly tried....

Don't feel bad. According to the commercials on TV, this should help your condition:

I know you have a certain point of view on things but there is a unique kind of revolution happening in this country that aims to restore a lot of principles that our country was founded on. The result will be something that neither the republican or democrat party expects or will even like but I believe most Americans will like.

An inveterate anti-Semite like Huggy can only see things one way. And needless to say, it's the wrong way.

Wutz the fact you are a scummy jew have to do with the OP?:cuckoo::lol::lol:

Damn, you're not really an anti-semite are you?

Jews vote Democratic. Don't be that way.
Jews vote Democratic. Don't be that way.

The new face of partisan hackery

"Hide your antisemitism so you don't scare Jewish People away from our political party"

Sheesh... this hyper-partisan nonsense is getting ridiculous.
I know you have a certain point of view on things but there is a unique kind of revolution happening in this country that aims to restore a lot of principles that our country was founded on. The result will be something that neither the republican or democrat party expects or will even like but I believe most Americans will like.

I would have liked to believe this, and for a time it seemed like it may have been true, but no longer. The largest swaths of the movement have been co-opted by nothing more revolutionary or unique than the GOP.

There are many individual participants in this "tea party movement" with valid populist grievances against the sleaze and corruption of both parties in Washington, but it's all being directed towards a pedestrian goal that has nothing to do with any of those sentiments: namely, the re-empowerment of the Republican Party in completely unchanged form. Palin last night righteously condemned the Wall Street bailout even though she (like Glenn Beck) supported that bailout. She wears the banner of "freedom" and "individual liberty" even as she mocks the notion that our laws and Constitution -- the instruments by which we restrain government power -- ought to limit what the President can do in the name of national security; cheers for the omnipotent Surveillance State; and demands that her religious beliefs form the basis of government intervention in people's lives. She rails against government debt while supporting the policies largely responsible for its explosion: namely, limitless increases in military spending and endlessly expanded wars and imperial policies (primarily in the Middle East and oh-so-coincidentally aimed at Muslims).

In sum, Sarah Palin loyally supports virtually every policy that defined the uniquely disastrous Bush/Cheney first term. The "tea party movement" depicts itself as some sort of novel and independent force in American politics, and the establishment media -- which patronizingly equates far right extremists with "real Americans" and is petrified of accusations of "liberal bias" -- plays along. But exactly the opposite is true. It's just an appendage of the Republican Party: more dogmatic and boisterous than party leaders would like, but nonetheless devoted to the purest of partisan goals of restoring the same GOP to power that ran the country into the ground over the last decade. All of the GOP leaders whom this movement seeks to empower are the same ones who subserviently supported almost every Bush/Cheney policy for eight straight years. As is true for Palin, Fox News is this movement's primary sponsor because Fox, which craves a return of the Bush years, knows that the "tea party movement" will promote that goal by re-imaging the destroyed GOP brand into something fresh, pretty and new. Hardened GOP loyalists like Rush Limbaugh, Bill Kristol, National Review and Sean Hannity are perfectly at home in the "tea party movement" because its principal effect is to empower the standard right-wing GOP politicians and policies they've long craved.

George Bush and Dick Cheney are too widely discredited for anyone trying to appeal to the unconverted to praise their rule directly. The GOP needed new packaging, a new face. The "tea party" movement is just a respectable way for love of GOP dogma to once again be safely expressed.

As proof, consider this FOXNews.com - Tea Party Movement Produces New Political Organization
In a bid to advance the tea party movement from holding rallies to holding office, the leaders of the anti-establishment groups announced a new political organization Friday that they say will "endorse, support and elect" conservatives across the country.

Mark Skoda, chairman of The Memphis TEA Party, made the announcement at a news conference in the middle of the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville. . . .The announcement came with an official platform that could help define what the multi-faceted tea party movement stands for and expects from the candidates it supports. The group's leaders plan to support candidates who stand for a set of "First Principles."

Those principles are: fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, less government, states' rights and national security. Prospective political candidates will be expected to support the Republican National Committee platform. If a particular candidate meets the proposed criteria he or she would be eligible for fund-raising and grassroots support.

Though there are well-intentioned people with legitimate grievances within it, this tea party is now nothing more than directed faux-populist rabble rousing designed to put the GOP, the party in power so recently and responsible for the majority of our crippling debt and the corporate giveaways and endless wars that maintain it, back into power. It's not libertarian, it's not conservative, it's not a revolution, it's just the furthest right elements of the same old Republican Party.
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An inveterate anti-Semite like Huggy can only see things one way. And needless to say, it's the wrong way.

Wutz the fact you are a scummy jew have to do with the OP?:cuckoo::lol::lol:

Damn, you're not really an anti-semite are you?

Jews vote Democratic. Don't be that way.

I have distain for all organised religion. My thing with the jews is more on a personal level. As I have said many times before in my experience they are the rudest group of people on the planet. I don't like willfully stupid or willfully rude people. The are by my standards extremely rude and if there ever was a bigoted group..they are. I feel about the same way about jews as I do with the KKK.

The funny part is that jews are SOOOO rude to each other and all with whom they come into contact that THEY don't think they are rude. It is thier normal behavior. They treat members of thier family the same way. I did not make them rude. I just do not feel the need to tolorate it. It also gives one insight why they are as a people the problem in the mid east and anywhere they have habitated.

Thier "normal" is no more or less acceptable to me than the way the KKK treats blacks. Maybe it is because they think they are "the chosen" people. Maybe part of my dislike for them is my disgust for cowards. I have never accepted that a human being could put thier familys on cattle cars for any reason at the point of a gun.

They as a people don't have one thousandth the courage of the Palastinians. How many Jews do you think would strap a bomb on because that is the only weapon you have and sacrifice yourself for the cause? How many Jews did that for thier people in Germany? Nada! Just sayin...they are all talk...no walk...Piss on em.

Oh ya...I am not a democrat. An anti semite? Mmmmmm...I don't think so..that would be singling them out for religion. I just do not respect them as a people.
I have distain for all organised religion. My thing with the jews is more on a personal level. As I have said many times before in my experience they are the rudest group of people on the planet. I don't like willfully stupid or willfully rude people. The are by my standards extremely rude and if there ever was a bigoted group..they are. I feel about the same way about jews as I do with the KKK.

No wonder you hate yourself so much.

The funny part is that jews are SOOOO rude to each other and all with whom they come into contact that THEY don't think they are rude. It is thier normal behavior. They treat members of thier family the same way. I did not make them rude. I just do not feel the need to tolorate it. It also gives one insight why they are as a people the problem in the mid east and anywhere they have habitated.

Sure, and you are the epitome of graciousness and courtesy

Thier "normal" is no more or less acceptable to me than the way the KKK treats blacks. Maybe it is because they think they are "the chosen" people. Maybe part of my dislike for them is my disgust for cowards. I have never accepted that a human being could put thier familys on cattle cars for any reason at the point of a gun.

Oh, so they are horrible people because they were slaughtered by someone sharing your viewpoint of them. And though you claim you dislike the way the KKK treats blacks, you have no problem treating Jews the same way. Very logical...

They as a people don't have one thousandth the courage of the Palastinians. How many Jews do you think would strap a bomb on because that is the only weapon you have and sacrifice yourself for the cause? How many Jews did that for thier people in Germany? Nada! Just sayin...they are all talk...no walk...Piss on em.

So because they arent stupid enough to strap a bomb to their little children, they are somehow cowards? How many people would do that for a just cause, let a lone a made up one? Apparently, stupidity equals bravery in your book.

Oh ya...I am not a democrat. An anti semite? Mmmmmm...I don't think so..that would be singling them out for religion. I just do not respect them as a people.

you realize that anti semitism has absolutely nothing to do with their religion and everything to do with semitic ethnicity dont you? A person doesnt stop being semitic if they change religions.

But hey, you live in your own little world. I wouldnt want reality to come in the way of your fantasy life.
I watched C-SPAN yesterday morning. Tea Bag ...tea bag. I watched the interviews and the opening statements from the podium. I turned on C-SPAN again at 6 PM and saw re-runs of the morning. OK... the Hippy looking fat guy with the black suit with the no tie dark sweater look seemed to make some sense. He is at least not ignornant of the issues and he tries to tone down the wingnuts. He stands alone in that movement against the storm of stupidity.

I had even worked up enough curiosity to see Sara. It was 7 PM and then it happened. This used car salesman stood up to get the crowd prepared for Palin and he took off into Big Lie after Big Lie ...0ne after the other ...."The Obama thug community organizer"..."The death panels" .... The organizers of this event did well to hide the escential character of you tea bagger pieces of shit but that guy brought it all back into the light of day. Piss on Sara Palin..I'm glad I didn't waste my time. Piss on you tae bag morons...you waste all of our time when you are mentioned in the media or anywhere. The only thing you are good for is to syphon off power from the fundis running the GOP. You assholes had better stay out of Seattle. I will do my best to help ruin any chance you have at an elected position here.

If what you say is true and the tea partiers are nothing but a "storm of stupidity" then why are you so afraid of them?
I watched C-SPAN yesterday morning. Tea Bag ...tea bag. I watched the interviews and the opening statements from the podium. I turned on C-SPAN again at 6 PM and saw re-runs of the morning. OK... the Hippy looking fat guy with the black suit with the no tie dark sweater look seemed to make some sense. He is at least not ignornant of the issues and he tries to tone down the wingnuts. He stands alone in that movement against the storm of stupidity.

I had even worked up enough curiosity to see Sara. It was 7 PM and then it happened. This used car salesman stood up to get the crowd prepared for Palin and he took off into Big Lie after Big Lie ...0ne after the other ...."The Obama thug community organizer"..."The death panels" .... The organizers of this event did well to hide the escential character of you tea bagger pieces of shit but that guy brought it all back into the light of day. Piss on Sara Palin..I'm glad I didn't waste my time. Piss on you tae bag morons...you waste all of our time when you are mentioned in the media or anywhere. The only thing you are good for is to syphon off power from the fundis running the GOP. You assholes had better stay out of Seattle. I will do my best to help ruin any chance you have at an elected position here.
Stay out of Seattle? What are you going to do if I come to Seattle? Quake in your boots most likely.
Watched the Super Bowl last night with 2 brothers I played high school football in the 60s and early 70s right here 10 miles from where I live in Georgia.
One of them married a Jewish girl in 1975. She had moved from Miami here northern accent and all.
She accepted us and we accepted her. Same with her sister and parents.
That is how it works Huggy. You have to GIVE acceptance before it comes back.
Quentin, best post I have read in my short life here. Excellent.
I have distain for all organised religion. My thing with the jews is more on a personal level. As I have said many times before in my experience they are the rudest group of people on the planet. I don't like willfully stupid or willfully rude people. The are by my standards extremely rude and if there ever was a bigoted group..they are. I feel about the same way about jews as I do with the KKK.

No wonder you hate yourself so much.

The funny part is that jews are SOOOO rude to each other and all with whom they come into contact that THEY don't think they are rude. It is thier normal behavior. They treat members of thier family the same way. I did not make them rude. I just do not feel the need to tolorate it. It also gives one insight why they are as a people the problem in the mid east and anywhere they have habitated.

Sure, and you are the epitome of graciousness and courtesy

Oh, so they are horrible people because they were slaughtered by someone sharing your viewpoint of them. And though you claim you dislike the way the KKK treats blacks, you have no problem treating Jews the same way. Very logical...

They as a people don't have one thousandth the courage of the Palastinians. How many Jews do you think would strap a bomb on because that is the only weapon you have and sacrifice yourself for the cause? How many Jews did that for thier people in Germany? Nada! Just sayin...they are all talk...no walk...Piss on em.

So because they arent stupid enough to strap a bomb to their little children, they are somehow cowards? How many people would do that for a just cause, let a lone a made up one? Apparently, stupidity equals bravery in your book.

Oh ya...I am not a democrat. An anti semite? Mmmmmm...I don't think so..that would be singling them out for religion. I just do not respect them as a people.

you realize that anti semitism has absolutely nothing to do with their religion and everything to do with semitic ethnicity dont you? A person doesnt stop being semitic if they change religions.

But hey, you live in your own little world. I wouldnt want reality to come in the way of your fantasy life.

OK..maybe in that light I am disgusted by semites.

Ya ...I would rather strap a bomb on my own child than load one of them onto my enemies cattle cars. Most likely the child could do the most a child could do in that circumstance. A difficult decision no doubt. Also one you have never considered... of that I have no doubt. You are allways right and anyone Fox designates is allways wrong...right?

If you are teetering towards the "only a coward could not go himself but would offer a child" argument.... stuff it. I am assuming in this fantasy that I am a leader in this terrorist operation. I would fight with every weapon available. It would not serve the cause to offer up its leader to my enemies. If it came down to it ..being a pilot ...I would steal a few tons of explosives ..load em up in a big ol stolen plane and do some real damage.... something a child could not do. I'm suprised the arabs have not tried that frankly....except on 9/11...thier biggest success. It wouldn't take much of a plane to get into Israel. You would think they would have tried it again...not against us with airliners but tactically in thier own region.
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