I really don't like Bill Clinton

Hillary is twice as sleazy, with half the talent.

Agreed. I actually like Bill. He's a known quantity, he's charming, smart, well educated, the consummate political warrior. Just don't get a pretty girl near him. Hillary on the other hand is a nasty bitch. Unethical, nasty, selfish to a fault, and truly mean.

Bill Clinton married Hillary out of expediency and for political cover. Hell, they are RARELY seen together. Both power hungry as hell. I know several members of the Old Guard who worked at the White House when the Clintons were there. I have heard stories that would curl your hair about Hillary and her tantrums. Throwing dishes, throwing the Secret Service detail out of the White House, cursing the staff, fits of absolute rage.

Scandal has followed these jerk offs everywhere they have ever been. You DO NOT want to get on their "bad" side. Ask Vince Foster.

Yes, I know people who used to crew Air Force One, and not one of them has a good thing to say about Hillary. Not one.
Right wingers on this thread are missing the point of my O/P and just assume that I was once "naïve" and now I see the light as they have for the last couple of decades plus.....

Bullshit !!! While they're dealing.....once again.....with partisanship, I'm projecting some measure of objectivity that Bill Clinton was and is a sleaze and that my hope remains for another viable progressive candidate will arise during the next 1.5 years because the GOP nitwits that have so far declared aren't worth a crap besides "running" for some right wing cable show position.

Bill might be a "sleaze" but Hillary is WORSE! She's not a sleaze, but she doesn't give a rats ass for the people of this country, she only cares about HER and how she can steal more from us than the other guy did. She's not sleazy, she's SCUM.
Bill might be a "sleaze" but Hillary is WORSE! She's not a sleaze, but she doesn't give a rats ass for the people of this country, she only cares about HER and how she can steal more from us than the other guy did. She's not sleazy, she's SCUM.

You're still looking for some moron you'd "like to have a beer with," and I'm looking for competency and not selfish war-mongering.
Bill might be a "sleaze" but Hillary is WORSE! She's not a sleaze, but she doesn't give a rats ass for the people of this country, she only cares about HER and how she can steal more from us than the other guy did. She's not sleazy, she's SCUM.

You're still looking for some moron you'd "like to have a beer with," and I'm looking for competency and not selfish war-mongering.

Obama was supposed to get us out of war everywhere. How successful has he been at that? He was supposed to close Gitmo. Last I checked it's still open. At some point you have to pick your brain up off the curb, and figure out that they are LYING TO YOU!

Democrat, Republican, it doesn't matter who they are. At that level they are more about themselves than they are the people they are supposed to rule. At that point you have to look at the individuals and ask yourself, "how nasty is this one?" Hillary is the worst person I have ever met. I'll grant you I haven't met a single mass murderer, nor have I met a known pedophile, but of all the politicians I have ever dealt with she is by far the only one I would classify as evil.
Right wingers on this thread are missing the point of my O/P and just assume that I was once "naïve" and now I see the light as they have for the last couple of decades plus.....

Bullshit !!! While they're dealing.....once again.....with partisanship, I'm projecting some measure of objectivity that Bill Clinton was and is a sleaze and that my hope remains for another viable progressive candidate will arise during the next 1.5 years because the GOP nitwits that have so far declared aren't worth a crap besides "running" for some right wing cable show position.

problem is that describes the entire Bush/Clinton family which Im afraid the choices will come down to having one of those bastards as the new POTUS.

Bill might be a "sleaze" but Hillary is WORSE! She's not a sleaze, but she doesn't give a rats ass for the people of this country, she only cares about HER and how she can steal more from us than the other guy did. She's not sleazy, she's SCUM.

americas worst nightmare would easily by far be a showdown between another Clinton and another Bush and Im afraid thats what they have in mind for us.
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As a progressive democrat I am, nonetheless, an American who does not condone sleaze, especially within my own party.

There are strong allegations that good ol' Bill may be involved in the recent FIFA scandal of world-wide corruption......and given Bill's past history, there's little room for obfuscating the allegations.

I sincerely hope that Hillary is NOT complicit in Bill's sordid affairs and I equally hope that throughout her campaign she will distance herself from her sleazy husband.

Unlike right wingers on here who have taken as Biblical scripture Reagan's 11th commandment to never speak ill of fellow republicans, democrats have to be better in their own ethics and castigate those within their own party who are obviously corrupt.

Jesus, where have you been? Bill Clinton has been a sleaze bag for the last 40 years. You just wake up from a long nap, or what?

yep as folks like me and you who havent been on a deserted island know,like i got done saying,a sleazebag,the monica thing,is a tiny no big deal thing compared to the stuff i got done saying.

The thing about that asshole Clinton was that he abused his power over and over and over and the clowns that swooned over him couldn't have cared less. I remember that talk radio guy Chuck Harder who talked bad about the Clintons - and brought a lot of the scandals to light. He was audited (as was his Attorney) each and every year for 18 years until he went belly up.

THATS the Clintons. I always compare Bill to that asshole in the movie "Braveheart" Edward the Longshanks. Just as evil.

Yeah and it was very very strange how Harder became crippled with no health problems prior to that after that.
Hillary is twice as sleazy, with half the talent.

Agreed. I actually like Bill. He's a known quantity, he's charming, smart, well educated, the consummate political warrior. Just don't get a pretty girl near him. Hillary on the other hand is a nasty bitch. Unethical, nasty, selfish to a fault, and truly mean.

Bill Clinton married Hillary out of expediency and for political cover. Hell, they are RARELY seen together. Both power hungry as hell. I know several members of the Old Guard who worked at the White House when the Clintons were there. I have heard stories that would curl your hair about Hillary and her tantrums. Throwing dishes, throwing the Secret Service detail out of the White House, cursing the staff, fits of absolute rage.

Scandal has followed these jerk offs everywhere they have ever been. You DO NOT want to get on their "bad" side. Ask Vince Foster.

wow thats cool to talk to someone who actually knew people that worked at the white house. I really took it serious when Gary Aldridge wrote his book Unlimited Access talking about all the things you mentioned and much more.

This is a guy that served under every president since Johnson and after serving under the Clintons he could not take it anymore.Thats saying a lot considering all the corrupt presidents we have had over the years.

I have one thats every bit as good as yours is.Many people think the clinton chronicles isnt true because the false statement got circulated that Jerry Falwell produced it which is not true at all.He helped distribute it is all. I know the clinton chronicles is indeed true though.I know someone who is a cop and he interviewed all the arkansas state troopers and its all documented by them that its true.
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Bill might be a "sleaze" but Hillary is WORSE! She's not a sleaze, but she doesn't give a rats ass for the people of this country, she only cares about HER and how she can steal more from us than the other guy did. She's not sleazy, she's SCUM.

You're still looking for some moron you'd "like to have a beer with," and I'm looking for competency and not selfish war-mongering.

Obama was supposed to get us out of war everywhere. How successful has he been at that? He was supposed to close Gitmo. Last I checked it's still open. At some point you have to pick your brain up off the curb, and figure out that they are LYING TO YOU!

Democrat, Republican, it doesn't matter who they are. At that level they are more about themselves than they are the people they are supposed to rule. At that point you have to look at the individuals and ask yourself, "how nasty is this one?" Hillary is the worst person I have ever met. I'll grant you I haven't met a single mass murderer, nor have I met a known pedophile, but of all the politicians I have ever dealt with she is by far the only one I would classify as evil.

actually every single president going back to Reagan you could classify as evil with each one being more corrupt than the previous one.all of them mass murderers and all tanking the economy.

that is why the corporate controlled media and our corrupt school system worship that bastard Reagan because he was the grandfather of the destruction of america who got the ball rolling.
Hillary is the best the Democrats can do. What does that tell you about them? Hmmm??

Nah...you're wrong....there ARE much better democrat candidates......those candidates just can't muster the same rich donors like the Kochs......those same rich donors that have your party thoroughly bullshitted that YOU matter.
I think it is going to be a Hell of a spectacle.

By the time of the Democratic Convention, its going to be a near run thing on whether she's to be nominated or indicted.

The alternative is Bernie Sanders, or whatever his name is...the Socialist...one of the smarter ones, because he knows he's a Socialist...and one of the the only honest ones, because he admits it.

And also, Pocahontas...enough said.

I dont know what would be the most prudent move this upcoming election, looking for a grain of faith to invest in candidates from Jeb to Hillary, ... or just setting myself adrift on an Ice flow in the bearing strait dressed in a tshirt and shorts. The first choice makes the second choice seem really tempting.
Hillary is the best the Democrats can do. What does that tell you about them? Hmmm??

Nah...you're wrong....there ARE much better democrat candidates......those candidates just can't muster the same rich donors like the Kochs......those same rich donors that have your party thoroughly bullshitted that YOU matter.

Name 10 better candidates....ok name 5......
I think it is going to be a Hell of a spectacle.

By the time of the Democratic Convention, its going to be a near run thing on whether she's to be nominated or indicted.

The alternative is Bernie Sanders, or whatever his name is...the Socialist...one of the smarter ones, because he knows he's a Socialist...and one of the the only honest ones, because he admits it.

And also, Pocahontas...enough said.

I dont know what would be the most prudent move this upcoming election, looking for a grain of faith to invest in candidates from Jeb to Hillary, ... or just setting myself adrift on an Ice flow in the bearing strait dressed in a tshirt and shorts. The first choice makes the second choice seem really tempting.

I think this is the best Republican field since the process produced a "B" actor named Ronald Reagan.

Walker, Rubio, Fiorina, Carson...just these four constitute a marvellous mosiac of the true American Idea...the one which has created the greatest Society thus far seen on this planet....as opposed to the Federal Plantationers...the Public Employee Unions...and a conjunction of special interest grievance groups as variant as Muslims & Homosexuals.

This latter group has produced:

1) Bill Clinton's bogus corrupt wife;

2) A New England Loon whose only merit is that he actually admits he is a Socialist while the rest of you progresso-cocksuckers always pretend you have come up with something new Utopian-wise...which never amounts to more than a tweak of Marx.

3) Pocahontas....a liar and nut-case.

I think Democrats are in the worst shape since Lyndon Johnson got us into the Vietnam War.
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I think it is going to be a Hell of a spectacle.

By the time of the Democratic Convention, its going to be a near run thing on whether she's to be nominated or indicted.

The alternative is Bernie Sanders, or whatever his name is...the Socialist...one of the smarter ones, because he knows he's a Socialist...and one of the the only honest ones, because he admits it.

And also, Pocahontas...enough said.

I dont know what would be the most prudent move this upcoming election, looking for a grain of faith to invest in candidates from Jeb to Hillary, ... or just setting myself adrift on an Ice flow in the bearing strait dressed in a tshirt and shorts. The first choice makes the second choice seem really tempting.

I think this is the best Republican field since the process produced a "B" actor named Ronald Reagan.

Walker, Rubio, Fiorina, Carson...just these four constitute a marvellous mosiac of the true American Idea...the one which has created the greatest Society thus far seen on this planet....as opposed to the Federal Plantationers...the Public Employee Unions...and a conjunction of special interest grievance groups as variant as Muslims & Homosexuals.

This latter group has produced:

1) Bill Clinton's bogus corrupt wife;

2) A New England Loon whose only merit is that he actually admits he is a Socialist while the rest of you progresso-cocksuckers always pretend you have come up with something new Utopian-wise...which never amounts to more than a tweak of Marx.

3) Pocahontas....a liar and nut-case.

I think Democrats are in the worst shape since Lyndon Johnson got us into the Vietnam War.

...and I think that you're even more delusional than most of your fellow, dwindling cadre of moronic right wingers.
I think it is going to be a Hell of a spectacle.

By the time of the Democratic Convention, its going to be a near run thing on whether she's to be nominated or indicted.

The alternative is Bernie Sanders, or whatever his name is...the Socialist...one of the smarter ones, because he knows he's a Socialist...and one of the the only honest ones, because he admits it.

And also, Pocahontas...enough said.

I dont know what would be the most prudent move this upcoming election, looking for a grain of faith to invest in candidates from Jeb to Hillary, ... or just setting myself adrift on an Ice flow in the bearing strait dressed in a tshirt and shorts. The first choice makes the second choice seem really tempting.

I think this is the best Republican field since the process produced a "B" actor named Ronald Reagan.

Walker, Rubio, Fiorina, Carson...just these four constitute a marvellous mosiac of the true American Idea...the one which has created the greatest Society thus far seen on this planet....as opposed to the Federal Plantationers...the Public Employee Unions...and a conjunction of special interest grievance groups as variant as Muslims & Homosexuals.

This latter group has produced:

1) Bill Clinton's bogus corrupt wife;

2) A New England Loon whose only merit is that he actually admits he is a Socialist while the rest of you progresso-cocksuckers always pretend you have come up with something new Utopian-wise...which never amounts to more than a tweak of Marx.

3) Pocahontas....a liar and nut-case.

I think Democrats are in the worst shape since Lyndon Johnson got us into the Vietnam War.

...and I think that you're even more delusional than most of your fellow, dwindling cadre of moronic right wingers.

Still waiting for that list of Democrat candidates that are better than Hillary.......
Still waiting for that list of Democrat candidates that are better than Hillary.......

I'm not really here (the little time that I spend on here) to entertain you...ANYONE that I may mention is just for you to belittle...so, take a laxative.
As a progressive democrat I am, nonetheless, an American who does not condone sleaze, especially within my own party.

There are strong allegations that good ol' Bill may be involved in the recent FIFA scandal of world-wide corruption......and given Bill's past history, there's little room for obfuscating the allegations.

I sincerely hope that Hillary is NOT complicit in Bill's sordid affairs and I equally hope that throughout her campaign she will distance herself from her sleazy husband.

Unlike right wingers on here who have taken as Biblical scripture Reagan's 11th commandment to never speak ill of fellow republicans, democrats have to be better in their own ethics and castigate those within their own party who are obviously corrupt.
that parts a lie

but aside from that, you are DECADES to late.

And how the fuck does she distance herself from her husband?

She refused to fem up and divorce him, told her staff not to tell her any bad news about him.

She's no different than him, she stayed for the power and glory
This just in. Bill and Hillary are dishonest. Sheesh.

And that makes either one of them presidential material how? What the hell is wrong with a country that would willingly vote for a person (Hillary) that they KNOW is an out and out sleaze bag?

And people wonder why I say that this country is doomed.......

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