I thought places like The Capitol Building were "hardened" after the September 11 attacks


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
You're telling me that a mob of unarmed people were able to break some windows and just crawl in? LOL. Once again, the feds demonstrate how utterly incompetent they are. Another thing, how is it that the fed was unprepared for the possibility of such an event considering that the ENTIRE WORLD knew that there were going to be large protests in Washington? Amazing.

Now imagine it just being any other day in Washingon and a team of well-armed, well-trained, motivated gunmen with a GOOD plan storming The Capitol Building at lightning speed, shooting dead multiple security guards, storming into Congress and then shooting dead dozens of members of Congress.

The Capital Building should be a VERY hardened target that is virtually impossible to breach. NOBODY should be able to break a window and gain entry.

Remember, during the Obama Administration a guy jumped the fence, hauled ass to the front door of the White House, which was UNLOCKED, ran inside, overpowered a female SS agent, ran up the stairs and into the private quarters of the Obama's before he was stopped and taken into custody. Had that been in a movie, you or I would have walked out but, yea, that actually happened!

The guys running security in D.C. are blithering MORONS.
The guys running security in D.C. are blithering MORONS.

As someone who gave up private sector and now works for government (albeit city government) allow me to note. You can only work for the government for so long before your inner-Homer rises to the top.
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It is hardened against some threats....not others.

Hilarious. A mob of unarmed people broke windows, climbed in and shut down the most powerful legislative body in the world.

The person running security there is probably a non-binary, transexual, transgender midget of Arab descent, you know, because "diversity is our strength"!
the most powerful legislative body in the world.

Others may disagree with that assessment.

You're telling me that a mob of unarmed people were able to break some windows and just crawl in? LOL. Once again, the feds demonstrate how utterly incompetent they are. Another thing, how is it that the fed was unprepared for the possibility of such an event considering that the ENTIRE WORLD knew that there were going to be large protests in Washington? Amazing.

Now imagine it just being any other day in Washingon and a team of well-armed, well-trained, motivated gunmen with a GOOD plan storming The Capitol Building at lightning speed, shooting dead multiple security guards, storming into Congress and then shooting dead dozens of members of Congress.

The Capital Building should be a VERY hardened target that is virtually impossible to breach. NOBODY should be able to break a window and gain entry.

Remember, during the Obama Administration a guy jumped the fence, hauled ass to the front door of the White House, which was UNLOCKED, ran inside, overpowered a female SS agent, ran up the stairs and into the private quarters of the Obama's before he was stopped and taken into custody. Had that been in a movie, you or I would have walked out but, yea, that actually happened!

The guys running security in D.C. are blithering MORONS.
Maybe since the protesters weren’t of the BLM variety, security figured they’d pose no threat.
That guy who broke into the White House had to take a shit really bad. IBS.
You're telling me that a mob of unarmed people were able to break some windows and just crawl in? LOL. Once again, the feds demonstrate how utterly incompetent they are. Another thing, how is it that the fed was unprepared for the possibility of such an event considering that the ENTIRE WORLD knew that there were going to be large protests in Washington? Amazing.

Now imagine it just being any other day in Washingon and a team of well-armed, well-trained, motivated gunmen with a GOOD plan storming The Capitol Building at lightning speed, shooting dead multiple security guards, storming into Congress and then shooting dead dozens of members of Congress.

The Capital Building should be a VERY hardened target that is virtually impossible to breach. NOBODY should be able to break a window and gain entry.

Remember, during the Obama Administration a guy jumped the fence, hauled ass to the front door of the White House, which was UNLOCKED, ran inside, overpowered a female SS agent, ran up the stairs and into the private quarters of the Obama's before he was stopped and taken into custody. Had that been in a movie, you or I would have walked out but, yea, that actually happened!

The guys running security in D.C. are blithering MORONS.
They allowed it to happen. They were hoping the protesters would be armed, take hostages, and execute people. They wanted this to happen so they could label all conservatives as “domestic terrorists”.
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Yea, I imagine some heads will roll because, I assure you, members of Congress don't care about YOUR security, but they sure as HELL care about their own!
It is hardened against some threats....not others.

Hilarious. A mob of unarmed people broke windows, climbed in and shut down the most powerful legislative body in the world.

The person running security there is probably a non-binary, transexual, transgender midget of Arab descent, you know, because "diversity is our strength"!
Would you have preferred they mow down the protesters with bullets? As distasteful as it was and as debased as the Trump supporters have gotten, I am glad there wasn't more bloodshed than there was.
You're telling me that a mob of unarmed people were able to break some windows and just crawl in? LOL. Once again, the feds demonstrate how utterly incompetent they are. Another thing, how is it that the fed was unprepared for the possibility of such an event considering that the ENTIRE WORLD knew that there were going to be large protests in Washington? Amazing.

Now imagine it just being any other day in Washingon and a team of well-armed, well-trained, motivated gunmen with a GOOD plan storming The Capitol Building at lightning speed, shooting dead multiple security guards, storming into Congress and then shooting dead dozens of members of Congress.

The Capital Building should be a VERY hardened target that is virtually impossible to breach. NOBODY should be able to break a window and gain entry.

Remember, during the Obama Administration a guy jumped the fence, hauled ass to the front door of the White House, which was UNLOCKED, ran inside, overpowered a female SS agent, ran up the stairs and into the private quarters of the Obama's before he was stopped and taken into custody. Had that been in a movie, you or I would have walked out but, yea, that actually happened!

The guys running security in D.C. are blithering MORONS.
They allowed it to happen. They were hoping the protesters would be armed, take hostages, and execute people. They wanted this to happen so they could label all conservatives as “domestic terrorists”.

Nah, y'all took care of that a while back. I don't know if it was when you shot up the Wal*Mart or ran over the lady with your car.
Would you have preferred they mow down the protesters with bullets?

What an idiotic response.

The topic is how they were able to get INTO the Capitol Building in the first place.

I condemn the people that broke in. I also condemn the idiots running security at the Capitol Building.

As usual, you'll hold harmless the folks running security because they're gubm't.
It is hardened against some threats....not others.

Hilarious. A mob of unarmed people broke windows, climbed in and shut down the most powerful legislative body in the world.

The person running security there is probably a non-binary, transexual, transgender midget of Arab descent, you know, because "diversity is our strength"!
Would you have preferred they mow down the protesters with bullets? As distasteful as it was and as debased as the Trump supporters have gotten, I am glad there wasn't more bloodshed than there was.
Thank God DC is mostly a no gun zone and they mean it. It's what saved the mob.
Nah, y'all took care of that a while back. I don't know if it was when you shot up the Wal*Mart or ran over the lady with your car.

Another rhetorical, idiotic, response. It's not possible to have rationale, honest, discourse with you. You're just a hack and a parrot.
I honestly don't think they expected white guys to do this.

Why not? The FBI testified that white Christians are the most dangerous people in America today.
Thank God DC is mostly a no gun zone and they mean it. It's what saved the mob.

The folks that broke into that building are idiots and they were wrong to do what they did. With that said, no gun law will EVER protect anyone against someone who is bound and determined to shoot up a place. The fact is, the security detail and members of Congress are LUCKY that those guys were NOT armed. If 50 of them had been heavily armed and had decided to shoot their way through, it would have been a bloodbath and all because they were incapable of keeping mobs OUT of that building.
I honestly don't think they expected white guys to do this.
You know there is some truth to what you state but not quite as you presented it.

Cops don't consider white people dangerous like they do black people. Sometimes not even when they're on the attack. You see the "protestors" got the kid glove treatment once the police finally organized with their riot gear and shields and let them disperse on their own rather than arresting anyone for violating the 6:00 p.m. curfew, even hours later.
Would you have preferred they mow down the protesters with bullets?

What an idiotic response.

The topic is how they were able to get INTO the Capitol Building in the first place.

I condemn the people that broke in. I also condemn the idiots running security at the Capitol Building.

As usual, you'll hold harmless the folks running security because they're gubm't.

Okay...tell us what you want them to do differently. They kept the body count to a minimum.

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