I Still Never Figured Out How People Believe That The Election Of 2020 Was Legit

You can't be serious.
Sure I can. The definition of legitimate is: "authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law", which the 2020 election absolutely was. I do not doubt that there were some illegalities in several states but there never been any court case that proved that enough illegalities according to the rules of evidence that every court requires, was sufficient to overturn the election results. And I for one am God Damned tired of the political bullshit that is now ongoing for almost 4 fuckin' years. IT'S OVER. THERE'S NOT A GOD-DAMNED THING YOU WILL EVER BE ABLE TO DO ABOUT IT. GET YOUR HEAD OUTTA YOUR ASS AND STOP BITCHING ABOUT NOVEMBER 2020 AND START THINKING ABOUT NOVEMBER 2024. THIS KIND OF CRAP IS LOSING VOTES AMONG INDEPENDENT VOTERS.
Sure I can. The definition of legitimate is: "authorized, sanctioned by, or in accordance with law", which the 2020 election absolutely was. I do not doubt that there were some illegalities in several states but there never been any court case that proved that enough illegalities according to the rules of evidence that every court requires, was sufficient to overturn the election results. And I for one am God Damned tired of the political bullshit that is now ongoing for almost 4 fuckin' years. IT'S OVER. THERE'S NOT A GOD-DAMNED THING YOU WILL EVER BE ABLE TO DO ABOUT IT. GET YOUR HEAD OUTTA YOUR ASS AND STOP BITCHING ABOUT NOVEMBER 2020 AND START THINKING ABOUT NOVEMBER 2024. THIS KIND OF CRAP IS LOSING VOTES AMONG INDEPENDENT VOTERS.
If it is over the country is over with too.
Like 81 million votes?
Do your own research! That can't be real. no one I know voted for Biden. I saw a video on the internet. It had someone putting something in a mailbox. FRAUD!!!!
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Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
You will get no intelligent or logical answer from the democrat useful idiots that infest this site.
If it is over the country is over with too

Nonsense. That election was only one of several in the last few decades or so that turned out to be ineffectual. The 2020 election to my mind was a wakeup call to the Republican Party to get your shit together but they have so far failed to do so. Being ineffectual today does not automatically mean irreversible though. IMHO the GOP can change course, but probably not until Trump is gone, one way or another.
The loosening of mail in ballots was hugely successful with the most Americans voting in history and no significant fraud identified.

The boost in Biden votes overnight was a myth.
It took days for Biden to be declared the winner, not overnight.
The fact that urban areas and mail in votes take longer to tabulate is no mystery.

If Republicans want mail in votes to be reported faster, they need to allow counting before election day. Then you would have mail in votes released as soon as the polls close.

Hard to identify when ballots are anonymous and the places at issue weren't too concerned about the signatures, postmarks and other preventative measures.

Or we have a 24 hour voting period as a national holiday with no absentee ballots unless a hard reason can be given.
Nonsense. That election was only one of several in the last few decades or so that turned out to be ineffectual. The 2020 election to my mind was a wakeup call to the Republican Party to get your shit together but they have so far failed to do so. Being ineffectual today does not automatically mean irreversible though. IMHO the GOP can change course, but probably not until Trump is gone, one way or another.
The 2020 election was organized fraud. It certainly was a wake up call.
Hard to identify when ballots are anonymous and the places at issue weren't too concerned about the signatures, postmarks and other preventative measures.

Or we have a 24 hour voting period as a national holiday with no absentee ballots unless a hard reason can be given.
We never saw any of their (election workers) work and they work for us. How can that happen? No signature envelopes were looked at. And there was never an excuse to stop counting but 5 states did.
What 2 cases would that be? I'll look up the cases if you tell me the names but I'm not going to validate your assertion by searching for cases that I do not believe exist.
The WI Supreme Court ruled that both public drop boxes and "Zuckerbucks" were unconstitutional, that the "indefinitely confined" status was grossly abused, and that the "democracy in the park" event was illegal ballot harvesting.

Wisconsin's certification cannot be verified, one way or the other.
Although I've mostly given up this topic, I just have a couple of questions. What president in the history of The United States of America has ever won an election without even campaigning first? What president has ever won an election while at the same time losing all the swing states? It's just never made any sense to me before. 😕
George Washington
Grover Cleveland
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson...
To name a few.

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