I think Cruz won the debate

Kasich, Bush, Huckabee & Paul all need to exit stage left immediately.
Fiorina & Christie need to step it up.
Trump needs to be more specific in public.
Rubio & Carson did well.

CNBC is a COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE and only made themselves look incredibly foolish.

Even if Cruz won (he didn't) who could vote for a man with a face like that!!


I'm sorry, is that sexist?

P.S. I hate to dis a fellow canuck but damn he's one ugly motherfucker. I can actually see the superciliousness oozing from his pores like pus from a septic wound.

P.P.S. They say he had that little tirade over having an issue relevant debate well memorized and wanted to get in before he forgot any indignant detail and that's why he launched into it too early and so non sequituraly. (that may not be a word but you get my drift).
Leftists do vote for looks and skin color first so I'm not all that surprised you would make that your qualification. Intelligence seems to be secondary and policy isn't even on the docket.
Bull Shit
What would the Right do without PhotoShop?
Bull shit, you idiots are the ones making criminals look younger than they are and making white people in the NAACP look black when they aren't. Fuck off with your photo shop bull. You people can't even handle reality.
Kasich, Bush, Huckabee & Paul all need to exit stage left immediately.
Fiorina & Christie need to step it up.
Trump needs to be more specific in public.
Rubio & Carson did well.

CNBC is a COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE and only made themselves look incredibly foolish.

Even if Cruz won (he didn't) who could vote for a man with a face like that!!


I'm sorry, is that sexist?

P.S. I hate to dis a fellow canuck but damn he's one ugly motherfucker. I can actually see the superciliousness oozing from his pores like pus from a septic wound.

P.P.S. They say he had that little tirade over having an issue relevant debate well memorized and wanted to get in before he forgot any indignant detail and that's why he launched into it too early and so non sequituraly. (that may not be a word but you get my drift).
Leftists do vote for looks and skin color first so I'm not all that surprised you would make that your qualification. Intelligence seems to be secondary and policy isn't even on the docket.
Kasich, Bush, Huckabee & Paul all need to exit stage left immediately.
Fiorina & Christie need to step it up.
Trump needs to be more specific in public.
Rubio & Carson did well.

CNBC is a COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE and only made themselves look incredibly foolish.

Even if Cruz won (he didn't) who could vote for a man with a face like that!!


I'm sorry, is that sexist?

P.S. I hate to dis a fellow canuck but damn he's one ugly motherfucker. I can actually see the superciliousness oozing from his pores like pus from a septic wound.

P.P.S. They say he had that little tirade over having an issue relevant debate well memorized and wanted to get in before he forgot any indignant detail and that's why he launched into it too early and so non sequituraly. (that may not be a word but you get my drift).
Leftists do vote for looks and skin color first so I'm not all that surprised you would make that your qualification. Intelligence seems to be secondary and policy isn't even on the docket.

Oh lighten up. I was playing off Trumps comments on Fiorina's face and by mentioning "skin color" it's obvious you're even trying to turn a joke into an anti-Obama screed. I'll have to add "humorless pricks" to my definition of wacky far right American "conservatives".
Fuck you. You ass holes call anyone on the right too white, too male, too old, and a host of other things. You are the joke, you may just not realize it.
I think Cruz did a very good job of positioning himself to pick up the anti-Washington, anti-Establishment, anti-Science and anti-logic vote that is currently supporting Uncle Tom and Combover.

which is probably the scariest prospect of last night's debate.

Rubio did a good job of offering himself as an establishment alternative to Bush.

Bush has shown the same languid style he has shown all along. He can't seem to tell us why he wants to be president other than his father and brother had the job.

But last night's real winner was Hillary Clinton. She looked positively presidential compared to these jokers.

"Last week Hillary was exposed as a liar, and the left said it was the best week of her candidacy."
Shouldn't that tell you something about that party?
I think Cruz did a very good job of positioning himself to pick up the anti-Washington, anti-Establishment, anti-Science and anti-logic vote that is currently supporting Uncle Tom and Combover.

which is probably the scariest prospect of last night's debate.

Rubio did a good job of offering himself as an establishment alternative to Bush.

Bush has shown the same languid style he has shown all along. He can't seem to tell us why he wants to be president other than his father and brother had the job.

But last night's real winner was Hillary Clinton. She looked positively presidential compared to these jokers.

"Last week Hillary was exposed as a liar, and the left said it was the best week of her candidacy."
Shouldn't that tell you something about that party?

And that whomever the eventual Republican nominee will most likely lose to Hillary should tell you something about that party.
Cruz did a very good job of positioning himself to pick up the angry section of the vote that is currently supporting Comb-Over and Uncle Tom, but has to know in the back of their heads neither one of these guys would be a credible nominee.

Rubio did a very good job of positioning himself as the reasonable establishment alternative now that Bush is floundering.

If I were a more cynical guy, and was being paid to get a Republican elected despite what a complete fucking disaster that would be for the country, I'd tell the GOP to nominate Rubio. His nuttiness isn't as obvious, he could garner Hispanic votes. He's likable on a personal level.
NOt that I ever want to support Toro, who is a pathetic apologist for Plutocracy, but he was agreeing with you, Soapdrop.
Hey good morning AND DO GO FUCK YOURSELF
I noticed that your boy SCOTT WALKER WAS NOT AT THE DEBATE...I guess with zero percent support.....your know how to pick the losers


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Joeb131 has great political judgement...he touted this fool as the chosen one...Joeb131...not the sharpest knife in the drawer

Madison (WKOW) -- A new national poll shows Governor Scott Walker polling at 0 percent in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.
NOt that I ever want to support Toro, who is a pathetic apologist for Plutocracy, but he was agreeing with you, Soapdrop.
Hey good morning AND DO GO FUCK YOURSELF
I noticed that your boy SCOTT WALKER WAS NOT AT THE DEBATE...I guess with zero percent support.....your know how to pick the losers

Soapy, you are going to miss Walker if the GOP nominated Cruz or Trump and he beats Hillary. I imagine the far left will take a major ass-reaming with one of those guys combined with a Republican Congress.

I'm still hoping the GOP nominates Rubio at this point.
Joeb131 has great political judgement...he touted this fool as the chosen one...Joeb131...not the sharpest knife in the drawer

Madison (WKOW) -- A new national poll shows Governor Scott Walker polling at 0 percent in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

Yes, clearly, 8 years of Obama has sent the right off the political rails.

But frankly, you should be crapping yourself that sensible candidates are getting no traction.

Because at the end of the day, Americans vote for the guy they'd like to have a beer with. and no one wants to have a beer with Hillary.
Because at the end of the day, Americans vote for the guy they'd like to have a beer with. and no one wants to have a beer with Hillary.

Here is the guy you wanted to have a beer with fuck head...

i'm going to explain it to you because you are a stupid person.

You have a vested interest in a responsible GOP nominee.

Historically, the Presidency changes party every 8 years.

You might think a Cruz or a Trump is beatable, but the fact of the matter is, all it takes is a minor recession or a minor scandal or Hillary making some outrageous claim for her not to be the winner.

Sadly, the GOP base is in an angry place right now. I'm still hoping it comes to its senses, but the options are getting thinner.
i'm going to explain it to you because you are a stupid person.

Let me explain why you have such poor judgement ..you happen to be a Narcissistic white male fool..you have the cognitive capacity of a crushed mollusk...you identify with the wealthy in spite of being a lower stat quarter earner...you are a wannabe suck up......essentially you suck in every way possible...in the words of Trump"you a losah" fuck you...you gave unlimited praise to Scott Walker and he is like you "a losah"
i'm going to explain it to you because you are a stupid person.

Let me explain why you have such poor judgement ..you happen to be a Narcissistic white male fool..you have the cognitive capacity of a crushed mollusk...you identify with the wealthy in spite of being a lower stat quarter earner...you are a wannabe suck up......essentially you suck in every way possible...in the words of Trump"you a losah" fuck you...you gave unlimited praise to Scott Walker and he is like you "a losah"

Guy, I'm going to make $70,000 next year between my job and my private business. This will be the first year in a decade I'm going to probably have to write the government a check on April 15th.

And, yes, I kind of don't like the idea of giving a bunch of money to a bunch of Obama-phone squatters who only have two functionalities- making babies and voting for Democrats. Most of us who work for a living don't.

You see, NEITHER party really gets working class whites, the people who make this country work. The GOP is about the 1%ers, and the Democrats are about the welfare queens.

Scott Walker was a guy who got it He understood you can't give a teacher who can't teach your kids to read a six figure salary when the people paying it are struggling at low five figures.

End of the day, we do need someone who is going to practice some fiscal responsibility without taking a meat ax to the social contract. Walker might have been that guy. Kascich might be that guy. Rubio might be that guy.

Cruz won't be, but he might be what you get stuck with.
And, yes, I kind of don't like the idea of giving a bunch of money to a bunch of Obama-phone squatters who only have two functionalities- making babies and voting for Democrats. Most of us who work for a living don't.
what you like is turning money over to the Department of War to kill folks world wide and to the Prison for profits Industry...you are a miserable "losah"....at your income level you pay the same SS as an athlete making a million a year ....hahahaha
what you like is turning money over to the Department of War to kill folks world wide and to the Prison for profits Industry...you are a miserable "losah"....at your income level you pay the same SS as an athlete making a million a year ....hahahaha

Yes, I do. But unlike that Athlete, I will probably need it.

The real problem is, both parties spend like a sailor on shore leave. I worry more if there is going to be any money left in it when I retire in 2027 at the earliest.

Now, here's the thing. I would probably agree with you that our foreign policy is messed up, and we spend too much fighting other people's battles.

But frankly, there's no real difference between Democrats and Republicans on that score, is there? All you hippies who voted for Barry because you just hated Bush's War, and guess what, we are still fighting Bush's wars and found a couple new ones to be involved in.

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