I think the Dems are desperately looking for new VP before they force Biden out

You are mistaken, of course the 25th Amendment can remove the president under Section 4 if he refuses to resign and it is believed he is incapacitated. And of course it is the party in power that invokes the 25th, I have no idea where you're coming from here. But if there is a dispute the Congress will decide the issue, all of which the democrats definitely do not want to occur. They would be forced to vote against their own president, assuming the GOP does not have the sufficient 2/3 majority vote to remove.

25th Amendment​

The 25th Amendment, proposed by Congress and ratified by the states in the aftermath of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, provides the procedures for replacing the president or vice president in the event of death, removal, resignation, or incapacitation. The Watergate scandal of the 1970s saw the application of these procedures, first when Gerald Ford replaced Spiro Agnew as vice president, then when he replaced Richard Nixon as president, and then when Nelson Rockefeller filled the resulting vacancy to become the vice president.
Section 4.
Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.

You keep missing the point. It does NOT remove him from office, but makes the VP the "Acting President". See my blue text highlight.)
About as credible as your side running DeSantis... Which is actually you guys being sensible. Crazy would be running Trump again.
no, it’s very credible you think he’s a good choice…a recalled dem…is the best your party has
Tell us how totally not racist you are, Lisa, that never gets old.

If Biden choses not to run for a second term due to his age, then Harris will be a contender... but more likely the Democrats will go with a proven governor like Newsom or Pritzker.
Tell us how you are not quick to pull the racist card. The Democrats fucked themselves picking puppets like they did. Perhaps Kamala should not have spent 6 months redecorating the VP mansion and gotten down to business. Tell us how the VP is good with being accountable.
Tell us how you are not quick to pull the racist card. The Democrats fucked themselves picking puppets like they did. Perhaps Kamala should not have spent 6 months redecorating the VP mansion and gotten down to business. Tell us how the VP is good with being accountable.
Thank you. There is nothing racist about pointing out that Harris is completely unqualified and only got the role because of her race and gender. It’s obvious to anyone with two brain cells, and besides…. Biden himself told us that he would not consider any whites or men.

But you can see what the problem will be if that idiot becomes president. Any criticism of her will bring out the libs calling “raaaacist!”

P.S. The irony of that guy calling me a racist is that he is a despicable antisemite, going so far as to call the Jewish religion “disgusting.”
the Democrats have inflation out of control, the highest gas prices ever, and a recession looming. The good news is that gas prices are dropping but that’s because a recession is coming.

What have Democrats accomplished economically that hasn’t been eroded by increased oil dependence on foreign nations and egregious inflation not seen since Carter?
Tell us how you are not quick to pull the racist card. The Democrats fucked themselves picking puppets like they did. Perhaps Kamala should not have spent 6 months redecorating the VP mansion and gotten down to business. Tell us how the VP is good with being accountable.

You do realize that the VP doesn't have a lot of actual duties, right? She's supposed to preside over the Senate and attend funerals and that's about it.

Thank you. There is nothing racist about pointing out that Harris is completely unqualified and only got the role because of her race and gender. It’s obvious to anyone with two brain cells, and besides…. Biden himself told us that he would not consider any whites or men.

Again, Dan Quayle. Sarah Palin. These are people who were completely unqualified. Harris was a Senator and Attorney General. Palin was the Mayor of the Meth Capital of Alaska. But she was right with Jesus, that was the important thing.

P.S. The irony of that guy calling me a racist is that he is a despicable antisemite, going so far as to call the Jewish religion “disgusting.”

Yup, a religion that lets a bunch of white people bomb brown people to steal their land because God said so is pretty disgusting. why do you believe such shit?
You do realize that the VP doesn't have a lot of actual duties, right? She's supposed to preside over the Senate and attend funerals and that's about it.

Again, Dan Quayle. Sarah Palin. These are people who were completely unqualified. Harris was a Senator and Attorney General. Palin was the Mayor of the Meth Capital of Alaska. But she was right with Jesus, that was the important thing.
You do realize that the VP doesn't have a lot of actual duties, right? She's supposed to preside over the Senate and attend funerals and that's about it.

Again, Dan Quayle. Sarah Palin. These are people who were completely unqualified. Harris was a Senator and Attorney General. Palin was the Mayor of the Meth Capital of Alaska. But she was right with Jesus, that was the important thing.

Yup, a religion that lets a bunch of white people bomb brown people to steal their land because God said so is pretty disgusting. why do you believe such shit?

Regardless of the roles she has been selected to or handed, Harris lacks personal accountability and is too dependent on her protected status to lead effectively.
Regardless of the roles she has been selected to or handed, Harris lacks personal accountability and is too dependent on her protected status to lead effectively.
I think we should pick people based on competence instead of race, but leftists call that being racist.

Another totally inept person picked for her race is the Press Secretary.
Yeah. One of the myriad fascinating elements of this bizarre period is the way the Republican elites have had to play ball to save their cushy gubmit jobs. They know what Trump is, they know what Trumpism is, but they have to dance the dance for the rank & file. And to illustrate, look at the contrast between them and a couple of the rank & file who slipped in to Congress, Boebert & MTG. The elites must be both humiliated and petrified.

Biden's not going anywhere, but looking to 2024, I think the Dems need to find an all-new person from the outside. Right now the most popular Dem governor in the county is Beshear in Kentucky, for example.
This problem is caused by voters like you who hate trump’s personality more than you love America
They know that if Harris, who is totally inept and only in that position due to affirmative action, were to become president, her total incompetence would be on display daily, and she would run the risk of being 25th once the Republicans have Congress, thus ensuring #3 - who would then be a Republican SOH - would become president.

So I believe they will offer some high-level post to Harris, who can save face by saying she thinks she can play a more substantial role there, and then replace her with the person they think can beat Trump in 2024. Look for this to happen after the midterms.

No link - just my opinion.

I voted for Trump twice, but I do not think he should run again in 2024 for many reasons. If we run DeSantis or even other candidates, we could wipe the floor with Biden. Wouldn't even be a contest.

Also--I'm unsure about whether the Dems plan to tee up someone new after the midterms or just "run out the clock". I can see either scenario to be honest.
I voted for Trump twice, but I do not think he should run again in 2024 for many reasons. If we run DeSantis or even other candidates, we could wipe the floor with Biden. Wouldn't even be a contest.

Also--I'm unsure about whether the Dems plan to tee up someone new after the midterms or just "run out the clock". I can see either scenario to be honest.
I also think DeSantis has a better chance than Trump, and the main thing is to stop the Democrats from their destruction of our country. But I do feel that Trump deserves the presidency, given how the media suppressed Biden’s corruption (and general level of early dementia) in order to unfairly oust Trump.

As far as running out the clock with Biden, there is NO WAY they can keep him propped up for another two years. His decline is very noticeable - compare him to even a year ago - and dementia worsens under stress. A year from now, I doubt he will be able to read the teleprompter, or walk off the podium without someone guiding him. Not a good look for the leader of the free world.
Funny, I thought she actually won elections to get those roles... But we know your side doesn't actually believe in elections. You keep losing them unless you cheat.
She was selected by Democrats to be VP. She finished at the bottom of the Democrat Primary to be President.
I think we should pick people based on competence instead of race, but leftists call that being racist.

Another totally inept person picked for her race is the Press Secretary.
Democrats and Liberals keep tripping over themselves when it comes to race and identity politics. The First Lady just referred or compared Latinos to tacos.
Dummy, he was talking about GETTING ELECTED. POTUS #46 obviously did not fuck that up.
obozo was explaining why he never gave Biden anything complicated to handle as VP.

the 2020 "election" was a coup of the US government pulled off by the dems, media, Xi, Soros, NWO. and Russia. Biden did not get 81 million votes. But the coup was successful so we will probably not ever know the truth. You ignorant libtards have managed to begin the destruction of the USA and you are too dumb to realize it.

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