I think abortion should be legal. But I think this argument by the Los Angeles Times is bogus.

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
I'm a libertarian. I think abortion should be legal.

The Los Angeles Times recently published this article, which the paper seemed to think was a good argument in favor of abortion.

But I read the entire article, and I don’t think it’s a good argument in favor of abortion. Instead, I think it’s a good argument against having casual, unprotected sex with irresponsible men.

Another think that I dislike about this article is that it makes no mention whatsoever of the father(s) of the three children that this single woman had already given birth to before aborting her fourth child.

So this unmarried woman has three children out of wedlock.

Then she has unprotected sex, with an irresponsible man whom she considers to be the exact opposite of father material, gets pregnant, and has an abortion.

Nothing in this article is a good argument for abortion.

Instead, the article is a good argument against having casual, unprotected sex with irresponsible men.

Column: A Texas woman needed an abortion. Here's how far California went to help her
I'm a libertarian. I think abortion should be legal.

The Los Angeles Times recently published this article, which the paper seemed to think was a good argument in favor of abortion.

But I read the entire article, and I don’t think it’s a good argument in favor of abortion. Instead, I think it’s a good argument against having casual, unprotected sex with irresponsible men.

Another think that I dislike about this article is that it makes no mention whatsoever of the father(s) of the three children that this single woman had already given birth to before aborting her fourth child.

So this unmarried woman has three children out of wedlock.

Then she has unprotected sex, with an irresponsible man whom she considers to be the exact opposite of father material, gets pregnant, and has an abortion.

Nothing in this article is a good argument for abortion.

Instead, the article is a good argument against having casual, unprotected sex with irresponsible men.

Column: A Texas woman needed an abortion. Here's how far California went to help her
While I agree with your assessment of the argument, I don't see anything inherently libertarian about supporting abortion on demand.
1. I think abortion should be legal under certain circumstances, but I also believe the right to an abortion does not exist in the US Constitution and the Roe v Wade decision should be reversed solely for that reason. If the US Congress can ever pass an abortion bill, fine but not as a right but rather a legal service; IMHO the SCOTUS should leave that question of what constitutes a legal service up to the states to decide.

2. It's one thing for the US Congress to pass contentious legislation with 60 votes in the Senate, but it's another to abolish the filibuster and do it with only 50 plus the tiebreaking vote from the VP. I cannot support that and I don't think the states should pass any abortion bill with a bare majority either. We are not supposed to steamroller the minority opposition on such a contentious and influential issue like abortion, whichever way the state decides to go. I would far rather see abortions to be legal under certain circumstances, like 15 weeks and exceptions for health of the mother, etc. Each state ought to decide those parameters.

3. I am not a fan of all or nothing, a total abortion ban on one hand or unlimited/unrestricted abortions on the other is apparently not what the majority wants in most states. Personally, I do not support abortions at all; we are talking about ending a human life and the fact that the life is not yet born is irrelevant IMHO. Still, I think the residents of the individual states can decide what they want and vote out their representatives if they don't get it. That's the way it is supposed to work in this country, and we oght to find common ground whenever possible even if some of us are unhappy with the final solution.
While I agree with your assessment of the argument, I don't see anything inherently libertarian about supporting abortion on demand.
I tend to have libertarian/liberal/libertine views, and I think that one individual's right to shake their fist in anger ends where another individual's face begins.
I'm a libertarian. I think abortion should be legal.

The Los Angeles Times recently published this article, which the paper seemed to think was a good argument in favor of abortion.

But I read the entire article, and I don’t think it’s a good argument in favor of abortion. Instead, I think it’s a good argument against having casual, unprotected sex with irresponsible men.

Another think that I dislike about this article is that it makes no mention whatsoever of the father(s) of the three children that this single woman had already given birth to before aborting her fourth child.

So this unmarried woman has three children out of wedlock.

Then she has unprotected sex, with an irresponsible man whom she considers to be the exact opposite of father material, gets pregnant, and has an abortion.

Nothing in this article is a good argument for abortion.

Instead, the article is a good argument against having casual, unprotected sex with irresponsible men.

Column: A Texas woman needed an abortion. Here's how far California went to help her
Abortion is not in the Constitution and neither is marriage, which means yes I think marriage is between a man and woman but not a federal matter so I was against DOMA like I am against Roe. Its a state matter.
As usual the article makes the woman out to be a blameless saint, and the man a douchbag.

Screw her. She literally said "I knew he was never going to be a man I could count on" - then why the hell did you have unprotected sex with him??
The responsible person here is HER.
She CHOSE to have sex and date a man she knew was a loser/failure.
That is how she got pregnant. She is no saint. She is an irresponsible idiot
The big picture argument is that despite the overturn of RvW not a single woman seeking an abortion will be stopped from getting that abortion.

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