I missed it on Fox News, who in the hell compared ANTIFA to the heroes on the beaches of Normandy?

Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.
You seem to be the one defending the Hitler fan club around here. We are witnessing what we always knew, nazism is a right wing thing. In spite of the right's silly accusations of nazism it seems the left hates them more than anyone and you hate them for it. Conservatives have not yet realized just how badly they have fucked up closing ranks around these sub-humans.
your saying we are doesn't make it so. your saying it time and time again, does not make it so.

that's one thing most people realize about the left - they just use the most extreme names they can in order to demonize people and then say "but we don't do such things!" only - none of this matters because you don't say a thing about what you DO try and accomplish really.

just that the other side is evil using any name handy to sorta fit the situation.

the dems have not realized the middle ground is waking up to the childish games and now that people are turning away and/or making other choices, the screaming is getting louder for the attention they seem to crave.
There can be no middle ground here, you either stand with the Nazis or you don't. In this case the "middle ground" is analogous to the "Good Germans" who stood by silently while their government committed atrocity because they had been fed a steady diet of propaganda. History has judged them to be complicit.
i don't stand with nazis and i think the radical left are being assholes calling EVERYONE a nazi who doesn't agree with them.

am i wrong or did you just not say "if you're not with us you're against us" and that would make me 100% correct in how i view your stance. i ain't playing this binary game of on or off - there's a billion shades of gray between black and white and i'm not following along your way of doing it to paint it to a much smaller set so you can go "YEA I SUPERIOR ANS STUFF!"
You people are defending the Nazis because you hate the left more, I am under no illusions that you are all Nazis but they are certainly grateful for your support nevertheless.

We defend anyone who wants to use the 1st amendment. How many of those on the right here have said lefty protests should be shut down via violence.

Also, Nazi's/KKK idiots are on the downslope of history. They are not a real threat, unless of course you idiots keep legitimizing them with all this free attention you are giving them.

Progressive Statists on the other hand ARE a real threat to what I believe in and hold dear, and thus are much more of a concern than a bunch of sloppy white guys in sheets.
So let me see if I got this straight: Antifa would storm the beaches of Normandy with baseball bats, sticks, bricks, and bike locks?

Against MG-34's, mortars, MP-40's Lugers, Walthers, Mausers, and 88mm artillery rounds?

That would be a sight to see. Would their mommies be waiting for them with Band-Aids for their boo-boos?
They might, if the Charlottesville NAZIS had MG-34s, mortars, MP-40's Lugers, Walthers, Mausers,a nd 88mm artillery rounds. Did they?
"On Tuesday night, Jeffrey Goldberg, Editor-in-Chief of The Atlantic, went a bridge too far, comparing the uber-left group Antifa to the intrepid soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day in World War II"

If true, this is bullshit. The vast majority of Americans do not support white supremacists, and that includes the military. It was a different country in 1944, racism was somewhat more widespread then than it is now, but I also think that those men would not have supported the denial of free speech to anybody, even those same white supremacists. Nor would they support the violence incited at many of Trumps rallies during the campaign perpetrated by Antifa groups, as I'm sure most of us do not support it now. It ain't easy to allow somebody who preaches discrimination to have their say, or to demonstrate their opposition to some political action or point of view. But saying one side is worse than the other ignores the fact that both sides are wrong.
Exactly : He put on an 82nd Airborne cap and gave a KKK salute in Charlottesville. Vets had words.
Yeah anymore all fox is is a series of shows playing from 5 to 9 PM where everything trips over each other trying to be the most outraged. That and they have way to many info ho's. Puts me in mind of a Don Henley song.

Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.
Left wingers protested the war? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Read this....https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00261L9KQ/?tag=ff0d01-20

The best thing about The Congressional Record, those REPUBLICAN Senators and Representatives who spoke against the U.S. getting involved in WWII can't hide from their own words.
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.
You seem to be the one defending the Hitler fan club around here. We are witnessing what we always knew, nazism is a right wing thing. In spite of the right's silly accusations of nazism it seems the left hates them more than anyone and you hate them for it. Conservatives have not yet realized just how badly they have fucked up closing ranks around these sub-humans.
You only hate them when it's convienient. Like I said...you dweebs protested against fighting in WW2
In your fake-news, fake-history world.
Bullshit. Most vets I know follow the "i may disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it".

You can't compare a declared global war against a foreign enemy to internal political discourse.
I cannot imagine any person who had to fight the Nazis having a blase attitude about them here. Look at it this way, do you think the Westborough church should be completely left alone to protest military funerals in peace? Shit no, there should be someone in their fucking faces. These nazi fucks are just like that, they should certainly be allowed to have their circle-jerks and the people who oppose them should have their say as well. We are not talking about a boy scout rally here, we are talking about people who identify with the murderers of millions.

People should counter-protest the Westboro idiots peacefully, and we have seen that. Counter-protesters out shout them, and hold up blinds to block the funeral attendees from seeing them. But if they are public land and follow the local permitting laws they cannot be stopped without violating the 1st amendment.

Their ideology has been beaten. The only way they can come back is if moron's like you make them relevant again.

Fighting Nazis is an honorable thing that should be done for it's own sake. If you people embrace the Nazis simply because liberals rightly hate them you are fucking fools.

They have a right to speak, even if their message is deplorable. You can't pick and choose when it comes to the 1st amendment.

You don't get to use violence to suppress other's speech without consequences.
Why do you people not get this? They have first amendment rights same the people who oppose them, you are picking and choosing by thinking counter protestors should be segregated away from them so they can have their circle-jerk in peace. Not going to happen.

They SHOULD be able to have their hateful circle jerk in peace. Just like communists should be able to have their hateful circle jerk in peace. Just like BLM types should be allowed to yell "pigs in a blanket fry 'em like bacon" without being assaulted for it. Political speech should never be responded to with physical violence, because once you start justifying violence against certain ideas, it's only a small matter of time until someone in power decides to categorize all opposing ideas as worthy of a violent response. You can believe with all your misguided little heart that bashing the fash' is "honorable" regardless of context, but the methods you're advocating for are exactly what paves the way for tyrannical leaders to implement the very sort of mass murderous policies that you claim to be fighting against.
You seem to be the one defending the Hitler fan club around here. We are witnessing what we always knew, nazism is a right wing thing. In spite of the right's silly accusations of nazism it seems the left hates them more than anyone and you hate them for it. Conservatives have not yet realized just how badly they have fucked up closing ranks around these sub-humans.
your saying we are doesn't make it so. your saying it time and time again, does not make it so.

that's one thing most people realize about the left - they just use the most extreme names they can in order to demonize people and then say "but we don't do such things!" only - none of this matters because you don't say a thing about what you DO try and accomplish really.

just that the other side is evil using any name handy to sorta fit the situation.

the dems have not realized the middle ground is waking up to the childish games and now that people are turning away and/or making other choices, the screaming is getting louder for the attention they seem to crave.
There can be no middle ground here, you either stand with the Nazis or you don't. In this case the "middle ground" is analogous to the "Good Germans" who stood by silently while their government committed atrocity because they had been fed a steady diet of propaganda. History has judged them to be complicit.
i don't stand with nazis and i think the radical left are being assholes calling EVERYONE a nazi who doesn't agree with them.

am i wrong or did you just not say "if you're not with us you're against us" and that would make me 100% correct in how i view your stance. i ain't playing this binary game of on or off - there's a billion shades of gray between black and white and i'm not following along your way of doing it to paint it to a much smaller set so you can go "YEA I SUPERIOR ANS STUFF!"
You people are defending the Nazis because you hate the left more, I am under no illusions that you are all Nazis but they are certainly grateful for your support nevertheless.

We defend anyone who wants to use the 1st amendment. How many of those on the right here have said lefty protests should be shut down via violence.

Also, Nazi's/KKK idiots are on the downslope of history. They are not a real threat, unless of course you idiots keep legitimizing them with all this free attention you are giving them.

Progressive Statists on the other hand ARE a real threat to what I believe in and hold dear, and thus are much more of a concern than a bunch of sloppy white guys in sheets.

while i hate the supremacists and their message the rights we all share supercede my own emotional state here and as long as they follow the letter of the law for this, they have that right. if you don't like what they are doing, follow the letter of the law and protest. have at it. i encourage it.

but i do NOT encourage the use of violence cause you hate their viewpoint anymore than i'd encourage someone to be violent to you as they hated YOUR message.

you don't see the right you trample on and that's sad.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
Yep....apparently the OP doesn't see that both groups were fighting NAZIS.

Fighting Nazi's doesn't make one left wing, or alt left, and therein lies the major flaw in your shitty little analogy. I can't even believe this has to be explained to you. Most of the people who volunteered to storm Normandy were doing it for nationalistic reasons, first of all, and not ideological reasons. They weren't like, "That Hitler guy really believes some evil things! He needs to be stopped!" It was more like, "These fuckers attacked us! Mount up!" The truly fucking sad part of this meme is, given the cultural norms of the time and the probable political views of your average American trooper, the modern left would probably classify most of those allies hopping off the landing craft as alt right by today's standards.
I cannot imagine any person who had to fight the Nazis having a blase attitude about them here. Look at it this way, do you think the Westborough church should be completely left alone to protest military funerals in peace? Shit no, there should be someone in their fucking faces. These nazi fucks are just like that, they should certainly be allowed to have their circle-jerks and the people who oppose them should have their say as well. We are not talking about a boy scout rally here, we are talking about people who identify with the murderers of millions.

People should counter-protest the Westboro idiots peacefully, and we have seen that. Counter-protesters out shout them, and hold up blinds to block the funeral attendees from seeing them. But if they are public land and follow the local permitting laws they cannot be stopped without violating the 1st amendment.

Their ideology has been beaten. The only way they can come back is if moron's like you make them relevant again.

Fighting Nazis is an honorable thing that should be done for it's own sake. If you people embrace the Nazis simply because liberals rightly hate them you are fucking fools.

They have a right to speak, even if their message is deplorable. You can't pick and choose when it comes to the 1st amendment.

You don't get to use violence to suppress other's speech without consequences.
Why do you people not get this? They have first amendment rights same the people who oppose them, you are picking and choosing by thinking counter protestors should be segregated away from them so they can have their circle-jerk in peace. Not going to happen.

They SHOULD be able to have their hateful circle jerk in peace. Just like communists should be able to have their hateful circle jerk in peace. Just like BLM types should be allowed to yell "pigs in a blanket fry 'em like bacon" without being assaulted for it. Political speech should never be responded to with physical violence, because once you start justifying violence against certain ideas, it's only a small matter of time until someone in power decides to categorize all opposing ideas as worthy of a violent response. You can believe with all your misguided little heart that bashing the fash' is "honorable" regardless of context, but the methods you're advocating for are exactly what paves the way for tyrannical leaders to implement the very sort of mass murderous policies that you claim to be fighting against.

they don't seem to understand their desire to have abilities no one else can share isn't going to work, they just throw a childlike trantrum and demand to be able to do things they tell others not to do.

but things like:
1) no president in their final year can appoint a SCOTUS - biden
2) the nuclear option built by democrats

these 2 big ones have bit them in the ass and they whined like crazy saying NOT THE SAME NOT THE SAME for no other reason that they had to follow their own precedence set BY THEM.
People should counter-protest the Westboro idiots peacefully, and we have seen that. Counter-protesters out shout them, and hold up blinds to block the funeral attendees from seeing them. But if they are public land and follow the local permitting laws they cannot be stopped without violating the 1st amendment.

Their ideology has been beaten. The only way they can come back is if moron's like you make them relevant again.

Fighting Nazis is an honorable thing that should be done for it's own sake. If you people embrace the Nazis simply because liberals rightly hate them you are fucking fools.

They have a right to speak, even if their message is deplorable. You can't pick and choose when it comes to the 1st amendment.

You don't get to use violence to suppress other's speech without consequences.
Why do you people not get this? They have first amendment rights same the people who oppose them, you are picking and choosing by thinking counter protestors should be segregated away from them so they can have their circle-jerk in peace. Not going to happen.

They SHOULD be able to have their hateful circle jerk in peace. Just like communists should be able to have their hateful circle jerk in peace. Just like BLM types should be allowed to yell "pigs in a blanket fry 'em like bacon" without being assaulted for it. Political speech should never be responded to with physical violence, because once you start justifying violence against certain ideas, it's only a small matter of time until someone in power decides to categorize all opposing ideas as worthy of a violent response. You can believe with all your misguided little heart that bashing the fash' is "honorable" regardless of context, but the methods you're advocating for are exactly what paves the way for tyrannical leaders to implement the very sort of mass murderous policies that you claim to be fighting against.

they don't seem to understand their desire to have abilities no one else can share isn't going to work, they just throw a childlike trantrum and demand to be able to do things they tell others not to do.

but things like:
1) no president in their final year can appoint a SCOTUS - biden
2) the nuclear option built by democrats

these 2 big ones have bit them in the ass and they whined like crazy saying NOT THE SAME NOT THE SAME for no other reason that they had to follow their own precedence set BY THEM.

My favorite thing about the modern left. This new pseudo-Marxism that seems to be the prevailing set of principles is built around rationalizing double standards, and it always essentially boils down to one of two maxims:

When I do it, it's okay because I do it for my reasons, which are the good reasons. When you do it, it's not okay, because you do it for not-my reasons, which are the bad reasons.


When I do it, it's okay because I'm part of my in-group, which is the good people. When you do it, it's not okay because you're part of the out-group, which is the bad people.

It's like an eloquent 6 year old wrote an ideology, but somehow it's taken academia by storm. I weep for our culture.
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.
You seem to be the one defending the Hitler fan club around here. We are witnessing what we always knew, nazism is a right wing thing. In spite of the right's silly accusations of nazism it seems the left hates them more than anyone and you hate them for it. Conservatives have not yet realized just how badly they have fucked up closing ranks around these sub-humans.
You only hate them when it's convienient. Like I said...you dweebs protested against fighting in WW2
In your fake-news, fake-history world.

Odd. Say, how did you end up getting called plywood Pete anyway? The story jives with that fake history stuff eh Pete?
What is ANTIFA

Because if it stands for Anti Fascist, count me in!
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.

That's the problem with your kind. When you are uncovered for what you are, you attempt to create a false equivalency. The problem is your past is littered with such actions as letting Bin Laden go and then, you stopped looking for him.
Fighting Nazis is an honorable thing that should be done for it's own sake. If you people embrace the Nazis simply because liberals rightly hate them you are fucking fools.

They have a right to speak, even if their message is deplorable. You can't pick and choose when it comes to the 1st amendment.

You don't get to use violence to suppress other's speech without consequences.
Why do you people not get this? They have first amendment rights same the people who oppose them, you are picking and choosing by thinking counter protestors should be segregated away from them so they can have their circle-jerk in peace. Not going to happen.

They SHOULD be able to have their hateful circle jerk in peace. Just like communists should be able to have their hateful circle jerk in peace. Just like BLM types should be allowed to yell "pigs in a blanket fry 'em like bacon" without being assaulted for it. Political speech should never be responded to with physical violence, because once you start justifying violence against certain ideas, it's only a small matter of time until someone in power decides to categorize all opposing ideas as worthy of a violent response. You can believe with all your misguided little heart that bashing the fash' is "honorable" regardless of context, but the methods you're advocating for are exactly what paves the way for tyrannical leaders to implement the very sort of mass murderous policies that you claim to be fighting against.

they don't seem to understand their desire to have abilities no one else can share isn't going to work, they just throw a childlike trantrum and demand to be able to do things they tell others not to do.

but things like:
1) no president in their final year can appoint a SCOTUS - biden
2) the nuclear option built by democrats

these 2 big ones have bit them in the ass and they whined like crazy saying NOT THE SAME NOT THE SAME for no other reason that they had to follow their own precedence set BY THEM.

My favorite thing about the modern left. This new pseudo-Marxism that seems to be the prevailing set of principles is built around rationalizing double standards, and it always essentially boils down to one of two maxims:

When I do it, it's okay because I do it for my reasons, which are the good reasons. When you do it, it's not okay, because you do it for not-my reasons, which are the bad reasons.


When I do it, it's okay because I'm part of my in-group, which is the good people. When you do it, it's not okay because you're part of the out-group, which is the bad people.

It's like an eloquent 6 year old wrote an ideology, but somehow it's taken academia by storm. I weep for our culture.

Agree, but not on the eloquent part. Remember, the left has not had any ideas since the 30's.
What is ANTIFA

Because if it stands for Anti Fascist, count me in!
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.

That's the problem with your kind. When you are uncovered for what you are, you attempt to create a false equivalency. The problem is your past is littered with such actions as letting Bin Laden go and then, you stopped looking for him.

ANTIFA means Anti Fascist!? Then the organization MUST be good! They call themselves something good, how could they possibly be bad!?

Genius level logic. Will you be my sensei?
What is ANTIFA

Because if it stands for Anti Fascist, count me in!
Every man on that beach would enthusiastically kick Nazi ass on our soil. Do any of you think a single man rushing up that beach would be on the side of the American Nazis and their apologists? You all disgrace their memory and sacrifice when you even hesitate to condemn those Nazi scumbags. Do not ever use the memory of Normandy for your own purposes again, you have all forfeited the right.
Must be why left wingers protested the war until the USA was forced to participate. You dweebs supported Hitler much like you now support ISIS.

That's the problem with your kind. When you are uncovered for what you are, you attempt to create a false equivalency. The problem is your past is littered with such actions as letting Bin Laden go and then, you stopped looking for him.

ANTIFA means Anti Fascist!? Then the organization MUST be good! They call themselves something good, how could they possibly be bad!?

Genius level logic. Will you be my sensei?

Meet quif.

I mean quim. If her tits were bigger I would have watched it all.
The same people who considered Neo-Nazi's to be nice people? :dunno:
Yep....apparently the OP doesn't see that both groups were fighting NAZIS.

Fighting Nazi's doesn't make one left wing, or alt left, and therein lies the major flaw in your shitty little analogy. I can't even believe this has to be explained to you. Most of the people who volunteered to storm Normandy were doing it for nationalistic reasons, first of all, and not ideological reasons. They weren't like, "That Hitler guy really believes some evil things! He needs to be stopped!" It was more like, "These fuckers attacked us! Mount up!" The truly fucking sad part of this meme is, given the cultural norms of the time and the probable political views of your average American trooper, the modern left would probably classify most of those allies hopping off the landing craft as alt right by today's standards.

I don't believe "most" of the people who landed on D-Day had anything more on their mind than getting through the landing alive, and one day going home.

BTW, Alt Right is a euphemism for the neo nazi and racist, those who reject and want to repeal Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) and support Plessy v. Ferguson.

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