I think we should unclass hormones


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
I think we should unclass hormones be they test or estrogen. It should be a human right to be able to use these as there's millions of transgender people that depend on constant exist to them. Life or death. Much more important then bear, wine or pot! Yet that isn't classed and you can go into a store to buy those. Make estrogen at least buyable in the store. Not only that but there's millions of people that love to lift weights and love having a nice looking body! Why allow shit like big macs, whisky and pot while forcing you to go under the table for something that makes you look better?
I think we should unclass hormones be they test or estrogen. It should be a human right to be able to use these as there's millions of transgender people that depend on constant exist to them. Life or death. Much more important then bear, wine or pot! Yet that isn't classed and you can go into a store to buy those. Make estrogen at least buyable in the store. Not only that but there's millions of people that love to lift weights and love having a nice looking body! Why allow shit like big macs, whisky and pot while forcing you to go under the table for something that makes you look better?

You have no clue how dangerous those DRUGS can be if used improperly. It can range from mild mood and personality changes to full blown psychosis. Of course all you commies are concerned about is your warped agenda, not peoples well being.

I think we should unclass hormones be they test or estrogen. It should be a human right to be able to use these as there's millions of transgender people that depend on constant exist to them. Life or death. Much more important then bear, wine or pot! Yet that isn't classed and you can go into a store to buy those. Make estrogen at least buyable in the store. Not only that but there's millions of people that love to lift weights and love having a nice looking body! Why allow shit like big macs, whisky and pot while forcing you to go under the table for something that makes you look better?
Certainly not an over-the-counter prospect. Both linked to cancer, last I heard. From what I understand, you don't even know if you are one of the lucky ones be susceptible until the cancer diagnosis.
Judge Roy Bean had a bear...

For Texas and Miss Lilly!

Worse than Nuclear warfare .
Air ,liquids , food and Big Pharma have already wrecked humanity by altering Estrogen and Testosterone levels/balances .
And likely are part responsible for Mutants like the OP .

If I was a Space Alien Worshipper I would cry , God help Us .
I think we should unclass hormones be they test or estrogen. It should be a human right to be able to use these as there's millions of transgender people that depend on constant exist to them. Life or death. Much more important then bear, wine or pot! Yet that isn't classed and you can go into a store to buy those. Make estrogen at least buyable in the store. Not only that but there's millions of people that love to lift weights and love having a nice looking body! Why allow shit like big macs, whisky and pot while forcing you to go under the table for something that makes you look better?
In the wrong hands they could do a lot of damage. The last thing the world needs.

It’s not that hard to get them from doctors, you just need to go to a few appointments and play the game. If gender reassignment is so essential for a person than its a no brainer.

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