I Might Have to Go to Jail Soon

Road Runner

Gold Supporting Member
Jun 16, 2021
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Because I absolutely refuse to call somebody an it unless they look like one. Other than that you're a man to me if you look like a man and have a thing below, and a woman if you look like a woman and don't have a thing below. If somebody doesn't like it and want to throw me in jail for saying so,.. you might as well just lock me up and throw away the key.
Because I absolutely refuse to call somebody an it unless they look like one. Other than that you're a man to me if you look like a man and have a thing below, and a woman if you look like a woman and don't have a thing below. If somebody doesn't like it and want to throw me in jail for saying so,.. you might as well just lock me up and throw away the key.
IDo you personally reach into everyone's pants to make that determination?
Because I absolutely refuse to call somebody an it unless they look like one. Other than that you're a man to me if you look like a man and have a thing below, and a woman if you look like a woman and don't have a thing below. If somebody doesn't like it and want to throw me in jail for saying so,.. you might as well just lock me up and throw away the key.
A dudes a dude & I will never enable gender dysphoria by pretending a mentally ill persons delusions are anything but a fantasy sick world
I doubt seriously anyone could ever be thrown into prison for refusing to use another persons own pronouns. It would go against your own freedom of speech.

Exactly, but we are living underneath an administration right now that doesn't care about keeping the constitution.
Because I absolutely refuse to call somebody an it unless they look like one. Other than that you're a man to me if you look like a man and have a thing below, and a woman if you look like a woman and don't have a thing below. If somebody doesn't like it and want to throw me in jail for saying so,.. you might as well just lock me up and throw away the key.
Are you undressing people to look at their naughty parts?
I doubt seriously anyone could ever be thrown into prison for refusing to use another persons own pronouns. It would go against your own freedom of speech.
Yeah, I call bullshit too.

I challenge the OP to find one example that anyone has been thrown in jail, or fined, in the United States, for failing to use someone's preferred pronouns.

You might be able to find an article of some business that has sanctioned or fired someone, but there is no government authority that has fined or jailed anyone. This is a troll thread.

Yeah, I call bullshit too.

I challenge the OP to find one example that anyone has been thrown in jail, or fined, in the United States, for failing to use someone's preferred pronouns.

You might be able to find an article of some business that has sanctioned or fired someone, but there is no government authority that has fined or jailed anyone. This is a troll thread.

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Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't.
Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't.
Yeah, it does.

It's called the legal system and the First Amendment. The Constitution has supremacy over all other law. Where do you live, where were you raised? Are you English or Canadian?


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Because I absolutely refuse to call somebody an it unless they look like one. Other than that you're a man to me if you look like a man and have a thing below, and a woman if you look like a woman and don't have a thing below. If somebody doesn't like it and want to throw me in jail for saying so,.. you might as well just lock me up and throw away the key.

Sounds good!
Yeah, I call bullshit too.

I challenge the OP to find one example that anyone has been thrown in jail, or fined, in the United States, for failing to use someone's preferred pronouns.

You might be able to find an article of some business that has sanctioned or fired someone, but there is no government authority that has fined or jailed anyone. This is a troll thread.

View attachment 706050
You're not the brightest bulb are you, do you still possess a penis, or do you strap one on??? They have arrested folks in Canada for refusing to use pronouns, and only a moron, such as yourself, would claim such isn't just up the road in this nation. Here's a very very close call in that regard, they targeted the little boys for a reason,

Because I absolutely refuse to call somebody an it unless they look like one. Other than that you're a man to me if you look like a man and have a thing below, and a woman if you look like a woman and don't have a thing below. If somebody doesn't like it and want to throw me in jail for saying so,.. you might as well just lock me up and throw away the key.
Well. I mean it's not like someone can't just...like...go and find the key.
Because I absolutely refuse to call somebody an it unless they look like one. Other than that you're a man to me if you look like a man and have a thing below, and a woman if you look like a woman and don't have a thing below. If somebody doesn't like it and want to throw me in jail for saying so,.. you might as well just lock me up and throw away the key.
Yeah, it does.

It's called the legal system and the First Amendment. The Constitution has supremacy over all other law. Where do you live, where were you raised? Are you English or Canadian?


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[4]"
Above has head planted squarely up their rectum.....:banana:
I did, however, see an article the other day, where some governmental level authority, arrested a guy for calling someone the "N" word, on the excuse that he was provoking violence.

Personally, I thought that was a BS excuse. Putting the control of someone's behavior on the speaker, and not on the person being offended? We have truly hit a fragile, victimization, "safe space," society.

So. . . . if the court rules the misgendering someone is, "fighting words?" Then I suppose it could be an imprisonable or fineable offense in the future.
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