I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Yeah, really. Not to worry, I have seen, heard, and or read about all of it.

Then I have seen, heard and read about all the wonderful things on Hillary.
As I said before, I don't really like Hiliary, but that doesn't make Trump a good option.
It is really like picking between eating horse shit and horse shit with some sugar on top.
I am having none of it... In Boss's case, I think it is more a grudge : give me back the conservative party I loved and I supported ... not this clown.
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I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.
Well Boss,
I actually think Trump is a Con artist , compulsive liar, ignorant, hypocrite and a bully who is absolutely clueless about how to run the most powerfull nation in the world.
That said, I simply don't like Hillary. She is probably slightly better than him because at least everyone knows what to expect from her.
Why am I not surprised you're a hitlery supporter.....
I am not. I despice all her corporate deals done in cahoots with the Clinton Foundation.
That doesn't make Trump a good candidate ( although a significant portion of US citizens think so ).
Believe me : I will not be voting for either candidate during this election.
Yeah, really. Not to worry, I have seen, heard, and or read about all of it.

Then I have seen, heard and read about all the wonderful things on Hillary.
As I said before, I don't really like Hiliary, but that doesn't make Trump a good option.
It is really like picking between eating horse shit and horse shit with some sugar on top.
I am having none of it... In Boss's case, I think it is more a grudge : give me back the conservative party I loved and I supported ... not this clown.

You think those clowns he beat, were conservatives? Cruz is, thats about it.
In Boss's case, I think it is more a grudge : give me back the conservative party I loved and I supported ... not this clown.
Granted, I would rather have a conservative candidate I loved and supported than this clown. But I could support a non-ideological and pragmatic clown over Hillary. I can't support a moderate progressive over Hillary because there's not much difference in my opinion. But beyond that, it doesn't matter what I support... even with my support, Trump is still losing badly. He has alienated and run out more voters from the Big Tent than he has brought in.

The strategy isn't working and it all goes back to his evisceration of Ted Cruz supporters, the constitutional conservatives, who he said he didn't need or want. His supporters gleefully jumped in on ol' lyin' Ted and continue to ridicule those who supported him. That was just a straight-up boneheaded strategy that had FAIL written all over it. But at this point, they are all so invested in this strategy they'll ride it to the ground and when they lose, they'll turn around and blame the Cruz supporters.
I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.
Well Boss,
I actually think Trump is a Con artist , compulsive liar, ignorant, hypocrite and a bully who is absolutely clueless about how to run the most powerfull nation in the world.
That said, I simply don't like Hillary. She is probably slightly better than him because at least everyone knows what to expect from her.
Why am I not surprised you're a hitlery supporter.....
I am not. I despice all her corporate deals done in cahoots with the Clinton Foundation.
That doesn't make Trump a good candidate ( although a significant portion of US citizens think so ).
Believe me : I will not be voting for either candidate during this election.
Hitlery thanks you for your support.....
In Boss's case, I think it is more a grudge : give me back the conservative party I loved and I supported ... not this clown.
Granted, I would rather have a conservative candidate I loved and supported than this clown. But I could support a non-ideological and pragmatic clown over Hillary. I can't support a moderate progressive over Hillary because there's not much difference in my opinion. But beyond that, it doesn't matter what I support... even with my support, Trump is still losing badly. He has alienated and run out more voters from the Big Tent than he has brought in.

The strategy isn't working and it all goes back to his evisceration of Ted Cruz supporters, the constitutional conservatives, who he said he didn't need or want. His supporters gleefully jumped in on ol' lyin' Ted and continue to ridicule those who supported him. That was just a straight-up boneheaded strategy that had FAIL written all over it. But at this point, they are all so invested in this strategy they'll ride it to the ground and when they lose, they'll turn around and blame the Cruz supporters.
You GOP'ers have done a lot of damage to the country....hitlery is pleased with your actions and help....
this says it all

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You think those clowns he beat, were conservatives? Cruz is, thats about it.

Well, I would argue that Cruz was the most constitutional conservative but there were other conservatives up there. ANY of them would be clocking Hillary right now. I bet Pataki would be beating her... well, maybe not Pataki.. but pretty much any of the others. They sure as hell wouldn't be running off huge swaths of republican support the way Trump and his gang are.
I don't hate anyone. You're projecting. Hillary seems like a nice enough woman.

There's a huge difference between hating someone and feeling they are totally unfit to run the country. Clinton cannot get done what needs to be done to turn this country around. No career politician, left or right, can for that matter. They have ALL failed us and will continue to fail us. It's time to turn this bitch upside down and make out government what its supposed to be...for, by and of <<remember that little obscure blurb in the constitution?
Trump isn't the guy to do it. He doesn't have the knowledge or the discipline. And I firmly believe he's a sociopath with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I'm fine with an outsider to shake up the system. But it has to be someone who instills confidence from both sides.

You may not hate Hillary, but hatred of her often goes hand in hand with opposing her.
Trump is the PERFECT guy to do it. Why? Because he cares nothing about pandering to Republican's/Democrats. He'll do whats right for this country and all American's. If that means "throwing his party under the bus" to get something done he will do it. That's the kind of President we need. Some one beholden to no one but the American people. You will not find another politician willing to go against his/her own party for the benefit of the country. They are worried about being re-elected and keeping their donors/lobbyists/special interests happy. Trump needs nothing. He can go back to his life in the private sector and be perfectly fine. His life will be even better actually (financially that is). He gains NOTHING by playing by the "rules" of Washington because he already has everything.

The man can't be bought and that scares the shit out the Washington elites and the rich and powerful. They are fucked under a Trump presidency. They stand to lose billions and a shit ton of influence. The neocons will not be able to drag us into pointless wars anymore and we have a good chance of having a better relationship with Russia. No more beating the cold war drums. The gig is up under Trump.

I don't hate anyone synth. Hate is a strong word. I don't know Mrs. Clinton, but she seems like a very nice woman. I like her in that aspect, but she is not fit to run the country at this time.

Yes, this is the Trump fan's line: he can't be bought, he doesn't need anything, yada yada yada.

Let's take a couple of your points:

If he's so rich (he's not), why did he need to give campaign contributions to get special favors? And since he's now saying that Hillary is all about pay to play, and that's illegal, hasn't Trump committed crimes by giving contributions (pay) to get special favors (play)?

Please point to ANYTHING in Trump's career, dating back to the early 1980s, that indicates that he cares about the country, rather than just caring about enriching himself. Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

You say he can go back to private life and actually be better off financially. After everything that has come out (with much more to come, believe me) who in their right mind would ever go into business with him again? This is a guy whose standard business tactic was to order things (tablecloths for his casinos, etc.) with the Trump logo, then refuse delivery unless the small business owner lowered the price. That's unethical, and put more than one small business owner out of business, and created real hardships for others. So why do you now believe he's going to be a champion for small business? Because he says so in a political speech? Please.

He's already suffering financially because of his campaign: bookings at his hotels have plummeted. Because the types of people who can afford $500+ per night on a hotel room are successful, educated people who see through his bullshit, and know better than to believe his promises.
1988..... here's your proof that he cares for the country. Listen to the whole thing.

That was back when he was sane. I'm assuming you can see the difference between that clip and how he talks and behaves today. Most people mature and become more thoughtful at 70 years old than they were at 42 years old. Not Trump. Something you should think about.

See, I was saying things like this last September:

I hope not. I don't want him to be done yet. He has said too many true and important things to have that be forgotten in a few months.

And this:

Well, actually I was talking about the things I agree with him on, and that he's dead right about:

* Saudi Arabia playing us for chumps and not contributing a dime to their own security.

* Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States not taking a single refugee.

* Big donors like himself owning politicians when they contribute to them, getting them to do what they want.

* Hedge Fund managers not paying their fair share in taxes.

* Strengthening Social Security and Medicare.

Things like that.

He started out fine, with some good ideas - and not conservative ideas, either. Wanting hedge fund managers to pay more taxes is decidedly NOT a conservative idea!

So you think the Oprah video means he cares about the country because he is consistent on a few issues from 1988-2016? Talking about them, anyway - he could have always offered his world class negotiating skills to Bill Clinton or George W. Bush, or even Barack Obama and still kept his day job. But he didn't, did he?

It's funny - nat4900 has the Nostradamus post in that thread:

I hope not. I don't want him to be done yet

Well, I'm with you on that....I wanted for Trump to completely destroy the rest of that dozen bunch of crazies BEFORE imploding....

I still can't get over the difference between sane 42 year old Trump and batshit crazy, Alex Jones spewing 70 year old Trump. Something happened with this guy. I think it's the constant pressure he is under to keep up the facade of a multi-billionaire that's taken a toll on him.

Maybe Hannity should do a week with medical experts on THAT!

Not that you would ever read the Art of the Deal but Trumps campaign is built on his own advice in that book. He's done something unheard of. He vanquished a field of 16 PROFESSIONAL and well funded Politicians, destroyed the GOPe and said things that would have killed any other politicians campaign. Saying George Bush lied to get us into Iraq? :lol: :lol: that's insane and very true, but what other Republican would have the balls to say that?

Love Trump or hate him, he speaks the unapologetic truth and people cannot handle it. They hate he won't apologize, they hate he can't be bullied and they hate he won't back down to nothing or no one. Add in his millions of loyal supporters and you have a candidate that is feared and hated by the left.
You think those clowns he beat, were conservatives? Cruz is, thats about it.

Well, I would argue that Cruz was the most constitutional conservative but there were other conservatives up there. ANY of them would be clocking Hillary right now. I bet Pataki would be beating her... well, maybe not Pataki.. but pretty much any of the others. They sure as hell wouldn't be running off huge swaths of republican support the way Trump and his gang are.
explain how Cruz or any of the others Trump laid waste to would stand any chance against Hillary? That's like saying the last place finisher in the NFL would become the Superbowl Champs. Common sense says Cruz or Kasich stand no chance against Hillary. Just as Romney and McCain were losers and stood no chance. Republicans consistently field losers and now its time for some one like Trump to show the GOP how to win

let me guess, as hillarys corruption is further exposed, well, it turns you on?


ted cruz attends kill the gays rally

explain how Cruz or any of the others Trump laid waste to would stand any chance against Hillary? That's like saying the last place finisher in the NFL would become the Superbowl Champs. Common sense says Cruz or Kasich stand no chance against Hillary. Just as Romney and McCain were losers and stood no chance. Republicans consistently field losers and now its time for some one like Trump to show the GOP how to win

Well Cruz or most any of the others would be running a competent campaign focused on winning. They wouldn't be insulting and brow-beating 30% of the GOP and trying to shame and intimidate them into abandoning their principles to support them. They wouldn't be letting themselves get caught constantly in the controversy traps like the Kahn thing and then the 2nd Amendment thing, they would be focusing on the Democratic candidate and how to defeat her instead of being on their heels defending themselves. And then, they wouldn't be completely changing their policy at platform from what they ran on in the primaries in order to garner support from liberals and socialists.

Cruz came in second, he won several states. But he was one of several constitutional conservatives along with Trump who also ran as a constitutional conservative. In fact, early rumors were talking about a possible Trump-Cruz ticket, if you'll recall. The candidates even joked about it at the debates. But Trump launched his tabloid smear campaign on Cruz and wiped him out the same way he took out Carson. The constitutional conservative vote was divided between about 4 major candidates... Cruz, Carson, Paul and... Trump! Yes, he bamboozled core constitutional conservatives into supporting him. But the point is, had all that constitutional conservative vote solidified around Ted Cruz, he would have beaten Trump and he would be crucifying Hillary.

Trump's BIG mistake was to alienate Cruz supporters and constitutionalists. Trump's campaign is now trying to buy campaign funding ads from Glenn Frickin Beck. It's nice to see that Trump finally realized that maybe he does need us and want us.... I wish his supporters could realize that as well. But I don't hold my breath waiting for that to happen... people are invested now... this is the Big Super Bowl... You can't abandon your "Team" like that. You have to stick to the narrative... that ol' lyin' ted and his butthurt tedbots! yah yah yah! That's what well get from you, we expect it.
i voted for bernie. i am a republican now and will vote and volunteer for the republican party as will 16% of the bernie supporters.

that is unless we get cruz or a bush to replace trump. most bernie supporters find cruz scary.

the republican party is evolving, and if you dont grow with it your conservative ideals will most certainly go extinct.
i voted for bernie. i am a republican now and will vote and volunteer for the republican party as will 16% of the bernie supporters.

that is unless we get cruz or a bush to replace trump. most bernie supporters find cruz scary.

the republican party is evolving, and if you dont grow with it your conservative ideals will most certainly go extinct.

Bush? Puke!
You think those clowns he beat, were conservatives? Cruz is, thats about it.

Well, I would argue that Cruz was the most constitutional conservative but there were other conservatives up there. ANY of them would be clocking Hillary right now. I bet Pataki would be beating her... well, maybe not Pataki.. but pretty much any of the others. They sure as hell wouldn't be running off huge swaths of republican support the way Trump and his gang are.
explain how Cruz or any of the others Trump laid waste to would stand any chance against Hillary? That's like saying the last place finisher in the NFL would become the Superbowl Champs. Common sense says Cruz or Kasich stand no chance against Hillary. Just as Romney and McCain were losers and stood no chance. Republicans consistently field losers and now its time for some one like Trump to show the GOP how to win

The others would come with that stuffy political correctness, which is killing this country.

For me, it was extremely refreshing, to have it told like it is. Not pandering for phoney votes.
explain how Cruz or any of the others Trump laid waste to would stand any chance against Hillary? That's like saying the last place finisher in the NFL would become the Superbowl Champs. Common sense says Cruz or Kasich stand no chance against Hillary. Just as Romney and McCain were losers and stood no chance. Republicans consistently field losers and now its time for some one like Trump to show the GOP how to win

Well Cruz or most any of the others would be running a competent campaign focused on winning. They wouldn't be insulting and brow-beating 30% of the GOP and trying to shame and intimidate them into abandoning their principles to support them. They wouldn't be letting themselves get caught constantly in the controversy traps like the Kahn thing and then the 2nd Amendment thing, they would be focusing on the Democratic candidate and how to defeat her instead of being on their heels defending themselves. And then, they wouldn't be completely changing their policy at platform from what they ran on in the primaries in order to garner support from liberals and socialists.

Cruz came in second, he won several states. But he was one of several constitutional conservatives along with Trump who also ran as a constitutional conservative. In fact, early rumors were talking about a possible Trump-Cruz ticket, if you'll recall. The candidates even joked about it at the debates. But Trump launched his tabloid smear campaign on Cruz and wiped him out the same way he took out Carson. The constitutional conservative vote was divided between about 4 major candidates... Cruz, Carson, Paul and... Trump! Yes, he bamboozled core constitutional conservatives into supporting him. But the point is, had all that constitutional conservative vote solidified around Ted Cruz, he would have beaten Trump and he would be crucifying Hillary.

Trump's BIG mistake was to alienate Cruz supporters and constitutionalists. Trump's campaign is now trying to buy campaign funding ads from Glenn Frickin Beck. It's nice to see that Trump finally realized that maybe he does need us and want us.... I wish his supporters could realize that as well. But I don't hold my breath waiting for that to happen... people are invested now... this is the Big Super Bowl... You can't abandon your "Team" like that. You have to stick to the narrative... that ol' lyin' ted and his butthurt tedbots! yah yah yah! That's what well get from you, we expect it.
Lets face the facts Boss the Cruzer's, #nevertrumpers and GOPe will NEVER support Trump. They are more concerned with their guy losing and continuing to pout about the loss. Trumps did some shit to piss off his supporters in order to perhaps bring you all onboard and its still not good enough.

This isn't about Trump not being conservative enough, or him not staying on message or giving any weight to the medias manufactured controversies aka lies. This is about the continued butthurt of their candidates losing and Trumps failure to apologize for saying mean things.

With the possibility of a Clinton Presidency there's just no excuse to not vote for the GOP nominee. It reeks of little babies stomping their feet because daddy won't give them ice cream. There's just no other explanation. We're talking about Hillary Clinton as POTUS Boss. Does that not move you in any way? Are you happy with the status quo, racial division, more wars, more debt, more corruption, poor trade deals, open borders, TPP, higher taxes, Affordable HealthCare, 2A erosion, ISIS growing, nation building and generally putting America and its peoples last?
explain how Cruz or any of the others Trump laid waste to would stand any chance against Hillary? That's like saying the last place finisher in the NFL would become the Superbowl Champs. Common sense says Cruz or Kasich stand no chance against Hillary. Just as Romney and McCain were losers and stood no chance. Republicans consistently field losers and now its time for some one like Trump to show the GOP how to win

Well Cruz or most any of the others would be running a competent campaign focused on winning. They wouldn't be insulting and brow-beating 30% of the GOP and trying to shame and intimidate them into abandoning their principles to support them. They wouldn't be letting themselves get caught constantly in the controversy traps like the Kahn thing and then the 2nd Amendment thing, they would be focusing on the Democratic candidate and how to defeat her instead of being on their heels defending themselves. And then, they wouldn't be completely changing their policy at platform from what they ran on in the primaries in order to garner support from liberals and socialists.

Cruz came in second, he won several states. But he was one of several constitutional conservatives along with Trump who also ran as a constitutional conservative. In fact, early rumors were talking about a possible Trump-Cruz ticket, if you'll recall. The candidates even joked about it at the debates. But Trump launched his tabloid smear campaign on Cruz and wiped him out the same way he took out Carson. The constitutional conservative vote was divided between about 4 major candidates... Cruz, Carson, Paul and... Trump! Yes, he bamboozled core constitutional conservatives into supporting him. But the point is, had all that constitutional conservative vote solidified around Ted Cruz, he would have beaten Trump and he would be crucifying Hillary.

Trump's BIG mistake was to alienate Cruz supporters and constitutionalists. Trump's campaign is now trying to buy campaign funding ads from Glenn Frickin Beck. It's nice to see that Trump finally realized that maybe he does need us and want us.... I wish his supporters could realize that as well. But I don't hold my breath waiting for that to happen... people are invested now... this is the Big Super Bowl... You can't abandon your "Team" like that. You have to stick to the narrative... that ol' lyin' ted and his butthurt tedbots! yah yah yah! That's what well get from you, we expect it.
Lets face the facts Boss the Cruzer's, #nevertrumpers and GOPe will NEVER support Trump. They are more concerned with their guy losing and continuing to pout about the loss. Trumps did some shit to piss off his supporters in order to perhaps bring you all onboard and its still not good enough.

This isn't about Trump not being conservative enough, or him not staying on message or giving any weight to the medias manufactured controversies aka lies. This is about the continued butthurt of their candidates losing and Trumps failure to apologize for saying mean things.

With the possibility of a Clinton Presidency there's just no excuse to not vote for the GOP nominee. It reeks of little babies stomping their feet because daddy won't give them ice cream. There's just no other explanation. We're talking about Hillary Clinton as POTUS Boss. Does that not move you in any way? Are you happy with the status quo, racial division, more wars, more debt, more corruption, poor trade deals, open borders, TPP, higher taxes, Affordable HealthCare, 2A erosion, ISIS growing, nation building and generally putting America and its peoples last?

Lets face the facts Boss the Cruzer's, #nevertrumpers and GOPe will NEVER support Trump. They are more concerned with their guy losing and continuing to pout about the loss.

If that is true, you can't win. I know that the pouting part isn't true. There are some who aren't going to support Trump, he has very high negatives. But out of all the people in the world who may have been winnable for Trump, it was the constitutional conservative Ted Cruz voter.

Trumps did some shit to piss off his supporters in order to perhaps bring you all onboard and its still not good enough.

Besides picking Pence as his VP, what has he done? :dunno:

You don't bring people onboard by telling them, frankly, you don't need or want their vote... or like it or not, they don't have another choice but to vote for you. Trashing and denigrating the candidate they supported in the primary (and their family) doesn't help either.

It is up to your candidate to make his case for why he deserves our vote. But he is too busy insulting us and chasing Bernie voters. And all you can do is keep parroting this "butthurt" meme.

It reeks of little babies stomping their feet because daddy won't give them ice cream.

This is what I mean... this sort of crap isn't helping you one bit. Maybe it makes you feel better in the moment with your tanking poll numbers, but it's literally self-destructing your own campaign. By far, the easiest votes in the world to get and you just can't help insulting and denigrating them... every chance you get. Well guess what? People DO have a choice! They don't HAVE to vote for Trump!

This isn't about Trump not being conservative enough...

Well, I can't speak for everyone who was a Cruz supporter, but for this one... it IS about that, exactly! I was a die-hard supporter of Cruz from Day One... there was probably no chance I would have ever voted for anyone else in the primary... BUT-- HONESTLY; I did contemplate switching over to Trump at one point because I thought Trump might be better able to coalesce the fractured party. At that time, Trump was sounding very conservative... he was selling the bullshit that he had a change of heart and was no longer a New York liberal. Since then, he has flip-flopped on just about everything he ran on in the primaries. He is now a clear moderate liberal on many issues. That concerns me. Sorry!

It may be okay for you to sell out your principles so a republican can beat Hillary. But for me, if the republican isn't going to be anything different than the establishment fucks who are up there now... what difference does it make?

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