I thought only the left did this sort of thing...

Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Return Home Due To ‘Unending’ Threats, Lawyers Say

We are told on here daily that only the left engages in such actions...yet here we are.

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who publicly accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has not been able to return to her home and faces a near-constant stream of threats, her attorneys said in an interview on Sunday.

How come she didn't buy a new house in another blue suburb with all the go fund me money she got?

Poor whiny trumpscum
Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Return Home Due To ‘Unending’ Threats, Lawyers Say

We are told on here daily that only the left engages in such actions...yet here we are.

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who publicly accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has not been able to return to her home and faces a near-constant stream of threats, her attorneys said in an interview on Sunday.

How come she didn't buy a new house in another blue suburb with all the go fund me money she got?

Poor whiny trumpscum

How am I being whiny? It was already reported that before she spoke up she moved and erased all her social accounts, I thought she was in the democrats secrete witness protection program or something .
Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Return Home Due To ‘Unending’ Threats, Lawyers Say

We are told on here daily that only the left engages in such actions...yet here we are.

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who publicly accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has not been able to return to her home and faces a near-constant stream of threats, her attorneys said in an interview on Sunday.
But how many on the left have actually been accosted by mobs? I’m sure she’s receiving death threats, sadly that’s the double edged sword aspect of social media...But the GOP just got doxed...by a democratic employee in Washington. 300 rioters got arrested in one weekend alone. There are a handful of GOP senators out there who haven’t been accosted by mobs. That’s not even including right leaning figure heads whether they work for the administration, or just pundits, or whatever. They don’t even have to be on the right anymore to face the wrath of the left. We’ve seen plenty of people on the left have to face down mobs for not going with the current dogma. A freaking Bernie Sanders supporting professor (Brett Weinstein) was mobbed by his own students for saying that making white students stay home for the day was racist. If you’re on the left, and say anything remotely redeeming about the right, they’re coming after you. We’ve even seen full grown men throw drinks on kids for the sin of wearing a MAGA hat. Mind you, basically everyone on the right, in any way involved with the Kavanaugh vote (including his family), is receiving death threats too. And if someone were to do an analysis, I’m sure they are receiving a great deal more than Ford. That would be totally consistent with anytime anyone has done analysis on this sort of thing.

It’s not a good trend to see these death threats...however, NO ONE ON THE RIGHT IS CALLING FOR HARRASING ANYBODY ON THE OTHER SIDE. No one on the right is calling for the intensification of the mobs, they are not excusing or turning a blind eye to clearly violent rioters. There is nothing of that sort that we are seeing from left, to a very scary degree. The left is actually paying for people to do this. CNN anchors are excusing this. Legislators on the left are calling in their constituents to do this. So with that in mind, I think it’s pretty dishonest to point out death threats against Ford (which are bad, but you can’t control everyone), vs what the left is actually calling for.

Thank you for your post, it was well thought out and civil.

This thread did just about what I expected it to do, some saying there is no proof, others saying she deserves whatever she gets.

While the left is more vocal and out front with it right now, I suspect that is the by-product of having lost the election. Had those three states that decided the election by less than a half of a percentage point went the other way, things might be very different.

In another thread right now someone who was on this forum crying about no proof is talking about the Clinton pizza sex ring, a thing there is no proof for and a thing that a right wing nut job thought was real and shot up the pizza joint.

This is not as isolated to one side as many wish to pretend.
It isn’t isolated, for sure. But the disparity between the sides is astounding, both in frequency and degree. And what is also astounding is how much it’s being condoned and even called for by major figure heads on the left. There are some on the left who condemn, I can think of two (Schumer, Beto), but almost universally everywhere else it’s ignored, excused, or promoted. There was this whole civil war hubbub going around about 4 months ago or so. I discounted that pretty quickly. After this weekend, I am actually concerned. I only saw calls from the left to turn up the intensity, and I don’t see a way to do that without it turning into criminal harassment, and even flat out violence. Rand Paul’s wife wrote a very good op-Ed appealing to civility, asking questions like what happens if GOP retains control of the house + senate, and RBG croaks...it is not going to be pretty. This was over a judge, with 36 year old sexual assault allegations without any corroborating evidence. Just hearing the nonsensical rhetoric alone, I don’t think I’ve ever been this concerned.

Also, that pizza guy didn’t shoot up the place, he just went in armed. As misguided, and as incredibly stupid it was...it was at least a nobal thing he tried to attempt, even if it was vigilantism. I mean he was convinced there was a child sex ring going on, and nobody was doing anything about it. If there was an event to go vigilante on, if that was a real thing, we’d probably be calling him a hero. Also, no one got hurt in that (I’m pretty sure). Again, extremely stupid (why anybody still listens to Jones now is beyond my comprehension)...but there was at least better justification for taking those measures than what we see coming from the left, either through the riots, mobs, antifa, whatever. Especially more so than the psycho who almost killed 15 or so members of the gop legislature. Had what’s his name not been in the line of succession, they all would have most likely been killed. Imagine that scenario for a second.

Anyway, I’m honestly concerned now, and that’s not a fake “just trying to exaggerate emotion to make a point” thing either. The right shouldn’t ignore the bad actors on their side, but they certainly do not encourage it, and ALL of the rights major figure heads have condemned such actions. I’ll put it this way, I’m not going to exert too much energy bailing water (on the stupid from the right ignoring such things) when the ship is headed straight for an iceberg.

You seem to have quite the selective memory. Have you already forgotten Tiki Torches and "Jews will not replace us" and "fire the sumbitches" and the Leader Brothers and Jeremy Christian Jodie Burchard-Risch and "beat the crap out of 'em" and "very fine people" and an actual Presidential candidate threatening "riots" and suggesting his opponent be shot if he didn't win, let alone "break their windows -- break them NOW" and "if ballots don't work, bullets will" and Jim David Adkisson and Scott Roeder and Dylann Roof and James Fields and Greg Giusti and Byron Williams and Charles Wilson, not to mention all the hyperracist photoshopping of O'bama with a bone through his nose and his wife with a penis, which is still going on two years after he's out of office? Any of that ring a bell?
Nope, you can’t have libertarians be “far right” along side national socialist white supremacists. Conservatives and Nazis are polar opposites. The only thing they have remotely in common is stronger boarders, one wants a socialist ethno-state (we’ll call that a stupid extreme stance), vs “we can’t have open boarders, we have laws we need to enforce.” THATS IT, still wildly different stances in that case. Nazis have waaaay more overlapping policy with Bernie supporters than they do conservatives, but loathe each other for their ethno views. But you don’t have one side unfairly lumping in those whole 24 deluded losers chanting about Jews in with Bernie supporters now do we?

I’m so tired of this ridiculous straw man, lumping national socialists with small government, more fiscal freedom people. Dishonest enough that it makes me barf a little in my mouth.

This pointing out the maybe 100 tiki torch carriers is an obvious deflection from the many riots, we’ve been seeing for half a decade now, made up of thousands each, with violence, with extensive property damage, clashes with police, all over the country, all from the left. It’s not even close to being comparable, even if one could fairly lump ethnic-state socialists with conservatives (which you can’t).

Hey Dr. Christine Ford, how's that working out for you? :CryingCow::th_believecrap:
Two words: Tough shit.

Sleep with the Democrat dogs, you're going to get a shitload of fleas.
^ there you go.

Amazing how alike the two sides are

When the left starts believing all those women Bill Clinton sexually abused and raped, maybe I'll start believing wackos like Ford.

Once again...Amazing how alike the two sides are.

There are only two sides, the Trump Party and the American Communist Party (Democrats).

Get to one side or the other or else you're going to be steamrolled.

You ain't steamrolling shit, 10-ply. You exist because independents have allowed you to. You don't have a strong enough majority republican voter block to talk the amount of shit you spew and you know it. Don't piss off the independents, or they will gut any and all influence you wingers hope to have, nitwit.
^ there you go.

Amazing how alike the two sides are

When the left starts believing all those women Bill Clinton sexually abused and raped, maybe I'll start believing wackos like Ford.

Once again...Amazing how alike the two sides are.

There are only two sides, the Trump Party and the American Communist Party (Democrats).

Get to one side or the other or else you're going to be steamrolled.

You ain't steamrolling shit, 10-ply. You exist because independents have allowed you to. You don't have a strong enough majority republican voter block to talk the amount of shit you spew and you know it. Don't piss off the independents, or they will gut any and all influence you wingers hope to have, nitwit.

Am I the only one who visualized the froth and spittle drooling out of your mouth when you posted that?

Hope you've had your rabies shots, Fido. :laughing0301:
Amazing how alike the two sides are

When the left starts believing all those women Bill Clinton sexually abused and raped, maybe I'll start believing wackos like Ford.

Once again...Amazing how alike the two sides are.

There are only two sides, the Trump Party and the American Communist Party (Democrats).

Get to one side or the other or else you're going to be steamrolled.

You ain't steamrolling shit, 10-ply. You exist because independents have allowed you to. You don't have a strong enough majority republican voter block to talk the amount of shit you spew and you know it. Don't piss off the independents, or they will gut any and all influence you wingers hope to have, nitwit.

Am I the only one who visualized the froth and spittle drooling out of your mouth when you posted that?

Hope you've had your rabies shots. :laughing0301:

A low effort shot from a low effort winger. :auiqs.jpg:Do you always do the least amount possible? Proud of that, are you? Anything else, pussy boy?
Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Return Home Due To ‘Unending’ Threats, Lawyers Say

We are told on here daily that only the left engages in such actions...yet here we are.

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who publicly accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has not been able to return to her home and faces a near-constant stream of threats, her attorneys said in an interview on Sunday.

That's libtards trying to make the pubs look bad...

We all know all libtards are full of SHIT....
Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Return Home Due To ‘Unending’ Threats, Lawyers Say

We are told on here daily that only the left engages in such actions...yet here we are.

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who publicly accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has not been able to return to her home and faces a near-constant stream of threats, her attorneys said in an interview on Sunday.

Yep, here we are. Progressives have pushed the rest of the country to our limit. We're fed up with you and your outrageous behavior. Just fed up.

The entire Kavanaugh family, including the children, have received death threats.

Payback is heck.
Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Return Home Due To ‘Unending’ Threats, Lawyers Say

We are told on here daily that only the left engages in such actions...yet here we are.

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who publicly accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has not been able to return to her home and faces a near-constant stream of threats, her attorneys said in an interview on Sunday.

She's not the only person who the right as done this to.

Survivors and family of those murdered at Sandy Hook have had to do the same thing. One family has had to move seven times.

Then there was the gun seller who sold guns that had then safety requirement of finger print to allow it to shoot. The man was threatened so much by gun people that he had to give in and stop selling the guns.

I know I won't ever forget the lie about Hillary running a child sex ring out of a pizza restaurant that caused a trump person to go there to put a stop to that sex ring that didn't exist. He didn't find that sex ring he was convinced was there but he did shoot up the restaurant. No one was hurt but the owner did have to close for repairs.

The list of people who can't go home or have been harmed by conservatives or conservative violence, death threats and lies is very long. Way to long to list them all here.
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Uh nnnnnnnnnnno they were not. For one thing the Klan was never a political organization; for a second no lynching anywhere --- and there were a great many outside the purview of the Klan ---- had a requirement for any political affiliation, for a third thing such lynchings typically targeted black people and sometimes Jews, which means if there was a lynching all three of the names you just mentioned would have been on the receiving end.

Damn, that was the lowest-hanging fruit I've gulped down in a long time.

You need to do some actual research. The Ku Klux Klan started out as the radical wing of the Democrat Party.
Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Return Home Due To ‘Unending’ Threats, Lawyers Say

We are told on here daily that only the left engages in such actions...yet here we are.

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who publicly accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has not been able to return to her home and faces a near-constant stream of threats, her attorneys said in an interview on Sunday.

She's not the only person who the right as done this to.

Survivors and family of those murdered at Sandy Hook have had to do the same thing. One family has had to move seven times.

Then there was the gun seller who sold guns that had then safety requirement of finger print to allow it to shoot. The man was threatened so much by gun people that he had to give in and stop selling the guns.

I know I won't ever forget the lie about Hillary running a child sex ring out of a pizza restaurant that caused a trump person to go there to put a stop to that sex ring that didn't exist. He didn't find that sex ring he was convinced was there but he did shoot up the restaurant. No one was hurt by the owner did have to close for repairs.

The list of people who can't go home or have been harmed by conservatives or conservative violence, death threats and lies is very long. Way to long to list them all here.

Thank you for your time. Please provide the source and link of your allegations. Otherwise, they are worthless aren't they?
Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Return Home Due To ‘Unending’ Threats, Lawyers Say

We are told on here daily that only the left engages in such actions...yet here we are.

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who publicly accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has not been able to return to her home and faces a near-constant stream of threats, her attorneys said in an interview on Sunday.

She's not the only person who the right as done this to.

Survivors and family of those murdered at Sandy Hook have had to do the same thing. One family has had to move seven times.

Then there was the gun seller who sold guns that had then safety requirement of finger print to allow it to shoot. The man was threatened so much by gun people that he had to give in and stop selling the guns.

I know I won't ever forget the lie about Hillary running a child sex ring out of a pizza restaurant that caused a trump person to go there to put a stop to that sex ring that didn't exist. He didn't find that sex ring he was convinced was there but he did shoot up the restaurant. No one was hurt by the owner did have to close for repairs.

The list of people who can't go home or have been harmed by conservatives or conservative violence, death threats and lies is very long. Way to long to list them all here.

Thank you for your time. Please provide the source and link of your allegations. Otherwise, they are worthless aren't they?

Here's a search on Sandy Hook families having to move or getting death threats. Click the link and pick the article of your choice.

sandy hook families getting death threats - Bing

Here's a link to a search on Sandy Hook family has to move 7 times because of death threats. Pick any article you want.

sandy hook family has to move 7 times because of death threats - Bing

Here's a link to a search on a man going to a pizza restaurant and shot it up because he believed the lie that Hillary was running a child sex ring out of it. Pick any article you want.

man shoots up pizza restaurant child sex ring - Bing

Here's a link to a search on the gun seller who had to stop selling "smart" guns because gun people's threats. Pick any article you want.

gun seller gets death threats for selling guns require finger print to shoot - Bing

The thing is, if you really wanted to know about this you could have done the same search I just did. It took just a few minutes.

However that does require you to want to know the information.

Which you don't.

You believe that challenging me for "proof" will somehow make the truths I posted not true. The reality of the situation is those truths have been known by most people for a long time. The events happened a while ago and the stories have been in the news since it happened.
Last edited:
Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Return Home Due To ‘Unending’ Threats, Lawyers Say

We are told on here daily that only the left engages in such actions...yet here we are.

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who publicly accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has not been able to return to her home and faces a near-constant stream of threats, her attorneys said in an interview on Sunday.
Only a fuck up would believe that Loopy kunt...
Christine Blasey Ford Can’t Return Home Due To ‘Unending’ Threats, Lawyers Say

We are told on here daily that only the left engages in such actions...yet here we are.

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who publicly accused now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has not been able to return to her home and faces a near-constant stream of threats, her attorneys said in an interview on Sunday.

She's not the only person who the right as done this to.

Survivors and family of those murdered at Sandy Hook have had to do the same thing. One family has had to move seven times.

Then there was the gun seller who sold guns that had then safety requirement of finger print to allow it to shoot. The man was threatened so much by gun people that he had to give in and stop selling the guns.

I know I won't ever forget the lie about Hillary running a child sex ring out of a pizza restaurant that caused a trump person to go there to put a stop to that sex ring that didn't exist. He didn't find that sex ring he was convinced was there but he did shoot up the restaurant. No one was hurt by the owner did have to close for repairs.

The list of people who can't go home or have been harmed by conservatives or conservative violence, death threats and lies is very long. Way to long to list them all here.

Thank you for your time. Please provide the source and link of your allegations. Otherwise, they are worthless aren't they?

Here's a search on Sandy Hook families having to move or getting death threats. Click the link and pick the article of your choice.

sandy hook families getting death threats - Bing

Here's a link to a search on Sandy Hook family has to move 7 times because of death threats. Pick any article you want.

sandy hook family has to move 7 times because of death threats - Bing

Here's a link to a search on a man going to a pizza restaurant and shot it up because he believed the lie that Hillary was running a child sex ring out of it. Pick any article you want.

man shoots up pizza restaurant child sex ring - Bing

The thing is, if you really wanted to know about this you could have done the same search I just did. It took just a few minutes.

However that does require you to want to know the information.

Which you don't.

You believe that challenging me for "proof" will somehow make the truths I posted not true. The reality of the situation is those truths have been known by most people for a long time. The events happened a while ago and the stories have been in the news since it happened.
Yep, here we are. Progressives have pushed the rest of the country to our limit. We're fed up with you and your outrageous behavior. Just fed up.

Yet here you are, a statistical minority where your vision of 'progressive' might just lean towards a majority that is getting entirely sick of your shit. Enjoy the limelight while you got it, kitten. It won't last forever.

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