I think Cruz won the debate

and cruz sounded just like a delusional internet troll.. of course you idiots here loved it.
Carson: Well, that’s easy to answer. I didn’t have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda, and this is what happens in our society. Total propaganda.

Ben Carson’s Troubling Connection | National Review Online

For ten years, he interacted with a medical-supplement maker accused of false advertising. In March of last year, Dr. Ben Carson, the conservative star considered a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate, appeared in a video for Mannatech, Inc., a Texas-based medical supplement maker. Smiling into the camera, he extolled the benefits of the company’s “glyconutrient” products: The wonderful thing about a company like Mannatech is that they recognize that when God made us, He gave us the right fuel. And that fuel was the right kind of healthy food. You know we live in a society that is very sophisticated, and sometimes we’re not able to achieve the original diet. And we have to alter our diet to fit our lifestyle. Many of the natural things are not included in our diet. Basically what the company is doing is trying to find a way to restore natural diet as a medicine or as a mechanism for maintaining health.

Read more at: Ben Carson’s Troubling Connection | National Review Online

The National Review is commie/liberal/rino who hates America!
The video of him shilling for that company is on line you want to see it...its on this thread too
"You have 30 seconds left to answer should you choose to do so," Quintanilla told the candidate.

"Let me be clear," Cruz said. "The men and women on this stage have more ideas, more experience, more common sense, than every participant in the Democratic debate. That debate reflected a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks."

"Nobody believes that the moderators have any intention of voting in a Republican primary," Cruz said.

"The questions being asked shouldn't be trying to get people to tear into each other, it should be what are your substantive solutions to people at home," Cruz said before getting cut off.

"I asked you about the debt limit and got no answer," Quintanilla said.

"You want an answer to that question?" Cruz asked. "I'd be happy to answer your question."

Cruz was interrupted this time by John Harwood who said "we're moving on."

"Senator [Rand] Paul, I've got a question for you," Harwood said in his attempt to move on.

"So you don't actually want to hear the answer, John?" Cruz called out the anchor. "You don't want to hear the answer, you just want to incite insults."

"You used your time on something else," a dismissive Harwood said.

"You're not interested in an answer," Cruz scolded. <-----

"I'm interested in an answer from Senator Paul," Harwood retorted.

Cruz Rips Press At CNBC Debate: "This Debate Illustrates Why We Can Not Trust The Media"
and cruz sounded just like a delusional internet troll.. of course you idiots here loved it.
Well no he didn't. He just pointed out the blatant hypocrisy and did so skillfully. My question is why you retards are so deeply immersed in any minutia of the right. Why aren't you praising the virtues of your candidates instead?
"I asked you about the debt limit and got no answer," Quintanilla said.

"You want an answer to that question?" Cruz asked. "I'd be happy to answer your question."

Cruz was interrupted this time by John Harwood who said "we're moving on."
That cracked me up. Like a little jilted school girl. He got an answer but not the one he was hoping for.
Kasich, Bush, Huckabee & Paul all need to exit stage left immediately.
Fiorina & Christie need to step it up.
Trump needs to be more specific in public.
Rubio & Carson did well.

CNBC is a COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE and only made themselves look incredibly foolish.

Mostly agree

I don't understand Bush. If not for his name, he would have dropped off weeks ago

Trump seems to be flaming out as his act doesn't create the reaction it used to
Fiorina could be positioning herself as VP and designated Hillary attack dog
I still don't get Carson. His proposals are just laughable
Rubio again had a strong showing
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"I asked you about the debt limit and got no answer," Quintanilla said.

"You want an answer to that question?" Cruz asked. "I'd be happy to answer your question."

Cruz was interrupted this time by John Harwood who said "we're moving on."
That cracked me up. Like a little jilted school girl. He got an answer but not the one he was hoping for.

He got an answer of "The media sucks"
Cruz blew his chance to respond on the debt limit
and cruz sounded just like a delusional internet troll.. of course you idiots here loved it.
Cruz is a successful constitutional lawyer. Delusional indeed

Cruz has extreme rightwing interpretations of the Constitution and has the arrogance to believe his are the only true interpretations. So far, the courts have not agreed with him....Obamacare is still in force isn't it?
Kasich, Bush, Huckabee & Paul all need to exit stage left immediately.
Fiorina & Christie need to step it up.
Trump needs to be more specific in public.
Rubio & Carson did well.

CNBC is a COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE and only made themselves look incredibly foolish.

Who won depends on what channel you're watching. Been watching CNBC, FBN (market chans,) CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and CCTV (like BBC but for China) and they all have different ideas. :)
Cruz had some good moments and helped himself Carson held steady and didn't do any damage so did Fiorina Christie did good probably helped himself some since he couldn't say he was leading in all the polls Trump didn't have much to say at all. Overall I would say Rubio won the night the rest of the group Paul Huckabee Ect need to start planning their drop out speeches.
Kasich, Bush, Huckabee & Paul all need to exit stage left immediately.
Fiorina & Christie need to step it up.
Trump needs to be more specific in public.
Rubio & Carson did well.

CNBC is a COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE and only made themselves look incredibly foolish.

Who won depends on what channel you're watching. Been watching CNBC, FBN (market chans,) CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and CCTV (like BBC but for China) and they all have different ideas. :)

You need a TV channel to tell you what to think?
Kasich, Bush, Huckabee & Paul all need to exit stage left immediately.
Fiorina & Christie need to step it up.
Trump needs to be more specific in public.
Rubio & Carson did well.

CNBC is a COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE and only made themselves look incredibly foolish.

Who won depends on what channel you're watching. Been watching CNBC, FBN (market chans,) CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and CCTV (like BBC but for China) and they all have different ideas. :)

You need a TV channel to tell you what to think?

As one of a very few non-partisan neutrals on this site maybe you should try repeating that while looking in a mirror.
Cruz had some good moments and helped himself Carson held steady and didn't do any damage so did Fiorina Christie did good probably helped himself some since he couldn't say he was leading in all the polls Trump didn't have much to say at all. Overall I would say Rubio won the night the rest of the group Paul Huckabee Ect need to start planning their drop out speeches.

We are too far into the game for Republicans to still have 15 candidates
It needs to get under 10 by Iowa and down to 5 by New Hampshire
Kasich, Bush, Huckabee & Paul all need to exit stage left immediately.
Fiorina & Christie need to step it up.
Trump needs to be more specific in public.
Rubio & Carson did well.

CNBC is a COMPLETE FUCKING JOKE and only made themselves look incredibly foolish.

I think you nailed it for the most part. Christie emerged from the shadows big improvement for him, Fiorina ticked up, Trump neither improved or hurt himself, Rubio surprised me I'm not a fan but the guy was under attack and never made a mistake he did quite well, Carson likewise improved.

Kasich - its time for him to go, his performance was one of desperation, he's being dishonest about his record in Ohio and how many times did he repeat his record 15 times? I heard it the first time.

Bush - shockingly bad, he continues to look awkward and uncomfortable and stumble in his speaking like he's a prepped witness.

Paul - improved imo.

Huckabee - He's playing the role of uncle Huckabee more a referee than a candidate like he's not really in the race.
and cruz sounded just like a delusional internet troll.. of course you idiots here loved it.
Cruz is a successful constitutional lawyer. Delusional indeed

Cruz has extreme rightwing interpretations of the Constitution and has the arrogance to believe his are the only true interpretations. So far, the courts have not agreed with him....Obamacare is still in force isn't it?
Most unfortunately, yes

and cruz sounded just like a delusional internet troll.. of course you idiots here loved it.

Of course we loved it. Even though they argued with each other, they all got together to point out the hypocrisy of the left and bash Hillary at the same time. The best debate so far.
I think Cruz did a very good job of positioning himself to pick up the anti-Washington, anti-Establishment, anti-Science and anti-logic vote that is currently supporting Uncle Tom and Combover.

which is probably the scariest prospect of last night's debate.

Rubio did a good job of offering himself as an establishment alternative to Bush.

Bush has shown the same languid style he has shown all along. He can't seem to tell us why he wants to be president other than his father and brother had the job.

But last night's real winner was Hillary Clinton. She looked positively presidential compared to these jokers.

"Last week Hillary was exposed as a liar, and the left said it was the best week of her candidacy."

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