I Stake Claim to the Title of Ugliest Man on the Internet


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Yes, there maybe guys uglier, but they are not let in through the front door.

I am the ugliest functional human being in the USA.

And I take pride in that fact.


Not all of us are charmers, not all of us are civilized.

But all of us can just not give a fook.

Santa Clause!!

Christmas be comin' early this year. :banana:
You oughtta trim your beard to match that Szekely-lookin' mustache on your avatar. Wicked.
Yes, there maybe guys uglier, but they are not let in through the front door.

I am the ugliest functional human being in the USA.

And I take pride in that fact.


Not all of us are charmers, not all of us are civilized.

But all of us can just not give a fook.


Not even close, Jim! Mortimer has you beat by a mile!
Not even close. You have that Mountain Man/Duck Dynasty look!

I agree. That and a convertible will bet you more pussy than you can handle.

I'm sad that I can't grow a beard like that.

Indian blood?

Somewhere along the way. I think it was my Great-Great Grandfather's third wife.

My wife says I have the smoothest butt she's ever seen. :04:

It not such a bad thing not to be able to grow a beard.
I could grow a full beard at 16,thought it was cool back then.
Now it's just more work shaving. Thank God for retirement!!!!
Now I might shave once a week if that.
Not even close. You have that Mountain Man/Duck Dynasty look!

I agree. That and a convertible will bet you more pussy than you can handle.

I'm sad that I can't grow a beard like that.

Indian blood?

Somewhere along the way. I think it was my Great-Great Grandfather's third wife.

My wife says I have the smoothest butt she's ever seen. :04:

It not such a bad thing not to be able to grow a beard.
I could grow a full beard at 16,thought it was cool back then.
Now it's just more work shaving. Thank God for retirement!!!!
Now I might shave once a week if that.

There was a time when I had long hair halfway down my back. At some point I got where I couldn't stand the way it felt or looked. Now I get one of those Nazi U-Boat Captain's haircuts from the barber every time it starts touching my ears. I can't stand hair getting in my face or on my ears.
Not even close. You have that Mountain Man/Duck Dynasty look!

I agree. That and a convertible will bet you more pussy than you can handle.

I'm sad that I can't grow a beard like that.

Indian blood?

Somewhere along the way. I think it was my Great-Great Grandfather's third wife.

My wife says I have the smoothest butt she's ever seen. :04:

It not such a bad thing not to be able to grow a beard.
I could grow a full beard at 16,thought it was cool back then.
Now it's just more work shaving. Thank God for retirement!!!!
Now I might shave once a week if that.

There was a time when I had long hair halfway down my back. At some point I got where I couldn't stand the way it felt or looked. Now I get one of those Nazi U-Boat Captain's haircuts from the barber every time it starts touching my ears. I can't stand hair getting in my face or on my ears.

Yeah...I went through the long hair faze.
My shit looked like Peter Frampton's. Bought my first street bike and quickly realized that shit had to go!!!!
I ripped half the hair out of my head trying to untangle it.
These days it's a #2 on the clippers and I'm done.
Not even close. You have that Mountain Man/Duck Dynasty look!

I agree. That and a convertible will bet you more pussy than you can handle.

I'm sad that I can't grow a beard like that.

My one and only long beard.
Being a machinist long hair or beards was a bad idea.
Retired and said F it and wanted to see how long it would get.
Unbraided it was just over 11 inches.
Not even close. You have that Mountain Man/Duck Dynasty look!
I agree. That and a convertible will bet you more pussy than you can handle.
My wife is more than I can handle already, dont need no paternity issues, lol.

I tip about 20 to 30% when I eat out and I have had a couple of waitresses awfully fond of me. Sometimes (a whole two times as I recall) some young girl will try to chat me up and I tell them I am happily married but I like to have conversation. These are nice people, but I dont understand what they see about my ugly mug that draws them.

I think it might be a Florence Nightingale thing.

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