Baldwin settles with Widower


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013

Fine. Whatever. But what makes red flags fly is....WHY the hell would a grieving husband AGREE to finish the film? I don't think its because he got offered more money to raise his now motherless kid. I have more nefarious ideas floating around in my head. If MrG died on the set of a movie due to the negligence of the producer and arms supplier kid with the purple hair....I would rather wonder if .........

The cinematographer's family filed a lawsuit in February against Baldwin and others involved in the film, accusing them of reckless behavior and cost-cutting measures led to the tragedy.

"Throughout this difficult process, everyone has maintained the specific desire to do what is best for Halyna’s son,” Baldwin’s attorney Luke Nikas said in a statement. "We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the resolution of this tragic and painful situation."

Victim's widower now a "Rust" producer

Financial terms of the settlement were not released on Wednesday — though Hutchins' widower has been named as an executive producer of "Rust" which is expected to resume filming in January.

WTF???? So tragic that he agrees to produce this damn movie? And who the hell will actually PAY to go see it or if free to see, would watch it? Certainly not I.

What are your thoughts?

Fine. Whatever. But what makes red flags fly is....WHY the hell would a grieving husband AGREE to finish the film? I don't think its because he got offered more money to raise his now motherless kid. I have more nefarious ideas floating around in my head. If MrG died on the set of a movie due to the negligence of the producer and arms supplier kid with the purple hair....I would rather wonder if .........

The cinematographer's family filed a lawsuit in February against Baldwin and others involved in the film, accusing them of reckless behavior and cost-cutting measures led to the tragedy.

"Throughout this difficult process, everyone has maintained the specific desire to do what is best for Halyna’s son,” Baldwin’s attorney Luke Nikas said in a statement. "We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the resolution of this tragic and painful situation."

Victim's widower now a "Rust" producer

Financial terms of the settlement were not released on Wednesday — though Hutchins' widower has been named as an executive producer of "Rust" which is expected to resume filming in January.

WTF???? So tragic that he agrees to produce this damn movie? And who the hell will actually PAY to go see it or if free to see, would watch it? Certainly not I.

What are your thoughts?

Yeah, Baldwin is an asshole.
The movie Rust is going forward and they gave the executive producer slot to the dead woman's husband... Hollywood knows no bounds of ethics when money is the goal.... and its always the goal....
The movie Rust is going forward and they gave the executive producer slot to the dead woman's husband... Hollywood knows no bounds of ethics when money is the goal.... and its always the goal....
I predict a box office bomb. Who knows, maybe the widow will shoot him with an unloaded gun?
There is no such thing as, "Pro-Life" or "Right To Life". In order be a firm believer such an ill defined philosphy, you have to embrace what the Roman Church calls "The Seamless Garment". If you believe that all life has value, then you embrace the protection of life at all levels.

IF you, as a person want to force a 14-Year Old Girl to give birth to child that is the product of Rape and/or Incest then you are NOT "Pro-Life". You'er forcing a child who is ill-equipped to handle such a birth and it is highly dangerous girl that age to give birth. Killing the mother IS NOT PRO-LIFE.

Denying life saving medication to a 14-Year Old Girl who has Rheumatoid Arthritis because she MIGHT get pregnant is NOT PRO-LIFE. She could very die because of this condition and killing her is NOT PRO-LIFE. Her so-called "Right To Life" cannot be endangered based on a flawed poltical philosophy

Nor can a person who claims to the believe in the non-existent and so-called "Right To Life" support and/or condone Capitol Punishment/Torture. Saying that you think a fetus has a righ to life, but are more than willing use State Condoned/State Mandate/State Support Murder flies in the face of that belief.

IF life is valuable before birth, that life has equal value after birth as well. IF you do not believe the State can terminate a life before death, then the same State does NOT have the right to that same life at a later time. That life has value.

War is the total absence of the so-called "Right to Life". The purpose of war is to kill as many people as possible and damn how it is done. How many "Pre-Born" lives were killed by the U.S. in Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan? Just because that life is in another country, or another race or another religion does not mean that same life is not as important or as valuable as a life in the U.S.

The non-existent "Right Life" must be an Universal Right. To deny that right based on Race/Religion/Country of Origin/Ethnicity/Culture clearly shows there is no Right To Life. One cannot claim to believe in a Right To Life but at the same deny that same right others based on the color of their skin or how they worship or where they were born.

Torture is the deliberate infliction of pain and death by the state. There is no right to life in a torture chamber. To kill a person, any person by the ententional infliction of pain has nothing to do with the non-existent "Right To Life".

The Right To Life is being used as a poltical bludgeon. You believe my way or else.

Jesus never said one word about abortion. He hated divorce, not a word on abortion. The bible says that man who strikes a pregnant Woman and she dies, so does he. IF that man strikes a pregant Woman and the baby dies, he pays a fine. The bible tells a Woman how to get rid of an unwanted child. Not to mention all those first born male children who were by Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Sky Man after his son was born.

There is no such thing "Pro-Life", what that really mean is "Anti-Woman". IF you believe in the non-existent "Right To Life', then stop supporting violence in all forms, capitol punishment and torture. Otherwise you are just lying to yourself.
There is no such thing as, "Pro-Life" or "Right To Life". In order be a firm believer such an ill defined philosphy, you have to embrace what the Roman Church calls "The Seamless Garment". If you believe that all life has value, then you embrace the protection of life at all levels.

IF you, as a person want to force a 14-Year Old Girl to give birth to child that is the product of Rape and/or Incest then you are NOT "Pro-Life". You'er forcing a child who is ill-equipped to handle such a birth and it is highly dangerous girl that age to give birth. Killing the mother IS NOT PRO-LIFE.

Denying life saving medication to a 14-Year Old Girl who has Rheumatoid Arthritis because she MIGHT get pregnant is NOT PRO-LIFE. She could very die because of this condition and killing her is NOT PRO-LIFE. Her so-called "Right To Life" cannot be endangered based on a flawed poltical philosophy

Nor can a person who claims to the believe in the non-existent and so-called "Right To Life" support and/or condone Capitol Punishment/Torture. Saying that you think a fetus has a righ to life, but are more than willing use State Condoned/State Mandate/State Support Murder flies in the face of that belief.

IF life is valuable before birth, that life has equal value after birth as well. IF you do not believe the State can terminate a life before death, then the same State does NOT have the right to that same life at a later time. That life has value.

War is the total absence of the so-called "Right to Life". The purpose of war is to kill as many people as possible and damn how it is done. How many "Pre-Born" lives were killed by the U.S. in Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan? Just because that life is in another country, or another race or another religion does not mean that same life is not as important or as valuable as a life in the U.S.

The non-existent "Right Life" must be an Universal Right. To deny that right based on Race/Religion/Country of Origin/Ethnicity/Culture clearly shows there is no Right To Life. One cannot claim to believe in a Right To Life but at the same deny that same right others based on the color of their skin or how they worship or where they were born.

Torture is the deliberate infliction of pain and death by the state. There is no right to life in a torture chamber. To kill a person, any person by the ententional infliction of pain has nothing to do with the non-existent "Right To Life".

The Right To Life is being used as a poltical bludgeon. You believe my way or else.

Jesus never said one word about abortion. He hated divorce, not a word on abortion. The bible says that man who strikes a pregnant Woman and she dies, so does he. IF that man strikes a pregant Woman and the baby dies, he pays a fine. The bible tells a Woman how to get rid of an unwanted child. Not to mention all those first born male children who were by Magical/Mystical/Mythical Non-Existent Sky Man after his son was born.

There is no such thing "Pro-Life", what that really mean is "Anti-Woman". IF you believe in the non-existent "Right To Life', then stop supporting violence in all forms, capitol punishment and torture. Otherwise you are just lying to yourself.

Fuck off, baby-killer.

Fine. Whatever. But what makes red flags fly is....WHY the hell would a grieving husband AGREE to finish the film? I don't think its because he got offered more money to raise his now motherless kid. I have more nefarious ideas floating around in my head. If MrG died on the set of a movie due to the negligence of the producer and arms supplier kid with the purple hair....I would rather wonder if .........

The cinematographer's family filed a lawsuit in February against Baldwin and others involved in the film, accusing them of reckless behavior and cost-cutting measures led to the tragedy.

"Throughout this difficult process, everyone has maintained the specific desire to do what is best for Halyna’s son,” Baldwin’s attorney Luke Nikas said in a statement. "We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the resolution of this tragic and painful situation."

Victim's widower now a "Rust" producer

Financial terms of the settlement were not released on Wednesday — though Hutchins' widower has been named as an executive producer of "Rust" which is expected to resume filming in January.

WTF???? So tragic that he agrees to produce this damn movie? And who the hell will actually PAY to go see it or if free to see, would watch it? Certainly not I.

What are your thoughts?

I think you are way to enamored with a movie actor.

Like a teenager.

Fine. Whatever. But what makes red flags fly is....WHY the hell would a grieving husband AGREE to finish the film? I don't think its because he got offered more money to raise his now motherless kid. I have more nefarious ideas floating around in my head. If MrG died on the set of a movie due to the negligence of the producer and arms supplier kid with the purple hair....I would rather wonder if .........

The cinematographer's family filed a lawsuit in February against Baldwin and others involved in the film, accusing them of reckless behavior and cost-cutting measures led to the tragedy.

"Throughout this difficult process, everyone has maintained the specific desire to do what is best for Halyna’s son,” Baldwin’s attorney Luke Nikas said in a statement. "We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the resolution of this tragic and painful situation."

Victim's widower now a "Rust" producer

Financial terms of the settlement were not released on Wednesday — though Hutchins' widower has been named as an executive producer of "Rust" which is expected to resume filming in January.

WTF???? So tragic that he agrees to produce this damn movie? And who the hell will actually PAY to go see it or if free to see, would watch it? Certainly not I.

What are your thoughts?
This raises a number of really interesting issues.

For one, I don't think it honors the cinematographer who has passed by resuming filming with a different cinematographer unless one has thought of a truly artful method of incorporating their differing approaches into the film.

As this is a low-budget affair and not The Godfather, it seems to me the result is unlikely to be either tasteful or watchable.
WTF???? So tragic that he agrees to produce this damn movie? And who the hell will actually PAY to go see it or if free to see, would watch it? Certainly not I.

What are your thoughts?

I've no problem with it, primarily because I wasn't privy to any of the negotiations leading up to it. The bottom line, though, is that the widower is the one who ultimately agreed, and far be it for any internet pinheads to fault him for it...

Fine. Whatever. But what makes red flags fly is....WHY the hell would a grieving husband AGREE to finish the film? I don't think its because he got offered more money to raise his now motherless kid. I have more nefarious ideas floating around in my head. If MrG died on the set of a movie due to the negligence of the producer and arms supplier kid with the purple hair....I would rather wonder if .........

The cinematographer's family filed a lawsuit in February against Baldwin and others involved in the film, accusing them of reckless behavior and cost-cutting measures led to the tragedy.

"Throughout this difficult process, everyone has maintained the specific desire to do what is best for Halyna’s son,” Baldwin’s attorney Luke Nikas said in a statement. "We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the resolution of this tragic and painful situation."

Victim's widower now a "Rust" producer

Financial terms of the settlement were not released on Wednesday — though Hutchins' widower has been named as an executive producer of "Rust" which is expected to resume filming in January.

WTF???? So tragic that he agrees to produce this damn movie? And who the hell will actually PAY to go see it or if free to see, would watch it? Certainly not I.

What are your thoughts?
Baldwin kills a woman and is not charged with a crime while some nut job that hit Paul Pelosi with a hammer has the book thrown at him.
Baldwin kills a woman and is not charged with a crime while some nut job that hit Paul Pelosi with a hammer has the book thrown at him.

You're so right. The two cases are almost identical in nature, it's shocking that they're not being handled in exactly the same manner...

"If you believe that all life has value, then you embrace the protection of life at all levels"

Not necessarily.


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